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Totally Replacing The Petrochemicals Industry

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Totally Replacing The Petrochemicals Industry

Unread postby Carlhole » Sun 05 Sep 2010, 15:31:20


Now Dr. Venter is turning from reading the genetic code to an even more audacious goal: writing it. At Synthetic Genomics, he wants to create living creatures — bacteria, algae or even plants — that are designed from the DNA up to carry out industrial tasks and displace the fuels and chemicals that are now made from fossil fuels.

“Designing and building synthetic cells will be the basis of a new industrial revolution,” Dr. Venter says. “The goal is to replace the entire petrochemical industry.”

Regardless of the work’s ethical implications, some experts say it will have limited industrial use. Synthia’s creation took 15 years and cost $40 million. The synthetic bacterium is not robust enough for industrial production of chemicals.

Most important, the synthetic genome was nearly a replica of the genome from an existing bacterium. The truth is, scientists do not yet know enough to design a genome from scratch.

Even if they could, it would be overkill, says George Church, a Harvard genetics researcher who has helped start two companies that are modifying organisms to produce fuel. He says that only a few genetic changes are needed.

George Church is behind Joule Unlimited which seems to be way out in front.

Re: Totally Replacing The Petrochemicals Industry

Unread postby Xenophobe » Mon 06 Sep 2010, 11:27:13

Carlhole wrote:Al Fin Energy

other members of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement hate to see any alternatives to Peak Oil Doom, or any skepticism to the orthodoxy of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. But humans are innately a problem-solving and skeptical lot.

I never knew there was anything like voluntary extinction movement.

Interesting. I didn't see any peak oil references at their website, but by extension their ideas would fit in quite well with how choose to present peak oil.
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Re: Totally Replacing The Petrochemicals Industry

Unread postby efarmer » Mon 06 Sep 2010, 19:16:59

He has venture capital, BP and Exxon money, and is building an ethanol generating greenhouse in Texas. He may cut trail for others or hit something big himself.

Dr. Venter muses, “What if we can make algae taste like beef?”

His current technology is promising biodiesel direct from CO2, plants, and sunlight but is
shooting for ethanol right now. I am sure BP and Exxon want biodiesel ASAP.

Perhaps he should promise beef and settle for chicken on his muse efforts after that.

Totally replacing the petrochemicals industry injects so much hype that I have a hard
time seeing him as promoting science instead of himself by making such a statement.

I think we can stick with, "where's the beef?" for the foreseeable future.
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Re: Totally Replacing The Petrochemicals Industry

Unread postby pup55 » Mon 06 Sep 2010, 20:25:52

Here's the project: Deliver 10 million barrels per day (420 million gallons) of highly flammable and toxic liquid, to within 1/2 mile of home, for 90% of the US population.with 99.999% reliability...

I hope the microbe thing works. I really like petroleum. It keeps me from having to walk.
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