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How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby AgentR11 » Thu 02 Feb 2012, 10:39:27

Probably no worse than all the time and effort expended on crazy, never could work inventions at the beginning of the 20th century; though we do express this tendency now through government expenditure as opposed to crazy individuals doing incredibly unsafe things to everyone around them.

Not sure which is worse, but I think its best to stay out of the way.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby efarmer » Thu 02 Feb 2012, 14:13:31

I believe there is only One Green Widget Boodoggle out there, but it is omnipresent,
and reincarnates within minutes of being slain.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby kiwichick » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 01:42:46

code CWE
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby JRP3 » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 11:52:31

AgentR11 wrote:Probably no worse than all the time and effort expended on crazy, never could work inventions at the beginning of the 20th century; though we do express this tendency now through government expenditure as opposed to crazy individuals doing incredibly unsafe things to everyone around them.

Not sure which is worse, but I think its best to stay out of the way.

So you're saying we should never try to innovate, and should be banging sticks on logs right now instead of communicating with these computers that would never catch on using the internet which would never catch on. Yes, you should stay out of the way so the rest of us can continue to innovate and move forward.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby Albert Ross » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 12:57:11

Might it perhaps be better to give the money to genuine inventors/developers rather than fat cat executives?
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 13:53:06

JRP3 wrote:
AgentR11 wrote:Not sure which is worse, but I think its best to stay out of the way.

So you're saying we should never try to innovate, and should be banging sticks on logs right now instead of communicating with these computers that would never catch on using the internet which would never catch on. Yes, you should stay out of the way so the rest of us can continue to innovate and move forward.

On the contrary, those who are so motivated should definitely continue to innovate, I simply described a change in how that innovation is expressed from long ago till now. Personally, I like to stay off the bleeding edge and out of the mayhem; others enjoy that space. There's plenty left to build, apply, fix, and perfect in the wake of that bleeding edge, which is what I enjoy.

I'm not sure how you got that I was opposed to innovation out of what I wrote though...
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby JRP3 » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 15:02:23

I mistakenly thought you were the original topic starter, who seems to have been removed. My bad.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby Blacksmith » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 15:11:05

Well two things are for sure:

Governments are not problem solver, and you don't solve problems while sitting at a computer and churning out words.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby JRP3 » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 19:02:17

Actually I've found and provided many solutions to problems sitting right here typing on my computer.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby JRP3 » Sat 04 Feb 2012, 19:28:35

Also worth noting that this very internet we are using was developed with government funding and input, as are many things we use and benefit from. The fact is that governmental research is quite necessary since businesses often take a short sighted approach in pursuit of profits. Real research involves potential failures.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby Albert Ross » Wed 08 Feb 2012, 06:50:27

Surely the "Solar Road" idea should be included in the boondoggle list.

Totally half baked idea.
Still able to get money from green benefactors and the gummint.

It's not easy being green BUT
It's dead easy to make lots of money by just pretending.
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Re: How many GREEN WIDGET BOONDOGGLES are there out there?

Unread postby NedLudd » Thu 23 Feb 2012, 04:15:48

Here's a nice freshly made widget ... or_Market/

Highly recommended by Sterling Allen! What more can I say?

Licensing Opportunity

The S. African company plans to have each country have their own manufacturing and distribution network, rather than have one primary manufacturer.

The licensee task will entail sourcing the off-the-shelf batteries, DC motor and AC generator (or other end applications for capturing that power from the DC motor shaft, such as a pump); manufacturing the cabinet to house the system; assembling the systems, and distributing them to customers; and servicing the customers.

However, one very important point is that in every case, the licensee will purchase the control system for each unit from the S. African company. That is both to protect the intellectual property and to provide a built-in way for them to get a royalty on each unit sold.

The up-front licensing fee is likely to be low, like a deposit or earnest payment on a property offer. The main revenue for the S. African company will be from sales of the control circuit, which only they will manufacture, containing the proprietary elements.
Potential Licensee Attributes

Usually, when a company talks about licensing a technology, they have all the alpha and beta testing done, with reams of data and spec sheets about the device(s) to be licensed.

In the case of the S. African company, though, potential groups coming in now to license will be early players, and will need to have a different threshold of willingness to assume risk, withstand skepticism, work through bugs, etc.

Potential licensees will need to be able to provide evidence of their capability to perform functions such as:

Financial means to capitalize the project (capital expenses will not be that high, compared to other energy device manufacturing scenarios).
Ability to source the best, most affordable, reliable, compatible off-the-shelf components.
Ability to run installation, maintenance, repair, and other support services.
Ability to properly market the device.
Proper motivation: humanitarian, not greed-based.
Ability to put up with and overcome skepticism, criticism, rudeness, and even overt suppression tactics.

Metamorphosis Rather than Usurpation

The arising of this and other exotic free energy technologies that are both clean and have the potential to render obsolete many energy modalities, might not go over well with those that are already involved in those sectors.

The S. African company hopes to make this transition as minimally disruptive as possible, while still addressing the planet's need for affordable, clean, distributed power, which empowers the individual while rendering obsolete the corrupt powers that be. Good riddance to the latter, but there are many sectors that aren't corrupt which could also be negatively impacted.

Ooooh NOoooooo

Here we go again! :)
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