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Occupy Wall Street pt 3

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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 17:06:14

Serial_Worrier wrote:
EnergyUnlimited wrote:
rangerone314 wrote:When my permaculture preps are all done and I have the majority of annual beds planted, and solar panels & water purification/cachement installed within 10 years, I will care less about inflation.

As per my taste you are going unduly high tech.
Just dig a well. Water from well does not need any further purification and is also (usually) very tasty.
I know it first hand.

On the other hand solar panels (PV) are just a waste of money.
You cannot repair them in case of any fault, they are advertising you to be a target of looting and their purchase drains your existing valuable resources.
I would not consider these, unless I have $ 2 millions+ in savings and a property allowing to conceal them somehow.

Permaculture garden is OK.

Explain me how you will survive in the absence of modern medicine WHEN you get sick.

Why should I explain that?
It was not a subject of my post.

And anyway what do you understand as "modern medicine"?
Sophisticated cancer chemotherapy or neurosurgery?
In first case you may try to hoard them but in second case there is nothing you can do.

Well, sorry, sometimes you must plan to die WHEN you get sick.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby Novus » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 17:18:24

Serial_Worrier wrote:
Explain me how you will survive in the absence of modern medicine WHEN you get sick.

Modern medicine is fucking poison especially the vaccines and cancer treatments. You will live longer without it. I have not seen a real doctor in years and don't intend to see one ever again. Generation RX pops too many pills.

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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Serial_Worrier » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 17:31:00

Cid_Yama wrote:Pre-civil war south they actually took care of their slaves as they were assets.

Cid - you're batshit crazy now.

Enslaved blacks that ended up in Mississippi found life on the southern frontier cruel, rough, and deadly. Frequent yellow fever and cholera epidemics threatened the lives of both white and black Mississippians. One female Mississippi slaveholder wrote that "the negroes die off every few years" ... it was a "sickly country." The life expectancy for a 20-year-old black male in Mississippi in 1850 was 37 years, while white males could expect to live two years longer. Infant mortality rates among black children were frighteningly high and more than double that of the white population.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 17:44:21

"Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas [Kali-yuga and Satya-yuga], the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Vishnuyasha. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers." (Bhag.1.3.25)

Here in these verses we find that Lord Kalki will come as a chastiser or warrior. By this time the planet will be filled with people who will be unable to understand logical conversations. They will be too slow-minded and dull-witted, not capable of being taught much, especially in the way of high philosophy regarding the purpose of life. They will not know what they need to do or how to live. And they certainly will be unable to change their ways. Therefore, Lord Kalki does not come to teach, but simply to chastise, punish, and cleanse the planet.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

The level of injustice and wrong you endure is directly determined by how much you quietly submit to. Even to the point of extinction.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 17:48:45

We Are The Many

Ye come here, gather 'round the stage
The time has come for us to voice our rage
Against the ones who've trapped us in a cage
To steal from us the value of our wage

From underneath the vestiture of law
The lobbyists at Washington do gnaw
At liberty, the bureaucrats guffaw
And until they are purged, we won't withdraw

We'll occupy the streets
We'll occupy the courts
We'll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

Our nation was built upon the right
Of every person to improve their plight
But laws of this Republic they rewrite
And now a few own everything in sight

They own it free of liability
They own, but they are not like you and me
Their influence dictates legality
And until they are stopped we are not free

We'll occupy the streets
We'll occupy the courts
We'll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

You enforce your monopolies with guns
While sacrificing our daughters and sons
But certain things belong to everyone
Your thievery has left the people none

So take heed of our notice to redress
We have little to lose, we must confess
Your empty words do leave us unimpressed
A growing number join us in protest

We occupy the streets
We occupy the courts
We occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

You can't divide us into sides
And from our gaze, you cannot hide
Denial serves to amplify
And our allegiance you can't buy

Our government is not for sale
The banks do not deserve a bail
We will not reward those who fail
We will not move till we prevail

We'll occupy the streets
We'll occupy the courts
We'll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

We'll occupy the streets
We'll occupy the courts
We'll occupy the offices of you
Till you do
The bidding of the many, not the few

We are the many
You are the few
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

The level of injustice and wrong you endure is directly determined by how much you quietly submit to. Even to the point of extinction.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby vision-master » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 18:06:43

Cid_Yama wrote:"Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas [Kali-yuga and Satya-yuga], the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Vishnuyasha. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers." (Bhag.1.3.25)

Here in these verses we find that Lord Kalki will come as a chastiser or warrior. By this time the planet will be filled with people who will be unable to understand logical conversations. They will be too slow-minded and dull-witted, not capable of being taught much, especially in the way of high philosophy regarding the purpose of life. They will not know what they need to do or how to live. And they certainly will be unable to change their ways. Therefore, Lord Kalki does not come to teach, but simply to chastise, punish, and cleanse the planet.


O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty tale, which thine own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be left but graven words, and only the stones will tell of thy piety. And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and of worship. And so religion, the greatest of all blessings, for there is nothing, nor has been, nor ever shall be, that can be deemed a greater boon, will be threatened with destruction; men will think it a burden, and will come to scorn it. They will no longer love this world around us, this incomparable work of God, this glorious structure which he has built, this sum of good made up of things of many diverse forms, this instrument whereby the will of God operates in that which be has made, ungrudgingly favouring man’s welfare, this combination and accumulation of all the manifold things that can call forth the veneration, praise, and love of the beholder.

Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven ; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. As to the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you, all this they will mock at, and will even persuade themselves that it is false. No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven and of the gods of heaven, will be heard or believed.

And so the gods will depart from mankind, a grievous thing!, and only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches by main force into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul. Then will the earth no longer stand unshaken, and the sea will bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, nor will the stars pursue their constant course in heaven; all voices of the gods will of necessity be silenced and dumb; the fruits of the earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken in sullen stagnation. After this manner will old age come upon the world. Religion will be no more; all things will be disordered and awry; all good will disappear.

But when all this has befallen, Asclepius, then the Master and Father, God, the first before all, the maker of that god who first came into being, will look on that which has come to pass, and will stay the disorder by the counterworking of his will, which is the good. He will call back to the right path those who have gone astray; he will cleanse the world from evil, now washing it away with water-floods, now burning it out with fiercest fire, or again expelling it by war and pestilence. And thus he will bring back his world to its former aspect, so that the Kosmos will once more be deemed worthy of worship and wondering reverence, and God, the maker and restorer of the mighty fabric, will be adored by the men of that day with unceasing hymns of praise and blessing.

Such is the new birth of the Kosmos; it is a making again of all things good, a holy and awe-striking restoration of all nature; and it is wrought in the process of time by the eternal will of God. For Gods will has no beginning; it is ever the same, and as it now is, even so it has ever been, without beginning. For it is the very being of God to purpose good.


Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby Pretorian » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 18:09:33

AgentR11 wrote:P... that's just cruel, (4x40) + (9*40) + (4*80) = 840. Water looked ok though.
Seriously, you need to add some more fat and starch.

My bad. Well lets double the fat and starch, and add a tad of sucrose so they wouldn't be able to say that their lives aren't sweet.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Pretorian » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 18:27:38

Serial_Worrier wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:Pre-civil war south they actually took care of their slaves as they were assets.

Cid - you're batshit crazy now.

Enslaved blacks that ended up in Mississippi found life on the southern frontier cruel, rough, and deadly. Frequent yellow fever and cholera epidemics threatened the lives of both white and black Mississippians. One female Mississippi slaveholder wrote that "the negroes die off every few years" ... it was a "sickly country." The life expectancy for a 20-year-old black male in Mississippi in 1850 was 37 years, while white males could expect to live two years longer. Infant mortality rates among black children were frighteningly high and more than double that of the white population.

What is batshit crazy, is a price of a Negro in pre-civil war South. You obviously have no idea. So yes, they were taken care of and they were better off , economically at least, as slaves.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Pretorian » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 18:37:10

Cid_Yama wrote:A living wage is food to eat, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, a way to get back and forth to work, antibiotics when you need them, and enough health care that you don't die or lose limbs needlessly.

Very simple, if you are not trying to obfuscate the issue.

All that is VERY cheap, especially if you live in barracks near your factory and wear work clothes. Bangladeshis in sweat shops get more than what you demand as a livin wage. So obviously you are being coy here, aren't you
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Pretorian » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 18:40:32

Cid_Yama wrote:Pre-civil war south they actually took care of their slaves as they were assets.

Modern corporations discovered they are interchangable, like cogs, so there is no need to preserve them. There are always more to take their place.

Is that the world we want to live in?

I think not.

I frickin love it when a devote Democrat is advocating for slavery, just like in the good ole days.
Yet you are absolutely correct. Slavery was abolished because renting slaves is cheaper than buying them.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby AgentR11 » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 18:48:00

Cid.. Cid... don't you remember.

Religion was banned in public schools. Yes you drove out those pesky ole Southern Baptists, but you also left no room for Vishnu and friends; nor for the works of Buddha and those who seek enlightenment in his path; nor barely even a respectful mention of old religions that came before. You struck down prayer, and prayer has left. All that remains is the sword.

We are left with the dark natures of our souls, fully in command; even on the sides which lay claim to the mantle of justice, a subtle hope for violence rots it from within. Having called forth the sword, does one grasp it and stand with those who heard the call, or will the hand hesitate and the mind hide behind the doors of the Estate, unwilling to see, or share in the suffering and horror that the sword brings.

I wouldn't count on Kali showing mercy, even if you think you serve justice.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street demonstrations spread pt 2

Unread postby rangerone314 » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 19:35:58

Serial_Worrier wrote:
EnergyUnlimited wrote:
rangerone314 wrote:When my permaculture preps are all done and I have the majority of annual beds planted, and solar panels & water purification/cachement installed within 10 years, I will care less about inflation.

As per my taste you are going unduly high tech.
Just dig a well. Water from well does not need any further purification and is also (usually) very tasty.
I know it first hand.

On the other hand solar panels (PV) are just a waste of money.
You cannot repair them in case of any fault, they are advertising you to be a target of looting and their purchase drains your existing valuable resources.
I would not consider these, unless I have $ 2 millions+ in savings and a property allowing to conceal them somehow.

Permaculture garden is OK.

Explain me how you will survive in the absence of modern medicine WHEN you get sick.

Explain how you or anyone else will.

I have lots of stuff, even stuff like artemsia annua for malaria and elecampane for MRSA.

If modern medicine doesn't go away, then what I have won't hurt anything.
An ideology is by definition not a search for TRUTH-but a search for PROOF that its point of view is right

Equals barter and negotiate-people with power just take

You cant defend freedom by eliminating it-unknown

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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby careinke » Thu 08 Dec 2011, 21:30:56

Pretorian wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:Pre-civil war south they actually took care of their slaves as they were assets.

Modern corporations discovered they are interchangable, like cogs, so there is no need to preserve them. There are always more to take their place.

Is that the world we want to live in?

I think not.

I frickin love it when a devote Democrat is advocating for slavery, just like in the good ole days.
Yet you are absolutely correct. Slavery was abolished because renting slaves is cheaper than buying them.

I like to think of them as "Free Range" slaves.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Pops » Fri 09 Dec 2011, 08:53:38

Boys if you don't want your rants deleted lay off the cursing and ad homs.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Fri 09 Dec 2011, 09:25:30

Not advocating for slavery. Pointing out that today's workers are treated worse than slaves.

Pretorian wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:A living wage is food to eat, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, a way to get back and forth to work, antibiotics when you need them, and enough health care that you don't die or lose limbs needlessly.

Very simple, if you are not trying to obfuscate the issue.

All that is VERY cheap, especially if you live in barracks near your factory and wear work clothes. Bangladeshis in sweat shops get more than what you demand as a livin wage. So obviously you are being coy here, aren't you

No coyness about it. This is what the people are fighting for. Fighting for it because they do not have it.

Yes, that's right, THEY DO NOT HAVE IT. Millions upon millions of people in the United States do not have it.

That's what the demands for healthcare and decent jobs are all about. They are not after your wealth, they are after having their basic needs met.

There is one more thing that needs to be added to that list, the possibility of improving one's situation. Hope for a better life has been dashed in this country for most Americans.

Television and commercials portray Americans as if they all live the life of the top 20%.

Instead, most Americans live in hovels, with leaky roofs and peeling paint, with nothing left from their paycheck the day before they get the next one.

Their furniture is from garage sales, also many of their clothes. they supplement their lives through the goodwill store or the resale barn.

They cannot afford to buy anything new.

Their children go sick and hungry because they have difficulty meeting even their basic needs.

Wake up, America. TV is lying to you about who your neighbors are, and what life is like for most Americans.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby AgentR11 » Fri 09 Dec 2011, 10:51:45

Cid_Yama wrote:Television and commercials portray Americans as if they all live the life of the top 20%.

I'd go further, because what media does is a horrible misrepresentation, and guaranteed to create false expectations within the audience. Have you ever noticed the *size* of the apartments occupied by supposedly middle class or low end professionals in New York City on TV? Could any regular professional person waltz into NYC and rent such a place? No way in ****. The homes that they portray regular middle class people owning, spotlessly maintained, perfect furnishings, is just so incredibly unrealistic. Heck, the taxes, utilities, and insurance on such a place would be enough to bury the suggested occupants.

Whats worse for the OWS side, is I'd suggest that a majority of viewers project themselves *into* those situations, and think according to the standards they view, instead of the standards that they live. If the lefty movie stars out in hollywierd understood what they were doing to lower middle class slobs in the US, the hand wringing would be epic.

Their furniture is from garage sales, also many of their clothes. they supplement their lives through the goodwill store or the resale barn.They cannot afford to buy anything new.

Buying new is for suckers. Not sure where you're going with that one. T-shirts from Goodwill work just as well as the ones from Orvis (ps, when did Orvis become a clothing store??) , and you don't feel bad when a fish pukes on it.

Their children go sick and hungry because they have difficulty meeting even their basic needs.
Wake up, America. TV is lying to you about who your neighbors are, and what life is like for most Americans.

Now this one, I put more firmly on the parents; there *is* adequate assistance to keep a kid well fed with the caveat of competent parenting. The problem here is simply that the people who most need to be buying bulk staples and managing their pantry with skill and knowledge are also the ones least likely to have either. How many buy expensively packaged, low weight grain items, when they could get massively more calories/$ out of flour+yeast+salt+water = baguette; and dang fine ones at that. Unfortunately, this is a problem that I have no idea how to fix; its not even something you can really teach, it has to be believed and trusted. Yes, that 50lb bag of flour will eat a sizable chunk of your assistance, but it is the RIGHT answer. That $2 box of nothing may look cheap... but it is, truly, nothing.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Serial_Worrier » Fri 09 Dec 2011, 17:45:45

I don't understand why so many of you "preppers" are pushing flour when so many people have celiac disease.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby AgentR11 » Fri 09 Dec 2011, 18:06:41

Serial_Worrier wrote:I don't understand why so many of you "preppers" are pushing flour when so many people have celiac disease.

Individual health problems are individual. Those with the disease can substitute as appropriate. I, honestly, have little interest in trying to meet the expectations and desires of every victim of every conceivable disease on the planet. I believe for Coeliac sufferers, rice is a generally acceptable bulk carbohydrate grain source.

I'm not going to try to sell the notion of nori wrapped rice balls to those in America on public assistance. Hard to find nori cheap in the US anyway...
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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby rangerone314 » Fri 09 Dec 2011, 18:23:27

Grow cattails and make flour out of that if you have health issues with wheat flour.
An ideology is by definition not a search for TRUTH-but a search for PROOF that its point of view is right

Equals barter and negotiate-people with power just take

You cant defend freedom by eliminating it-unknown

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Re: Occupy Wall Street pt 3

Unread postby Serial_Worrier » Fri 09 Dec 2011, 18:35:40

AgentR11 wrote:
Serial_Worrier wrote:I don't understand why so many of you "preppers" are pushing flour when so many people have celiac disease.

Individual health problems are individual. Those with the disease can substitute as appropriate. I, honestly, have little interest in trying to meet the expectations and desires of every victim of every conceivable disease on the planet. I believe for Coeliac sufferers, rice is a generally acceptable bulk carbohydrate grain source.

I'm not going to try to sell the notion of nori wrapped rice balls to those in America on public assistance. Hard to find nori cheap in the US anyway...

So if a poor lost soul comes begging for food at your doomstead, you will only offer regular bread? No gluten-free options?
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