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Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Withnail » Tue 13 Jan 2015, 20:20:16

pstarr wrote:
Sixstrings wrote:
dissident wrote:This Six$ retard is being coddled in this and other threads. He pulls whatever nugget of excrement from his mental anus and people treat it like some valid "fact".

Well, there you go guys, the typical Russian view on things and how they deal with people that say things they do not like.

Not so Six. I am ever-so-slowly adapting the Russia perspective. I was on the fence regarding USA. Call me Komrad!

Six Strings can engender more hatred for America in just a few forum posts than Obama can do in years of bombing.

His talents are considerable.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 13 Jan 2015, 20:35:01

pstarr wrote:Not so Six. I am ever-so-slowly adapting the Russia perspective. I was on the fence regarding USA. Call me Komrad!

Well that's disturbing, pstarr. Maybe the Russian "narrative" really is winning. I saw Ron Paul doing propaganda on their state funded RT the other night. Their gov also funds and is trying to stoke the hard right in Europe, that will be pro-Russian.

End result? The more like Putin's Russia we become, the more freedoms we will lose.

Let me ask you something, what are constitutional rights like in Russia. Is there a constitutional gun right. Do people have to register there, with the federal government. What about the driver's license thing, now their federal gov wants fingerprints and DNA samples. And "transgender" can't get a license. Nor gamblers and a whole list of odd things.

You sure you want fascism? You really sure? I hope, like Agent, for however much you may have come to think like a Russian, that if it gets down to our homeland attacked by them -- you will remember you're an American.

Keep repeating it. But few here believe you.

I know. Maybe they have won, and the Putin way has won, and they've essentially got the Libertarians and the noam chomsky lefty types both on their side, well okay then.

I think they may wind up doing something over the line though, and that's when americans will stand up, unless we've all been brainwashed. I never want to see my country be like an Australia -- where one of our planes go down and we can't even get angry about it? That ain't the country I grew up in.

Gotta agree Six, I barely ready anything you post anymore but you do it so nicely I can't get angry.

:lol: Well jesus man, these Russians scare me I'm trying to be nice! But yet counter the overwhelming "RT" "ron paul" "noam chomsky" "conspiracy false flag 9/11 truther" stuff that is so prevailing in recent years.

But you must understand that we are not necessarily pro-Russian. Just anti NATO-bs.

That's fair enough for now, but if they ever do start attacking us, then what you just said becomes a distinction without a difference.

edit: pstarr -- I'm just too good at arguing, that's what happens after 10,000 posts on a debate forum. :lol:

If you're a Ron Paul type, then you have that right, it's ok.

And I have a right to be a mainstream centrist with neocon Republican roots, and that's ok.

If a Russian bomber ever does collide with a Delta airlines flight on one of their gulf of mexico patrols, maybe I'll be more mad about that than you will be, but that's okay.

This is a democracy with REAL and fair and honest elections. And you will cast your vote, and I will cast my vote.
Last edited by Sixstrings on Tue 13 Jan 2015, 21:09:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Withnail » Tue 13 Jan 2015, 20:47:03

Sixstrings wrote:
Let me ask you something, what are constitutional rights like in Russia. Is there a constitutional gun right. Do people have to register there, with the federal government. What about the driver's license thing, now their federal gov wants fingerprints and DNA samples. And "transgender" can't get a license. Nor gamblers and a whole list of odd things.

Russia is chock full of guns.

And don't seriously tell me that issues with transgendered people having problems getting a driving licence in Russia keeps a racist redneck like you awake at night. Are you into ladyboys or something?

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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Withnail » Tue 13 Jan 2015, 21:00:10

pstarr wrote:Transgender acceptance has happened very recently in the US, thanks to the agitation and demands of the Chomsky crowd. It wasn't all that long ago that queers and trannies were killed in the US for fun, by the FOX crowd. :x

It's pathetic that Six thinks we will believe he has the slightest genuine concern for such people other than watching the occasional Chicks with Dicks video.

What? No, of course I haven't seen one.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Sixstrings » Tue 13 Jan 2015, 21:25:35

pstarr wrote:That is where you lost me. Do you really believe that truther stuff is prevailing? You must be living in your own paranoid FOX nightmare. See ya'

It pervails on the FRINGES.

This forum is not a MAINSTREAM place, I love all you guys, but it's not mainstream.

The reality of the mainstream is that out of 535 reps and senators in Congress, only something like ten of them voted against the Ukraine Freedom Act.

The reality of the public mainstream, is that public view of "russia is a threat" has gone up and up over the years ever since Putin made his confrontational pivot. It used to be like 80% "russia is a friend" and now it's like "80% russia is an adversary / enemy."

The reality of the mainstream is that if they do something over the line -- one of OUR planes going down, or a major cyberattack on us etc. -- then the large bulk of mainstream people in this country will be mad as hell about that, pstarr, that is the reality.

And the reality is that neocons SEE ALL THIS SH*T COMING and that is why we get frustrated when it is NOT PREVENTED, when it could have been.

See ya. I'm sorry I'm so mainstream, it's my right to be.

(p.s. the ron paul kind of stuff that gets dangerous for our natl security really has gotten into about half the republican party, it's actually a bigger problem than "fringe." Tea partiers are pro americans though, they'll stand up for this place too when it comes down to it.

And this is NOT PARANOIA about Russia.

Hundreds of Dutch and Aussies DIED in that plane THAT GOT SHOT DOWN WITH A RUSSIAN MISSILE. That is reality, not paranoia.

edit: And ANOTHER THING -- I will NOT vote for hillary clinton next go around, unless I see OBAMA joining the other democrats to do more about national security.

As it is, he can't even stop us from getting hacked or know who hacked us, it's ridiculous. This SH*T MATTERS PSTARR, a cyberattack CAN TAKE OUT THE ELECTRICAL GRID, IT CAN MAKE YOUR ATM CARD NOT WORK, OK?! Hello?

I swear, if Mitt Romney gets the nomination, I THINK I'M GONNA VOTE FOR HIM, he was right last time AND NOBODY LISTENED, I think I shoulda got over him being a Mormon and elitist and I should have voted for him, Obama just plays golf all the time and is so disconnected all the time, that's no leader!

I don't know about Jeb, I sort of don't like him much, we'll have to see about him -- I've warmed up about Romney though.

AND ANOTHER THING -- of course we don't want any trouble with Russia and frankly none of us even want to bother thinking about Russia more than we have to think about Canada or Norway.

But if Russia wants to give us trouble, then we'll give it right back to them in equal measures.

And that is what the Ukraine Freedom Act was about, if Russia wants to bring it on some more, then we'll bring more right back to them.)
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby joyfulbozo » Wed 14 Jan 2015, 08:02:49

First face the recession and on top of that face the interest rates.. huh.. pure Russians..
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby radon1 » Wed 14 Jan 2015, 14:53:08

(google translated)

Oleg Grigoriev: "The main problem - whether China will survive 2015"

His new book claiming to be the "Capital" Karl Marx, presented in mid-December in the wording "Business Online» Oleg Grigoryev known economist - one of the founders of the theory of the current economic crisis in the past Head of Economic Department of the Presidential Administration. The text of the conversation, which we publish today, contains a deeply grounded and at the same time the most unexpected conclusions about what would happen to the Russian and world economy in the coming months and years.

- So what happened this year?

- Let's go in order. First, financial sanctions. Yes, they are quite painful, especially restricting access to Western capital markets. And we must understand that there is a declared sanctions, there is a hidden sanction. On the one hand, there is a direct prohibition on access, but it is for the few - 5 - 6 largest banks. But from the beginning there was the risk of the country, that's a plus 1 - 2 percent to the cost of debt, that is, refinancing became more expensive for everyone.

- Why can not we refinance in China? They have a huge amount of dollars, there is no place to put them.

- From China for quite some time is the outflow of capital, China itself is not enough dollars.

- All its trillions? When their reserves?

- You understand that such reserves. Once or twice and they end. We are here now on the verge of reserves.

- But they have a positive balance of trade? That is, the dollars they have replenished?

- And leaked, leaked, leaked ...

- But it leaked less than replenished.

- In recent months, on the contrary.

- That is, they themselves need currency?

- They themselves need the currency, so they will not lend.

- In general, we have nowhere to be financed?

- In fact, the situation is purely sanctions is not very dangerous, calculations were and are, held them fast enough. Actually sanctions themselves would have cost us 40 - 42 rubles to the dollar at the normal price of oil.

But here we must say at once that behaved abominably our two young ladies at the Central Bank. For me, it was amazing, I spent some time even with excessive zeal to protect them. In March, when they had to be active, they acted very correctly and consistently good, well thought, was a sequence of steps, which gave reasonable results. Course tugged and stabilized ...

- But the situation is not so tough was all the same?

- It is a matter of policy. I then analyzed. Unfortunately or fortunately, the Central Bank put the global challenges in the Kremlin. Then the task was simple: do not let the ruble fall at any cost, pay no attention to the amount of foreign exchange reserves, because then it was believed that sufficient reserves. Therefore, the task was fairly simple. Catapulted money, all other parameters recalculated and everything is fine. What happened when introduced financial sanctions? The same central bank received in August indication "number one": "Guys, so you can not spend more reserves. The tool you clean, but you lower the intensity. " Because these 30 billion significantly reduced the airbag. And immediately the Central Bank lowered the limit to half a billion to 350 million.

Second, apparently, they were told that 42 rubles suit us, arrange a budget and all that. When the ruble slowly begins to fall, the Central Bank does not intervene. Moreover, when the September meeting of the Central Bank is prepared at the rate of the whole market expects that the Central Bank will respond, at least half a percent raise. The central bank decides to do nothing. That is, they were told: Course 40 - 42, but as the course has not yet reached 40 rubles, we did not do. That's when the turn of the suit, and then we will think.

But you see, when a trend develops, builds around the entire financial system that supports it. When a trend yet, or it has not been determined, the Central Bank can manage the situation. And when the system is developed, and the Central Bank said that it was time to react, it turns out that he was alone against all and he does not have the tools. Provisions can not spend at stake are no longer responsive because the market situation is such that you earn per day, 100 percent per annum, so your rate increase by two per cent in general nobody stirs.

CB missed ruble out of control, in some moment of panic again began to squander foreign exchange reserves. Everyone loved it, because it turns out that the Central Bank will cover any feast. There is a problem here it manifested itself.

- Elvira's not a professional in the banking system works, it did not work at the bank. Dura - not a fool, but system-it does not know the inside.

- We have a problem, the entire leadership of the Central Bank - it's bureaucrats and career bureaucrats as they do, thinking they have such, they were told - it is necessary to report. They do not feel the situation has not reached the rate of 40 - 42, so we did not move, who we ask?

- They are more likely to ask if you start to throw dollars at 38.

- That's right, there is just ask. They know how to count in bureaucratic, for the general model, not as market players.


- Is it possible to call traders and bankers and threaten: "I love you all to jail, Revoke the license?" Or they share?

- No really, what sort of proportion. All over the use, insides, just everything blindly.

- And they came to that, what came ...

- Yes, all burst out of control. But then it got worse. They went to the only possible strategy. Thinking consultation, they went on a method Draghi ( Mario Draghi - Italian economist, President of the European Central Bank from November 2011 - Ed. ), which he applied in Europe. You say, "Guys, I'm not announce any policy, but I reserve the right to intervene in the market in any volume." Do Draghi it worked, but it is also quite difficult option, I'll end up not really understand why it worked Draghi, maybe especially European psychology.

- Because Draghi gave no inside information, and they took counsel how typical bureaucrats, all the information was known.

- I think that in Europe it was known. In general, Draghi it worked, I was already asking questions. Yes, you are going to build an invisible firewall, use "financial bazooka." But how will you apply it? "I intervene at any time." To what extent, what goals are set? And if the goal I need to bang 50 billion from the reserves, I'll go for it? Because if I have only 30, that currency speculators will receive the award, which they are in life could not even dream of. You get rich all, and the situation became worse. When they started to try, threw billion - slightly knocked. Gone - rate began to grow again. Again came again thrown billion - no impact at all.

When they tried for the first time, it became clear that they did not work, and why? Because all previous factors superimposed factor plummeting oil prices.

"PUTIN MET, the ruble and a barrel of oil. AND ALL AROUND 60 "

- What's in these circumstances, waiting for the Russian budget? Compensate for the devaluation fall in oil prices?

- The Central Bank considered as an option in the summer of 60 dollars per barrel. I saw these calculations, they do so: we do not believe that the price will be 60 - $ 70, but for the sake of all you need to show this figure. Therefore, calculations were made extremely sloppy on the knee. They were feykovye calculations, they no one believed. Really no one believed any Bank or analysts, the calculation was not. All guided anecdote: "We met Putin, the ruble and a barrel of oil. And all around 60 ". Nobody really believed just started, I think, only the New Year recalculated.

Now start working "Kudrin's scissors". We all calculations are on a budget, look, without these "scissors". The export duty will be reduced. All say: "Oil revenues in the budget will be the same, only more courses recalculated." And the fact that you have a 6-month lag contract price of gas falls? And there's all the same thing happens, no one sees.

- That is the Russian budget prosyadet?

- Of Course!

- Devaluation is not a plus, and minus?

- It is not a negative, but it is unable to compensate for all. I repeat, all the calculations until the fake. With a budget will be a problem, consider excluding all "Kudrin's scissors", although they are and their parameters are known. In those calculations, I've seen a lot of things are not taken into account.

- A lower production costs will fall?

- Do not drop, the cost is now about $ 15. Price falls below cost and, still traded as what to do something. Reduced fee. Again on the budget, who took into account the fall in imports? We have two main sources: export taxes and duties, they have always been the most stable budget revenues. The budget also this fall. If the recount with such disabilities, there must be taken into account instead of 10 parameters and 30 - 40. But this one is not engaged.

- Who is going to live on the budget adopted by the summer? It's really funny. Will sequester?

- Yes, sequestration, of course, will be. Will spend the reserve fund. By the way, note that when the Americans (it has been seen in the Asian crisis, and now) reduce the supply of dollar global economy, the world economy for some time, there is stable, because wasted gold reserves, everyone starts at the previously accumulated dollars to spend. No outside income, domestic waste, we now begin to deal with the same. Technically FNB will not spend money, but it will be transferred from the securities denominated in US dollars, which generate revenue, in the paper, which are denominated in rubles. Formally NWF nothing will happen either in terms of magnitude, nor with any other. But, in fact, part of the foreign reserves we have lost.

- And in some ruble notes will be translated?

- Bonds of Railways, "Rosneft", something else will come up.

- Finally, this money will be invested in the national economy, will work in the investment projects of the country!

- Yes, but it will reduce our foreign exchange reserves. Reserve funds we spend that too, in fact, part of our gold reserves. This will happen in 2015, not only for us, but we do it will be the most intense, mainly because of the sanctions and oil dependency. This will happen in most developing countries. They will spend their gold reserves, will increase the threat of internal crises in these countries, because in the case of capital flight they will have nothing to defend its currency. The next step - a collapse of the currency. We did not wait for this, and immediately banged currency reserves in order to save. Who is it predicted 90 rubles?

- Ex-Minister of Economy of Tatarstan Marat Safiullin.

- And so it will go rush. Now converted, I will look, it's very ambitious goal, someone makes it more intelligently, someone less competent. This prevents the Central Bank to take decisions about what to do something. It turns out that you need to bang 50 billion, and they are not, and can not stay the same - it's even worse. Useless sacrifice. CB and would like to take control, but it does not even landmarks.

- So after all and 50 is not enough. If you add up all of these factors: the fall in prices, the need to repay debts, a huge demand for the currency, and it is not speculative, but quite real.

- Speculative or speculative, in fact, it is unclear as of now behaving population.

- Quiet?

- You are very wrong, Moscow has already ended in currency exchange offices.

- Moscow - the most westernized city, there are many sick in the head.

- Well, where pro-Western and sick, Muscovites follow the right strategy. They are not nervous, they're just better informed, and they have something to change it.

- And do not come back to the course of 40?

- At these prices for oil is even impossible. I think that the Central Bank is focused on being back in the ruble wide corridor 45 - 50, but rather to the upper boundary.

- It is still possible to talk about?

- More than anything, he can not think. There snap, and it can be even bought up the ruble in the current objective situation. Here the task of the Central Bank - to take it under control. I will say it again: no 40 and 42, may already there are no reserves will not suffice. Or, as discussed, the discount rate of 20 percent do.

- Then everything will crash ...

- Everything will crush, including the financial system ... The banking crisis, instantly. There are many parameters that need to be accurately calculate.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby AgentR11 » Wed 14 Jan 2015, 15:29:42

The guy's whole premise is that the CB will return to a managed trading range, or attempt to do so. I think he's engaged in very wishful thinking, perhaps because he may himself be exposed to exchange rate risk. CB will *not* return to a managed trading range, and they will *not* defend the exchange rate vs dollar. If the ruble trades at 100, it trades at a 100. Course... you pay out 100 rubles for a dollar, and then the tax man comes looking for rubles; you may have just committed financial suicide.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby AgentR11 » Thu 15 Jan 2015, 00:33:01

Sixstrings wrote:Looks like Putin is going to cut all areas of the budget 10%, except for military. Inflation projected to reach 17%. Budget cuts help inflation, anyhow. So what's the overall picture I wonder, is this deflation or inflation. So much capital flight. Ruble tanked. Prices skyrocketing, interest rates way up -- so that's inflation. But real estate over there should be falling, that's deflationary. Stagflation, then?

A decade+ of currency manipulation being unwound in 6 months. It makes a mess.

I think its honest to just call it regular ole high inflation though.

As far as I can tell, only select locations really had the real estate bubble effect going; much like the core of London looks like prices are going nuts, but if you look at GB as a whole, there's tons of less popular areas experiencing no bubble at all. Same deal here. So you have regular inflation as the currency achieves an honest value, and honest import costs are priced into retail products in Russia. Normal policy is that interest rates should be some modest amount higher than the real inflation rate; banks have a hard one on this, as it will only be in hindsight after a few years that people will be able to say, 8% of this inflation was the currency float, 9% was our normal inflationary rate, and 3% was from capital flight; or whatever. It should be a little clearer by the end of 2015 I think.

The biggest impact of sanctions and the capital flight, in my opinion, is that it forced the hand of the CB and made them move to float in a rather chaotic, unmoderated manner. Chaos breeds uncertainty, which causes more defensive positions, which causes more uncertainty... A bit of a feedback. Dampening the feedback is the effectiveness of central power in Russia; one might get away with not paying your taxes in Venezuela.. Do that in Russia, you'll be lucky to wake up in a sack cloth under a bridge in Kherson, penniless. So rubles will remain in demand by all businesses that operate in Russia. Add to that the willingness of the RF to write and enact very punitive tariffs, very quickly, targeting very specific operations; and you have a recipe that maintains demand for the domestic currency.

NATO sends rapid-reaction forces to Russia's neighbors

Something to consider. How much did Russia have to spend to cause us to act in such an expensive manner? A few reckless flights in the Baltic, and abducting *an* agent? They're playing the game we used on them in the 70s and 80s; but they've rewritten the rules, to favor the cheapskates.

The problem is... we know we will not invade Russia.
I suspect Putin knows (but won't admit) that NATO would never attempt to invade Russia.

US incapable of backing down on Russia over Ukraine’

This actually simplifies Russia's planning. Germany also recently piled on, indicating sanctions would not be lifted until Russia leaves Crimea. Since Russia will never leave Crimea; sanctions are thus permanent. Sanctions being permanent implies that Russia has no reason to play nice in Ukraine. And kinda coincidentally, shortly after Merkel made that comment, Moscow turned the artillery back on in Donbass, and that iconic airport tower is no more; among other casualties.

Basically, this position of the West guarantees that Ukraine will be at war, likely for years. Sacrificing its sons and daughters, in a struggle that can't be won; all the while the demographic reality of Ukraine goes from disaster to nightmare.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby radon1 » Thu 15 Jan 2015, 05:11:30

Sixstrings wrote:

Looks like Putin is going to cut all areas of the budget 10%, except for military. Inflation projected to reach 17%. Budget cuts help inflation, anyhow. So what's the overall picture I wonder, is this deflation or inflation. So much capital flight. Ruble tanked. Prices skyrocketing, interest rates way up -- so that's inflation. But real estate over there should be falling, that's deflationary. Stagflation, then?

Real estate dollar prices have been falling, while rouble ones rising. The rouble ones will decline too, probably, if not collapse.

Inflation, of course, galloping. Real estate is irrelevant.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 15 Jan 2015, 20:36:44

radon1 wrote:Real estate dollar prices have been falling, while rouble ones rising. The rouble ones will decline too, probably, if not collapse.

Inflation, of course, galloping. Real estate is irrelevant.

Well I do feel bad for you guys over there. I know I sure don't like inflation. Over here, a lot of peoples' wages for certain kinds of work never really went up at all, ever since the 90s.

There are kinds of jobs I used to do back then, a very young guy, and I see those same jobs *still paying the same thing*, and yet living costs have at least doubled since then.

US actually has a lot in common with Russia, since the great recession we have multi generations living in the same apartment, too, a lot of that.

Lot of people still don't have jobs, we've got 40 million on food stamps. We've got way too many youth that can only get 20 hour per week part time work, for wages that did not go up since the 90s, with twice the cost of living.

Back to Russia --

It would be smart to get out from under these sanctions. Cut a deal. Cut losses. Nobody is ever going to retake Crimea and that's as sure as the sky is blue, that one is a done thing. Cut losses in the east though, Russia should sign the minsk agreement. Plus ISIS is a threat to everyone -- Russia needs allies, and restored relations with the West again, to share intel with and cooperate.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 17 Jan 2015, 18:10:19

This article foolishly believes the point of the SSN is to defeat the USN; which is stupid.

No carriers.

Russia is not building carriers.

Russia has no plans to build carriers.

QED, Russia has no intention or interest in "defeating the US Navy".

The Russia intention is entirely different. It is defensive; the point of the SSN's and corvettes is to make it terribly expensive for the US to use ITS Naval forces to project power into Russia proper.

Now, *we* view that purpose as a waste, since we do not believe we would ever invade Russia. Russia however, does not share that belief. So look at it differently, Russia is spending a few billion dollars to insure that if US Naval forces attack Rostov; the US will lose tens or perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars in the process. That's a completely reasonable strategic POV to take. And it aligns with completed and funded Russian military acquisitions. It also aligns fairly well with Moscow more interested in getting their money back from France, than getting the Mystrals.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 17 Jan 2015, 19:11:00

AgentR11 wrote:This article foolishly believes the point of the SSN is to defeat the USN; which is stupid.

I agree. Article makes a point though that their new sub is so expensive, they can't afford to make more than a few of them.

From what I've read though, overall, Russia has more than enough military for what it needs (which is what is concerning to some, is it defensive, or is it an annexing separatist state ghost army little green men machine).

I've read other things about this sub -- I think it's this one -- that it's quite advanced and can dive very deep. They plan to do various things with it. Such as sampling the arctic sea floor. They can also use it for covert ops. And I read another article that they plan to use it to transport portable nuclear reactor generators.

Seems like a cool sub, lot of all around utility uses.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 17 Jan 2015, 20:58:40

Russia does not currently have enough military capability to make a conventional only invasion of Russia too expensive for us to attempt, at least according to how a Russian would perceive our willingness to suffer those costs. This puts Russia in a weird position where they believe that they must use nuclear weapons in order to defend against an attack by NATO. That belief leads to certain problematic calculations.

Does the Kremlin believe, that the West believes that Russia can snap-launch a sufficiently painful nuclear response to a conventional attack by NATO.
Does the Kremlin believe, that the West believes that Russia is willing and able to kill Western cities to defend territory other than Moscow/E. Baltic cities.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 17 Jan 2015, 21:37:06

AgentR11 wrote:Russia does not currently have enough military capability to make a conventional only invasion of Russia too expensive for us to attempt

Agent, I know we both enjoy our armchair general hot air talk.

But I assume that you surely are aware that "the West" is never, ever, going to invade Russia.

The most extreme scenario for that kind of thing would actually be coup in Russia, if say things ever fall apart in Russia and it's a huge unstable collapsing mess, then the West is just going to support a new government there. With never a nato soldier ever crossing the border.

Nobody is ever going to invade Russia, period. There's too much snow, for one thing. And the place is too big. And they're too stubborn. Supply lines get way too long -- that place is a trap, Napoleon found out and Hitler found out and nobody is ever gonna invade it again.

This puts Russia in a weird position where they believe that they must use nuclear weapons in order to defend against an attack by NATO.

Here's what they're doing -- they are just flirting with being bad guys, that's all. Their heart isn't completely in it. It's a dog and pony show. Not even kruschev was all evil. They're just flirting with it -- deterrence is in us not giving a sh*t and not wetting our pants if Russia parades an ICBM on a train or down the middle of Red Square.

They don't have that trump card, we got 'em figured out, they're never going to nuke us unless it's an accident.

Does the Kremlin believe, that the West believes that Russia is willing and able to kill Western cities to defend territory other than Moscow/E. Baltic cities.

I think Crimea would be pushing it. I think they wouldn't use any nukes in the end on that though, but it would be close. The first thing they'd try would be a tactical nuke -- as a warning.

They do have a right, though, to defend Russia proper -- not Crimea -- the Russia that's been recognized with its current borders since the USSR.

And the West has a right to defend ourselves, and our allies. No Russian troops crossing into "Not Russia's," then no problems. Why must we tolerate this, while Russians never would? You think they'd let the US army just take off its patches and roll on in, expecting everyone to believe they're little green men or some stateless ghost army?

Back to the submarines -- Russia can do a lot with those, if they're really just going to be a big North Korea or Iran and just mess with us for all eternity.

They can transport contraband. They can move nuclear warheads, to other places, conceivably. I read that article about they're going to use the subs to move nuclear power generators around but it didn't say where they would move them to.

It's a cool sub. They can do covert ops with it. They could sneak right up to a Estonia and send some seal-types in, do an op, and back in the sub and dive deep and Sweden will just be searching for them for three weeks after.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 17 Jan 2015, 21:45:24

Six, do you even bother to read what I write before responding to it. The message preceding explicitly states that WE know that WE will never invade Russia. Russia on the other hand has no way of knowing such a thing, and a lot of history that would lead them to rationally believe that not only would we, but that we are vigorously trying to build enough missile defense capability so that we can safely invade and kill Russia.

That is the core of the problem.

They have ZERO reason to trust us. Ever chance we've had to demonstrate that we are willing to keep Russia's security needs in mind, we've failed horribly. Our actions can reasonably be viewed in the light of NATO being an offensive military pact built for the purpose to prepare for, and wait for an opportunity to invade and kill Russia.
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 17 Jan 2015, 22:37:46

AgentR11 wrote:Russia on the other hand has no way of knowing such a thing,

Yes they do. They have common sense. They have an internet connection. Whatever it is you know Agent, a Russian can know too. Western culture is really the global culture now, and they're a part of it too.

That's the cool thing about the new cold war. Unlike the last one, the PEOPLE on both sides can communicate. The kremlin can't wall them off anymore.

And the internet, and overall globalization and interdependence and connectivity, more one global culture, makes today different from 1940.

It's not even like Russians are culturally alien -- they are not as different as Afghans and Iranians, nor Chinese. Russians are Westerners.

Here's the bottom line about Ukraine: it was sold to the Russian people as "fighting the nazis," it was sold on nostalgia and talking about the siege of leningrad (or was that stalingrad), it was sold on vague nebulous "we just want to go to war" national pride stuff. That's a flimsy foundation. It will not last.

What the war really is, is a civil war, stoked and created by Russians with their cousins in Ukraine. And it's illegal under international law, and there was no right for it and they can spin and do propaganda until the cows come home but they will never turn wrong into right.

They have ZERO reason to trust us. Ever chance we've had to demonstrate that we are willing to keep Russia's security needs in mind, we've failed horribly.

Let's be frank, whose security needs? The Russian people, or the Putin regime? Everyone knows it's the latter.

Putin's problems with the West began around 2003, when the West wanted Russia to start tacking away from kleptocracy. And Putin said no and pivoted further dictator and authoritarian -- to protect his REGIME, not doing what's best for his country and people -- and he put that one liberal oligarch in a Siberian prison for ten years and the guy is now in exile in Switzerland.

Russia is a member of the family that has gone astray, from the rest of the family.

Our actions can reasonably be viewed in the light of NATO being an offensive military pact built for the purpose to prepare for, and wait for an opportunity to invade and kill Russia.

You have a right to your opinions, but I've followed things enough by now to have figured out that not even Russians really believe that, Agent.

The basic fact of nato is that it was first formed in alarmed response to Russia doing the very kinds of things it is doing, lately. Nato is defensive.

The only person hurting Russia is Putin. And that's what is sad. This drama makes for enjoyable television, but at the end of the day it's nothing but 4,000 - 8,000 senselessly dead in Ukraine so far. And it's resulting in nothing but runaway inflation, and an economy in serious trouble.

You can have your opinions, I respect them, but I happen to agree with that former FSB chief in that itar/tass article I linked. The man is right. He says Russia has walled itself off from the rest of the "civilized world," he says all that reliance on China will do is make Russia a vassal, and wind up resulting in the very thing Russians are supposedly trying to prevent -- loss of territory.

It's all senseless. Senseless economic loss, stagnation, recession and depression, senseless loss of life in "the Ukraine."
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Re: Russian central bank raises interest rate to 17%

Unread postby Tanada » Sun 18 Jan 2015, 10:37:37

This thread is about Russia and finance, accordingly I tried to sort out all the Ukraine conflict stuff and put it in the Ukraine conflict thread here,

Please try and stay on topic it is a big pain to sort this stuff out.
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