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Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 20:04:13

Hahaha. Yeah.

"Muslims" on both sides hate one another at home, like I said in numerous of my posts but are happy to do business from afar. That is how feudalism works. Hopeless in capitalism so you do backroom deals and the ME is chocka full of wealth, is very bribeable (Trump has been bailed out twice by Dil Weed, a rich saudi sheik, Bush is/was tied to Saudi business interests, the GOP's biggest PAC has close Saudi ties. These bizarre relationships are historic, for example when Arabs sold black slaves to the then landed forces that sought to take ownership of the US.)

The feudal elites don't have to like their feudal opposites to profit from long as they remain over there and do not move here, thus threatening the native elite. That (in pretty simple English) clearly accounts for why Obama faces such anger over his Iranian deal from Republicans who go out of their way to shield the Saudis from public glare.

I am not saying that weak charactered liberals are above getting some of this action (as is clearly the case with a certain Democratic lady) but the pure natural alliance is always between feudal elites. Liberals never really work well in that mix. They tend to be too unpredictable in expecting equality and all that err, politically correct stuff. Whereas your feudal in Islam and Texas are the same bar a few superficial differences:

Both hate the ungodly;
Both hate the other;
Both culdnt make a decent buck if their lives depended on it;
Both hate women;
Both hate civilised living...more barbarism empowers them and their conquistidorial economics based on slaves and minimally paid locals.

How hard is that to understand or do you guys speak Murican over there?
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 20:06:59

americandream wrote: ... Obamas liberal capitalist sentiments from the "Muslims" .... is not dissimialr to their ME btethren who presume to convince us that Islam is peaceful even as they attack any symbol of the other!!


AD---you aren't making sense again. It sounds like you are suggesting that Obama is a Muslim, like his cousins and other family (his "brethren?") in East Africa?

Do you have any evidence to support such a claim, AD? Or do you just make this wacky stuff up?

AD must get his ideas from the Globe!
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 20:22:16 all on here.

To set this in stone once and for all time

Republicans are the "Muslims" I refer to. They are the feudalists I refer to in ALL my posts. They are the forces that have more in common with Islam.

Obama is a liberal capitalist, He is the other, the kufr, the infidel despised by the Republican feudalists. Like the Arab Muslim, the Republican "Muslim" has a visceral hatred of the other. Like the Arab Muslim he will loudly delcare his pacifist pedigree but the Reoblican feudalists hatred of the other, like the Arab Muslim, goes to his very being. His very soul. He lives, eats and sleeps hatred of the other.

But being an irrationalist, he can simultaneously do deals with elites from kingdoms of other feudalists.

This should be clear enough.

Obama is Not the "Muslim" in our midst, You are.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 20:33:53

americandream all on here.

To set this in stone once and for all time

Republicans are the "Muslims" I refer to.

Oh. Thats what you are claiming now? That the Republicans are all secret Muslims?

Good god, AD---thats really an unbelievably stupid idea. I'm quite disappointed in you.

americandream wrote:
Obama is Not the "Muslim" in our midst, You are.

That claim is even dumber then your earlier claims that Obama is a Muslim and the Rs are all Muslims.

Most people grow out of calling other people names when they hit puberty. Since you're long long past puberty I can only surmise you are losing it now. Too bad.

Take care of yourself, AD.

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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 20:46:24

Of course, I get the same reactions from Muslims who then flounce off. But you are like a fish in a fishbowl and your fishbowl is a feudal one so how can you really understand who you are. To do so calls for a purely objective understanding of history and your place in it.

In that state one can be a precise capitalist but know why communism is necessary for a modern sustainable humanity. One can both enjoy a status that most would be capitalist would die for and yet not need it. That my friend is high consciousness. Available to anyone who cares to understand history objectively, if only to make a fast easy buck. Not the easiest of concepts to grasp. But then I am not here for you but to perfect my explanation of history.

Nor would I categorically so, categorically so, NEVER ever characterise Obama as a feudalist or Muslim in belief.

For the former, it should be evident to the rational historian that Obama is a liberal capitalist of a purely untainted vintage. As for his personal beliefs, he has stated he is Christian and I see no reason to doubt his word.

No my comments relate to establishment Republicans, ALONE.

Now I must leave your fine company as I have an afternoon to spend with my daughter.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 21:12:40

americandream wrote: I get the same reactions from Muslims

Really? This keeps happening to you?

So---when you tell somebody you think they are Muslim and they tell you they aren't a Muslim..... you just insist they are a Muslim?

Dude---that isn't rational. Your belief that people are Muslims when they aren't is classic delusional behavior. :lol:

These people are Muslims

These people are not Muslims

Get it now?

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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 02 Apr 2016, 21:15:56

Give it up, guys. The more we point out that nothing he says makes any sense, the stranger his replies get. Let him sober up for Monday and he'll be back to making half sense and half nonsense as usual.

Even the densest Marxists often give up once they realize that Marx only got things partially correct. To be an unrepentant Marxist today one must ignore most of the real world and not notice how it actually works. AD is starting to notice he's been a fool, and is consuming some kind of mind-altering substance - probably alcohol - to cope with these new thoughts.

He'll be back and much the same once he sobers up.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 01:46:44

After making controversial statements about abortion last week, Trump has shown little sign of heeding calls from fellow Republicans to adopt a more presidential tone so as to avoid alienating voters in the November general election if he wins the nomination.

On Saturday, he questioned close U. S. ties to Saudi Arabia and again accused U.S. allies of not pulling their weight in the NATO military alliance. ... e29504750/
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 02:58:49

The above is hard on the heels of Obama breaking policy dictated by Republicans and opening lines to the Iranians, chief competitor to the Saudis in the Islamic world as well as refusing to remove Assad as is being demanded by the Saudis and Western conservatives, (widely condemned by the Republicans as well and very publicly, who variously accuse Obama of being a Muslim insider because he refuses to take out Saudi competition, so our resident bronze age dwellers need not play coy)

I leave you to draw your inferences as to what is going on with our rednecks or as I prefer to call them "Muslims".
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 12:21:43

americandream wrote: Obama ....refusing to remove Assad

Again, you are just showing your utter ignorance. The facts are just the opposite of what you say.

Obama is the first world leader who in 2011 originally called for the removal of Assad. Obama has spent the last 5 years trying to depose Assad, including funding and arming and training and supporting the rebels, organizing western countries to boycott trade with the Syrian government and pushing various UN resolutions and other schemes to remove Assad from power. The US governments fundamental demand at the Syrian "peace talks" is that Assad must go. O has also spent almost a billion dollars to fund efforts by both the CIA and the US Army to train and provide weapons to various Islamist groups militias as well as secretly train the so-called "Free Syrian Army" to fight against Assad and the Syrian government. O has also sent in asmall number of US special forces who are embedded with the Kurds in Syria right now helping the Kurds fight Assad---did you miss it when A US provided missile was used by a rebel group to shoot down a Russian helicopter in Syria while it was trying to rescue the Russian pilot who ejected from the jet the Turks shot down just a couple of months ago because the Russians are helping Assad? Just a couple of weeks ago the Obama administration announced it was providing more money to fund more weapons and training for the "Free Syrian Amry" to help fight Assad, after the group was essentially annihilated last year.

How come you don't know any of that?



Part of Obama's Free Syrian Army just before they were wiped out by another Islamist group last year. The Obama administration announced new funding, weapons and training will be provided for the Free Syrian Army just a couple of weeks ago in order to help them overthrow Assad.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 18:49:15

He's just not following current events. If you'll note one of my earlier points in this thread, we don't yet have the perspective of time with respect to events in Syria. Meanwhile AD won't even admit that Syria is mainly serving Vladimir Putin's purposes. Obama is quietly providing arms and supplies to Syrian rebels, Putin is openly supporting Assad with mechanized brigades from the Russian Army.

For Putin, press coverage of this pipsqueak revolution serves the same purpose - on a much smaller scale - as the various SE Asian conflicts did late in the Cold War. Obama, no student of recent current events, is actually repeating Eisenhower's mistakes in Vietnam. Best not take this analogy too far, though, because today's Syria - skies full of hostile armed drones, and with both sides of the conflict fighting a disinformation war on the Internet - is a very different battlefield than the 1960's jungle in Vietnam.


I had to laugh at Putin's latest gambit - first announce you are withdrawing troops, then reinforce them with more troops, supplies, and equipment. Putin is openly escalating, and Obama has ahold of a tar baby. (Putin's obviously a devotee of Sun Tzu.)

Last edited by KaiserJeep on Sun 03 Apr 2016, 19:06:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 19:00:58

Note the convoluted reasoning of the fuedalist who at once does not want the Muslim here but wants to protect the oil supplying Saudi interests there. This is the establishment thinking, fostered by lobbying corruption Trump or Sanders will hopefully destroy.

The feudalist hates globalsing capitalism. It threatens his incompetence which is borne of backhanders and bribes. He cannot survive in the level field of competition so like the Muslim, he creates bogies. Thus he is receptive to the Muslim as a geo-political ally (but not as a neighbour.)
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 19:19:34

I see you have moderated your consumption somewhat. Now try to eat some protein and vegetables, and drink lots of water.

Now, put that dangerous vocabulary away before you hurt yourself with it.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 19:43:52

Thats the interesting thing with the web. It is anonymous. For all we know these two pillars of American redneckirism could be anything but. What we do know is that they stoutly defend the establishment which is corrupt as buggery:

They repeatedly minimise a certain (tax gathering) kingdom whilst railing against its fleeing adherents;
They attack the other in the Whitehouse, the same ply used a certain kingdom to control the masses:
They adhere to antiquted views on women...ditto;
They hate those who push an egalitarian agenda...ditto;
They hate the social democratic model, pushing the barbaric model so evident in a certain kingdom;
They purport to defend libery (I am so peaceful we are constantly dont toe my line...again....we have good examples of this in a certain kingdom);
And when all else fails, the dark threats...again a tactic of fear so pervasive in a certain kingdom.

All of course to cover the teat that flows the corruption. Is it any wonder tax monies are swindled by these buggers whilst wages and health go to the dogs.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 21:29:06

OK, you have exceeded Ballmer's Peak again, and the brain cells are going snap/crackle/pop.

Eat something. Listen to soothing music. Remember that the markets are already open somewhere, and you have to bring home the bacon via a hard shift of day trading tomorrow.

For the sake of your mental health, don't go about audibly blaming "them". In fact, don't tell anybody but a mental health therapist.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Sun 03 Apr 2016, 23:09:18

Allah, bismillah, willy, wallah. Has blessed me as a muslim. I see his hand in all the greatness of the world, which sits on the sun, in which burns all those filthy pigs and kufrs (other than the rich ones over yonder).

Or was that Jebus? Ah well, all roads lead to Corruptocracy so who cares.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Mon 04 Apr 2016, 00:50:46

To all my conservative admirers...this is for you. Liberty, freedom, Getting Saddam, Assad and em Russkies for siccin those Saudi terrerists on us.
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Mon 04 Apr 2016, 01:49:29

Of course rednecks aka "Muslims" will see attempts by non Islamic infidels in the Islamotopia that is redneckville, to defend themselves from the opportunism the flight of Muslims outside the Saudi dominated world presents to said redneck "Muslims", even whilst said redneck "Muslims" shield Saudi Arabia from the Russian onslaught in Syria (whoops, didnt finish my train of thought...bugger) as them demographics upstarty is a strange old world folks:

The hate group expected an average day of bigotry and aggression at the Nation of Islam mosque on Martin Luther King Boulevard in South Dallas, only to find themselves outnumbered by the armed self-defense group waiting for them.

Members of the community, along with the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and the Huey P Newton Gun Club, were there to protect the Muslims from the BAIR demonstrators.

Both groups made the most of open carry laws in Texas that allow residents to carry AK-47s and rifles on the streets.

There was a heavy police presence at the scene. ... -panthers/
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Mon 04 Apr 2016, 03:03:09

Aaaaahh. Family values. Doncha just love it. We are just one feudal crook away from redneck Islamotopia and the very politically incorrect: ... 65876.html
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Re: Social conservatives and their Islamic ally

Unread postby americandream » Mon 04 Apr 2016, 03:34:07

Institutionalised, organised miscogyny, very much a facet of the allied Islamotopias, redneck and Arab. Take out half the population and there is more cake to go around the privileged group of males:

From Florida to Texas, abortion clinics in the South are disappearing, forced out of business by bogus "safety" regulations that have become the primary weapon of conservative religious abortion foes. ... in-general
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