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Cyprus: Another Window Into Collapse

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Cyprus: Another Window Into Collapse

Unread postby babystrangeloop » Thu 21 Jul 2011, 08:23:57

Cyprus may need bailout after blast, banker warns
By MENELAOS HADJICOSTIS / Associated Press / July 20, 2011

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — A deadly explosion that shut down Cyprus' major power plant and spawned a week of rolling blackouts has wreaked such damage to the economy that it may need to be bailed out, the country's top banker has warned.

The government should enact more austerity measures to deal with an escalating crisis that has seen homes, businesses and government offices go without air conditioning in mid-summer, when temperatures often hit 100 degrees (37 centigrade), central bank governor Athanasios Orphanides.

"I believe that the economy is now at a state of emergency, comparable to that of 1974," Orphanides said in a July 18 letter to President Dimitris Christofias, which was obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday.

... Cyprus, which has not been dragged into Europe's debt crisis mire despite its close links with Greece, has been badly hit by the July 11 explosion of seized Iranian munitions.

The munitions — gunpowder inside dozens of containers confiscated from an Iran chartered ship in 2009 that the U.N. said had breached a ban on Iranian arms exports — had been stacked in an open field at the naval base.

Official documents show military officials had warned that exposure to the elements could have made the gunpowder unstable. The power plant was just a few hundred yards (meters) away.

As well as killing 13, the blast has prompted rolling blackouts around the country, shaken confidence in the government and spawned nightly protests demanding answers amid claims of official negligence.

"To avoid the worst, including among others entry into a support mechanism with all that that would entail for the economy as well as for the national issue, more and more drastic measures are needed immediately," Orphanides said.

Officials have said it will take months to repair the station and the electricity authority is struggling to meet demand. Greece and Israel have offered generators, while Turkish Cypriots in the breakaway north are also supplying electricity from their own grid. The plant provided over 50 percent of the country's electricity.

The government is set to unveil the first batch of measures later this week, in the wake of several credit rating downgrades over Cypriot banks' exposure to bailed-out Greece. ...

Loss of electrical power causes economic crash.
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Re: Cyprus: Another Window Into Collapse

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Thu 21 Jul 2011, 18:06:13

I work in a highly efficient, modern and computerized workplace. If the phones or the computers go down even for a few minutes its a crisis. When they go down for an hour or more the place basically shuts down.

I can't imagine what will happen if the power or phones where off for a day or more? The company I work for provides 20% of the food for the province of Manitoba, (a population of about 1 million), if it was to shut down for more than a few days people would start going hungry. In a general power outage that 20%, becomes nearly 100% and within a few days everyone who isn't stocked up on food would be hungry.
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Re: Cyprus: Another Window Into Collapse

Unread postby Pretorian » Thu 21 Jul 2011, 20:31:05

Canada won't go hungry for quite awhile.
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