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Huge geyser of oil and nat gas spews from gulf pipeline

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Huge geyser of oil and nat gas spews from gulf pipeline

Unread postby Sixstrings » Wed 28 Jul 2010, 03:15:46

“100 feet in air”: Governor Jindal confirms pipeline spewing orange/brown oil; Uncertainty abounds

The owner of the blown-out “pipeline/wellhead” is Cedyco Corporation of Houston.

A spokesman for Governor Bobby Jindal said the state does NOT own the wellhead/pipeline.

Governor Jundal said, “The Coast Guard’s overflight this morning confirmed the pipeline/well-head is discharging a mist of orange and brown oil about 100 feet in air… This is the same thing we viewed.”

According to CNN, “Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts said that while oil was gushing from the well in 6 feet of water, it was too dangerous to get close enough to estimate how much oil was leaking out.”

“Until we know the condition of it,” said Coast Guard Captain Ed Cubanski, “The quickness of plugging the well is uncertain.”

Video "New Gulf Spill Spews Oil":

Yikes, just when I stop paying attention to the Gulf spill I check the news and there's more craziness. What's going on here? Are blow outs, spills and leaks actually common but they're just getting press now because of the Macondo blowout?

EDIT: Here's a CNN report with more details:

New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- A towing vessel struck an oil well in the Barataria Waterway off the southeastern Louisiana coast on Tuesday, causing the well to emit oil and natural gas into Barataria Bay, the Coast Guard said in a news release.
Last edited by Sixstrings on Wed 28 Jul 2010, 03:29:46, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Huge geyser of oil and nat gas spews from gulf pipeline

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 28 Jul 2010, 03:27:32

It's one of those small oil companies that can't afford to cover the cost of clean-up.

We need to fix it ourselves immediately and take over the company to recover whatever losses we can.

Right now they are figuring BP already f**ked up the gulf around their well, so what's the hurry.

They are blaming it on a barge running into it, so they probably figure they can sue whoever owned the barge, but in the meantime it's adding more oil.
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Re: Huge geyser of oil and nat gas spews from gulf pipeline

Unread postby Sixstrings » Wed 28 Jul 2010, 03:34:58

Some more details:

"We cannot catch a break," Jefferson Parish Emergency Management Director Deano Bonano said in a message to fellow officials, reports WDSU. "We have no estimate at this time of the volume of oil [of the new leak]."


Jefferson Parish Public Information Officer Patricia Borne issued a statement identifying the owner of the well as Cedyco Corp. out of Houston. The wellhead is leaking "mostly natural gas with light oil mixed in," and the resulting geyser is a whopping 100 feet high, not 20 as previously reported. The Coast Guard has taken control of the situation and is monitoring the air for "dangerous levels of contamination." Both Jefferson Parish and Surge Desk have attempted to contact Cedyco to no avail.

Hm, so it is spewing 100 feet in the air and not 20 feet. Nobody has any idea yet how much oil is spewing out. And best of all, nobody can reach Cedyco, the well's owner. :roll:
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Re: Huge geyser of oil and nat gas spews from gulf pipeline

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 28 Jul 2010, 03:47:24

A barge slammed into an abandoned well in a coastal inlet early Tuesday, sending a shower of water, natural gas and oil spewing about 100 feet into the air.

The Coast Guard said the towboat Pere Ana C was pushing the barge on Mud Lake when it hit the wellhead about 1 a.m. No one was hurt.

The towboat captain told investigators the well was not lit as required, Coast Guard Capt. John Arenstam said.

The company may not even exist anymore.

The Coast Guard hired Wild Well Control Inc. to begin attempts to cap the well later Tuesday. Another contractor is handling cleanup.

At least we got on it immediately.
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Re: Huge geyser of oil and nat gas spews from gulf pipeline

Unread postby americandream » Wed 28 Jul 2010, 04:25:17

As they plunder the depths of the ocean for their oil fix, our buddies in high places are going to make a nice oily brew of our oceans. Heck, who needs fish.
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