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Fuel price spike look out below economy.

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Re: Fuel price spike look out below economy.

Unread postby timmac » Fri 25 Feb 2011, 19:54:38

Well the trucking business can just stay afloat by shipping Cactus Tea, LOL..

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Re: Fuel price spike look out below economy.

Unread postby Ludi » Fri 25 Feb 2011, 20:02:26

the48thronin wrote: candle light vigils at courthouses as citizens begin to demand the dissolution of the slave master/corporative fascist state. The middle east probably is a symptomatic vision of the future of the western world, would it be better to emulate Egypt or Libya?

I have some problems with that idea - for one, who do we put in power to replace the slave master/corporatists? If we go Egypt/Libya on their butts, who will fill the power vacuum? On the other hand, if we just go about forming our own new ways of life and stop supporting them, perhaps the fascists will go away?

Instead it seems as if folks are turning on their neighbors as we see people blaming union workers for non-existent budget crises, when they should be blaming the military-industrial complex and banksters for the real deficits and inequity in American society. :( ... -malarkey/

Re: Fuel price spike look out below economy.

Unread postby Ludi » Fri 25 Feb 2011, 20:05:28

Xenophobe wrote:Some people are just naturally.....scared....of stuff.

I'd say that represents most people on this message board. :) Have to wonder why YOU are here, though. 8O

Re: Fuel price spike look out below economy.

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 27 Feb 2011, 04:45:52

the48thronin wrote:
Beery wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner gave a speech just yesterday saying that the US economy is now in great shape and the gas price increases won't be problem for the economy. :)

What? Did you expect him to say: "Oh God, no! Panic! Sell everything! Run to the hills!"? He's the Treasury Secretary for goodness sake.

HMMM how about some HONESTY maybe a discussion of the real problems and difficulties.. OH wait.. He's the treasury Secretary, We mustn't ask anyone in government to start being honest with the public, the shock would be too great!

Well, certainly not THIS guy anyway.

His little tax fiasco speaks for itself as to honesty.

Remember when he gave his speech in China and remarked how stable the dollar is, and the many Chinese teenagers just LAUGHED IN HIS FACE?

It's certainly nice to have a treasury secretary with such wonderful credibility. :roll: No wait... Well at least our Fed Chief has great respect and credibility. :lol: No Wait... Well at least congress... :twisted: But there's always Obama. :cry:

Never mind!
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Fuel price spike look out below economy.

Unread postby Fishman » Sun 27 Feb 2011, 09:47:45

Oh come now, you speak too poorly of Geithner et al. Just know when they speak, the opposite is true, there you go.

Fuel price spike, also look out food prices go up also. Diesel = food for most of the world. If we thought unrest in Arab/Middle East was bad, throw further increases of food costs to those in non oil producing countries in that area, KABOOM!!
Obama, the FUBAR presidency gets scraped off the boot
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