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Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 17:49:56

KaiserJeep wrote:Your DNA is not in our master file. You will be visited by a DNA sampler drone disguised as a biting insect:
When bionic components have been fabricated from your DNA, you will be visited by an assimilation remote, not immediately recognizable as a cyborg:
She will terminate your human existence, perform the upgrade, and re-boot your consciousness. Please ensure that your personal information at is up to date.

If its all the same to you cyborgs, I would prefer to skip the DNA sampler and just go straight to the visit by the beautiful young female cyborg assimilation remote.

I will voluntarily give her some quite large motile DNA samples. :)
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 18:18:49

Plantagenet wrote:-snip-

If its all the same to you cyborgs, I would prefer to skip the DNA sampler and just go straight to the visit by the beautiful young female cyborg assimilation remote.

I will voluntarily give her some quite large motile DNA samples. :)

Your DNA is already on file from your last blood sample. Look carefully in the eye of every female you meet. The signs are subtle but visible:


The body is harder to distinguish:


(Example shown less seamless exterior integument for purposes of clarity.)
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 19:13:14

Please observe the Right and their inability to hold a rational, sequential thought and then ask yourself, how could we have avoided getting into the mess we now find ourselves confronted by. Then tread very warily with these specimens. User beware...we have serious issues with stupid at the helm of material power.

That said, I still remain convinced that it will take a true globalist to clean the nitwits out of the GOP so I will endorse Trump all the way through (with a preference for Sanders...guarded....given the weak character of liberals but nonetheless hopeful that his independence means something.)
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 19:26:16

americandream wrote:In moving this thread along, I will use succinct historic analysis rather the spray gun approach of he said this, she said that. Few strange quirks in the ME swamp stand out for me and cause me to pause, speaking as they do of stranger happenings in the background. The hesitation Obama has taken as regards the Assad matter stands out, Iran is the other one (I could discuss Cuba but that adds nothing to this thread which is intended to try and understand this very strange relationship with the ME where for example, Iran with its very evident reformist tendencies is seen as a greater existential threat than Saudi Arabia with its clear and obvious links to anti-systemic tendencies. (I deliberately resist characterising the Saudis as anti-capitalist as I have no idea as to how resistant they are to adaptation when APPROPRIATE. The reins of global capitalism are compelling I would imagine, even to the apparently entrenched...only time will tell))

Thus, when I occasionally when I use news sources (this thread I reiterate, will revolve around historical analyses rather than he said, she said) it will be to dig out any hidden nuggets that lie embedded deep in a very public item which has not since been retracted under an umbrella of recriminations and obsequious corrections. Thus, the item on a very large conservative US PAC associate being an employee of the Saudis EVEN as Obama refuses to bomb Assad and further isolate Iran as is vigorously and loudly demanded by AIPAC/Israel and the Right in the US tells me something about the very odd relationships that form right wing opinion in the US (and all across the world) and the widely known alliance that even the Israelis have finally had to forge ties with to survive in the twilight world of the quietly rising House of Saud and its subtle diplomacy (speak of synchronicity. Even as I was writing out this post, I received a rather timely reminder of this diplomacy at work and unfolding in the way of a news story. The link is below along with my reply to my associate beneath it).

So when we hear conservatives point the finger at the naturally liberal bourgeoise capitalists in social democratic parties across the world (as this is not just an American issue, all of the world faces the consequences of this quietly brewing challenge to history) over their tendencies towards Muslims in our midst (which to some extent is necessary to prevent the rest of us from descending into dribbling barbarians...we need diplomatic initiatives, not spontaneous combustion), what remains ever puzzling in the midst of this recrimination is the shared goals the Republicans share with the House of Saud with the removal of Assad. This goes back to Saddam, (granted the Democrats co-opted in Ghadaffis case (as was so loudly trumpeted by Clinton (of a certain Foundation)). But Assad stands out in all of this being a departure from said co-option and of course, one wonders just how engaged the Democrats are with Saudi objectives. It is a very messy picture but the one constant is the Democrat ambivalence versus Republican certitude....all the while not forgetting the Saudi connection and Israels acquiescence in this very murky swamp. The rest is all pretty much conjecture. But the facts paint a strange picture of corruption and disalignment in US politics. ... its-rivals

Hi..............Now as regards the item...all I can say is WOW!! Ok, that aside, clearly the Saudis are intent on the Arab elite assuming the reins of capitalism. This is basically an attempt by an elite with an imperial character seeking to become the sole elite in secular capitalism. That we term consolidation and is possible provided Islam is reformed. Only then will what follows continue as capitalism. If no reformation occurs, history will destroy this mutant entity and the entire species.

AD, I would just like to point out that your use of the term "History" is entirely wrong. History is traditionally and most properly defined as that period which ended a century ago with WW1. Everything since then is "Current Events". History has in the past been immutable, completely unchanging, not subject to revisions. The beginning of aviation is History, the entirety of space travel, the WWW, Civil Rights, etc. are all Current Events.

When Current Events are recorded in immutable, unchanging printed texts, they will become History, a century or more after they occurred, after leisurely review and comment and interpretation and written analysis. This is akin to the process used around 431 AD when the Christian church elders decreed which of the scrolls would become the Bible, and which would be Apocrypha. As I have said before, I sometimes regret my role - however small it was - in implementing the WWW. The new societal paradigms are not easy to live with.

It still infuriates me, for example, that the standard for evaluating anything and everything in this Forum, is "give me a link so I can read it myself". That would be total BS - because those pages that purport to document events before 1916 as "history" differ - sometimes subtly and sometimes markedly - from printed texts. I buy dozens of History texts per year, and I publish myself about two areas of interest - the American Civil War and the history of the US whaling industry - and the online versions of History are mutating in front of my eyes.

EVERYTHING you want to talk about in this thread is being edited in realtime on the WWW, by multiple people with multiple agendas. Have you ever actually evaluated the criteria used by Wikipedia or any other online reference? Those criteria are appallingly lax.

Everything that you think you know about these current events is to some degree inadequate. Those news sources that you have access to online are all publishing the facts as revised through the personal agenda of the reporter and/or his editor. You can find multiple versions of each event and you cannot possibly tell which are accurate, which are not accurate, and which are deliberately deceptive. Nor do you or anybody else have a truth/falsehood detector built into your head.

Reality and the online world differ greatly. Those of us on Earth who are the sickest and the least able to cope with the real world are totally immersed in online BS, with little to hope for in terms of a cure. When the online "facts" mutate, such folks unquestioningly alter their own memories to match.

I can only tell you what I did about Current Events and suggest it as a partial solution to the problems I have discussed. After being a subsciber for decades, and accumulating over a ton of magazines, I bought the last 125 years of National Geographic magazine on CDs. They tend to publish in depth articles about 2-4 years after the events themselves. This perspective is about 90% accurate via the standards we apply to "published history".

The CDs contain medium resolution images of the actual magazine pages, along with searchable indexes - and the indexes are pretty good. But good as they are, these are quite definitely copyrighted material, and useless for any argument at (But reading century old advertizing is also a hoot.)
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 19:33:12

The hand of the Islamic allies of repugnant social conservatives is evident in many contexts if we care to look, forming our views about capitalism and its character and essentially destroying the core functions of the system as a historic engine of evolution, in the process opening up these social relations to dislocation, and distorting our understanding of history:

Follow the money as they say (Today is my daughters day so will be back later to see whether anything logical deserves responding to): ... 1459531987
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 20:47:45

I think the number is up with the barbarians:

defense industry seems to prefer Democrats Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders over their GOP counterparts. ... nd-bernie/
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 21:16:02

I do not believe that the prime factor in this election cycle has anything to do with ideology, or party affiliation, or even politics. The prime consideration this time is whether or not the perception of the candidate is one of being an establishment weenie or a non-establishment weenie.

Hillary is a straight Democratic ideologue with a slight twist - being female - and a huge deficit - severe trust issues.

Bernie is really an establishment guy - a serving Senator, formerly a Representative - and is the only candidate with a message, which is ....anti-establishment?

Trump is a 1%er and a populist, an ignoramus, and a bullying blowhard. These qualities appeal to the Male Middle Class, and repel most others.

Cruz is an establishment guy, a serving Senator, and entirely conventional. Personally, I don't know about him but he makes my skin crawl.

Kasich is an establishment guy but a Washington outsider, being Governor of Ohio. Also, he has the least chance of getting the candidacy and is probably actually running for VP. (Indeed, running the Senate will complete his education.)

I have been a spectator and later a voter in every national election since 1960. I have never seen an election cycle like this one. I expect that the results will be surprising.

Nobody should care who the Arabs or other Islamists favor.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 21:46:11

americandream wrote:
defense industry seems to prefer Democrats Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders over their GOP counterparts. ... nd-bernie/


Its the same thing with Wall Street and the Banks and high tech in Silicon Valley etc. etc. They all give more to the Ds then the Rs. Even the energy companies give lots of money to Hillary.

This makes sense if you think about it-----the Ds have a virtual lock on the presidency because of changing demographics. There is no point in giving money to the Rs and the big corporate donors know it.

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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 21:50:13

Plantagenet wrote:
americandream wrote:
defense industry seems to prefer Democrats Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders over their GOP counterparts. ... nd-bernie/


Its the same thing with Wall Street and the Banks and high tech in Silicon Valley etc. etc. They all give more to the Ds then the Rs. Even the energy companies give lots of money to Hillary.

This makes sense if you think about it-----the Ds have a virtual lock on the presidency because of changing demographics. There is no point in giving money to the Rs and the big corporate donors know it.


To translate the above feudal speak into fellow Muslim speak, the damned infidels are to blame, not my scheming dishonesty.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Fri 01 Apr 2016, 22:09:42

KaiserJeep wrote:Nobody should care who the Arabs or other Islamists favor.

And again to paraphrase, please ignore my brother feudalist. Its the damned fault of those heathens presuming to demand equal rights for women and them heathenish kufars of a darker hue.

To all those reading these apparently humourous takes on these backwoodsmen, I actually intend to point out the similarities they share with Islam (as that is the whole point of this thread as I build on my understanding of these people in observing them) as well as emphasise my point at the opening, ally abroad, persecute within.....or their attempts to minimise here, only to let loose in quite contrary fashion, elsewhere. A sort of disconnected reality where the Musilm is at once an ally abroad but a reviled non-white and fellow traveller of liberals on home turf. Very strange but explicable

The identification of groups and their exclusion from the economic arena for the benefit of a home elite is a practice adopted by all feudalists as I said at the outset, always lurking under flags we associate with landed privilege such as the Nazi flag, the flag of the Confederacy, the green flag of Islam and the black flag of Islamic nazism. Behaviours not unique to the Abrahamic world but more pronounced in that world, and of more global implication.

This is a complex theme and one I have yet to perfect a skill in highlighting but obviously one that needs addressing given the perilous state of the world.

edit: So bear with me. Some of these detours may appear irrelevant or somewhat trite but they are necessary to disentangle the bizarre language of the feudalist if only to understand him, his world view and of course his desired outcome. Remember, my assertion is that the Islamists and Republicans share a view of world economics that is not on all fours with the historic contours of capitalism. Thus the onus lies on me to explain those contours and of course, to identify feudalisms departures, right down to the everyday language of those who subscribe to such a world view. Our two most influential examples are of course Western conservatism and Arabic Islam so that is our focus. There are examples of feudal government elsewhere in the world but none as influential as these two. Thus the social relations in Bhutan are of less significance in this debate, though one must bear in mind that that kingdom will have much of what we find in these 2 on the internal front, with fewer of the externalities present, Bhutan not being a global wheeler and dealer.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 03:23:13

Is it any wonder the conservatives love these gold plated dudes. I can almost see the drool slithering out from under tory committee room doorways around the world. You see, the Iranians spend their oil money on sensible things like local investment and industries (ok, they do also have the allah bug, granted). These Gulf ally fellahs though spend large on buying up foreign companies, paying foreigners and expats inflated wages (unless of course they come from third world countries) and expensive toys whilst the vast majority in the Islamic world are pauperised to the point we have a whole new global business sector....people smuggling.

Of course the tories periodically wind up rednecks with promises of blood and guts (or should that be glass) when in office...goes back all the way to old Thatchers days...but hey, decades on and we now have the Islamic world swimming offshore the Med, Europe bound, en masse....and those sports cars keep getting more to the fantasies of a mostly pauperised "middle class" who it seems, have a knack for being is all there if they would care to look. Sometimes, you can take this stuff right up under the noses of people and still get blank looks, or smart arse comments: ... 7C&par=msn
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 03:39:30

Oil...the biggest business in the world.

In the hands of the Gulf Arabs (with the aid of ISIS of course), just how many think tanks and lobbyists can we fund, how many fine, upstanding church going, well suited, family friendly, gay hating pro-life, clean and sparkly politicians can we bribe, how many clueless patriotic gun living, bible loving, koran loving fools can we con into impotent hysteria....just how many hookers can we purchase, gold plated Ferrari, Lamborgini cross hybrid environmentally friendly night clubbing cruisers can we sport in the fleshpots of this world....just think about big party folks whilst we sob into our morning porridge at the prospect of the gilded winged spotty speckled butterfly being rendered extinct by global warming.

Kinda amazing....the shit that passes for brains.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 07:19:56

americandream wrote:-snip-

Kinda amazing....the shit that passes for brains.

Yes. Especially when none of the "socially conservative" presidents showed any actual regard for ME states:

Ronald Reagan sent the Marines into Lebanon during his first term, sent air strikes into Libya during his second term, then supported Iran with arms sales during the Iran-Iraq war.

GHW Bush of course fought Gulf War 1 after Iraq invaded Kuwait.

GW Bush attacked Afghanistan in reprisal to the 9/11 attacks, then invaded Iraq in Gulf War 2, then sanctioned Syria for supporting terrorism.

In other words, the "socially conservative" presidents showed no especial fondness for any ME state - in fact they were about as hostile as one could be towards another country, with armed invasions.

Meanwhile, what were the "socially liberal" presidents doing?

Jimmy Carter was failing to resolve the Iran Hostage Crisis, then allowed OPEC to cause an Energy Crisis in the USA, and then invited Menachem Begin of Israel and Yasser Arafat of Egypt to Camp David, and failed to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Bill Clinton didn't do much in the ME, but warned to country in a State of the Union Address in 1998 that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was accumulating a stockpile of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. Then he called in an air strike on Muammar Gaddafi's summer home, then cruise-missilled a pharmaceutical plant in Iraq and suspected terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. Thanks, Bill, the 9/11 attacks were planned soon afterwards, I'm so glad you PO'd them.

So far Barack Obama ended the Iraq War prematurely, promised but failed to end the War with Afghanistan (both inherited conflicts from GWB), then invaded Libya (for six days, then deferred to NATO), attempted to support the Syrian rebels (but was overmatched by Putin), then condemned Israel yet again, and has totally failed to deter Iran's nuclear weapon ambitions.

These activities can be most succinctly summarized as the "conservatives" have shown consistent hostility towards every ME country except KSA, while the "liberals" have been the ones sucking up to Arab behinds in both the KSA and the rest of the ME.

The KSA thing I understand - they hate us and always will, but we need their oil and they need our weapons.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 07:51:39

More primitive nonsense from the resident "Muslim". The wars fought by conservatives have all been in association and FOR the Gulf States who have traditionally been seen as spineless surrogates of a colonial nature. In the meantime, these snakes have been improving their venom, blithely bribing said "Muslims", who share an equal propensity for harrassing women, non-whites...aaaahh feck, just call them Kufars and be done with it, and using religion to propel the gullible masses into acts of terrorism.

As for spineless liberals who partook in this, why take a look at some of the cry babies on that it has all got too much, whose fault is it. Them baaaaddd capitalists or too many humans (has everyone forgotten that progressives who sought to implement for example family planning in the third world were labelled communists by our redneck "Muslims" and bombed to buggery.

Not only are conservatives crap capitalists, they are no notch above the barbarians they ally with in the ME. Same tactics, same mentality, same greed and same incompetence. If it werent for the rise of a new breed of capitalist to replace these ne'er'do wells who have variously steered themselves into cushy jobs through crookery and backhanders, we would be up shite creek without a paddle. The Japanese, Chinese, Indians and in the West, the innovative new sectors to replace those that flew away to foreign parts in search of cheaper labour (the Japanese, Chinese and Indians).

In the meantime, conservatives continue to sell the Arab vision of a ME dominated by the Saudis to the exclusion of the Iranians, to the gullible public, all under the guise of fighting Russian influence....lmfao!!!

As a trader, I have worked my arse off to get to the top of this sector and bugger me, if I am gonna let losers dominate it.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 13:31:31

The actual facts screw up a good Liberal narrative every time. That would be because people such as yourself must find other groups to blame for anything and everything at all.

Most of the Western world could give a c--p about the various implications of the "Arab Spring". The ME is and always has been mainly about oil. As in, those 7th century goat herders have a lot of it, and we want it.

Nowadays we care a bit about refugees as well - making it tolerable for them to stay in the ME is now a priority. The religious angle has been missing on the Western side since the last crusade. Nobody cares about anything but oil, other than a few ME despots who crave political power. In particular, nobody over there gives a c--p about a couple of old Europeans named Marx and Engels. Nor should they.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 13:39:45

americandream wrote: The wars fought by conservatives ...

But Obama isn't a conservative.

Sorry, AD, but you really don't know the first thing about US politics. :lol:


Obama is a liberal D.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 17:10:48

I just dont want to argue with you "Muslims" anymore. No different. Same tired arguments (Like I don't know Islam as I am not Muslim), same tried bigotry, same tired half assed notions of history and markets...I am done with you. Post your shit, can't be bothered.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 18:48:29

Not only does Obama refuse to say the words "Islamic Terrorism" and has forbidden anyone in his administration to say the words "islamic Terrorism"----he actually censors other people who say the words "Islamic Terrorism" AND the MSM plays right along with this----


This is a classic example of the "king has no clothes" thinking in action. O seems to believe that as long as no one says the words "Islamic terrrorism" then O (and his supporters) are getting away with saying that Islamic terrorism does't exist.

Except Islamic terrrorism actually does exist.

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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 19:11:27

Liberal capitalism is fundamentally on all fours with humanism. Liberals are not historians....BUT....they move more fluidly with the forces of capitalism and its core tendencies, are more intuitively connected with its state.

It should come as no surprise that liberalism whether in Democrat or Republican garb (as we do have the odd defection from Democrat to Republican ranks), always works sympatheticaaly with global forces (Reagan comes to mind and of course, we have today Trump whom the feudalists hate!).

In that vein, Obama of course, has pulled the global economy from the brink it teetered at after the primitivist Bush left office (give Bush his due though, he sensed the liberal nature of capitalism in often pulling back from the brink of his feudal impulses).

To expect a liberal capitalist to embrace the tribal mindset of a feudal social economist is rather bizarre and en example of the bullying tactics employed by the feudal thugs who infest American politics (whilst happily cultivating corrupt and stealthy economic ties with all those they profess to despise (more of a statement of their inability to make a legal buck I would say.)

So these constant admonitions of Obamas liberal capitalist sentiments from the "Muslims" on here is not dissimialr to their ME btethren who presume to convince us that Islam is peaceful even as they attack any symbol of the other!!
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 19:40:33

AD, the whole problem is that you are speaking total nonsense, disconnected from actual facts. NOBODY in any 1st World country, liberal or conservative, is allied with, cares about, or even likes any Arab, Persian, etc. ME country or it's inhabitants. The rather vocal Jewish lobby in the USA has supported Israel, as has this country and the UK, since it's founding. A small, tough, and very successful country like Israel, a secular Democracy, has absolutely rubbed the faces of the ME citizens in the facts - they have been the pawns of their own power seekers, both secular and theological.

Those same power seekers, be they the House of Saud or an Ayatollah or a militarist like Muammar Gaddafi, are beggaring the place still, looting all the wealth that should be flowing to all the inhabitants and making the deserts green with new infrastructure, which can only be built while the oil is flowing. Which means that when the remaining oil is too hard to recover, all they can do is die off to a much smaller population of nomadic goat herders again.

Once you have figured that out, you might as well become a refugee from the ME, entering another country and occupying the lowest rung of the social ladder and becoming a new oppressed class. The other alternative is having a revolution, and some are doing that.

The petrodollars flowing their way of course, started it all. But there was no malicious intent on the part of any 1st world country, the whole ME is and always has been awash in corruption, part of the culture. Heck, the ME invented corruption:

Baksheesh (ˈbækʃiːʃ) or backsheesh
money given as a tip, a present, or alms
to give such money to (a person)
[C17: from Persian bakhshīsh, from bakhshīdan to give; related to Sanskrit bhaksati he enjoys]

Get it? As old as Sanskrit, the first written tongue....
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