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How much hope do you have for humanity?

General discussions of the systemic, societal and civilisational effects of depletion.

How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby DesuMaiden » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 17:52:37

I have lost all hope for our species. I believe our species is too deprived and stupid to exist on this planet any longer. I know too much about this specie's depravity that I've lost all hope for it. Anyone, who still has hope for mankind, has obviously not seen his true nature. Human beings are disgusting creatures. And I hope God kills off the pathetic, wretched human race with the following population crash from peak oil. I have officially lost all hope for this species, and the only reason I haven't committed suicide yet is because I want to see this species suffer from its own stupidity.

I know this message isn't the most pleasant message. But this species is probably too deprived and disgusting to exist on this planet. And eventually God or Mother Nature will have to get rid of us because God clearly made a mistake in creating mankind. Some people (i.e. Christians) think humans were created in the image of God. Clearly we are not because if we were, we wouldn't be anywhere as flawed as we.

I have zero hope for humanity. I just want to see it die. I doubt very many people will survive the collapse of industrial civilization. And whoever survives will live a meager existence, only a former ghost of the glory of this civilization.

If the mods try to ban me from "trolling" in this message, then that proves to me they are too close-minded to accept different opinions from people. So I dare you to try to ban me from this message because you can't. You can't because

a) This is not trolling. I am dead serious
b) This is not flaming either.
c) This is not disrespectful either because this is nothing more than my opinion.

If you still have hope for humanity, that's your choice. But I think you haven't seen the true depravity of mankind if you still have hope for this depraved species.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Pops » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 17:56:20

Man, you need to get laid.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby dinopello » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 17:58:57

DesuMaiden wrote:I have lost all hope for our species.

That's cool. What's your favorite species then ? Or maybe you should have categories

1) Most likeable species,
2) Most likely to succeed,
3) Funniest,

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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby KrellEnergySource » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 18:09:21

"I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are still truly good at heart..." Anne Frank
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 18:10:07

Desu, you don't have a clue. Note that in Nature, it's neither the predators nor the prey species that win the race of life. The most successful critters are the scavengers, the carrion eaters, the dung beatles, and the blood-suckers.

The more depraved, the better. There are about ten hyenas for every lion, and they eat more of the kill than does the cat that made it.

Your opinion on this matter in fact does not matter - I just wanted to point out that your conclusions and judgements were in error. Depravity is a survival skill - you get to eat all the Good Samaritans, to start with.

So don't apply human standards to Nature.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby jesus_of_suburbia » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 18:10:33

Pops wrote:Man, you need to get laid.

Is it too early to nominate a "Post of the Year"?
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Pops » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 18:13:46

jesus_of_suburbia wrote:
Pops wrote:Man, you need to get laid.

Is it too early to nominate a "Post of the Year"?


Dig this Desu
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
-- Abraham Lincoln, Fragment on Government (July 1, 1854)
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby eugene » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 18:23:25

Does it really matter? Simply another species that over run it's resource base. No sense getting all cranked up about it. To be frank, who gives a shit?
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 18:23:45

dinopello wrote:
DesuMaiden wrote:I have lost all hope for our species.

That's cool. What's your favorite species then ? Or maybe you should have categories

1) Most likeable species,
2) Most likely to succeed,
3) Funniest,


But isn't that an example of speciesism---i.e. to prefer one species over another on the assumption that some species are smarter or funnier or more talented then others?

Really, lets all agree at the start of this discussion all species are equal---some are just differently abled then others. Then we can evaluate each individual in each species just on the merits of his or her own unique contributions rather then making prejudicial assumptions based on nothing more than callow speciesism. :)
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby GHung » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 19:31:43

Jeez,, I thought the question was; "How much dope do you have for humanity"? They're gonna need it 8)
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 20:46:34


Hope is a funny thing, it comes and goes. The thing is, when you think something really sucks today, and then in a little while you realize that having made an adverse decision back then would have been really stupid.

I get where you are coming from, it isn't pretty. And, from a personal point of view, it sucks to be there. And it can suck also because that view point tends to isolate you, make you feel even worse, more depressed.

I would highly recommend to you a very odd book, written and self published by a young man who also struggled with a similar view point. He took on the idea of suicide very forthrightly and with candor. This book is partly about sailing, partly about finding meaning, and partly about philosophy.

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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Timo » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 20:55:57

Desu, just a few points on your post. First, and most importantly DO NOT pay attention to the responses you've received up to this point. On some level, I'm sure everyone get's and understands your frustrations, but you did mention something that got my attention, and I'm not going to troll your message. Second, as I said, we all get where you're coming from, and lots of us out here in the interverse have had similar episodes where we've all lost hope for humanity. Vengeance is a very powerful dynamic in the human brain, and it will get the better of you, if you let it. Don't let it dictate who you are! You are better than that! You can do something to address the problems that you see around you, if you choose to. Whatever you do may not make a huge dent in the scope of the problems you see, but doing nothing just makes you a bigger part of the problem! Doing nothing is not a solution! Neither is turning your back, or doing something worse! I'm using exclamation points! because I'm shouting through this keyboard! Do you hear me? Don't be stupid! Yes! The world and everyone in it is full of problems. Nothing is perfect, and nothing will ever be satisfactory if you expect a perfect world. I know that's harsh, but that's also the truth. So, instead of looking upon all of humanity, and condemning what you see across the entire species, narrow your scope to your immediate surroundings. Turn off your TV. Do not read the newspaper. Do not spend hours looking at the internet. Preferably, use the internet only to look at cats. Instead of isolating yourself within a huge world through all of these medias, use your time to get out and actually talk to some real people. Fuck humanity! Go find some good humans, instead. There are some good humans here at PO. There are probably some good humans down the street. Go out and find some, and talk to them face to face. Throw your keyboard away. Take a look in the mirror and see where it's got you today. Was it all worth it? I'm betting NO! Lastly, to answer your question, I feel a lot like you do, with no hope for the human species. Collectively we've gone past a tipping point, and now it's all downhill for the vast majority. The key to staying sane is to get out and look for your best place to be for that journey. If you can't help humanity, at least help the few humans directly around you. They will thank you for your time and efforts. There are billions of people who all need help. You only need to find a few of them to make them worth your time. I'll say this again: Do not let your callous feelings define who you are! There is absolutely nothing good that will come of that. Here is something that's very easy to do, and you can do it all by yourself, in private, and that is simply to smile. That may sound trite, but do it anyway. Do it! See? You feel better, don't you! Now, turn off your computer. Grab a book. Go down to the coffee shop, and enjoy yourself. Forget about the rest of humanity for a while. You're better than that.

Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 21:33:48

KrellEnergySource wrote:"I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are still truly good at heart..." Anne Frank

"Great work killing those Jews, Hans."
"Oh thank you Fritz, you are so kind. Every day working with you is a treat."
"You make me blush Hans, but you are the model of the Aryan warrior and loving father"
"Of Fritz, if only I had your style and flair."
etc, etc, etc

I was just reading tvtropes about such cliches as "obliviously evil."
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 22:27:00


Timo (and Pops) had some great advise for you. It is your choice. If you choose to obsess on the stupidity of humans that is your choice. If you choose to focus on helping others then that is your choice. Balance.

There was once a statement, "There is nothing more tragic than an over examined life"

Too much cerebral processing, not enough laughter, love making, exercise, walking in nature, dancing, swimming, climbing trees,

And the most important advise I can give you; Get your head the Fxxk out of your computer.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby WildRose » Tue 14 Apr 2015, 23:56:06

Oh, Desu. You're right, we are so flawed, every one of us. If you look for every example of human imperfection and ugliness you will find it. But the opposite is also true, so I have a challenge for you: switch directions and go and look for the good. You will find it. At the grocery store, the bank, in the newspaper, the seniors' home, the dog shelter - little bits of good that will restore your hope, I promise. Another challenge: Go back to who you are, to what made you tick before you learned about peak oil and climate change and the other things that have brought you angst. What do you like, Desu? What brought you joy when you were, say, 10 years old? Chances are those same things will help lift you out of despair now, if you allow them to. Do it for yourself, Desu.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 15 Apr 2015, 10:23:07

This is a question of our internal battle between our true mind and our obvious stupidity in behaviour. Our petty little me that is but a dialogue that depletes our true power and magic.
For a peace of mind you need to let others be, no judgement.
Not that there is an excuse for all that is done.
For strategy, you might need controlled folly in doings with others.
Feelings of self pity eats up your energy, being controlled by fear and ambition, punishment and reward.
Nobody here is going anywhere, makes all that we know equally unimportant.
Nothing here matters.

Fortunately we are more than we believe, what our internal dialogue tells us.
To reach your personal internal silent knowledge you need to save peronal energy and that is stored when using your time and power with strategy.
I should have been a preacher instead of trucker......words cannot save us, right action can make you have wings, no need for a machine like a truck.
Like others here have said, best to focus on your self without importance, obsession, and indulgence.
With curiousity about the wonder of being here and there.
We need to defeat our own petty little mind that brought us doom.

Nothing wrong with seeing stars and sex but to indulge in whatever breeds boredom and depletes your personal brightness, your power, your energy.
Last edited by Whitefang on Wed 15 Apr 2015, 10:31:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby AgentR11 » Wed 15 Apr 2015, 10:28:59

Humans are awesome.
Industrial civilization is vile.
Yes we are, as we are,
And so shall we remain,
Until the end.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 15 Apr 2015, 10:40:17

AgentR11 wrote:Humans are awesome.
Industrial civilization is vile.

It is going from awesome human being at birth to the internal hell of being socialized before reaching adulthood.
We are tought words and a me speaker that guards your physical self but later turns into a petty tyrant that is locked in self reflection on the spot of self pity like the human race has now been lead to a Titanical doom and disaster.
Wonder and magic are still there, just out of reach for the moment being.
Feelings should come and go freely like with the very young.
The Spirit makes you take a dialogue but cannot tell you what to do with it.
Everybody forgets about oneself and has a hidden option to peak into the unknown.
You need your dialogue to live and to turn it off to get beyond this bubble of perception, our inventory of words making up this world as we know it.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby americandream » Wed 15 Apr 2015, 18:48:14

I wouldnt minimise desus post. He raises some very troubling points.


Man is a mix of the objective or consciousness and subjective or instinct. The objective has extended our dexterity with technology but we continue to arrange our lives around the subjective hence the increasing risk of technology meltdown.
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Re: How much hope do you have for humanity?

Unread postby ennui2 » Wed 15 Apr 2015, 19:52:03

KaiserJeep wrote:Desu, you don't have a clue. Note that in Nature, it's neither the predators nor the prey species that win the race of life. The most successful critters are the scavengers, the carrion eaters, the dung beatles, and the blood-suckers.

So we should all plan to become zombies post collapse, I guess.
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