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Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Thu 23 Aug 2012, 19:10:01

Thought they would let him go, he was so cool calm and collected in the radio interview the other day; clearly nothing seriously wrong with him. Locking him up for merely being a truther, well there are a few around.

Bryant was nearly 20 years ago; none since.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby seenmostofit » Thu 23 Aug 2012, 19:11:04

mattduke wrote:They let him go. business insider

Another shining example of the system working just the way it should. Someone says something convincing, others believe him and check it out, and upon determination that it wasn't an issue, let him go. Checks and balances, the American way of life, nothing to fear but fear itself, the American judicial and psycho-eval system in action and doing a fine job.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby seenmostofit » Thu 23 Aug 2012, 19:17:25

SeaGypsy wrote:Bryant was nearly 20 years ago; none since.

But it certainly isn't reasonable to pretend that only 'Mericuns go bonkers and blow away loads of people. Some people think Norwegians are even nicer than Australians! Funny how things work out I guess.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Thu 23 Aug 2012, 19:21:52

There is no first world country with the USA's propensity for extreme violence. There are incidents in most; or all. The regularity of mass murder of strangers occurring in the USA is unparalleled.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby seenmostofit » Thu 23 Aug 2012, 19:29:34

SeaGypsy wrote:There is no first world country with the USA's propensity for extreme violence.

Excellent. Given the choice between being violent (and it should be noted that even this deep into the claimed collapse/recession/downspiral we are actually seeing less violence overall) and being able to pulverize any other country in the world we might wish, and being not the most violent and being subjected to the forementioned pulverization, I'll take the violence and tag as lead global pulverizer. Because better us than the mamby pambies who think that a furrowed brow should be good enough to dissuade another country from doing with you as they wish....except of course if you happen to be a buddy of the lead pulverizers.
SeaGypsy wrote: There are incidents in most; or all. The regularity of mass murder of strangers occurring in the USA is unparalleled.

Incorrect. How many Jews sent to the gas chambers do you think Hitler knew? And Stalin, maybe he knew everyone personally he shipped off to Siberia? Mass murder of strangers is easy, and we can't hold a candle to those who did it well. We actually are quite restrained nowadays in our murder of strangers (known to most as "war"), back in the old days we would have had to carpet bomb Iraq from end to end to take the joint over. Compared to back then, we are so merciful it is nearly unbelievable.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Fri 24 Aug 2012, 08:06:03

Can you argue without mentioning Hitler? Doing so weakens your position, at least to anyone with an education. My point was about the regularity of ongoing murder of strangers for no real reason, every few weeks, months in contemporary USA/ precisely zero to do with Hitler or Stalin or Mao or any of the other despot murderers over the last 100 years. Your other point is taken.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby seenmostofit » Fri 24 Aug 2012, 08:47:46

SeaGypsy wrote:Can you argue without mentioning Hitler?

Of course. But it strikes me as a reasonable response to someone who wants to claim that Americans are somehow exceptional when it comes to mass murder. Hard to avoid talking about one of the greatest of all time, and noting that he wasn't American in the process.

SeaGypsy wrote: My point was about the regularity of ongoing murder of strangers for no real reason, every few weeks, months in contemporary USA/ precisely zero to do with Hitler or Stalin or Mao or any of the other despot murderers over the last 100 years. Your other point is taken.

I see. Well, you are incorrect then. In the contemporary US, our mass murderers have a reason. You and I might not understand them, or agree with them, but there is almost always a reason. Just in America, when we have a reason to kill, we tend to do it bigger than murderers in other countries. In some places around the globe it might be enough to shoot some family members, run down a pedestrian, or go after the next door neighbor with a machete. This is America, right behind the reason some wackjob dreams up to kill someone is the urge to do it at least as good as the next guy. Like Michael Phelps, except with guns, and without a pool.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 25 Aug 2012, 12:18:06

vision-master wrote:Sounds like Detox........ lsol

an then they want you to PAY for yer stay that was against your will in a lock down facility with NO criminal charges.... They can hold you up to 72 hrs this way!

That's exactly what I was wondering. Can they hold him all those days and then saddle him with the debt associated with that? What happens when he gets out and he doesn't have a job anymore? The end of the month is coming up, was he able to pay his rent? Nobody wants another random shooter on the loose, but when you make a decision to intervene like this you need to cover these bases at least. Since the only real safety net in America is that of the open ditch, and this is a civil rights issue they should be careful.
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby mattduke » Thu 30 Aug 2012, 20:44:12

A search of CNN turns up zero hits on Brandon Raubs kidnapping. ... intl=false
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby dinopello » Thu 30 Aug 2012, 22:16:37

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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby seenmostofit » Fri 31 Aug 2012, 07:20:09

mattduke wrote:A search of CNN turns up zero hits on Brandon Raubs kidnapping. ... intl=false

Maybe because it wasn't a kidnapping?
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Re: Brandon Raub Arrested for Political Speech

Unread postby mattduke » Fri 31 Aug 2012, 08:07:06

Judge Sharret ruled that holding him was illegal.
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