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Occupy Wall Street pt 3

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Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Mon 05 Dec 2011, 08:52:35

Sixstrings wrote:"Get a job and take a bath," Republicans really piss me off. THE PEOPLE HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO CARE ABOUT INFLATION. Inflation is the worst kind of tax, it robs us of all we have -- healthcare, education, gas, milk, heating oil, everything except iCrap, the worse it gets the more impovershed more people will be even if they're working two or three jobs it doesn't matter if Uncle Ben is printing it all to worthlessness.

OWS is taking a stand on all this, while the Tea Party does nothing.

I doubt that Tea Party *don't care*, let alone *wants* inflation.
Hence their big show off in July regarding debt increase bill.
Tea Party want to cut social spending and OWS want to increase it together with taxes but *perhaps* cut military spending.

As per life with inflation... I have personal experience with it.
It is not as bad as you think.
Main issue is to protect your capital and US dollars were a very good asset serving that purpose in ailing communist system.
I guess now it will be silver or gold...
I assure you that in high inflation environment law is about the last thing which one cares about. Even usually law obedient Germans was not giving a damn about law in high inflation times (Weimar).

Inflation (a really high one) has also several positive effects.
It is making all other taxes a void exercise once it got high enough.
With monthly inflation exceeding 10% annual tax returns are becoming to be an entirely meaningless exercise.
At 30-60% per month of inflation even monthly taxation in pay-as-you-earn system becomes to be useless undertaking.

So actually high inflation would allow you:

a) Build capital in safe haven holdings like gold or land while shorting increasingly worthless currency.
Shorting may also be done by means of trade, also black market trade which is thriving during high inflation time, not necessarily on forex.

b) It allows you not to pay tax because all what government gets is a paper to wipe ass with.

c) It allows you to screw banking system, if you have existing fixed rate loans.

d) It clears debt in general, something what we really need at the moment.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby rangerone314 » Mon 05 Dec 2011, 18:57:06

When my permaculture preps are all done and I have the majority of annual beds planted, and solar panels & water purification/cachement installed within 10 years, I will care less about inflation.

Just cash in silver at $300/ounce and pay off the fixed mortgage balance. Or sell stocks if I have enough of that. (I have placed a huge bet in what some might say is an unwarranted gamble on TZA---triple inverse performance fund on Russell 2000... if the stock market takes a nice dive I make out like a bandit)

Inflation is of no concern if you have assets that inflate with it, and few if any expenses.
An ideology is by definition not a search for TRUTH-but a search for PROOF that its point of view is right

Equals barter and negotiate-people with power just take

You cant defend freedom by eliminating it-unknown

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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby Novus » Mon 05 Dec 2011, 21:43:31

You guys aren't quite on to the whole money as debt concept. Inflation isn't the big worry. It is this enormous debt they are creating that is troubling. Printing money creates debt that has to be paid back by the people it is loaned to. If the money being printed is only being used to pay off previous debts then you end up in this death spiral that every dollar they print just ends up shrinking the real economy. It is like getting another credit card just to make the payments on your ten other maxed out credit cards. The money printed is just just vaporized and you get more debt than you had before. When the central banks reach this point printing actually causes deflation in such a scenario. This jig is up.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby dbruning » Mon 05 Dec 2011, 22:03:17

Just got this posted on my facebook wall...of course the guy that is doing the lecturintg only chose now to say anything...wonder if he's planning on running for office :P Anyhow it's nice seeing main stream people saying something similar to what we've been discussing here.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby ItalyRules » Mon 05 Dec 2011, 22:42:49

From the comments:

"those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent revolution inevitable"
The Fascist accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide; he rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, life, which should be high and full, lived for oneself, but not, above all, for others.”
—Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism, 1933
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 05:15:18

ItalyRules wrote:From the comments:

"those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent revolution inevitable"

Kim Jong Il can handle that...
So Western elites have someone to learn from...
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 05:27:47

rangerone314 wrote:When my permaculture preps are all done and I have the majority of annual beds planted, and solar panels & water purification/cachement installed within 10 years, I will care less about inflation.

As per my taste you are going unduly high tech.
Just dig a well. Water from well does not need any further purification and is also (usually) very tasty.
I know it first hand.

On the other hand solar panels (PV) are just a waste of money.
You cannot repair them in case of any fault, they are advertising you to be a target of looting and their purchase drains your existing valuable resources.
I would not consider these, unless I have $ 2 millions+ in savings and a property allowing to conceal them somehow.

Permaculture garden is OK.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby ItalyRules » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 10:45:46

Amazing the number of posters on here that support the oppression and exploitation of the people. Especially when it's clear from their stories that they are members of the class that are being oppressed and exploited.

I guess because they feel powerless, identifying with the oppressors lets them fantasize about being powerful. That's probably what it is, since they are constantly using violent rhetoric. Fantasizing about hurting this group or that.

That's probably what's up with the police brutality. Actually acting on it by attacking peaceful protesters with pepper spray, tear gas and batons.

That's self indulgence of their desire to feel powerful in the face of their actual impotence by attacking those the elite have directed their hatred against.

Supporting the oppression, among those that that are working against their own best interests by doing so, is mental illness.
The Fascist accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide; he rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, life, which should be high and full, lived for oneself, but not, above all, for others.”
—Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism, 1933
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby vision-master » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 11:37:45

Amazing the number of posters on here that support the oppression and exploitation of the people. Especially when it's clear from their stories that they are members of the class that are being oppressed and exploited.

It's NOT isolated to this 4um. Many of these ppl who support the oppression and exploitation of the people claim to support the U. S. Constitution as well......

Help me with this?

Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 11:58:03

I'm traveling in the SF Bay area, so I went to Univ. Berkeley yesterday to check out the "Occupy" demonstrations.

There was a very small occupation at the Sather steps.....only a dozen people or so, but there were posters all over campus for a major Occupy demo planned for next weekend. However, the plan was very stupid----they want to march to the Oakland shipyards and try to block the workers from getting to their jobs at the port again.

Thousands and thousands of truckdrivers, longshoremen, food-truck workers, shipworkers, railroad freight workers, warehousemen, etc. etc. depend on that port for their jobs.

Occupy should be protesting at banks---not shutting down the Port of Oakland and blocking thousands of working class people in California from getting to their jobs.

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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby Pretorian » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 12:50:39

ItalyRules wrote:Amazing the number of posters on here that support the oppression and exploitation of the people. Especially when it's clear from their stories that they are members of the class that are being oppressed and exploited.

The thing is that it's getting hard to exploit anybody these days... Nobody is doing anything , welcome to the century # XXI . Besides not only they don't do anything, but they want to be taken care of also, and 3 meals and a sack don't cut it for them, they want cars, houses, gadgets, HDTVs, cable, they want to be served dinners in restaurants, they want other people to maintain their cars and houses and no matter what you will give them it will never be enough.
And oppression.. Oppression these days is telling them that they cannot have all that without working, and that there aren't enough jobs where you get to pretend to be busy in order to have it all , sorry about that.
So here is my suggestion : get used to 3 squares and a cot and learn to enjoy it while it last, since it won't. With current levels of extravaganza on behalf of Uncle Sam you can eat up to 14 pounds of chicken per day. Well may be 10, if you live in a fancy neighborhood. And please do tell me that it's not enough for you, I do want to hear that.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby autonomous » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 14:35:56

Newt Gingrich wrote:'Take A Bath' And 'Get A Job'

This statement pisses me off to no end. Most of the jobs are gone idiot! The current batch of fake republicans like Gingrich have done little to protect US jobs.

The US thrived and grew for many years under the republican sponsored "American School of Economics" that included three cardinal policy points:

* Support industry: The advocacy of protectionism, and opposition to free trade - particularly for the protection of "infant industries" and those facing import competition from abroad. Examples: Tariff of 1816 and Morrill Tariff
* Create physical infrastructure: Government finance of internal improvements to speed commerce and develop industry. This involved the regulation of privately held infrastructure, to ensure that it meets the nation's needs. Examples: Cumberland Road and Union Pacific Railroad
* Create financial infrastructure: A government sponsored National Bank to issue currency and encourage commerce. This involved the use of sovereign powers for the regulation of credit to encourage the development of the economy, and to deter speculation. Examples: First Bank of the United States, Second Bank of the United States, and National Banking Act

Henry C. Carey, a leading American economist and adviser to Abraham Lincoln, in his book Harmony of Interests, displays two additional points of this American School economic philosophy that distinguishes it from the systems of Adam Smith or Karl Marx:

* Government support for the development of science and public education through a public 'common' school system and investments in creative research through grants and subsidies.
* Rejection of class struggle, in favor of the "Harmony of Interests" between: owners and workers, farmer and manufacturers, the wealthy class and the working class.

In a passage from his book, The Harmony of Interests, Carey wrote concerning the difference between the American System and British System of economics:

Two systems are before the world;... One looks to increasing the necessity of commerce; the other to increasing the power to maintain it. One looks to underworking the Hindoo, and sinking the rest of the world to his level; the other to raising the standard of man throughout the world to our level. One looks to pauperism, ignorance, depopulation, and barbarism; the other to increasing wealth, comfort, intelligence, combination of action, and civilization. One looks towards universal war; the other towards universal peace. One is the English system; the other we may be proud to call the American system, for it is the only one ever devised the tendency of which was that of elevating while equalizing the condition of man throughout the world.[18]

The bottom line is that when implemented effectively, these policies create jobs.
Last edited by autonomous on Tue 06 Dec 2011, 14:54:13, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby vision-master » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 14:53:13

Pretorian wrote:
ItalyRules wrote:Amazing the number of posters on here that support the oppression and exploitation of the people. Especially when it's clear from their stories that they are members of the class that are being oppressed and exploited.

The thing is that it's getting hard to exploit anybody these days... Nobody is doing anything , welcome to the century # XXI . Besides not only they don't do anything, but they want to be taken care of also, and 3 meals and a sack don't cut it for them, they want cars, houses, gadgets, HDTVs, cable, they want to be served dinners in restaurants, they want other people to maintain their cars and houses and no matter what you will give them it will never be enough.
And oppression.. Oppression these days is telling them that they cannot have all that without working, and that there aren't enough jobs where you get to pretend to be busy in order to have it all , sorry about that.
So here is my suggestion : get used to 3 squares and a cot and learn to enjoy it while it last, since it won't. With current levels of extravaganza on behalf of Uncle Sam you can eat up to 14 pounds of chicken per day. Well may be 10, if you live in a fancy neighborhood. And please do tell me that it's not enough for you, I do want to hear that.

Yet, in many ancient cultures ppl only worked 4 hrs day max.

Pretorian is a supporter of the machine, welcome my friend..... :lol:

Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby Pretorian » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 18:33:41

vision-master wrote:
Pretorian wrote:
ItalyRules wrote:Amazing the number of posters on here that support the oppression and exploitation of the people. Especially when it's clear from their stories that they are members of the class that are being oppressed and exploited.

The thing is that it's getting hard to exploit anybody these days... Nobody is doing anything , welcome to the century # XXI . Besides not only they don't do anything, but they want to be taken care of also, and 3 meals and a sack don't cut it for them, they want cars, houses, gadgets, HDTVs, cable, they want to be served dinners in restaurants, they want other people to maintain their cars and houses and no matter what you will give them it will never be enough.
And oppression.. Oppression these days is telling them that they cannot have all that without working, and that there aren't enough jobs where you get to pretend to be busy in order to have it all , sorry about that.
So here is my suggestion : get used to 3 squares and a cot and learn to enjoy it while it last, since it won't. With current levels of extravaganza on behalf of Uncle Sam you can eat up to 14 pounds of chicken per day. Well may be 10, if you live in a fancy neighborhood. And please do tell me that it's not enough for you, I do want to hear that.

Yet, in many ancient cultures ppl only worked 4 hrs day max.

Did those ppl have garages filled with crap to the very top also?
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby rangerone314 » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 19:38:54

EnergyUnlimited wrote:
rangerone314 wrote:When my permaculture preps are all done and I have the majority of annual beds planted, and solar panels & water purification/cachement installed within 10 years, I will care less about inflation.

As per my taste you are going unduly high tech.
Just dig a well. Water from well does not need any further purification and is also (usually) very tasty.
I know it first hand.

On the other hand solar panels (PV) are just a waste of money.
You cannot repair them in case of any fault, they are advertising you to be a target of looting and their purchase drains your existing valuable resources.
I would not consider these, unless I have $ 2 millions+ in savings and a property allowing to conceal them somehow.

Permaculture garden is OK.

The solar panels will be on the sunniest & lowest elevation on the property, over the driveway, and away from prying eyes behind a evergreen hedge that grows along the road, among other things. Also planning on stocking extra PV panels and spare parts.
An ideology is by definition not a search for TRUTH-but a search for PROOF that its point of view is right

Equals barter and negotiate-people with power just take

You cant defend freedom by eliminating it-unknown

Our elected reps should wear sponsor patches on their suits so we know who they represent-like Nascar-Roy
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby ItalyRules » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 19:51:16

Cid_Yama wrote:We are moving to the next phase. If you or someone you know is facing foreclosure, contact the National Lawyers Guild.

Since most of the mortgages over the last half-decade were sliced and diced and bundled into derivitives, most of the banks do NOT have the original paperwork as they sold the mortgage to be bundled.

This, of course, is not stopping them from trying to foreclose, even though they no longer hold the mortgage.

National Lawyers Guild is challenging the banks to produce the original paperwork, or give up on the foreclosure. They have already won several in court, as the banks were unable to produce the paperwork.

The movement is kicking off the next phase, Occupy Foreclosures. If you wish assistance to hold on to your home contact the National Lawyers Guild at the above contact numbers.

Just saw it on TV.
The Fascist accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide; he rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, life, which should be high and full, lived for oneself, but not, above all, for others.”
—Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism, 1933
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby ItalyRules » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 20:08:23

Cid_Yama wrote:
EU wrote:And on the "left" we can see desire to waste all money on helpless or even parasitic parts of society

Those that have compassion, pick each other up when we fall. That's the kind of world I prefer to live in.

The right points at the mosquito, while supporting and defending the giant blood sucker sitting on top of our Nation and draining it's life blood.

This meme needs to end, obviously the poor have no power. They are not the drain on this society.

3 out of 4 households under the poverty level ARE working. This Republican meme that the poor are lazy, dirty, unemployed, drug dealers needs to stop.

The whole point of this push against the poor again, is to redirect attention away from the bloodsucking rich who are the real problem.

While they have you worried about being spare changed by the poor, the rich are taking your wallet.

Why are the poor still poor if they are working? BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO PAY THEM A LIVING WAGE. For God's sake, you expect them to survive on less than $250.00 a week take home (minimum wage at 40 hrs/wk).
The Fascist accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide; he rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, life, which should be high and full, lived for oneself, but not, above all, for others.”
—Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism, 1933
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby Serial_Worrier » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 21:38:12

ItalyRules wrote:3 out of 4 households under the poverty level ARE working. This Republican meme that the poor are lazy, dirty, unemployed, drug dealers needs to stop.

The whole point of this push against the poor again, is to redirect attention away from the bloodsucking rich who are the real problem.

While they have you worried about being spare changed by the poor, the rich are taking your wallet.

Why are the poor still poor if they are working? BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO PAY THEM A LIVING WAGE. For God's sake, you expect them to survive on less than $250.00 a week take home (minimum wage at 40 hrs/wk).

If this is all true, then a socialist/bolshevik revolution is inevitable. Capitalists and their toadies will be hanging from every lamppost.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 21:58:59

Serial_Worrier wrote:If this is all true, then a socialist/bolshevik revolution is inevitable. Capitalists and their toadies will be hanging from every lamppost.

This ain't Russia.... the Capitalists and their loyal retainers may go down, but it won't be while submitting to the hangman's noose. There will be no expectation of mercy, no reason to surrender, nor will quarter be offered by either side. A second American civil war will make Bosnia look like the height of humanitarian benevolence. Our first one was pretty horrific even by the standards of the day, and our modern civilian armaments are superior in every possible way.

I recommend to any wishful Bolsheviks... find another way. Preferably at the voting booth.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby ItalyRules » Tue 06 Dec 2011, 22:45:15

This problem is easily solved. Double the miminum wage and provide basic healthcare.

Show a little compassion for God's sake. $500.00 a week take home pay for 40 hrs/wk and the ability to go get a prescription when you need one, is not a lot to ask.

Reduce executive pay to reasonable levels and you won't even take a hit on your profits.

If you want social stability, you have to pay for it one way or another. Take the easy route and pay a living wage.
The Fascist accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide; he rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, life, which should be high and full, lived for oneself, but not, above all, for others.”
—Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism, 1933
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