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THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby Bill Hicks » Wed 03 Aug 2011, 19:00:22

AgentR11 wrote:Well, to be fair, Rupert's a fast crash crazy. I think its fair to say that a good portion of the doomers here on PO are slow crash types. Yes, its hard to sell books and give presentations on a slow crash, but hey, not my problem.

Yep...that pretty much sums up my feeling on the matter.
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby americandream » Wed 03 Aug 2011, 21:09:45

Novus wrote:Ruppert was pretty spot on if you ask me. The US came within a hair's breath of default just Yesterday. That is not something that happens everyday. China down graded US debt as a result and since they are the only ones buying it IS a big deal. It sent gold to another new record. The US debt crisis isn't over and anyone with a working brain knows it. The appropriations committee has to figure out what programs to actually cut by Oct 1 or the US could be in for another default. This problem will never go away as it will be harder and harder to paper over the lost trillions. The Euro is on the rocks as well because Greece, Italy, and Ireland are effectively already in default. The beggar thy neighbor approach will not save the Euro from its' fate. The MSM is acting like this is the new normal but it is not. This is what global collapse looks like. Countries teetering on the brink and never recovering their stability.

My take on this "crisis" is that it is in fact another notching up of the libertarian rhetoric as America's right wing (who won the Cold War it must be said and are the drivers behind this planet's shift to the free market globalism that will in due course reach places like China) set the stage for the next swathe of deregulation and the dismantling of the state. This was for the benefit of American worker's and there never was going to be a default. Of course, those naive members of the Democrat party (how swift was Obama's reinvention?) are playing by non-existent rules. China and Russia will go off and make muttering noises and the European Social Democrats will feign surprise, as usual, but business will go on as always after the expected kerfuffle and this time next year, the container ships will still be plying the high seas out of Shanghai.
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby Novus » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 08:42:27

Hey look a stock market crash and Asian markets are plunging as well. Guess people can't see the forest for the trees. Maybe the Euro will implode tomorrow but I guess that just be part of the new normal as well.
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 10:13:55

Novus wrote:Hey look a stock market crash and Asian markets are plunging as well. Guess people can't see the forest for the trees. Maybe the Euro will implode tomorrow but I guess that just be part of the new normal as well.

Clearly Ruppert was SO off base.. no troubles at all in July / early August..
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby timmac » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 13:54:39

Sixstrings wrote:
Novus wrote:Hey look a stock market crash and Asian markets are plunging as well. Guess people can't see the forest for the trees. Maybe the Euro will implode tomorrow but I guess that just be part of the new normal as well.

Clearly Ruppert was SO off base.. no troubles at all in July / early August..

He would have been better if he said its going off a cliff at end of July and will hit bottom around 2nd qtr of 2012..

I still think he almost got it right on, but as mentioned before fast crash doom sells more than a slow crash..
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby JJ » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 17:35:21

peeker01 wrote:Not even one word in regard to Ruppert's failed predictions on his website.....

in my mailbox today:

Guardian: World Markets In Turmoil

My comment: OK, for all those who screamed that Mike Ruppert’s forecast of a crash by July was insanity, here we are. He missed it by six days.

Mike’s Comment: This is exactly what I foresaw in my April Emergency Action Alert "Even A Caveman Could See It". What I said was going to happen is right here in spades for all to see. Tomorrow may well produce even bigger losses because the "jobs" report comes out. Those companies able to cook their books to show a profit did so by laying of hundreds of thousands of people. That particular lie will hoist infinite-growth corporations and banks on the petard of their own lies. There comes a time when all bubbles, especially illusory ones get broken and this is it.

Anybody, anywhere, with any money in the markets is now not only at complete risk, they are also choosing to serve a dying paradigm by giving it strength. The is no place for Post Petroleum Human in any financial market anywhere now. It is time to choose sides. This message is especially directed at anyone with a 401(k). Choose now whom ye shall serve because the infinite growth paradigm needs to die before it kills us. You are either helping to starve and break it, or you are trying to keep it alive for personal gain.
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby Sixstrings » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 18:39:17

Another thing.. even Obama is now blaming some of the things Ruppert cited..

* debt crisis

* Fukushima

* Revolts


JJ wrote:Anybody, anywhere, with any money in the markets is now not only at complete risk, they are also choosing to serve a dying paradigm by giving it strength. The is no place for Post Petroleum Human in any financial market anywhere now. It is time to choose sides. This message is especially directed at anyone with a 401(k). Choose now whom ye shall serve because the infinite growth paradigm needs to die before it kills us. You are either helping to starve and break it, or you are trying to keep it alive for personal gain.

That's a little off.. he probably shouldn't be giving financial advice, stick to the doom let people decide what they do about it. Or say what he does personally and leave it at that.. but telling people "it's time to sell your 401k" that's iffy.

Also "choose now whom ye shall serve" and "you are either helping to starve and break it, or you are trying to keep it alive for personal gain," that's sounding a tad bit cultish. Hmmmm that doesn't like Ruppert. :?: I've never heard him talk that way.
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 19:26:04

They are still wrestling with the idea of a post-growth economy, but cornucopians are still in charge.

The Tea Party / Libertarians are in a weird delusional middle ground where the GOP sells them on ideas like the Ryan Budget. These schemes involve explosive growth in deficits unless the economy grows at the speed of light. They call that "balance," but they are embracing exponential growth in the deficit and Alice-In-Wonderland cornucopian fantasies. These fantasies apply to economic growth and energy supplies (drill baby bill).

The likelihood of economic disaster is (mostly) proportional to how much influence the Tea Party has. If they were in charge, all the sane people would make a run on the banks.
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Re: Not A Word

Unread postby oddone » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 19:47:56

Novus wrote:Ruppert was pretty spot on if you ask me. The US came within a hair's breath of default just Yesterday. That is not something that happens everyday. China down graded US debt as a result and since they are the only ones buying it IS a big deal. It sent gold to another new record. The US debt crisis isn't over and anyone with a working brain knows it. The appropriations committee has to figure out what programs to actually cut by Oct 1 or the US could be in for another default. This problem will never go away as it will be harder and harder to paper over the lost trillions. The Euro is on the rocks as well because Greece, Italy, and Ireland are effectively already in default. The beggar thy neighbor approach will not save the Euro from its' fate. The MSM is acting like this is the new normal but it is not. This is what global collapse looks like. Countries teetering on the brink and never recovering their stability.

This is a very good condensation of the present status of the major economies and currencies in the wold.

We (1st world) are in a collapse scenario and not realising. Reality will very soon surface in many "rich" countries when there is no more money to keep the masses of unemployed at bay.

The latest news that ECB will step in to service Italy's and Spain's debt is just ridiculous. Only a few days ago the same "politicians" finally agreed on the Greek debt package after arguing for weeks over it, with debt that's like 5% of the Spain /Italy rescue package, apparently agreed in a few hours... PANIC!
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Fri 05 Aug 2011, 20:19:50

Right now the global economy is saturated in money. Banks are stuffed, companies are stuffed, interest rates are zero. It's a liquidity trap, and if it weren't for energy we'd probably be much more aware of deflation. In deflation, cash is king because cash becomes more valuable. If you buy anything with the cash, that capital investment depreciates. With no inflation, there is no incentivce to invest to beat the rate of inflation.

We need a tax rate that will encourage investment - if they won't move that money the government should take it and create public works jobs.
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby Novus » Sat 06 Aug 2011, 04:43:34

It seems like hardly more than a few hours go by before another piece of news confirms Ruppert's prediction of economic collapse. US debt hit by another downgrade. Really makes me think what the denialists are smoking.
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby americandream » Sat 06 Aug 2011, 05:40:39

PrestonSturges wrote:Right now the global economy is saturated in money. Banks are stuffed, companies are stuffed, interest rates are zero. It's a liquidity trap, and if it weren't for energy we'd probably be much more aware of deflation. In deflation, cash is king because cash becomes more valuable. If you buy anything with the cash, that capital investment depreciates. With no inflation, there is no incentivce to invest to beat the rate of inflation.

We need a tax rate that will encourage investment - if they won't move that money the government should take it and create public works jobs.

Get ready for a world of no government and no services.
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 06 Aug 2011, 13:30:06

PrestonSturges wrote:We need a tax rate that will encourage investment - if they won't move that money the government should take it and create public works jobs.

You do realize that a QEx is just that, its a tax on holding dollars; and its a tax paid equally by everyone from American savers to foreign central banks. Its a tax that has no possibility of avoidance. If you want to not pay, you must put your dollars into circulation. Course, if you put your dollars into circulation you reduce the competitiveness of your export industries. Its a sick, brutal tax, and it explains why China is screaming bloody-murder.
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 11 Aug 2011, 16:12:23

Ruppert has a free video up:

Summer of Fear - August 2011

The current global social and economic collapse we are witnessing right now was accurately predicted by MCR in April of 2011. In this video he provides further analysis on the current accelerated unraveling of the global economic paradigm.

In the video, Ruppert says that he knows of no other source in the world whose predictions have been as right as his.

He mentions how even Obama is blaming current troubles on Fukushima, just as Ruppert called it in his earlier action alert.
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sun 21 Aug 2011, 21:26:12

Matt Savinar does Mike Ruppert's astrological chart:

Consider, for example, who would best portray investigative reporter and Peak Oil/9-11 stalwart Michael C. Rupert. Those of you who followed my work at LATOC know who Mike is. For those who don’t know: Mike was a LAPD narcotics investigator during the 1970s when he was recruited by the CIA to be involved in the drug trade. (See Video) He refused the agency’s advances, attempted to go public with what he had been exposed to, was shot at and forced out of LAPD despite possessing a service record of the highest order.


Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn: “Strategic Challenges to the Status Quo”

Mike, born February 3rd 1951 in Washington D.C., is an Aquarius Sun/Capricorn Moon. Aquarius is the sign of the Truth Speaker, the Exile, the Outlaw, the Rebel, the Revolutionary while Capricorn is the sign of the Authority Figure, the Strategist, the CEO. Aquarius’s purpose is to shatter oppressive structures and break up stagnant behavior patterns. Capricorn’s purpose is the prudent management of large scale enterprises. Pair the two together in the same chart and get you a person who can speak truth to power (the forte of Aquarius) very strategically (the forte of Capricorn).
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 23 Aug 2011, 07:34:06

Ruppert has a new free video up. He's very angry, I've never seen anything like this from him before:

A lot of the video is ranting at big Hollywood names and DC politicians who've apparently forgotten about peak oil and Mike Ruppert (hence the video theme, "Say My Name").

He's very, very angry at everyone from Maxine Waters to Hollywood directors to Sarkozy and Hugo Chavez (Ruppert says he fled to Venezuela after an attempted poisoning or something, I forget what his beef with Chavez is).

The only good thing Ruppert has to say about anyone is Leonardo DiCaprio of all people.. whom Ruppert says he had lunch with, and Leo gave Sarkozy a copy of Collapse.

All this name-dropping, it's odd. A neutral observer could get the impression Ruppert thinks he's a bit more important than he really is. The video sounds like a bit of a meltdown.

Having said that.. you can't dismiss what else he has to say; the man is right, and quite eloquent:

Fascism is now an ungloved fist holding no rose, it is standing naked in the streets, who is speaking out about this, who is standing up to all the corporate owned media who now stands babbling shoving propaganda at you that we're going to be able to go back to restore growth and bail out of this mess.

(quote from the video)

Wow, that's good stuff.. like an Edward Beale moment..

Anyhow, Ruppert's eccentricities aside it's quite a rant. He's so right, we're sliding into fascism and the Earth is dying and it's all propaganda out there and nobody cares and nobody will say the truth about any of it.
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Re: THE Mike Ruppert Thread pt 3 (merged)

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 26 Feb 2012, 11:09:47

Mike Ruppert has posted a video titled 'Desperation', about how his site was shut down by denial of service attacks for 3 weeks: ... esperation

(I was really scared after watching this video, which is rare because this has been a slow moving disaster since 2008 and rarely does anything 'new' scare me)

He asks that 'anyone on his site of the line' send him whatever money they can afford to keep independant journalism going. So I'm faced with a conodrum, do I spend my last penny hoarding food and seeds in preparation for disaster or do I send him my last penny instead?
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