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Fmr Japanese PM says Crimeans 'live a happy, peaceful life'

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Fmr Japanese PM says Crimeans 'live a happy, peaceful life'

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sat 14 Mar 2015, 22:38:54

A former Japanese prime minister returned to Tokyo today from a controversial trip to Crimea, made despite opposition from his country's current government.

Yukio Hatoyama, who arrived at Narita airport near the capital, did not speak to journalists awaiting his return, but had said during his trip that life there was "happy" as he slammed Tokyo's position on Russia's annexation of the Black Sea peninsula.

Tokyo joined the West in introducing sanctions against Russia for seizing Crimea from Ukraine last March.

Hatoyama visited Crimea on Tuesday, saying he wanted to see life there for himself, despite Tokyo's stiff opposition to the trip which could be seen to legitimise Moscow's annexation of the peninsula.

"The Crimeans live a happy, peaceful life," Hatoyama told reporters in Simferopol, the regional centre in Crimea.

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida told reporters earlier the government had tried to stop the former PM from travelling to the annexed peninsula.

But Hatoyama pressed ahead with his visit to Crimea, where he said last year's referendum, which saw a majority in Crimea vote to split from Ukraine, was conducted in accordance with democratic norms despite being rejected internationally.

Hatoyama, a hugely wealthy man, became prime minister in 2009 at the head of the Democratic Party of Japan.

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Re: Fmr Japanese PM says Crimeans 'live a happy, peaceful li

Unread postby dissident » Sun 15 Mar 2015, 08:57:54

He must have not gotten the memo. According the butcher regime in Kiev and its supporters, Crimean store shelves are all empty and the vast majority of Crimeans yearn for Kiev's Right Sector yoke.

As with Donbas, the very existence of ethnic Russians and their historical rights are totally denied. When some clown claims Crimeans want to be ruled by Kiev the clown cannot possibly be talking about 64% of the population that is ethnic Russian. If Kiev did have a chance to rule Crimea it would ethnically cleanse this 64% and the west would call it an anti-terrorist operation. The sponsors of Kiev, NATO, and their propaganda don't acknowledge the existence of a local majority that thinks different from the narrative spewed to westerners.
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