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Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

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Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Pops » Mon 19 May 2014, 11:14:49

It is pleasant to imagine a decentralized, post-industrial world made up of small villages inhabited by self-sufficient, low-energy, and low-consumption locavores, but this is simply a fantasy. In a perpetual crisis of resource scarcity, former First World societies would rarely reach agreement that everyone within the country’s borders would share equally in deprivation. Instead, the rich, the well armed, or an alliance of the two groups, would try to maintain their own living standards indefinitely, if necessary, by shoving the majority into Fourth World destitution, like a scene from the anarchic, feudal Westeros of George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones

Here is the rest ...
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby sunweb » Mon 19 May 2014, 12:47:55

Great one Pops, thanks for locating it. I agree with it. I wrote an essay about this very idea. I have spent considerable time reading about the middle ages. Hopefully the crazies will not destroy our libraries the way they have in the past collapses. If we can keep our knowledge of basic science - chemistry, biology (and associated disciplines) physics and medicine - perhaps it will not be so brutish. Keeping our arts would also go a long way to humanizing (if that is truly possible).
Here is my essay - ... -ages.html
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Strummer » Mon 19 May 2014, 13:56:15

pstarr wrote:There have been plenty of okay energy-scarce worlds, from hunter gather societies to feudal Japan.

Hunter-gatherer societies don't matter in this context. It's agriculture and the existence of resource surplus that fuels the drive towards feudalism. The existence of a surplus made possible by agriculture brings with it the power of selected individuals over others' lives.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Pops » Mon 19 May 2014, 14:29:46

Feudalism isn't necessarily bad but it is necessarily unequal and inequality is the natural state of things. That's my hobby horse for May, LOL

As much as we'd like to pretend, people aren't equal. I have always been nearsighted with poor eye-hand coordination, fine for the modern world aided by 101 energy slaves and a fair IQ, but bad for a world where chucking spears at muskrats fills the belly. Ditto "IQ", I happen to be lucky enough to not be a total dunce but that only goes so far when to be "manor born" is the long and short of aptitude testing.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby lasseter » Mon 19 May 2014, 17:20:55

Feudalism, or a pharaonic model of governance is far more likely than a Greek or early Roman democracy, since the latter can only grow out of a conglomerate of healthy well fed village and town populations that have a fair degree of autonomy and personal freedoms. Like the United States back before the revolutionary war with England. But either way, or any other way, is irrelevant to us because of the massive stumbling block set in the way of reaching any of those societal models.

I am of course talking about the billions of people living in the major cities across the globe. They have to be removed from the equation before any transition can be achieved. Removed because they do not fit into any model you can dream of. Tens of millions of well fed people with an entitlement mindset are not going to move happily into the countryside around them and start building log cabins and growing organic vegetables. There is probably not enough arable land to support them anyway.

First the Dark Age of death, destruction and mass starvation must come. It is a time of anarchy that can not be regulated. You cannot set a timeframe on it, nor control it's progress. It has to run it's natural course. The reason I think this is true is because every other complex civilization in history has followed the pattern, I cannot think of a single exception. What makes it even more likely in our case is the level of dependence these billions of city dwellers have on our current complex systems. Cut the electricity and you cut the food and water supplies. Cut the gasoline supply and you cut the food. Cut the electronic internet banking system and there goes the credit cards, the food stamp cards, the food again.

The hungry hoards will be a reality and although they will dwindle in size after some months the ones that survive will morph into a new culture that I cannot even begin to imagine. Remember, this is probably the first time in history where the ratio of people living on the land and farming is vastly smaller than those living pointless super-dependant lives in cities and towns. These people are not going to go down with a fight and they will be joined by many farmers as well, farmers who themselves have become dependent on the modern systems.

I have followed james howard kunstler's podcasts and writings for over a decade now, and I regularly wade through the ArchDruid's posts for the gold hidden there too, but kunstler has found a happy ending that suits his desires and so have many others. I don't see little communities of self sufficientcy in the future at all, at least not aside from on some remote island sanctuaries and hidden valleys way off the beaten track in Alaska. Neither does the government, which is why they are stockpiling ammo like a crazed suvivalist in an underground bunker.

Their is a way to prevent this of course. The government takes control and orderly drives the people into the countyside to farm collectively. Stalin tried it, Pol Pot tried it, it certainly has been tried before.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 20 May 2014, 07:08:18

Pops, I think you missed the operative phrase that followed your quote:

"you would see rich, industrialized enclaves embedded within the borders of deteriorating former First World countries."

I think this hits the nail on the head. Granted some forms of industrialization can't really work on an enclave scale; but many can. The tech to make an xPad is probably hopelessly lost. The tech to make a high quality rifle, engine components, and white flour though, work like a champ. Or perhaps the tech to make the xPad becomes critical in the same way as soma was critical to the function of a Brave New World. Because its economics only work when you can distribute millions of them, that xpad becomes their last remaining link to civilized life, or a virtual world; they can't afford to live in the enclave, don't have the skill or intellect to handle the Operators professions, nor the hereditary control of capital to be a Decisive, but they can muck out the gutters for a deposit of virtual currency which they use to buy that white flour and access to the VR world where they are strong, brilliant, and healthy.. and important.

I don't think such a thing can evolve through crisis and collapse; but it seems darn near certain as the lower 80% is ground into abject poverty, while the 20%-0.1% are pulled up along with their Oligarchical feudal lords who require their services and expertise to maintain their technological Utopia. Who wants to be a Feudal Baron on the East Texas Piney Woods without well maintained Air Conditioners?
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby dsula » Tue 20 May 2014, 07:43:21

AgentR11 wrote: Who wants to be a Feudal Baron on the East Texas Piney Woods without well maintained Air Conditioners?

Is it really that hot there? I mean, didn't people live in hot places long before air conditioning? I think a cold beer should be enough to cool you down.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 20 May 2014, 07:53:11

A/C is as simple as an under $300 window unit and a source of power. I run mine on solar power.

Don't forget that this particular country has a strong federal government with the most powerful armed forces on the planet. Those Senabores and Congress Critters are accustomed to thinking that THEY are in charge.

In any contest between government armed forces and oligarchal forces, the oligarchs lose, and are relegated to their traditional role as taxpayers.

If any of you doubt this, note that every branch of state and federal and local government has a SWAT team, automatic weapons, and - not infrequently - armored troop carriers. Heck, even the US Postal Service has SWAT teams. The various branches of government are better equipped, don't play fair (i.e. they ignore the rules they insist the rest of us use), and are both trained and experienced in oppressing people.

Counting the casualties on 9/11, various terrorists have killed over 3500 US citizens. During that same span of years, various US Federal/State/Local Law Enforcement officers killed over 5000 US citizens. (I have no doubt that many - but not all - deserved their fate.)
Last edited by KaiserJeep on Tue 20 May 2014, 08:02:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 20 May 2014, 08:00:55

dsula wrote:
AgentR11 wrote: Who wants to be a Feudal Baron on the East Texas Piney Woods without well maintained Air Conditioners?

Is it really that hot there? I mean, didn't people live in hot places long before air conditioning? I think a cold beer should be enough to cool you down.

Indeed, cooling fans were quite common before central A/C became the rule of the day, and before mechanical fans were available servants would stand around fanning the Lords and Ladies by hand. A ladies hand fan was not an affectation, it was a practical tool to cool her face and prevent heavy sweating.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 20 May 2014, 08:12:56

dsula wrote:
AgentR11 wrote: Who wants to be a Feudal Baron on the East Texas Piney Woods without well maintained Air Conditioners?

Is it really that hot there? I mean, didn't people live in hot places long before air conditioning? I think a cold beer should be enough to cool you down.

I like it, but I was raised here, and spent my entire childhood outside, running, fishing, hunting, swimming in ponds and covered in mud, constantly sunburned, and rail thin. I respect the heat and sun the way an Alaskan will respect the ice and cold in Winter.

Its the middle of May now, this afternoon it'll touch 90F/32C with 75% humidity and sun bright enough that it hurts my eyes; and that's normal. June-Sept will normally have multiple day long runs of 100F/37C+ afternoons with high humidity and sun that will blister your skin in an hour or so.

The population of Houston was puny until A/C became common. Once you could cool an office building, things exploded.

Reminds me that I was investigating the UK housing market cause it seemed so odd in its value change vs location in the past decade; then I looked at the weather.... I can't even imagine living in those conditions, there is nothing worse than cold and wet at the same time. EEEK! I told my wife I'd discovered the root cause of British Imperialism. They were all fleeing the wet bleakness.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 20 May 2014, 08:20:10

KaiserJeep wrote:In any contest between government armed forces and oligarchal forces, the oligarchs lose, and are relegated to their traditional role as taxpayers.

Oligarchs AGAINST government???? That's crazy talk. They are part of the government, they grow with its power; and live by and are dependent upon its continuity. Those armed forces of the government will be used to defend the enclaves, and the government will exist and operate within the protection of the enclave.

To be clear, I'm not talking enclave, as in 30 people behind a wall; I'm talking 10-100k behind passive barriers of tolls, gates, door access cards; much like today just enhanced and taken to the next logical level. A homeless guy can walk into downtown Houston, just fine. He's powerless to effect any real change on anything. Everything of any value or pleasure is keyed behind these types of barriers, barriers of economics and privilege. Barriers well loved by those in government.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Pops » Tue 20 May 2014, 08:44:15

I could see that situation AR. I don't expect we'll return to peasant farmers and manor Lords for a long time.

Oligarchy is the inevitable rule of the organizational structure, the elected over the electors. Even in representative government the vast majority of power rests with the unelected bureaucracy.
"Who says organization, says oligarchy." --Robert Michels

Michels stated that the official goal of representative democracy of eliminating elite rule was impossible, that representative democracy is a façade legitimizing the rule of a particular elite, and that elite rule, that he refers to as oligarchy, is inevitable.

Iron Law of Oligarchy
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 20 May 2014, 09:13:55

Go to a few operas. Read the libretto. The story lines are written in a feudal society, by the upper crust. They were, in many cases, little better than Afghan warlords, if you consider that they probably cleaned things up a bit. A good window into the past.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Timo » Tue 20 May 2014, 09:57:40

AgentR11 wrote:
KaiserJeep wrote:In any contest between government armed forces and oligarchal forces, the oligarchs lose, and are relegated to their traditional role as taxpayers.

Oligarchs AGAINST government???? That's crazy talk. They are part of the government, they grow with its power; and live by and are dependent upon its continuity. Those armed forces of the government will be used to defend the enclaves, and the government will exist and operate within the protection of the enclave.

To be clear, I'm not talking enclave, as in 30 people behind a wall; I'm talking 10-100k behind passive barriers of tolls, gates, door access cards; much like today just enhanced and taken to the next logical level. A homeless guy can walk into downtown Houston, just fine. He's powerless to effect any real change on anything. Everything of any value or pleasure is keyed behind these types of barriers, barriers of economics and privilege. Barriers well loved by those in government.

That sounds EXACTLY like the system the House Republicans, aided by the Kochs and all of their billions of dollars, are striving to achieve. In their minds, government IS the enemy. Therefore, we, the people, must defund our government and make it powerless so that WE the OLIGARCHS can sieze control, just like God intended. Government is a pesky nuisance.

Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby AgentR11 » Tue 20 May 2014, 11:21:39

Timo wrote:That sounds EXACTLY like the system the House Republicans, aided by the Kochs and all of their billions of dollars, are striving to achieve. In their minds, government IS the enemy. Therefore, we, the people, must defund our government and make it powerless so that WE the OLIGARCHS can sieze control, just like God intended. Government is a pesky nuisance.

Err... Koch doesn't want to defund the government, Koch wants to defund the parts of the government that do not serve his/their interest. Same with Soros; just a different batch of stuff.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Pops » Tue 20 May 2014, 11:29:14

You're missing the point, P.

Farmland will be the source of wealth as in the past, so the powerful will put the permie homesteaders off their land and make them into serfs. It is the opposite of Suburban Zombie Pillagers overrunning the homestead garden, it's mercs hired by Buffet's great-great-grandchildren appropriating the land, a whole different thing.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Simon_R » Tue 20 May 2014, 13:41:23

HI pops

I don't think it will be Mercs. I also think that we are collapsing now.

If I had power and wanted to kick small farmers off, I would instill a sense of togetherness, promulgate ideas of 'society' , 'community' , etc etc.
Then point out that nasty small farmers are inefficient and consuming good food not contributing to society the same way as super efficient modern farms, you are running 'fermettes', and apart from 'community'
tax land on usage and return per acre.
bish bosh ... you are taxed off your land and are made an anathema.
Finally you purchase the land from the Government and drop the tax laws.

no mercs (except the cops)

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Re: Lind: Energy Austerity A Return to Feudalism

Unread postby Pops » Tue 20 May 2014, 13:45:24

Simon_R wrote:no mercs (except the cops)

Very good Simon, I always thought the local Sheriff would be the bigger threat than the Zombies.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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