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Debaltseve falls to DPR/LPR forces

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Re: Debaltseve falls to DPR/LPR forces

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 23 Feb 2015, 09:33:14

Donetsk wrote:What kind of sick mind determines whether his land is worth fighting for based on a potential cash flow? A Western European one? I kind of doubt it, really. May be that's the way in Texas, I dunno.
While at it , mind reminding me when Bulgaria and Romania are supposed to get a " Western European life"? From what I know, life is pretty much shit there. They needed a war to reach Kiev by quality of life.

A mind that is not trapped by Russian thinking, which you so eloquently display in that second statement.

You find excuses for your suffering by relating to someone else that is suffering more. That's not how Western thought works. My suffering is not made any better, not even the TINIEST amount better, if I find someone else or make someone else suffer more. Not. One. Bit. The incompetence of the government of Ukraine is staggering; and it is inflicting suffering on Western Ukraine in order to make Eastern Ukraine suffer more. You guys belong with Russia till you get this diseased thought process out of your heads.

If you want to live a European life; wall off Donbas, forget that it exists, and make a statement to the UN that you entirely intend to reassert control, with force if necessary, once you've remedied the disfunctional economy that exists in Ukraine in general. You can start by assessing a *massive* property&wealth tax (oneoff); no exemptions, no exclusions. You *must* defang your warlord/oligarchs.

If you guys continue to pursue the path you are on now; Western Ukraine will become Europe's Somalia. Such is the natural progression of Warlord'ism.
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Re: Debaltseve falls to DPR/LPR forces

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 31 Jul 2015, 02:13:35

There is still WAR here in Europe! ... ire-part-1

On The DNR Frontline: Ukraine's Failed Ceasefire (Part 1)
July 29, 2015 | 12:25 pm
Watch Part 2

It's been five months since the second ceasefire was agreed between the Ukrainian government and the Russian-backed separatists of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR). But this truce, much like the first, has not brought an end to the fighting.

Only a few days after this ceasefire was agreed, the DNR took the strategically important rail town of Debaltseve, trashing any hopes for a lasting ceasefire in the process. Since then, fighting has been constant. Dozens, possibly hundreds of civilians and soldiers have been killed, and serious efforts to get the peace agreement back on track have failed....

EU : The Winter is coming ..........and its dark and full of terror!

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Re: Debaltseve falls to DPR/LPR forces

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 14:28:40

LPR militias: Kiev forces fire over 150 shells near Kalinovka village

World December 19, 1:38 UTC+3
The attack was carried out with the support of mortars and artillery weapons, the LPR defense authorities said

LUGANSK, December 19. /TASS/. Ukraine’s forces backed by artillery attempted an offensive near the Kalinovka village, firing more than 150 artillery shells at the positions of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic, the LPR defense authorities said on Sunday.

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Re: Debaltseve falls to DPR/LPR forces

Unread postby dissident » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 16:42:06

The Kiev regime forces are ramping up their aggression. Washington needs a provocation against Russia ASAP. Just as the NATO mass media ignored and still ignores the shelling by jihadis of western Aleppo City via random scatter devices such as the "Hell Canon" shells made out of spent gas cylinders packed with explosives (they weigh 40 kg and kill a lot of civilians), it totally ignores the Kiev regime shelling of civilians in the Donbas.

Then Obummer yaps about how 37% of Republicans "like" Putin while lying that Putin was the head of the KGB. He was never in charge of anything at the KGB, he was a foot soldier on some economics assignment in East Germany. The NATO west did not have anything to say when the pro-NATO oligarch Gusinsky hired the former head of the KGB 5th Directorate (the one responsible for repressing dissidents) as his security chief. George Bush Sr. was in charge of the CIA during the 1970s when it was busy installing death squad juntas in Latin America. Squeaky clean and morally superior...yeah right.
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Re: Debaltseve falls to DPR/LPR forces

Unread postby peripato » Mon 19 Dec 2016, 19:10:06

dissident wrote:The Kiev regime forces are ramping up their aggression. Washington needs a provocation against Russia ASAP. Just as the NATO mass media ignored and still ignores the shelling by jihadis of western Aleppo City via random scatter devices such as the "Hell Canon" shells made out of spent gas cylinders packed with explosives (they weigh 40 kg and kill a lot of civilians), it totally ignores the Kiev regime shelling of civilians in the Donbas.

Then Obummer yaps about how 37% of Republicans "like" Putin while lying that Putin was the head of the KGB. He was never in charge of anything at the KGB, he was a foot soldier on some economics assignment in East Germany. The NATO west did not have anything to say when the pro-NATO oligarch Gusinsky hired the former head of the KGB 5th Directorate (the one responsible for repressing dissidents) as his security chief. George Bush Sr. was in charge of the CIA during the 1970s when it was busy installing death squad juntas in Latin America. Squeaky clean and morally superior...yeah right.

I guess this was an attempt at payback for the moderate child beheaders finally being ousted out of Aleppo? Anyway, the UAF's feeble attack against NAF lines near Debaltsevo has been defeated and now the NAF are apparently counterattacking towards Svitlodarsk.

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