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Air board chair on pundits' list for EPA

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Air board chair on pundits' list for EPA

Unread postby Graeme » Sat 29 Dec 2012, 02:15:54

Air board chair on pundits' list for EPA

The woman who led California through the development and implementation of some groundbreaking environmental policies could soon be headed to Washington, D.C.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson announced her resignation this week, and already people are speculating about who will next head the agency. One name on nearly every pundit's short list: California Air Resources Board Chairwoman Mary Nichols.

Nichols would be a controversial pick, as would most any candidate with a strong environmental record. She was rumored to be a finalist four years ago, but President Obama picked Jackson, a chemical engineer who had served as former New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine's chief of staff.

Whoever is chosen must be confirmed by the Senate.

Nichols led the implementation of AB32, California's landmark greenhouse gas reduction law.

Under her leadership, California started a cap-and-trade program to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (something some in Congress tried and failed to do), limited the amount of carbon that can be emitted from a tailpipe when fuel is burned and implemented new mpg standards for vehicles.

That last regulation was copied by the federal government, with the buy-in of automakers, in a national standard agreed to last year.

If Nichols gets picked, you should expect that California's environmental efforts will come under intense scrutiny.

Environmental leaders here say that if Obama does pick Nichols, it would be a clear message that he intends to get serious about combatting climate change.
"Certainly California's loss would be the nation's gain," said Ann Notthoff, California director for the Natural Resources Defense Council.

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