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Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

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Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby DesuMaiden » Sun 06 Mar 2016, 18:15:42

I believe that's the case.

I believe the majority of people on the Internet or the world in general is clueless about what's actually going on. Where's my proof of this? If Youtube is an accurate reflection of the beliefs of the average Joe, then I can tell that most people scapegoat fictional enemies (like an international banking cartel) and deny real problems we are facing (like human overpopulation and the inheritant unsustainability of industrial civilization).

The most popular "documentary" videos on Youtube are nonsensical conspiracy theory videos about the Federal Reserve, Illuminati, and other stupid conspiracy theories. Let me tell you this: if you think overthrowing the Fed will magically make the USA prosperous again, you fooling yourself. These anti-Federal Reserve people think there is a clandestine banking conspiracy around the world trying to enslave you. These folks are clowns lol. There is no evil banking conspiracy of the Rothschilds lol.

There are many other fools on Youtube that promote the idea that the Earth is somehow underpopulated, so that we should encourage as much population growth as possible (which is totally stupid of an idea because the Earth does NOT need more humans. The human population of the world, contrary to popular belief, is already in a sever state of ecological overshoot or overpopulation). Other idiots, like Alex Jones, try to promote the idea that anthropogenic global warming is a hoax promoted by the government to fool you into paying for carbon taxes on your CO2 emissions (again, this is nonsense because anthropogenic global warming is well-documented and a scientific fact. We can prove humans are changing the climate catastrophically).

Either way, I don't believe our fundamental problems will be solved or mitigated in anyway because of human shortsightedness. I doubt humans will voluntarily stop population growth--let alone lower human population voluntarily--because of how misinformed and foolish most people are. Of course, voluntarily reducing human population by keeping birth rates below that of the death rate would be a far better idea than letting population growth go unabated until Mother Nature catastrophically lowers the human population. But most humans still believe the human population isn't in overshoot, and there can never be too many people.

Most people are technooptimists. That is they believe human technological ingenuity will solve all of our problems, and overpopulation and other Malthusian concepts are myths. Of course, these people are fooling themselves. The fact is technofixes never work in the long-term because they always create more problems than they solve.

It is pointless arguing with people on Youtube because most of the people on Youtube watch nonsensical "documentary" videos that fill their heads with conspiracy theory nonsense. And no amount of facts or logic will change their minds. I already realized a long time ago that most humans are not-very-bright, and you should never waste your time arguing with them as a result. That's because arguing with a fool is bound to fail because fools will cling onto their foolish beliefs regardless of how much evidence discredits their foolish beliefs.

So yes, I believe most people are clueless of the upcoming catastrophes. If they weren't, then there would be more people watching factual documentaries rather than nonsense ones. Rather than opt for a dramatic change in life-style to mitigate the upcoming catastrophes, most people rather fool themselves into thinking that business-as-usual aka unabated population growth and limitless consumption are not only possible but desirable.

It is a sad state of affairs. Like Guy McPherson once said, "it is not a blessing to the enlightened. To be enlightened means you must endure the agony of facing the cruel nature of reality".
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 06 Mar 2016, 19:17:28

The company I work for announced major restructuring, and 1200 layoffs this week, because sales growth is only 7% instead of the target of 15%.

Most people don't understand that it is impossible for the economy to grow forever; furthermore 15% growth per year is increasingly unlikely.

The company argues and has shown 'proof' that growth over the last 30 years has averaged 15% per year. While this is impressive, it seems like a delusional fairy-tale to expect this to continue indefinitely.

It scares me to think- what will happen when the economy starts contracting at 1-2 % a year?
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 06 Mar 2016, 21:46:45

Rod_Cloutier wrote:The company I work for announced major restructuring, and 1200 layoffs this week, because sales growth is only 7% instead of the target of 15%.

Most people don't understand that it is impossible for the economy to grow forever; furthermore 15% growth per year is increasingly unlikely.

The company argues and has shown 'proof' that growth over the last 30 years has averaged 15% per year. While this is impressive, it seems like a delusional fairy-tale to expect this to continue indefinitely.

It scares me to think- what will happen when the economy starts contracting at 1-2 % a year?

You've been predicting collapse since 2008. Is there any amount of wrong calls you make before you admit you just might be wrong? If the answer is no, don't worry. This just places you solidly in the camp of the (often wrong) short term doomers.

I'm not saying rapid growth continues forever. I am saying the oft-repeated calls for short term doom are wrong about 99% of the time.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 06 Mar 2016, 23:37:11

You've been predicting collapse since 2008. Is there any amount of wrong calls you make before you admit you just might be wrong? If the answer is no, don't worry. This just places you solidly in the camp of the (often wrong) short term doomers.

In many ways I've been through a personal collapse since 2008. 2 of our three kids are mentally handicapped, I declared bankruptcy in 2009 and lost my house, my credit rating, and my job. I then spent 18 months out of work, mowing lawns for spare cash out of the back of my hatchback car, thinking- 'will I ever have paid employment again?' My wife has an ongoing and incurable gambling problem, she'll spend every last dollar to our name in the VLT machines. Last year my 17 year old was expelled from high school, then she moved in with my parents who live a 3 day drive away. Also, last year I also had a near death experience from a drug overdose, because I turned to drugs to solve my problems.

Collapse is personal. I'm well into personal collapse, and worried that things will get worse. Is it wrong for commenting on it?
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 06 Mar 2016, 23:46:06

No Rod, courageous. Had a taste of that scenario myself, luckily not the full helping. Sucks. Good luck.

To the OP almost all are clueless.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Sun 06 Mar 2016, 23:50:07

Your views and predictions are as valid as anyone elses.
Collapse is personal,some through luck of geography, skill set, connections, or stash of tradeable commodities or just the ability to adapt and cope will fair better than others.
Some collapse will visit sooner and harder than others.
Collapse is different for everyone.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 00:05:00

Thank you, unlike most of the posts of the view from above, such as 'Outcast searcher', who has admitted in previous posts that he has clients who earn above $400 K, I think that put's him near the top of the income pyramid. The wealthy are worried about wealth preservation, buying gold & silver and such, but this is not even a concern for the people at the bottom.

The view from near the bottom of the pyramid is that collapse is already at hand. No I can't buy gold or silver, but if the economy moves into full scale collapse- I'm willing to work and trade for silver and gold. That's the other side of the equation, if the system goes down hard will people work and trade for gold and silver? If not they are valueless.

There is the old saying about the pecking order of birds on a tree, those at the top only see shit when they look down, however those at the bottom only see assholes when they look up.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 05:46:16

Food, water and skills may have way more value than silver and gold in a total collapse.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 06:06:22

Yep Shaved & food grows back when stolen, water tanks & creeks & dams fill up again when it rains & if someone wants to steal your skills they need you alive & well, at least as long as it takes them to learn.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby JV153 » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 06:29:31

Rod_Cloutier wrote: My wife has an ongoing and incurable gambling problem, she'll spend every last dollar to our name in the VLT machines.

Collapse is personal. I'm well into personal collapse, and worried that things will get worse. Is it wrong for commenting on it?

All the best to you.

Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 07:00:20

Rod_Cloutier wrote:
You've been predicting collapse since 2008. Is there any amount of wrong calls you make before you admit you just might be wrong? If the answer is no, don't worry. This just places you solidly in the camp of the (often wrong) short term doomers.

In many ways I've been through a personal collapse since 2008. 2 of our three kids are mentally handicapped, I declared bankruptcy in 2009 and lost my house, my credit rating, and my job. I then spent 18 months out of work, mowing lawns for spare cash out of the back of my hatchback car, thinking- 'will I ever have paid employment again?' My wife has an ongoing and incurable gambling problem, she'll spend every last dollar to our name in the VLT machines. Last year my 17 year old was expelled from high school, then she moved in with my parents who live a 3 day drive away. Also, last year I also had a near death experience from a drug overdose, because I turned to drugs to solve my problems.

Collapse is personal. I'm well into personal collapse, and worried that things will get worse. Is it wrong for commenting on it?

Rod, this single post says more about why you had a hard time with Dimitry last year than all the rest. The straight to it shows progress, it isn't about the drugs, it's about what your life has become. As harsh & frightening as that experience was for you, it may have been something you needed- the first step to a solution is fully understanding the problem.

I hope you are reaching out in your real life. I worked in hard core disability jobs & have a lot of experience there, I am hugely grateful every day that my kids are healthy, as I have seen how hard it is for PWD families. However I have also seen exceptional families, thriving despite the extreme demands of caring for kids who may in effect never grow up & fly the coop. These families develop their own communities which are significantly deeper & healthier than the norm. I fully believe it is vital in such circumstance to find this kind of community support, without it is just a pathway to despair. This possibly goes in hand with your wife's addiction. Gambling is just like a drug addiction, just the drugs are made inside the gambler's body, & like any other addiction, with the right supports recovery is not just possible but very likely.
Don't give up my friend. Your kids need you, your wife needs you, & there is a community which needs to share with you something very special.

You are in my thoughts & even prayers right now brother
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Quinny » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 07:50:15

Rod - bon courage for your honesty. Echoing Seagypsy you're in my thoughts and I admire how far you've come. Keep up the fight - there's a lot of support out there if you look, and you can only do your best.

I have suffered financial collapse, but just managed to avoid personal disaster. My personal situation is actually more sustainable now than pre collapse of income. Develop skills, and personal resilience and after what you've been through you can be stronger again.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 09:23:47

Good timing for a discussion of the level of understanding the general pop has about our energy situation especially since most of that "knowledge" comes from the MSM. A case in point:

I thought of a way to simply show why the idea that the KSA isn’t reducing production to gain market share is false. So the Rockman thought: simply show how much revenue the KSA has lost compared to how much market share it has gained. IOW show that gaining market share was a money losing proposition. That perhaps collapsed oil prices was doing to too much US shale production or the unwillingness of the KSA to reduce its production level.

Turns out that according to the data from the EIA and IEA the KSA actually has lost market share: they’ve actually have decreased production from their high of 10.51 mm bopd in 2Q 2015 to 10.35 mm bopd in 1Q 2016.

As far as longer term market share in 4Q 2013 (before the big price collapse took control) the KSA market share was 10.98% (10.0 mm bopd/91.0 mm bopd). And during 1Q 2016 it has FALLEN to 10.72% (10.35 mm bopd/96.5 mm bopd). So according to the official score keepers of global oil production not only is the KSA in the process of seeing revenue decrease by $TRILLIONS it has also lost a tiny bit of market share. Just a rough estimate but it looks as though KSA production is down from mid 2015 levels about as much as US shale production has dropped. Dang…it looks like something else other than production levels is controlling how much oil consumers are willing to pay. It gives the illusion that prices are actually being set by the buyers of a commodity. How bizarre. LOL.

Amazing isn’t it: for almost a year the headlines keep shouting that the KSA isn’t reducing its oil production rate so it can increase its market share. Yet during the last year the KSA at best hasn’t increased market share and may have actually lost a tad. And that was a result of decreasing production by around 300,000 bopd. Decreasing during a time when the MSM kept saying they weren’t decreasing production. It’s almost as if the main source of energy information for the masses didn’t know what the f*ck they were talking about. But that can’t be correct: if it’s printed in the paper or announced on TV it must be true. LOL

And yes: the KSA is producing more oil today then the 2012 average: about 500,000 bbls. And receiving about $300 billion LESS revenue today then in 2012. And some folks think this is the KSA's "clever plan". And by some folks I mean the majority of the American sheeple. LOL
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby ennui2 » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 11:51:39

I have a very low opinion of the average intelligence of humans, but youtube comments, or comments under news articles on controversial topics (like AGW), are the lowest of the low. Total knuckle-dragging trolls. So I would try to resist drawing conclusions from that alone.

When I was in Transition Training they explained how people's doom-awareness is not binary (red pill / blue pill) but rather a continuum. Dig a under people's denial and you'll find a large chunk, perhaps the vast majority of people, deep down, know we're screwed. They have constructed a denialist facade as a copying mechanism, sort of like how OJ has probably convinced himself he didn't kill Nicole to avoid the guilt/shame.

You'd think that if this were true, then it would be easier to maybe nudge people enough to reveal their true fears, but not necessarily. Those facades are on really tight.
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Lore » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 14:23:36

People aren't clueless. They just don't want to think about a disaster that hasn't really been felt by them yet and a future which they have no personal control over. :idea:
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Re: Are most people clueless of the upcoming catastrophes?

Unread postby Lore » Mon 07 Mar 2016, 14:28:55

ennui2 wrote:I have a very low opinion of the average intelligence of humans, but youtube comments, or comments under news articles on controversial topics (like AGW), are the lowest of the low. Total knuckle-dragging trolls. So I would try to resist drawing conclusions from that alone.

When I was in Transition Training they explained how people's doom-awareness is not binary (red pill / blue pill) but rather a continuum. Dig a under people's denial and you'll find a large chunk, perhaps the vast majority of people, deep down, know we're screwed. They have constructed a denialist facade as a copying mechanism, sort of like how OJ has probably convinced himself he didn't kill Nicole to avoid the guilt/shame.

You'd think that if this were true, then it would be easier to maybe nudge people enough to reveal their true fears, but not necessarily. Those facades are on really tight.

It's a natural response. Deer in the headlights and then use every excuse to deny the train is coming at you while your foot is stuck in the tracks. There is alway that last bit of hope up until the final moment of impact that you'll get free.
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