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The Start of WWIII?

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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 18:38:06

Looks like they are mopping up in the north and changing focus to Raqqa, The IS capital.

Syrian forces are looking to recapture the de facto capital of the Islamic State (Isis) in the country after tightening their grip on key towns and villages in Aleppo. Some of the key facilities and villages in the north-eastern parts of Aleppo are also claimed to have been retaken after the operation was aided by Russian air strikes.

Syrian state agency SANA said forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad have "restored security and stability to a number of villages" in Aleppo."Full control was established over the thermal power station and a number of surrounding villages in the eastern countryside of Aleppo."

"Army units defeated the remaining remnants of ISIL [another acronym for IS] terrorist organisation from the thermal power station and the surrounding areas 30km to the east of Aleppo."

The Assad regime's latest military campaign has also been corroborated by the UK-based monitoring agency Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The organisation said at least 18 villages were recaptured by Syrian forces giving them control of the 40km-long highway between Aleppo and Raqqa, the IS stronghold in Syria.

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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 18:46:57

While Syrian war reporting focused over the weekend on the battles around Aleppo and along the Turkish border in the north, Russia since Saturday, Feb. 20 has ramped up its air bombardment of southern cities and towns, especially Daraa and Nawa. Thousands of fleeing rebels with their families and other civilians have meanwhile been turned away from the locked Jordanian border and are heading towards the Golan opposite the Israeli border.
The heaviest Russian air strikes seen hitherto in Syria have two strategic goals.

1. To retake the key southern town of Daraa from rebel hands and restore it to Syrian President Bashar Assad’s full control.

2. To crush rebel resistance in the South and force them to accept surrender, collapse or escape in the direction of the Jordanian or Israeli borders.

The intense Russian sorties are opening the door to Syrian, Iranian and Hizballah forces to move into the South and reach the Israeli borders. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent Dr. Dore Gold to Moscow last week as his special emissary to explain how this affected Israel’s security. But he was unable to persuade the Russians to scale down their attacks in this sensitive border region.

Those attacks have a third goal, which is to encircle the Jebel Druze region with a “shield of fire” as protection for this ethnic minority of 750,000, most which inhabit mountain villages.

This unusual operation, the first of its kind in the Syrian war, has three objectives:

A. To shield the Druzes villages against ISIS attack from the east, namely Deir az-Zour.

B. To shut the door against fleeing rebels seeking sanctuary in the Druze enclave.

C. To show other Syrian minorities, especially the Kurds in the north, the great advantage of allying themselves with Moscow. Word of Russian protection of the Druzes has undoubtedly spread to Syria’s other minorities.

As for the rebels and refugees, Jordanian troops moved into the border crossings evacuated by Syrian rebels and closed the last crossing at Ramtha.

The exodus from southern Syria is now heading towards the Golan on Israel’s doorstep.

Israel has imposed a media blackout on this development. However, debkafile’s sources warn that it will soon be impossible to keep it dark. Within a few days, many thousands of Syrian refugees will be massing at Israel’s Ein Zivan gate opposite Quneitra. Like Turkey and Jordan, Israel will have to supply large numbers of distressed Syrian refugees with tents, food, water and medicines.


If nobody does anything foolish, maybe this is just the final act of the Syrian War. WWIII avoided. And the West will just have to say, "Oh well, I guess the Russians won that one." Is that so hard?
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 19:05:10

Not hard especially when you have "terrorists" along with CIA operatives and other clandestine groups ready to create turmoil all under the umbrella of US dictates. In the meantime, let Turkey and KSA do your fighting for you.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 19:10:39

Except for the loose cannon:

"If the Unites States is really Turkey's friend and ally, then they should recognize the PYD — a Syrian branch of the PKK — as a terrorist organization. If a friend acts as an enemy, then measures should be taken, and they will not be limited to the Incirlik Airbase, Turkey has significant capabilities," Erdogan advisor Seref Malkoc told Bugun newspaper.

So yeah. Turkey just threatened the US. It's notable that Malkoc specifically said actions would go "beyond Incirlik," because pulling access to the base would be the first thing any regional observers would expect from Ankara in the event of a spat with Washington. For Turkey to say that measures will go beyond that, opens the door for Erdogan to become openly hostile towards his NATO allies.

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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 21 Feb 2016, 19:31:41

Turkey is a paper tiger, let them huff and puff all they want neither the US nor especially Russia is going to listen or pay heed to them. Last I checked they are not a nuclear State.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 07:28:54

Erdogan: U.S. Should Choose Between Turkey, Kurdish Forces

Erdogan said: "How can we trust you? Is it me that is your partner or is it the terrorists in Kobani?"

Well if he's gonna talk to us that way, then screw it. No reason to stick our necks out for him.

I guess the overall situation is that Turkey is a bit on the outs with the other NATO allies, and with the US.

So what the US is doing is backing Turkey a little bit, but the US is also working with Russia too. And the overall message is for Russia to not push it too far with Turkey, but yet we're not eager to go leap to defend Turkey either -- Erdogan hasn't been acting on the same page as the rest of the alliance, and he's been going "rogue" too much.

Generally, old school cold war paradigm, Soviet policy and current Russian policy is all about dividing NATO up. But in this case, Erdogan's genuinely got some blame. He just hasn't been on the same page as the rest of us. Erdogan has been leading Turkey to become "a rising regional power" and ultimately NATO is defensive and can't back a member state that's looking for trouble, while not fully cooperating with the rest of the alliance.

Putin and Erdogan are both loose cannons. Ultimately though, if Putin is the less looser cannon -- then I guess the US would side more with Russia.

Could Turkey implode?

Turkey, an erstwhile U.S. ally long hailed as a bastion of secular democracy in the Muslim world, could be spiraling towards all-out civil war and potential dissolution as conflicts between Turkish security forces and Kurds and other ethnic minorities continue to escalate. ...

The lurch toward a more Islamist, autocratic posture by President Recep Tayyib Erdogan has long worried regional and western observers, particularly his strong curbs on political speech and active political repression of the Kurds. ...

A more subtle but no less powerful force is also at work on Turkey: regional resentment. The region has a long memory of the “Ottoman yoke” which 100 years ago was ended by the Hashemite-led Arab revolt and finally the expulsion of the Turks from Arab lands.

Turkey’s brash role in the region today—backed implicitly by U.S. and NATO firepower--is seen by some as coming at the expense of its Arab neighbors, especially as more evidence on Turkish involvement in illicit trade with the 'Islamic State' grows. Turkey’s assertive role in a new regional triangular power structure with Saudi Arabia and Qatar has also created greater diplomatic isolation from much of the region.

The confluence of these internal and external factors has put unprecedented pressure on the Turkish state as a viable entity. The conflict with the Kurds seems to be tearing the nation at its seams—the very idea of the secular, pluralist state is at risk. But other clouds—economic, diplomatic, and military—are looming over the horizon.

What happens next is not entirely in Erdogan’s control. Will Russia’s military restraint hold? Will the fragile regional alliances against ISIS shift against Turkey? Will ISIS itself continue to shake the Turkish people’s confidence and sense of security? Or will it be Erdogan’s own policies that ultimately undermines the Turkish state?

NATO and US backing or lackthereof aside, Russia does need to be careful about Turkey. A Turkey that has big internal problems is actually not a good idea for Russia, close to its border.

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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby Tanada » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 10:15:54

Turkey has always been a troubled NATO member. Their internal culture and external goals are very different than the average member, they were recruited in for one reason only. They border on the former USSR and provided nearby bases for NATO bases deployed against the USSR.

News flash, the USSR has been gone for about 25 years and Turkey is no longer useful enough to outweigh the costs associated with keeping them in NATO. If it were up to me they would have been shown the door 20 years ago. They would be a friendly informal ally not a mutual defense ally, especially after they refused to let us deploy troops against Iraq in 2003 from bases in Turkey.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby AgentR11 » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 12:34:41

1st off, I, like the Pope, believe WW-III has already been engaged, the parties are all blooded, and we're not doing a good job of stepping back from the table. I have some hope that nukes won't be used, but not because of fear, but simply because they are unnecessary. Our food / energy system is built to cut every possible cost, and is as efficient, and consequently fragile as it is possible for it to be. Without using a single nuke, or ballistic missile, Putin can destroy every large dam and nuclear power station in Europe, at will. Can destroy much of what makes it possible to move millions of tons of grain around the world, and the pipeline hubs that enable transport. Putin said it himself, nukes are really no longer necessary for strategic warfare. When cruise missiles hit their targets within a meter or few, 90% of the time, the nuke looses its value other than as a tool to suggest other nuclear states should likewise not use them.

They do still have some real value as tactical weapons against large formations, but I think its a tad overstated.

Sixstrings wrote:A Russian media site (sputnik) seems to say that NATO's told Turkey it won't get involved:

The way NATO is supposed to work, is that if NATO-A attacks Bob, and Bob fights back; there is no issue of "support"; its entirely NATO-A's problem to handle as they wish. Even, really, if Bob fires into NATO-A in the process of fighting back.

Also, again, if NATO-A is occupying Bob and Bob's friends attack inside Bobland, well, too bad, so sad, NATO-A can either win, or withdraw. Again, NATO-A has no grounds to require the rest of NATO to do anything. (Not that we can't make a good profit selling NATO-A more NATO compatible munitions of course.)

Now, if out of the blue, Bob INVADES NATO-A or stages a substantial attack not in the course of regular self defense; the Art-5 can come into play; but even then, NATO-A doesn't get to order the rest of the NATO countries around. Brussels provides that top-of-the-food chain thing, regardless.

Now, Russia's being annoying right now, they are flying their best stuff, with their best pilots right up to the Turkish border, and meticulously recording the radar and other telemetry, and listening to EVERYTHING we are emitting in the area. So far the Turks have behaved, and are playing within NATO appropriate rules. They're funding and supplying their jihadis as best they can; intervening with a bit (near insignificant is my read) of artillery into Syria, but otherwise aren't taking the bait and shooting at the skilled Russian who knows exactly where the border is, and will NOT make a mistake. (unlike the Su24 dude early, flying by eyeball and taped on consumer gps unit; I've named him "Chum", because he called the fish, just like Putin wanted him too.)

Really, a LOT of this whole mess from Russia feels like "chum". Seriously think about it. Does anything BAD happen to Russia even if NATO expends the (definitely massive) resources needed to kill Latakia? Not really. They get some dead heroes, an obvious propaganda story internally of NATO as the ultimate aggressor overthrowing regimes wherever and whenever it wishes, a good advertising demo of their hardware, because they WILL kill a lot of NATO jets and ships in the exchange; and no territorial damage in Russia. What they are after is to get an F22 or if they hang around long enough, and be annoying enough, maybe some F35s will become available, and someone in the US will be dumb enough to use them there; they want those jets to fly with active systems on, in front of that S400 and SIGINT jet's receivers + real truth Mark-I eyeball on the ground, for careful recording and relay via satellite back to Moscow. Getting that data would be worth the entire expense of Syria, and all the hardware they moved there. All by itself.

If you accept that "Putin is evil"; then you *must* accept that he is willing to sacrifice a few hundred or a thousand or so troops and some hardware to get something of unimaginable value. How much do you think China would pay for a copy of that data? If I were PRC chief, I'd fork over $100bn USD for it without even blinking, and slip Putin a few billion in a numbered account in Shanghai just for a gratuity. Its THAT kind of valuable.

Would be nice if there was some in depth news coverage to get an idea of the US position.
It's hard to believe Russia could be doing these things, without some kind of understanding with the WH / Pentagon.

The US consented to allow Russia to control the Syrian war the moment we(our jihadis) didn't destroy the Panstir's (and that other close in air defense whose name fled my aging brain cells). Once those were set up; they could bring in the S400 and set it up, along with the anti-ship missiles on that aging cruiser in a way that would take hundreds of blns of dollars in lives, ships, and planes to take out. And of course, now they are driving those corvette's around the med, basically saying we can blow up a dozen or so buildings, any dozen or so buildings, in Europe/MidEast, any time we want, for any reason we want and no one will be able to do beans to stop it.

We let them build a fully layered air defense system. That has consequences. And implies consent.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 13:24:45

And say NATO has this loose cannon nation, and politically their hands are tied to do much about it. They really would like them 'taken care of'. And Russia presents them the opportunity to have them castrated cleanly...

Assuming you are right, of course, about consent. That we just weren't too slow and it was a done deal before we could do anything about it.

I tend to think were too busy trying to make political points, and got out-maneuvered.

We are now making the best of it playing the cards we were dealt.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby dissident » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 18:14:04

Russia baiting Turkey? Get a grip, Agent. It is obvious Turkey is baiting Russia like the Kiev regime in the Donbas by attacking civilians. Obama's neocon wet dream is for NATO to get a pretext to attack Russia or at least solidly restart the Cold War in a way where other countries can be herded under the umbrella of their NATO "defenders" from the "Russian threat". So it is Russia that is not taking the bait in both Ukraine and in Syria.

I'd like to see you call Hezbollah shelling of Israel "moderate, controlled activity". That Russia has not responded like the Israelis to the shelling of North Aleppo, confirms it is avoiding a bait operation. Turkey is acting like the typical gang member, all brave and reckless because it knows that the gang (i.e. NATO) will back it up. With enough propaganda any provision of NATO can be interpreted in any way that suits the interests of the NATO deciders.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby Synapsid » Mon 22 Feb 2016, 18:30:42

For all,

Turkey's Foreign Minister announced today that there will be no invasion of Syria by Turkish and Saudi troops unless all members of the US-led coalition against IS are involved.

Don't know what his idea of "involved" is.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Tue 23 Feb 2016, 04:53:54

I keep stumbling on snippets about Turkey bringing the fight to IS in western MSM, a joke when anyone following this knows IS would not exist without Turkish help. I'm not commenting on these threads much now, too revolted by the Orwellian nightmare our world has become, from the petty personal invasions through to gross geopolitical manipulations. The liars are in charge & the idiots do their bidding.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby onlooker » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 21:23:22

Sea is absolutely right and atrocities are being committed by all sides and no side is white as linen here, everyone is stained. The elites fight for pride and power and glory and we the huge masses can only gaze in bewilderment as the world goes up in flames. I have given up on revolution because I think everyone else has. See I think few on this planet really want to admit we really ARE DOOMED.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby dissident » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 21:37:28

onlooker wrote:Sea is absolutely right and atrocities are being committed by all sides and no side is white as linen here, everyone is stained. The elites fight for pride and power and glory and we the huge masses can only gaze in bewilderment as the world goes up in flames. I have given up on revolution because I think everyone else has. See I think few on this planet really want to admit we really ARE DOOMED.

There is zero symmetry between the sides. The head-chopping Daesh has done more slaughter of civilians and generation of refugee flows by far. The population of legitimate Syrian government controlled Aleppo as of September 2015 was four times larger than Daesh, al-Nusra, "FSA" controlled Aleppo. The refugee flow to the EU crested before October of 2015 and has been declining ever since as legitimate Syrian forces reclaim more territory.

Turkey randomly shelled (with artillery, not a precision target weapon) Syrian territory in the Azaz corridor north of Aleppo and the resulting deaths and refugees were blamed by the lie factory western media on Russia and the SAA. The west is so full of shit, it is coming out its ears. Where were the refugee flows between October and February? Precision bombing is more effective than dumb bombing. Less ammunition is spent and more of the enemy's resources are neutralized. That is why you didn't hear about massive civilian casualties and refugee flows. These became an issue only after Turdkey and Erdoturd, with NATO backing, attacked civilians. The same routine as the chemical attack in Ghouta. To manufacture NATO's "moral superiority" and to "save the children".
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby americandream » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 21:56:45

SeaGypsy wrote:I keep stumbling on snippets about Turkey bringing the fight to IS in western MSM, a joke when anyone following this knows IS would not exist without Turkish help. I'm not commenting on these threads much now, too revolted by the Orwellian nightmare our world has become, from the petty personal invasions through to gross geopolitical manipulations. The liars are in charge & the idiots do their bidding.

As I have told YOU PEOPLE on numerous occasions, the Cold War is not over. Incompetent halfwit would be capitalists in the West, especially the US still persist in viewing Russia with suspicion, hang on grimly to their Islamic proxies (notably the Saudis) even as Europe goes down in a flood of aloha snackbars and persist in goading Russian frontiers and allies every chance they get.

Incompetent capitalists as I said who would not know the right end of the global capitalist economy if it presented itself at their dinner table. Of course, the grazing classes fall for this hogwash, time and time again. Baah!!

If Trump has any value, it will be to upend the world of these morons to the degree that the ME can no longer continue to sustain this farce. Material dialecticism anyone?
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 22:20:35

onlooker wrote:Not hard especially when you have "terrorists" along with CIA operatives and other clandestine groups ready to create turmoil all under the umbrella of US dictates. In the meantime, let Turkey and KSA do your fighting for you.

This is where you tip your hand over to being a full-grade tinfoiler. Shame.
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby onlooker » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 22:45:22

Who is really the tin foiler Ennui. Here is this link though I doubt it will break your dogmatic wish to somehow believe the US (those who hijacked the US many years back) is not so deviously potent and evil. ... ent-254995
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby onlooker » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 22:59:49

Oh and Ennui, here is a partial list of massacres and killings attributed to Imperialism aka Capitalism in the 20th and 21st century. Remember US is by far the most successful and aggressive practitioner of Capitalism and Imperialism in the modern world. =====
Genocide of Native Americans: 100 Million native people killed by european colonists in both North and South America

Herero and Namaqua genocide: At least 34,000 killed by german imperialists

Korean War- 3,000,000 Killed by ROK and USA in Korea

Vietnam War- 3,000,000 Killed by USA in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

Iraq War- At least 300,000 killed by USA in Iraq

British Empire in India- 30,000,000 killed ... 04631.html

Iraq Sanctions- 500,000 killed ... ports.html

US sponsored democide of communists in Indonesia- 1-3 Million killed ... 05636.html

US Sponsored Genocide in Bangladesh- 3,000,000 killed ... 47356.html

US manufactured famine in Bangladesh- Up to 1.5 million killed as a result of famine in Bangladesh after the US withheld food aid because of Bangladesh's relationship with Cuba ... te_Alamgir

US Backed invasion of East Timor- Up to 180,000-200,000 ... DEATHS.pdf ... vised1.pdf

US Backed Genocide in West Papua- 400,000 killed ... eedom.html

Rwandan Genocide- French Imperialists directly supported the dictatorship in Rwanda before and during the genocide which killed 500,000-1,000,000 people

Congo War- Up to 6 million killed after US-backed regimes in Uganda and Rwanda invade Congo for its resources and diamonds ... t_2006.pdf

Great Potato Famine- 1 million killed in british occupied Ireland ... e_01.shtml

US backed genocide in Guetamala- 200,000 killed

World war 1 - Around 17,000,000 killed

Obviously this is just scratching the surface of capitalist and imperialist crimes but its a start. While many of these were not necessarily perpetrated by capitalists one must remember that imperialism is capitalism in its highest stage and almost all of these are due to imperialism. Edit: 4 major things I've forgotten are the U.S. invasion of the Philippines killing 250,000, the continued Turkish genocide of Kurds killing up to 100,000 people, the Russian state's genocide against the Chechen people killing up to 200,000, and the Indian states actions in Kashmir killing 50,000"
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby americandream » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 23:25:17

Less a fault of capitalism which is simply an indifferent set of social relations for accumulation by the most innovative (yes the most innovative, not the most blood thirsty). More a reflection on the halfwits who presume to think they know the rues. We have one on here sporting the flag of the land owning Southern fuedalists as evidence of his credentials as a fully competent capitalist. lmfao!!!!!!!
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Re: The Start of WWIII?

Unread postby onlooker » Thu 25 Feb 2016, 23:37:36

Yes AD, welcome back. I think I know who you mean Cog.
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