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Re: Looks like People have taken Egypt's Military

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 11:00:56

Cog wrote:The US should support Mubarak and encourage him to use his military to crush the protests now before they get out of hand. Having a stable dictatorship is in the US's best interest rather than the unpredictable actions of a mob.

This reminds me of the concert/ doc I wuz watching last night - Paul McCartney in Red Square.

Did you know before the fall of the USSR, Beatles music wuz banned. ppl would pay 1/2 a Months salary for a black market album. All the communist control in the World did not stop it's own downfall. Crushing the protests will only futher advance rage aganist the machine.

Re: Looks like People have taken Egypt's Military

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 12:04:07

BREAKING Al Jazeera: Ahmad Shafeeq is the new Prime Minister, asked to form government

BREAKING Al Jazeera: Omar Suleiman is now Vice President
Facts: Lieutenant General Omar Suleiman (born 1936) is the Egyptian General Intelligence Director. He is the head of intelligence in Egypt.
[link to]


JacksonDiehl Jackson Diehl
by NasserIbnHamad
Omar Suleiman has many friends in the CIA and Pentagon. He has a few in Israel and in Gaza. He has none on the streets of Cairo

This otta go over real good.

Re: Looks like People have taken Egypt's Military

Unread postby dolanbaker » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 13:05:04

Latest BBC reports

1633 Egyptian TV denies the flight of President Mubarak's sons to London. "There is no truth to what has been broadcast by some channels on the travel of Alaa and Gamal Mubarak to London," state-owned TV channel al-Misriyah says.

1704 The BBC's Lyse Doucet says there is a power vacuum in Cairo, a sprawling metropolis of 12 million people. In some neighbourhoods there is a situation of anarchy, with police stations ransacked and looted, and weapons stolen. In other neighbourhoods, residents have formed vigilante committees, and civilians are even directing traffic. The police are nowhere to be seen.
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Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 13:50:41

careinke wrote:
vision-master wrote:
careinke wrote:I am getting worried about the museum. I have been there. If it catches on fire, mankind will lose many many priceless treasures. If it goes, it will be a tragedy.

The museum of cairo are being protected by the protestors!

I know, but the fire is just a few meters away. The fire looks big and there are only two fire trucks close by.

Unfortunally there are reports that the museum suffered some looting :cry:
Pharaonic mummies destroyed in Cairo
Protesters in Cairo have destroyed two mummies housed at the Egyptian Museum which includes the world's biggest collection of Pharaonic antiquities.

The Pharaonic mummies were destroyed during anti-government protests late Friday when protesters set the headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) on fire.

"I felt deeply sorry today when I came this morning to the Egyptian Museum and found that some had tried to raid the museum by force last night," Reuters quoted head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass as saying on Saturday.

"Egyptian citizens tried to prevent them and were joined by the tourism police, but some [looters] managed to enter from above and they destroyed two of the mummies," he said.

Located near the NDP headquarters in Cairo, the two-storey Egyptian Museum houses tens of thousands of historical objects in its galleries and storerooms, including most of the King Tutankhamen collection.
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Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby dolanbaker » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 14:55:36

eXpat wrote:
careinke wrote:
vision-master wrote:
careinke wrote:I am getting worried about the museum. I have been there. If it catches on fire, mankind will lose many many priceless treasures. If it goes, it will be a tragedy.

The museum of cairo are being protected by the protestors!

I know, but the fire is just a few meters away. The fire looks big and there are only two fire trucks close by.

Unfortunally there are reports that the museum suffered some looting :cry:
Pharaonic mummies destroyed in Cairo
Protesters in Cairo have destroyed two mummies housed at the Egyptian Museum which includes the world's biggest collection of Pharaonic antiquities.

The Pharaonic mummies were destroyed during anti-government protests late Friday when protesters set the headquarters of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) on fire.

"I felt deeply sorry today when I came this morning to the Egyptian Museum and found that some had tried to raid the museum by force last night," Reuters quoted head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities Zahi Hawass as saying on Saturday.

"Egyptian citizens tried to prevent them and were joined by the tourism police, but some [looters] managed to enter from above and they destroyed two of the mummies," he said.

Located near the NDP headquarters in Cairo, the two-storey Egyptian Museum houses tens of thousands of historical objects in its galleries and storerooms, including most of the King Tutankhamen collection.

It should be remembered that the current inhabitants of Egypt are not descended from the pyramid builders so have no real emotional/ancesteral reason to save the antiquities.
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Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 15:51:25

So, who did build them then?

Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby dolanbaker » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 16:29:12

vision-master wrote:So, who did build them then?

Wiki is your friend, but it wasn't Arabs!
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.:Anonymous
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Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 16:38:17

lol - eye know these things......

See the black mans face....... lsol


Some say these two match up. lsol


Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 16:48:46

vision-master wrote:
Some say these two match up. lsol


Wow, protests spread to Mars now? 8O
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Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby vision-master » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 16:53:14

Just digging in some possible hiSStory for ya 6 on Egypt.

Stuck in taht 3D, eh. :lol:

Remember The Apocalypse means lifting the veil. This is what is happening now, all over the World.

Looters break into Cairo's antiquities museum

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 17:07:42

CAIRO (AP) — Would-be looters broke into Cairo's famed Egyptian Museum, ripping the heads off two mummies and damaging about 10 small artifacts before being caught and detained by army soldiers, Egypt's antiquities chief said Saturday.
Zahi Hawass said the vandals did not manage to steal any of the museum's antiquities, and that the prized collection was now safe and under military guard.

With mass anti-government protests still roiling the country and unleashing chaos on the streets, fears that looters could target other ancient treasures at sites across the country prompted the military to dispatch armored personnel carriers and troops to the Pyramids of Giza, the temple city of Luxor and other key archaeological monuments.

Hawass said now that the Egyptian Museum's collection is secure from thieves, the greatest threat to the collection inside is posed by the torched ruling party headquarters building next door.

"What scares me is that if this building is destroyed, it will fall over the museum," Hawass said as he watched fire trucks spray water on the still smoldering NDP headquarters.

The museum, which is home to the gold mask of King Tutankhamun that draws millions of tourists a year, also houses thousands of artifacts spanning the full sweep of Egypt's rich pharaonic history.

"The significance of the collection of the Cairo museum cannot be understated," said Thomas Campbell, the director of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art by telephone. "It is the great repository of Egyptian art. It is the treasure chest, the finest sculptures and treasures from literally 4,000 years of history."

"If it is damaged through looting or fire, it would be a loss to all humankind," he said.
The museum is located near some of the most intense of the mass anti-government protests sweeping the capital, and Egyptian army commandoes secured the building and its grounds early Saturday morning.

Before the army arrived, young Egyptians — some armed with truncheons grabbed off the police — created a human chain at the museum's front gate to prevent looters from making off with any of its priceless artifacts.
"They managed to stop them," Hawass said. He added that the would-be looters only vandalized two mummies, ripping their heads off. They also cleared out the museum gift shop.

The prized King Tutankhamun exhibit had not been damaged and was safe, he said.

Saw some video on CNN, don't have a link though. The video was more alarming than this article, hopefully it's just a few artifacts smashed. And as someone posted in another thread, fire is the biggest threat.

Here's a little reminder of what's in that museum:


Just found some damage pics:


I hope there wasn't much damaged. Those model boats are thousands of years old, very sad to see it just smashed like that.
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Re: Looters break into Cairo's antiquities museum

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 18:37:42

When that happened in Baghdad the Americans called it "Freedom".
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Re: Looters break into Cairo's antiquities museum

Unread postby FairMaiden » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 19:59:51

This a pure case of ignorance. Why bite the hand that feeds you? Without those artifacts to draw tourists, you lose a lot of revenue for your country. When this is all over, they'll be regretting this. What a bunch of jerks. Good thing those young ppl stepped in and saved it. Some ppl will use any excuse to cause damage and destruction. :x
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Re: Looters break into Cairo's antiquities museum

Unread postby Ludi » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 20:12:26

Unfortunately anytime people riot, jerks go on a rampage. During the LA riots, I knew of a guy (a co-worker) who went down there just to pick fights with people. :(

Re: Looters break into Cairo's antiquities museum

Unread postby Dreamtwister » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 20:13:24

I heard the looters were found to have been carrying Interior Ministry ID's.

Anyone else shocked to find out the police are, yet again, playing sabateur?
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Re: Protests in Egypt, president's family flees to UK

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 20:23:42

Protests in Yemen too
Yemeni Protests Turn Violent
SAN'A, Yemen—A small anti-government protest turned violent in the Yemeni capital Saturday, according to eyewitnesses, with demonstrators—emboldened by Friday's massive protests in Egypt—clashing with security forces.

At least nine protesters were set upon by police with batons when security forces blocked up to a hundred demonstrators as they attempted to march to the Egyptian Embassy here, in a show of solidarity with protesters in Egypt, according to eyewitnesses.
It was the first instance of reported violence during a recent bout of protests in Yemen, which started earlier this month in the wake of anti-government demonstrations in Tunisia that eventually ended the long rule of that North African country's autocratic ruler.

Witnesses also said prominent human-rights activist Abdul Hadi al-Azazi was arrested in the march on Saturday.

A Yemeni governmental spokesperson, Tareq Al-Shami, said: "Security forces were not involved, but because protesters were both pro-government and anti-government, clashes could have taken place among them, with security forces out of the picture."

A succession of rallies and demonstrations, in Egypt, Jordan, Yemen and Algeria have been inspired directly by the popular outpouring of anger that toppled Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. See how these uprising progressed.

When told that eyewitnesses saw security forces attack protesters, he said: "Security forces were given strict orders not to attack anyone. At times, opposition protesters verbally harass security forces, but even then, the forces do not attack civilians."

Elsewhere in San'a, streets were calm on Saturday. Soldiers peacefully patrolled the campus of the University of San'a, often the scene of anti-government demonstrations. Vehicles with water cannons were stationed at the main gates.

The march, which wasn't called by the opposition itself but rather by supporters of the opposition, was very small compared with other recent demonstrations in the capital. On Thursday, about 100,000 people took part in anti-government marches called by the opposition. Those demonstrations went off peacefully.
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Re: Looks like People have taken Egypt's Military

Unread postby MichaelWallace » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 21:39:18

Hmm, I wonder if I should reschedule my vacation to Egypt on February 5th. Nah, it will probably blow over by then.
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Re: Looks like People have taken Egypt's Military

Unread postby Pretorian » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 22:19:08

Cid_Yama wrote: Lose Mabarak and you end up with an Arab-Israeli War in short order. Guaranteed.

so $1.5-2 bln USA gives to Egypt is basically an additional Israeli's allowance. Along with monies for Jordan, Lebanon , ets. Whats the total per year?

Cid_Yama wrote: It will be regionwide and it will disrupt oil deliveries to the entire planet.

not for a long time. Anyways, it will be good for the planet.

Cid_Yama wrote: Israel or Oil. Israel or Oil. hmmmmm.

if you are a goy, the choice is simple.
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Re: Looks like People have taken Egypt's Military

Unread postby Pretorian » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 22:33:52

Cog wrote:The US should support Mubarak and encourage him to use his military to crush the protests now before they get out of hand. Having a stable dictatorship is in the US's best interest rather than the unpredictable actions of a mob.

If you are a Jew and US's best interest mean Israel's best interests then sure. US already took enough heat and trouble to bail out Jews. If the bus doesnt stop here then where will it stop?
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Re: Looks like People have taken Egypt's Military

Unread postby mos6507 » Sat 29 Jan 2011, 23:32:18

Pretorian wrote:If you are a Jew...

Why are you constantly trying to finger Jewish posters? Give it a rest.


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