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Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

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Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby mos6507 » Thu 20 Jan 2011, 12:54:15


I started making private appeals, but I thought I'd just throw this one open and see who responds. No cornies or trolls need apply, please (although I'm sure a thread like this will engender an endless stream of heckling).

I want to get back to this as (it may not be apparent to people) in the last six months or so I have become the most prominent user of Xtranormal State (not Text-to-movie, but the desktop application). I've developed a little cadre of fans who appreciate what I'm doing with hacks, tools, and 3rd party tricks to expand what can be done. In the last few months, Xtranormal has hit critical mass and it's becoming a powerful political tool, which the right-wing has already discovered. So I don't want to sit on my hands and let them dominate the stage. I want to use whatever "name" I'm building for myself (through the trojan horse of lighter entertainment) to finish this story, take direct ownership of it (rather than through pseudonyms), and promote it.

I know there are a few here who have written some good doomer porn lately. Dohboi wrote a really good one about climate lately. Ibon's onto something with his hyper-individualism thing.

What I'm looking for is someone to write a doomer manifesto, something that covers all the bases of limits to growth, but does it in as few words as possible. It's got to be something lyrical, something that flows without putting people to sleep, and yet has enough hard data in it to not seem like just an unsupported opinionated polemic.

This is a big reason why I've been sitting on my animation work for over a year. Everything boils down to this one scene and I feel that if I screw this up, the whole thing falls apart. I can do everything else well enough. I can illustrate the various pscyhologies, the stages of grief, the way we clutch at denial, etc... but when it comes to just coming out and saying "we're screwed and this is why", all I do is second-guess everything I write. So the only way to get through this is to bring others into the creative process.

So if you think you're up to the task, PM me and I'll give you more background, as this is a scene that takes place within a group and there may be a need to break things up a little as I have people in the circle who are analogs for Lovelock, Montequest, Sharon Astyk, Joanna Macy, and so on. The person doing most of the talking is the deep ecologist archetype.

Also, if you know anybody who is good with animated charts and diagrams, let me know. I really could use that as a visual complement rather than relying on stills from google image search.

Re: Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby Ludi » Thu 20 Jan 2011, 13:02:35

nevermind :|
Last edited by Ludi on Thu 20 Jan 2011, 14:52:19, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby Lore » Thu 20 Jan 2011, 13:35:05

Mos,... why not go the extra yard, if you want it done right, and hire a copywriter. There are lots of professional ones on Elance, as well as other sources I'm aware of. They are more affordable then you might think. Some of these people are quite amazing and can give voice to any of the ideas you put in front of them.
The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.
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Re: Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby mos6507 » Thu 20 Jan 2011, 14:03:54

A copyrighter doesn't have instant-recall of all the data. Some of the stuff I've seen people like dissident write are amazing in their scientific detail. I've been studying this stuff for over six years and I still don't have anywhere near such a clear understanding of some of these issues. Only a select few do. Like Nate at the Oil Drum, for instance. His post about "Send in the clowns" was great.

I really think the information sitting behind doom could easily fill a doctoral course. That's why so few people connect the dots, and when they do, they are having to string it together largely by appealing to authority, which is why most of our predictions about the future are so shaky. What if any of these people (Greer, Hopkins, Lovelock, etc...) have an agenda or blind-spot?

Well, my solution is to just let these people bicker by proxy in a group and it will be up to whoever is listening to decide the truth, just as we all do ourselves. So yeah, I want people to become doomers in a general sense, but whether they believe in Greer's 100+ years of catabolic collapse or a fast-crash or a "we've licked famine" ala Toby Hemenway, that's up to them. I just want them to know the basic parameters of doom and then the various flavors, fast vs. slow, hard vs. soft, utopian powerdown vs. genocidal apocalyptic.

There a debate a while ago about what good it is to merge threads and what good the archive of posts is.

Well here you go. Do you want to throw all your posts down a bottomless pit? That's pretty much what a forum is. That's why you have people like Monte popping in once every year to say the same spiel again and again, only to see it recede into the distance again.

These videos represent the culmination of everything I've gleaned from following doom. Every forum post, every blog post, every documentary, every news item scrolling by. Is it the final word? No. But it's better activity to spend my time doing than arguing with Shorty or Sixstrings.

This is an opportunity to condense everything down into something that takes a new form that hasn't been done before. It can be something a little more visually interesting than the talking heads in What a Way to Go or Collapse. It would be closer to Earth 2100, but staying in the narrative mode throughout.

I've already long committed to following this through. It's just a matter of deciding whether to just say "f-it" and spit something out using my own words or to gather other people's input first.

Right now there is a flurry of news articles about Xtranormal lately, and on Treehugger there was a piece that is an almost direct crib from Business As Usual. So there is a convergent evolution going on where people are using this technology the way I started doing over a year and a half ago. People are starting to get used to the idiosyncrasies of the format. I wouldn't be surprised if, within the next year or two there will be the equivalent of a Blair Witch breakout using Xtranormal. Or in the low-brow, that it might be used for some "limited animation" cheap humor on Adult Swim ala Robot Chicken or Sealab 2021. So I think there is an opportunity there worth pursuing. And even if there isn't, it's a good form of personal therapy for me to get this off my chest once and for all. So I'm going ahead with it one way or another.

Re: Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby Schweinshaxe » Thu 20 Jan 2011, 20:48:26

mos6507 wrote:A copyrighter doesn't have instant-recall of all the data. Some of the stuff I've seen people like dissident write are amazing in their scientific detail...
Get a grip for f***'s sake!

Change back to your old avatar and this will be forgotten.

It's one ting to really lose it and one thing to pretend you've lost it.

Ordnung muss sein! Loser...
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Re: Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby Dreamtwister » Sat 22 Jan 2011, 00:59:00

"One does not simply walk into Washington. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash, and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly."

I dunno, I got nothing.
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Re: Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby bluekachina » Sat 22 Jan 2011, 01:30:55

More fitting would be the last of the elves sailing off to Valinor, leaving mankind to it's fate.

Tolkien wrote in such a way that you get the understanding of a devolution taking place, where the elves were beings of greater artistic ability and appreciation of beauty, philosophy, and reason and the passage into the Age of Men was moving into a lesser, baser, darker world where philosophy and reason has no place.

Are we not at the natural culmination of the Age of Men?

Last edited by bluekachina on Sat 22 Jan 2011, 02:53:05, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Help Me Write my Council of Elrond scene

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 22 Jan 2011, 01:50:56

I'm writing aculture clash piece which occurs right in the middle of Australia's desert.
In it are 3 juxtaposed opposites.
One is a typical nuclear family.
It's opposite is an aboriginal tribal art project.
The 3rd is a hyperindividualised, somewhat drug addled, feral goat herder.
Only the freak knows the world is about to end.
The others actions set about to prove his fears, yet there is a rainbow thread to the tapestry.

I think you underestimate your ability Mos.
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