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Forging a New Way: Progressives

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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cog » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 16:34:37

You can try to doll up the word progressives any way you like but what it comes down to it, its someone or a group of someone's who want to acquire your wealth with violence.

A progressive would love to see you on your knees begging for your life as they steal everything you have worked for. As long as they had someone on the business side of the gun ready to pull the trigger for them in the name of what they believe.
And there's plenty of people around who would love to take those orders. Don't kid yourself about that.

They lay awake fantasizing about that, and wondering just how they could achieve it.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 16:45:45

Cog wrote:You can try to doll up the word progressives any way you like but what it comes down to it, its someone or a group of someone's who want to acquire your wealth with violence.

A progressive would love to see you on your knees begging for your life as they steal everything you have worked for. As long as they had someone on the business side of the gun ready to pull the trigger for them in the name of what they believe.
And there's plenty of people around who would love to take those orders. Don't kid yourself about that.

They lay awake fantasizing about that, and wondering just how they could achieve it.

Sorry Cog. I'm with you on a lot of things but that one is over the line.
You are lumping progressives with Red army Stalinist communists and is just not the case.
When Bernie and other Progressives talk about revolution they are talking about landslide wins at the ballot box. They are a bit deluded in thinking that once they win they will have a popular mandate to transform government to their design which of course they will be disappointing in but none of them plans violence or even knows how to use a gun.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cog » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 17:20:50

The end state is the same whether you are using bullets or votes. That being control of the individual for some type of progressive good. You don't have to kill to enslave. You can impoverish, harass them, get them fired from their job. When the organs of the state bureaucracy are turned against you, they might as well shoot you. Same result.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 17:54:21

Cog wrote:The end state is the same whether you are using bullets or votes.

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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cog » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 22:15:21

Hitler came to power by the vote. With cheering crowds. How did that turn out for the German people?
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 22:52:35

Cog wrote:Hitler came to power by the vote. With cheering crowds. How did that turn out for the German people?

You are equating Bernie Sanders Progressives to Hitler?
You cant be serious.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby ennui2 » Thu 14 Apr 2016, 00:39:04

vtsnowedin wrote:
Cog wrote:Hitler came to power by the vote. With cheering crowds. How did that turn out for the German people?

You are equating Bernie Sanders Progressives to Hitler?
You cant be serious.

If Cog, our resident protector of the Union, wants to warn us of its existential threats by taking us down a trip through memory lane, why not talk about Jefferson Davis? He should know about that topic, considering his avatar.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 14 Apr 2016, 02:16:13

Leading poverty charity Oxfam revealed on Thursday that the top 50 biggest companies in the United States have hidden trillions of dollars in offshore funds amounting to more than the GDP of Spain, Mexico and Australia.

Oxfam found that the companies profited by almost $4 trillion globally between 2008 and 2014 and received a "staggering" $11 trillion in US government support over the same period.

Oxfam went on to say that they estimate 90 percent of global firms are involved in tax avoidance.

"The same tricks and tools used by multinational companies to dodge tax in the US are being used to cheat countries across the world out of their fair share of tax revenues, with devastating consequences. Poor countries are particularly hard hit, losing an estimated $100 billion a year to corporate tax dodgers. This is enough to provide safe water and sanitation to more than 2.2 billion people," Silverman said.


The only way to stop this shit is for the people to stand up and say, "NO MORE!" (Unless you LIKE being a Patsy. You've been being fleeced. What are you going to do about it?)

Bernie is the only one who will stand against them. (They will of course kill him, ultimately it's up to you. You can cave or fight back. Are you serf, or something more?)

You want inspiration, how about William Wallace?

'This is the truth I tell you:
of all things freedom’s most fine.
Never submit to live, my son,
in the bonds of slavery entwined.’
William Wallace - His Uncle’s proverb,
from Bower’s Scotichronicon c.1440’s


Just because they take it both before it reaches your pocket or afterwards in a multitude of small ways, just because you don't feel the chains upon you until you are fined or fee'd, you are not free.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cog » Thu 14 Apr 2016, 06:28:53

vtsnowedin wrote:
Cog wrote:Hitler came to power by the vote. With cheering crowds. How did that turn out for the German people?

You are equating Bernie Sanders Progressives to Hitler?
You cant be serious.

I am quite serious. Not the followers, those are just useful sheep for now, who want free stuff and social justice(whatever that means to them). The leadership, the money guys like Soros, the BLM muscle guys, the Saul Alinsky types behind it. They are the ones who will make sure the gulags and concentration camps are filled to capacity.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Fri 15 Apr 2016, 19:22:51

Mark Twain said, ‘It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.’

If you would just pull your head from between the buns of Fox Noise and look around, but what am I saying, the chance of that is as likely as Climate Change being a Liberal conspiracy.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Lore » Fri 15 Apr 2016, 21:27:52

Cog will get over his angry old white man attitude when he dies. As they say; progress is made one death at a time.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sun 17 Apr 2016, 09:01:05

Cid_Yama wrote:
If you would just pull your head from between the buns of Fox Noise and look around, but what am I saying, the chance of that is as likely as Climate Change being a Liberal conspiracy.

Also about the same chance as you letting go of the MSNBC leg tingling or NPRs slant on things. :)
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby ennui2 » Sun 17 Apr 2016, 12:10:52

vtsnowedin wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:If you would just pull your head from between the buns of Fox Noise and look around, but what am I saying, the chance of that is as likely as Climate Change being a Liberal conspiracy.

Also about the same chance as you letting go of the MSNBC leg tingling or NPRs slant on things. :)

Demographics are shifting such that the GOP stands to never win another presidency and it will have to content itself with obstructification from within the House and Senate. Are you content with that? No? Then I'd say the right should drop its knee-jerk hostile stance towards the left and find ways to convert swing-voters. Playing to the base and lobbing insults over the wall will just dig them a deeper hole.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 17 Apr 2016, 15:40:51

vtsnowedin wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:
If you would just pull your head from between the buns of Fox Noise and look around, but what am I saying, the chance of that is as likely as Climate Change being a Liberal conspiracy.

Also about the same chance as you letting go of the MSNBC leg tingling or NPRs slant on things. :)

I don't watch TV. I deal in truth. Not Binary thinking. Some of you are just simply lost in bifurcation fallacies.


When I was a young man, a common wisdom was that you were selective what you put into your brain. Truth and intellectual integrity were the highest goals.

Some of your heads are so full of garbage it's amazing you can function in the world.

Remember, 'Garbage in, garbage out'.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sun 17 Apr 2016, 21:03:47

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 20 Apr 2016, 05:47:41

I think that the people can't imagine another way. They were born into worker families, peasants if you will, and, like abused women seek out abusive relationships, they are more comfortable in the structured parameters within which they were born and raised.

They don't want to leave the structure of what they have. They know what to expect.

The confines of their existence is like the weather. Something that just is.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cog » Wed 20 Apr 2016, 07:06:36

Or perhaps we don't want an almighty state bureaucracy, run by social justice warriors, controlling every aspect of our lives.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cog » Wed 20 Apr 2016, 09:36:49

Here is an example of Cid's preferred progressive court rulings. Don't want your kids to share a shower or bathroom with the opposite sex? Too bad for you. You are nothing but a homophobe, gender-phobe, or what ever you progressives call it nowadays.

The court concluded that Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972—which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex—should be interpreted as prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity, as a Department of Education letter suggested in 2015. ... n-biology/

In a stinging dissent, Judge Paul Niemeyer points out that “the majority’s opinion, for the first time ever, holds that a public high school may not provide separate restrooms and locker rooms on the basis of biological sex.” It’s hard to imagine that that’s what Congress was prohibiting when it enacted Title IX in 1972.
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 20 Apr 2016, 09:38:41

Sometimes polarities can be dissolved as when reality reduces both sides of an argument to irrelevancy.

For example, Cog believes in a more libertarian position to get the government off my back and allow me to indulge in my freedoms. A progressive wants the government to help the poor and enable all to have health care and education and equal opportunity. So what happens when resource constraints and the consequences of human overshoot no longer enable either the libertarian to indulge in his individualism or the progressive to indulge in their fair and equal distribution of resources to hundreds or billions of the collective?
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Re: Forging a New Way: Progressives

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Thu 21 Apr 2016, 09:39:16

Progressivism is about a level playing field. And an end to the injustices that have given us anything but. It's about standing up against the fleecing, the harvesting of Americas wealth, funneled into the pockets of a few.

Again Cog, due to his binary thinking, can't see the difference between anti-corporate progressives and liberals. Anything beyond 2 different opposing sides is beyond his ken.

He can't grasp that there can be many different viewpoints from his, and not necessarily in opposition, or in any way related to his own.

To him, you have to believe as he does on a long list of issues or you are lumped together as enemies.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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