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Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

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Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby bochen280 » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 15:55:18

With SOPA soon to be passed and US citizens can be indefinitely detained without any rights, and Obama having "Bourne"-like hitman /blackops teams that can take anyone out anywhere in the world for no reason at all...

I see writing on the wall that TPTB is planning to "shutdown" society, and the cheapest way to do this is to engineer an economic collapse (peak oil will do that sooner or later but they want to craft a controlled economic shutdown) and they can only do this with the help of modern technology, microprocessors, networks, aka "internets" and the tubes.

So thus, the natural conclusion is that information warfare will be the most efficient route in manipulating the mass herd mentality sheeple into doing what big G wants.

Lets face it, politicians react to the environment, not the other way around. Politics is inherently reactionary, it doesn't create, it doesn't invent... we merely react to our environment... with so much population overshoot and resource depletion being so real, obviously we are experiencing peak everything (PE)

In any hierarchical social scheme the elite on top of the pyramid power structure always try to save themselves and sacrifice the ant workers on the bottom.... In times of plenty they could afford to dish out lip service like "human rights", "freedom", all to keep the sheeple asleep and happy (like the matrix) so there is mo pie and mo monies for everyone, especially the ones at the very top of the ponzi pyramid scheme called life...

Post Peak Everything, the elite realize there is no benefit to keeping the lowly ant workers on the lowly rungs of the ladder around... instead of contributing to the elite's wealth accumulation, they become a burden and a liability (welfare, socialism, protesting, crime, etc) and increasingly threaten the elites own way of survival by consuming disproportionate amounts of resources ( 1 Bill Gates still consumes much less than a million average Joe highschool drop outs) in a truly zero-sum resource/energy world that has already pasted post peak.

Most people can't see the forest for the trees. They assume we need to solve the "unemployment problem" when in reality solving "unemployment" only makes everything WORSE.

But I'm sure TPTB long since figured this one out and have a plan. That is why they have all these seed vaults, underground VIP shelters, and why they need facebook/google to spy on citizens...

I believe they will use the whole "2012" thing to find a means of reducing population by 90% and cutting off the dead weight and trimming the fat and leaving perhaps only 10% of the most productive/talented/skilled worker bees to "run the show"... after all, modern civilization with all its automation doesn't need all the excess people to keep the system running.

But since Peak Everything is a global phenomenon.. (jevons paradox) the only way they can make this work if is ALL the major playerz are in on it too. This is why they need the NWO. So the elites of all nations and corporations across the world are probably planning a massive population reduction, either under the false pretense of global thermonuclear war, or they will introduce Swine Flu II this time with a real deadly payload and cause a "natural" reduction of population... or some other means... maybe make a hi-tech holographic Jesus and trick all the religious sheeple of the world that second coming of Christ is here and walk them into concentration camps or gas champers...

See here is another thing. I've been thinking about the whole "government running of out money" thing. You hear this on the news on local, state, federal level all the time. But Money is just a proxy and placeholder for RESOURCES. Nothing more and nothing less. So governments (not just US) can always PRINT money to spend, they will never run out of it... but the effect is that printing money is a HIDDEN form of taxation on the people and a robbery of common wealth by diluting the savings of the people.

Kids always ask simplistic questions like "so what if we run out of money, why can't we as a society keep operating without it"? Why can't everyone just do their part and carry on in their daily life without having to bother with this external thing we call money? ....But the point is, NOBODY wishes to WORK for FREE. This is why when there is not enough to go around the whole fabric of modern society will break down. Unless of course, gov already thought of that...

Most people can't see how interconnected "human rights", "money", "work", and standard of living all tie in together. In times of plenty you had freedom, rights, and a CHOICE to work for whatever employer and at whatever wages you deemed fit... If you couldn't find a high paying job and could only find min wage work at MCDonalds and didn't want to flip burgers, no one forced you to work and you could stay home. In times of scarcity we already witnessing the erosion of civil liberties, of freedom of speech, soon you will see CHOICE taken away from you... BIG G will dictate to you that you don't have a CHOICE of whether or not you wish to work. It will be "find a job" even if it cost you more to work than you make, or else you will be declared a security risk and we will take you to concentration work camps for your own safety.

So, it is obvious how governments will eventually solve the "money" crunch problem. GOV will shift from free market and giving people the choice to find employment that fits them, to mandating people work for free (basically a foresee slavery making a comeback in masse, under the guise and false pretense of national security, FEMA emergency, martial law, etc) All they have to do is invoke a few executive orders and in one fell swoop the US gov won't need cheap labor in China or Mexico when they can coerce their own citizens at gunpoint to do it for free.

When globalization breaks down then LOCAL has to make a comeback. But how can this be economically sustainable? Under free market it can't, and would never work. Nobody wants to work for pennies a day... So I foresee governments passing laws to make most people classified as criminals or terrorists and then having the excuse to round us up and put to detention camps and subjected to indentured servitude. This is the only way TPTB can maintain power in a post peak olduvai gorgesliding civilization. Remember that whole "80 energy slaves" thing? That was per Joe SixPack. Hillary Clinton and the likes of Oprah will need a lot more than 80..... 80000 is more like it.... Come Halliburton to the rescue! The definition if "terrorism" is being broadened wider and wider... one day with the doublethink going the way it is probably government will codify "terrorism" to include anyone who is not gainfully employed (which will be like 90% of the general population by that time) and thus a liability on society and also a potential protester, potential national security threat, etc... and then get rounded up as slaves running the rat wheels of the ever decaying system....

But until it gets that bad, I think the first stages will be the internet will get cutoff... or we will experience more and more blackouts....

I have downloaded the complete Jan 2012 Wikipedia database dump and can read it offline. TPTB will probably cut off network/internets before cutting out the power grid altogether. So for a while we will at least be able to read articles stored on local harddrive, usb, blu-ray, etc...

After the electric grid goes out it will be harder to keep a full tower desktop running... but going back to paper books is not the optimal reading solution either. I think using e-ink third generation kindle (or the likes thereof) where you can send individual .pdf/doc articles from Wiki and convert to mobi or kindle format to read on kindle device is the best way... the kindle (non fire version) can last two weeks on a charge... making it a viable reading device in daylight when the electric grid goes off...

The Long Now is building an 10,000 year clock. I don't think we will last that long, but the clock might. In any case, I think the irony is the impermanence of man. By the time aliens detect our primitive radio Arecibo message broadcast we would have long been extinct as fossils like the dinosaurs before us.

But I digress, anyway I was wondering... is there a downloadable archive of this Peak oil forum? When the shit really hits the fan I'd like to have some PO popcorn to read.
Last edited by bochen280 on Sat 07 Jan 2012, 16:05:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby bochen280 » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 16:06:56

pstarr wrote:You don't need archives, when there is plenty of smarter popcorn out there; try Rodale's Organic Gardening or "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy.

I'm talking about downloading it to read locally when the internets is shutdown due to another false flag op and blaming it on Chinese hacking and whatnot and then we need internet ID cards to ready only the political correct news that has gov FCC (or DCS, Department of Cyber Security) stamp of approval.
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby davep » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 16:14:16

I would tend to agree with pstarr (yes, it does happen occasionally). I think this site is good for learning about how you want to personally mitigate peak oil in your own life. You then go to the relevant specialist websites (and/or buy books etc) for a more profound understanding. Then you can post about your progress here now and again.
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby davep » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 17:22:12

pstarr wrote:
davep wrote:I would tend to agree with pstarr (yes, it does happen occasionally). I think this site is good for learning about how you want to personally mitigate peak oil in your own life. You then go to the relevant specialist websites (and/or buy books etc) for a more profound understanding. Then you can post about your progress here now and again.
That is how I have progressed. When I arrived here at I was very much on the fence re the future but now I am confident that my decisions, plans, and progress are on track. I still come here for mostly entertainment and jollies but not much anymore that I can make a difference. Barring a miracle it is too late for that.

Now that my orchard is finally happening I will probably spend more time on the Trees thread. Haven't I seen you there also?

Yes, I've been on there a bit. My fruit orchard is coming along nicely, but I've lost all my chestnuts and walnuts to deer. I'm planting about fifty walnuts grown from locally sourced nuts this year. I'll protect them properly too. I may graft a few of them for saleable walnuts (ungrafted walnuts get similar yields albeit with smaller individual nuts).
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby lateStarter » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 17:25:15

Now that my orchard is finally happening I will probably spend more time on the Trees thread. Haven't I seen you there also?

Trees are where we all end up at eventually. It requires some patience, but the reward is well worth it. If your circumstances allow it and somehow the overlords overlook it, you are good to go...
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby Cog » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 17:53:53

Sustainable reading when TSHTF? You will labor everyday from dawn to dusk, collapse in your bed from exhaustion, and do so for the rest of your short life.

Get some how-to books on basic skills like carpentry, plumbing, and roofing,that you might be lacking, and work on developing those skills.
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 18:49:26

The rant at top is like a summation of every conspiracy site on the web. I don't buy it, mainly because the "Russians" do indeed love their "Children" too. Whilst intellectually there can be no doubt of such a push from a certain priveleged sector, reality dictates that the pyramid cannot be significantly deconstructed without fundamentally destabilising the whole. The establishment will stick to established patterns to maintain their status. Just as organised sports are to war, organised war is to chaos/ anarchy. Currently the organisation of war is as dependent on the internet and power grid as are chit chat conspiracy websites. TPTB want you sitting comfortably at your computer as TSHTF, haven't you noticed TEOTWAWKI is already upon us?
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby Loki » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 19:19:28

I'm afraid I couldn't get through the entire OP, way too much tinfoil for me.

Aaron (I think) put together a text file with all of a few years ago. I have it on my hard drive, though it's a bit difficult to read, and several years out of date. There's freeware that purports to be able to download entire websites, though I've had limited luck with them.

I agree with the above suggestions to buy specialist books. Having a collection of "how to" books is really invaluable. I refer to my cheese-making book, to take one example, on a regular basis. is mostly for entertainment and motivation. Once the lights go out and the bodies start piling up, I doubt I'll want to read :wink:
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 19:32:17

Everyone worrying about the internet be shutdown intentionally needs to chill. The internet is a control mechanism that looks like free speech, but isn't. OP hints on it without noticing, google & facebook are like voluntarily inflicted spy camera's in most people's life. I've intentionally avoided facebook like the ultimate plague, but I can't avoid google, and you can be certain the Room Mom's of Homeland Security know just about everything you do on the net. This doesn't really bother me all that much though.

The other side of the coin is that our controllers wouldn't shut down the net, nor have much interest in silencing people, rather, our general method revolves around burying in inconvenient fact in amongst the dross of fifty other, almost true, made up facts. Such a technique leaves the net and its important business functions unharmed, but destroys its usefulness a general purpose opposition publication service.

After all, we can't have problematic speakers disrupt people's ability to buy mp3's on Amazon, trade stocks, or execute banking transactions.
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 19:48:27

I have started collecting recipes as word documents (web sites disappear)
and Plans as PDF documents (how to build things,companion planting etc etc.)
and I have a massive collection of Earth Garden mags that tell me how to make most things I may need.
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby bochen280 » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 20:09:23

AgentR11 wrote:Everyone worrying about the internet be shutdown intentionally needs to chill. The internet is a control mechanism that looks like free speech, but isn't. OP hints on it without noticing, google & facebook are like voluntarily inflicted spy camera's in most people's life. I've intentionally avoided facebook like the ultimate plague, but I can't avoid google, and you can be certain the Room Mom's of Homeland Security know just about everything you do on the net. This doesn't really bother me all that much though.

The other side of the coin is that our controllers wouldn't shut down the net, nor have much interest in silencing people, rather, our general method revolves around burying in inconvenient fact in amongst the dross of fifty other, almost true, made up facts. Such a technique leaves the net and its important business functions unharmed, but destroys its usefulness a general purpose opposition publication service.

After all, we can't have problematic speakers disrupt people's ability to buy mp3's on Amazon, trade stocks, or execute banking transactions.

With regards to facebook, google, twitter, apple, amazon, etc... The overwhelming trend is that we as a collective society are vulnerable to the affects of information warfare that the establishment enacts upon its citizens... namely, in this instance, we all tend to be lazy and trade convenience for self-determination and control, ownership, privacy, etc. Over time this has the affect of making us inextricably dependent upon and intertwined within these trojan horse mechanisms of control.

Imagine having the rug pulled from under your feet in one fell swoop... that is exactly what is happening with SaaS, Cloud computing, the concept of "Apps" and "App Stores", the internets and its many "tubes", mobile/cell/smart phones and other small-form-factor computing devices, the inter-connectivity of digital electronic devices, "social networking", and now social applications and social hardware, etc...

If you wrote something on paper and kept it in your house the government used to need a search warrant and probably cause to take a peek at what you wrote if it suspected you of anything (or not)... I remember when it was a big deal for spooks to get your library reading records... nowadays Kindle automatically remembers each page that you read and syncs it for you across all your devices... how nice... instead of sending agents around to the local blockbuster to get your video rental records, well heck Netflix and Amazon Instant Videos automatically remember where you last stopped watching a movie, reminds you to finish watching it and gives you recommendations for other movies you might like to watch based on its data mining of your selections and habits and cross referencing them with all the other sheeple out there. Sure they call it business intelligence, but now governments basically have their corporate minions do the private deeds that it used to refrain from from a public standpoint. Imagine if the NSA send cars around to take photo street views of the entire US streets and also capture SSID and sniff plaintext passwords along the way? People would protest that right? But when Google does it its all so cute and lovely and Google is offering us all a novel "service"... The government is getting these corporations to do their dirty work for them, and the people will love Google/Facebook/Twitter/Apple/Amazon for it.

In the era of the desktop pc people were concerned about security, privacy, encryption... come iPhones and Androids all of that is thrown to the wind. ( ... t-a-digit/ ) It wasn't that long ago when people were contentiousness about making passwords longer than 15 characters on their Windows operating systems so it wouldn't be stored in NTLM and thus easily cracked using rainbow tables and reverse hash lookup techniques. Nowadays people store their entire life on the phone with an insecure 4 digit passcode that can be easily cracked and offers no security at all. What happened to the days when people encrypted all their stuff and used PGP online? Bygone eras? All in the name of convenience?

We as a society have moved over from client-server side apps to cloud based apps and relegated the desktop PC to dinosaur status of yesteryear and new and improved shiny little iphones and androids get all the hype... Everything is connected to the internet 365/24/7 now, so much so that Google comes out with its Chromium cloud book that is basically just a chrome browser that runs all the apps in the cloud.

More and more of our lives are lived digitally, and increasingly more and more of it is done at the mercy of the companies and datacenters that we have no control over. Cellphones do not have the same security and privacy expectations as traditional desktop pc... the government doesn't even need to chance the old laws.... people voluntarily move from more secured and private means of communicate and give up those rights by adopting in masse the smaller / more social /more convenient form factor and methods of communication.... in one fell swoop we give up every form of security and privacy that we have ever had, all in the name of convenience and "social" and "networking", it is so ironic....

Just like the government has found a way to circumvent the Bill of Rights and the Constitutional rights afforded to US citizens by creating this chimera called "terrorism" and giving it special status with exemptions, and then broadening the definition of terrorism to allow the government to effectedly do summary executions and to indefinitely detain and torture US citizens without trial, without a lawyer, without a reason. Again, the rug getting pulled from under our feet.

More and more aspects of our lives are dependent and even lived on the internet and digitally, but at the same time we are exponentially losing more and more security, privacy, self-determination and ownership and control of our information, our ideas, our content and property.

Google has killed the newspaper industry. Amazon has killed printed books and now going after local Ma and Pa shops and even challenging brick and mortal retailers. Netflix caused the demise and bankruptcy of Blockbuster, e-mail is responsible for the downfall of our US postal service and yet ironically the likes of facebook/twitter/google+ has killed E-Mail for the younger teenager generations. Teens don't even bother with email anymore... instead it is all on the phone, all on social networks...

What is the problem with this? Amazon can delete books that you purchased and owned without your permission, imaging a publisher coming to your house to take back a book that you legally purchased at a bookstore? Opening someone's physical mail is punishable offense, yet people don't use postal letters anymore... and E-mail does not enjoy the privacy standards and laws and protections afforded to written letters. The social networking sites and services that are replacing email have little to zero privacy expectations at all...

Phones simply do not have the security, privacy, control that desktop PC affords, yet people are using ipads and iphones and andriods as if they were on their desktop....

In a nutshell, the rug is getting pulled from under our feet whether we realize it or not, whether we like it or not. The collective hive mind is gravitating and accelerating towards a social, mobile, convenient way of existence, one that is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator and affords us zero customization, zero security, zero privacy and zero control and ownership. But because the masses and herd mentality would rather trade convenience for security, privacy and ownership... the platforms of communication and the resultant social norms themselves have shifted ... and we are all inevitably made dependent upon these systems of manipulation and control.

The Gov doesn't even need to tighten or take away privacy and rights/laws for traditional means of communication (postal letters, E-Mail, desktop PC, etc) because they now that we voluntarily move to cellphones, smartphones, pads, tablets, netbooks, social networks, cloud based services, app stores, that do not have and will never extend the same standards of privacy, freedom, control, ownership, security that traditional means offered.

The government goes around its own laws and constitution by privatizing the spying of citizens... again the rug pulled from under our feet.

Effectively we have seen erosion of privacy, security, control, ownership, but no one seems to notice or care....

Rug pulled from under our mind...

We voluntarily nail the nails on our own coffins and thank the corporations and government for it. We are paying and enjoying our own inevitable captivity and demise.

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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby Heineken » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 20:51:54

Good lord. Did you really just write all that out of your head, etheris? Or are you cuttin' and pastin'?
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby bochen280 » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 20:53:57

Heineken wrote:Good lord. Did you really just write all that out of your head, etheris? Or are you cuttin' and pastin'?

I typed all of it in one setting. If you are going to accuse me of possible plagiarism you could at least try the likes of Google/ turnitin / etc...
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby eXpat » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 21:21:32

Cog wrote:Sustainable reading when TSHTF? You will labor everyday from dawn to dusk, collapse in your bed from exhaustion, and do so for the rest of your short life.

Get some how-to books on basic skills like carpentry, plumbing, and roofing,that you might be lacking, and work on developing those skills.

I gotta agree with that. And get books, real books.
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Re: Sustainable reading when TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI?

Unread postby autonomous » Sat 07 Jan 2012, 22:26:40

I would get a copy of the Gutenburg library for offline reading:

Some examples from the collection:

Three Acres and Liberty:

The First Book of Farming:

Agricultural Implements and Machines in the Collection of the National Museum of History and Technology:

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry:

Agriculture for Beginners:

Shelters, Shacks and Shantys:
Last edited by autonomous on Sat 07 Jan 2012, 23:02:30, edited 3 times in total.
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