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Iraq says no to Western troops

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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 06:23:30

I know, you want to believe what you want to believe. But I do have a solution to this problem.

Have the US recognize an independent Kurdistan. The only people who wouldn't like it, are people who don't like us anyway.

I'm sure the Kurds would then be more than happy to have us drop whatever troops we want there.
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Sixstrings » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 06:25:38

Cid_Yama wrote:The way I see it. If Congress continues to vote to fund the war, and don't want the troops withdrawn, then that in itself is approving the war.

They can't have it both ways.

Well.. they should have a vote on it. It would pass.

But if I'm not mistaken, a vote isn't technically necessary because the original authorization is still in effect.
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 08:57:23

Cid - I'm with you. From what I read about the Kurds they're more like Texans then anyone else in the ME. Works for me. LOL.
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 12:33:08

Sixstrings wrote:But if I'm not mistaken, a vote isn't technically necessary because the original authorization is still in effect.

what "original authorization" is that?

The Congress voted war powers for a war in Afghanistan. Then they voted war powers for a war on al Quaida. Then they voted for the war on Iraq.

The Congress never voted for the war on Libya and it has never voted to legalize the war on the Caliphate in Syria. The war on Libya was illegal and the war on the Caliphate is illegal.

Of course who cares about the US Constitution anymore? As long as King Obama says its OK then off to war we go.

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two points for Putin but no exuse for him or anyone

Unread postby Whitefang » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 15:17:25 ... terrorism/

Putin said Russia still cannot comprehend why the downing of the plane happened.

“We were prepared to cooperate with Turkey on most sensitive issues and go further than their allies. Allah knows why they did it. Apparently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by taking their sanity,”

“We will not forget this aid to terrorists. We have always considered betrayal the worst and most shameful act. Let those in Turkey know it who shot our pilots in the back, who hypocritically tries to justify themselves and their actions and cover up the crimes of terrorists,” he said.

“Some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, which used to be stable and relatively prosperous – Iraq, Libya, Syria – have turned into zones of chaos and anarchy that pose a threat to entire world,” Putin said.
Read more
© Russia presents proof of Turkey’s role in ISIS oil trade

“We know why it happened. We know who wanted to oust unwanted regimes, and rudely impose their own rules. They triggered hostilities, destroyed statehoods, set people against each other and simply washed their hands [of the situation] – giving way to radicals, extremists and terrorists.”

“We are facing a destructive barbaric ideology again and we have no right to allow those new obscurants to achieve their goals. We have to abandon all differences, create a single fist, a single anti-terrorist front, which would act in accordance with the international law and under the aegis of the United Nations,” he said.

Putin was speaking on Thursday before the Federal Assembly, a joint session of the two chambers of the Russian parliament, plus regional governors and the cabinet. The annual address is a traditional key policy report of the executive, which focuses on domestic politics rather than international relations.

Russia’s lost thousands of lives over two decades of terrorist attacks and is still not safe from terrorist attacks, as evidenced by the bombings in Volgograd in 2014 and the bombing of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt in October, Putin reminded.

“Breaking the bandits’ back took us almost 10 years,” he said. “We practically pushed the terrorists out of Russia, but we are still engaged in a fierce fight against the remainder of the gangs. This evil still comes back occasionally.”

Putin said the rise of jihadists in the Middle East in our time is not unlike the rise of Nazism in the mid-20th century, and that the world should learn from the mistakes of the past, when a failure to act in time resulted in the loss of millions of lives

They have been caught, red handed, mask of freedom and peace is gone, our leaders are terrorists, petty and little, all out prepping at the cost of everybody else. :-D
Not that our opponents are any way different but Putin is absolutly right on this terror issue.
He is also speaking about himself, a KGB mob criminal that should have been stopped a long time ago.

On a personal note my wife's family has been attacked for being moslima in Brussels, setting up people against each other.....use of fear, terror to make people do as you wish, petty little tyrants.
I think in this life one gets what one deserves, part of our leaders must be very fearfull to be so in the grip of self pity, ambition and fear. Endless me me me...
This Jihad, the personal war between petty little mind and the feelings of your heart, colors of your energetic blob of luminous internal struggle betwwen your two minds.
At least we can laugh a bit once a while but the fear and bombs are real, no happy end of this story. Maybe they can teach us to become stronger people, every nation making a bid for freedom.

Opposames: ... -bombings/
The bombings, it will be recalled, were blamed on Chechen rebels and used as a pretext for Boris Yeltsin’s Kremlin to launch a bloody second war against Chechnya, a republic in the Russian Federation. They also were crucial events in promoting Vladimir Putin’s takeover of the Russian presidency as Yeltsin’s anointed successor in 2000 and in ensuring his dominance over the Russian political scene ever since.

As John Dunlop points out in The Moscow Bombings of September 1999, the attacks were the equivalent for Russians of September 11, 2001, for Americans. They aroused a fear of terrorism—along with a desire for revenge against the Chechens—that Russians had not known since Stalin used the supposed terrorist threat as a pretext to launch his bloody purges of the 1930s. Yet unlike in the American case, Russian authorities have stonewalled all efforts to investigate who was behind these acts of terror and why they happened. In the words of Russian journalist Yuliya Kalinina: “The Americans several months after 11 September 2001 already knew everything—who the terrorists were and where they come from…. We in general know nothing.”

Dunlop, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, seeks in his book to provide the “spade work” for an official Russian inquiry, if it ever were to be initiated (a highly doubtful proposition as long as Putin remains in power). He draws on investigative reporting by Russian journalists, accounts of Russian officials in law enforcement agencies, eyewitness testimony, and the analyses of Western journalists and academics. The evidence he provides makes an overwhelming case that Russian authorities were complicit in these horrific attacks.2
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Re: two points for Putin but no exuse for him or anyone

Unread postby Keith_McClary » Thu 03 Dec 2015, 19:19:57

Whitefang wrote:
As John Dunlop points out in The Moscow Bombings of September 1999, the attacks were the equivalent for Russians of September 11, 2001, for Americans. They aroused a fear of terrorism—along with a desire for revenge against the Chechens—that Russians had not known since Stalin used the supposed terrorist threat as a pretext to launch his bloody purges of the 1930s. Yet unlike in the American case, Russian authorities have stonewalled all efforts to investigate who was behind these acts of terror and why they happened. In the words of Russian journalist Yuliya Kalinina: “The Americans several months after 11 September 2001 already knew everything—who the terrorists were and where they come from…. We in general know nothing.”

Dunlop, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, seeks in his book to provide the “spade work” for an official Russian inquiry, if it ever were to be initiated (a highly doubtful proposition as long as Putin remains in power). He draws on investigative reporting by Russian journalists, accounts of Russian officials in law enforcement agencies, eyewitness testimony, and the analyses of Western journalists and academics. The evidence he provides makes an overwhelming case that Russian authorities were complicit in these horrific attacks.2
We are still waiting for the 9/11 trials, (which will be mainly secret) and the full 9/11 report, not to mention all the stuff the commission was prohibited from investigating.
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Whitefang » Fri 04 Dec 2015, 05:27:46

Yes Keith, no Judge that dares to give them a fair trial, without torture it would lead to a death sentence for massmurder on a global scale, all the terror attacks/wars from post Sovjet, starting with former Yougoslavia.
The western elite would be decimated.
A start would be a new mass Neurenberg trial like after WW2, but then without the western part of the criminals escaping judgement.
Not this time, info and proof is available but not enough people have stood up for the challenge to deal with the problem.
Tyrannicide is legal when your life is on the line, they pose a physical threath to everyone.
At some point we will have to fight for our lives.
Petty tyrants rely on bullying to keep things together, that does not work if you have nothing to loose.
Best to focus on personal prepping and leave others alone unless they come running after you.

With the Russian bomber incident,one could say that the cold war turned hot and WW3 has started.
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 17 Dec 2015, 02:24:49

US calls on Turkey to leave Iraq
Moments ago, the office of the Vice President released a readout of a phone call Joe Biden had with Iraq's PM Al-Abadi. The stunning part is that in a dramatic reversion of the NATO narrative on Turkey's incursion in Iraq as justified, Biden just called on Turkey to withdraw from Iraq.

Here is the full readout of Vice President Biden’s Call With Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi

The Vice President spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi yesterday following his December 14 call with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. The Vice President noted the recent deployment of Turkish forces into northern Iraq had occurred without the prior consent of the Iraqi government. Both leaders welcomed initial indications of the withdrawal of some Turkish forces and agreed this should continue, reiterating that any foreign forces can only be present in Iraq with the coordination and permission of the Iraqi government. The Vice President reaffirmed the United States' commitment to Iraqi sovereignty and territorial integrity and called on Turkey to do the same by withdrawing any military forces from Iraqi territory that have not been authorized by the Iraqi government. The Vice President encouraged continued dialogue between Iraq and Turkey to address any outstanding grievances in the spirit of mutual cooperation. Both leaders reaffirmed their continued commitment to the fight against ISIL in Iraq.

So first the US backtracks on its core long-running demand that "Assad must go", and now it has just turned its back on a key NATO-member ally and what is allegedly the biggest provider of funding and supplies (including Ford F250 pick up trucks) to the Islamic State, Turkey.

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby PrestonSturges » Thu 17 Dec 2015, 02:52:14

At some point we need to stop invading countries where we are not at war with the government and we aren't invited. If we want to be in Iraq, they need to invite us or we need to declare war (why?) on their government, take out their government, and then run their country the way we want. And every American should go on wartime rationing to make it work - no new cars, one pair of shoes per year, a set of tires every five years. Ration cards for meat, butter, milk, eggs. No fucking iphones, no new video games, limit the internet to 1200 baud. Who's in?
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 17 Dec 2015, 03:15:17

The interests of the Elites and the American people are not the same. It's time the American people stopped paying for the wars of the Corporate Elites.

Other than WWII, name a war in the last 150 years where the American people saw any benefit from it. No, we sacrificed our young men's lives, and our gold, and received nothing in return. We have paid and paid and paid some more, so some corporation or other could go multinational, profit the elites, and send our jobs overseas.

They have names for people who let themselves get burned like that time and time again, and don't stand up for themselves.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 17 Dec 2015, 16:47:20

Too Funny. Reporter gets pissed and reports the REAL news.
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby AgentR11 » Fri 18 Dec 2015, 10:24:58

Here's what happens when you start to make progress against Daesh in Iraq. ... lties.html

US blows you up. We'll call it an "accident" of course, but we sure to do seem to have a lot of accidents that are really convenient for daesh/isis.

Our policy is really a mess.
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Re: Iraq says no to Western troops

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 18 Dec 2015, 11:17:53

How long until Iraq formally requests Russia to aid them the same way they are aiding Syria?
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