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The Climate Revolution Thread

The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 02 May 2016, 03:15:18

A call for action!

To the leaders of the world act on climate change now or feel consequences:


When the normal people act it is your end too!

Nobody could say he or she was not informed.

We knew what we must knew!

Now its time to act.

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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby ennui2 » Mon 02 May 2016, 06:43:01

A call for action!

To the leaders of the world act on climate change now or feel consequences!

(oops, wait a minute, I need to walk the dog).


Yes. Leaders! YOU are responsible for all this CO2 in the air! YOUR head is in the guillotine!
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Mon 02 May 2016, 07:40:53

ennui - So true. If one wants to see a true revolution in the US all the govt needs to do is add another $0.50 to motor fuel taxes. Or shutdown some fossil fuel fired power plants supplying some major US cities. Then we would see blood in the streets. LOL.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 02 May 2016, 08:11:54

When California is lost to the desert....<10 years!

When wide spread famine rules the world the heads of the "leaders" will fall.....

Justice will be done

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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 02 May 2016, 08:15:55

R, of course, desperately needs to poohpooh such a notion, since he knows the pitchforks are likely to be aimed in his general direction. :lol:

Others are talking about more metaphorical revolutions: ... revolution

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But at some point we have to deal with the real powers that have been impeding such innovations and have been sewing lies to undermine momentum.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby Hawkcreek » Mon 02 May 2016, 12:46:06

If you want to change the way the population acts, change their knowledge base.
If you want to make sure they don't act until too late, restrict their education to video games, and big butt viewing marathons. Make them think they have a voice in decisions. That is another good method of misdirection. Make sure all of their incoming information is filled with contradictions and lies.

Yes, people are stupid. If the decision makers want to keep them stupid, to make their shearing easier, than yes, it it entirely the fault of the decision makers. They all deserve the guillotine.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Mon 02 May 2016, 13:15:47

"If the decision makers want to keep them stupid". And I see it just the opposite: the public elects politicians that offer them the system the public wants to have. Easy enough to prove: name one national politician (other then perhaps President Carter) that successfully caused significant changes in the system. As far as President Carter goes we see what his relatively insignificant proposal got him: run out of office.

Folks can blame anyone else they want for the situation. But we have the exact dynamic that the general public demands regardless of the insincere rhetoric tossed out. Consider trump: how could he have gotten to the stage he's in today without support of a huge segment of the public? Same goes for Mr. Sanders. Perhaps neither will be the next POTUS. But. again, look at the unprecedented level of support the two of them have received from the public. And if but some odd chance one of them wins: the voting public will be getting exactly what they wanted...for good or bad.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby Hawkcreek » Mon 02 May 2016, 14:19:14

"Easy enough to prove: name one national politician (other then perhaps President Carter) that successfully caused significant changes in the system. "
That is exactly what I was saying. If your vote (no matter which side you vote for), can not result in some change, your vote doesn't matter.
It is all smoke and mirrors, lies and more lies.
Do you really think that anyone "voted" to make sure a good education would end up in massive debt, right from the start of your life? Do you think it was an accident that any corporation can default on any and all of their debt and start over, but students couldn't?
The decision makers wanted to make sure that any education would end in being tied to the system for the rest of their lives. Creating slightly educated serfs.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 02 May 2016, 16:40:39

Hundreds of millions to billions are spent every year to manipulate the masses, and then the millionaires and billionaires just love to turn around and blame the manipulated masses for the decisions they've been successfully manipulated into making. It's an old game, but the players have access to much more powerful tools these days--actually, we're all pretty much their tools these days.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 02 May 2016, 16:44:23

ROCKMAN wrote:ennui - So true. If one wants to see a true revolution in the US all the govt needs to do is add another $0.50 to motor fuel taxes. Or shutdown some fossil fuel fired power plants supplying some major US cities. Then we would see blood in the streets. LOL.

Since it would probably take something like a $20.00 per gallon fuel tax to actually pay for all the externalities (consider all the US military costs fooling around in the middle east as ONE example), this shows how truly delusional the masses are.

But of course, everyone is happy UNTIL they are actually made to face the consequences.

One could only wish that the biggest AGW deniers live the closest to the oceans...
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Mon 02 May 2016, 16:50:49

dohboi wrote:Hundreds of millions to billions are spent every year to manipulate the masses, and then the millionaires and billionaires just love to turn around and blame the manipulated masses for the decisions they've been successfully manipulated into making. It's an old game, but the players have access to much more powerful tools these days--actually, we're all pretty much their tools these days.

Of course. No one who claims they are "manipulated" should face ANY consequences for their actions. They should just whine that it's some arbitrary rich peoples' fault, and that they should be made whole.

That should work out about as well as 50+ years of the liberal "war on poverty", resulting in more poor people and far more people on food stamps than ever.

Or in your mind did the "Occupy Wall Street" movement do as much good for its participants as getting more education or another or a better job would have? Or just making some effort to improve their situation?

But let me guess: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett (and their henchmen) were physically preventing all those clueless people from taking any positive action to improve themselves. :roll:

Yeah. That's the ticket.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby Hawkcreek » Mon 02 May 2016, 17:24:41

Outcast_Searcher wrote:
dohboi wrote:Hundreds of millions to billions are spent every year to manipulate the masses, and then the millionaires and billionaires just love to turn around and blame the manipulated masses for the decisions they've been successfully manipulated into making. It's an old game, but the players have access to much more powerful tools these days--actually, we're all pretty much their tools these days.

Of course. No one who claims they are "manipulated" should face ANY consequences for their actions. They should just whine that it's some arbitrary rich peoples' fault, and that they should be made whole.

That should work out about as well as 50+ years of the liberal "war on poverty", resulting in more poor people and far more people on food stamps than ever.

Or in your mind did the "Occupy Wall Street" movement do as much good for its participants as getting more education or another or a better job would have? Or just making some effort to improve their situation?

But let me guess: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett (and their henchmen) were physically preventing all those clueless people from taking any positive action to improve themselves. :roll:

Yeah. That's the ticket.

Hmmm, I see four paragraphs that were careful not to address the point that Dohboi made (that people are manipulated). Why did you quote him?
If you are just trying to say that everyone really deserves the shitty circumstances that they find themselves in, and that everything is only the stupid peoples fault -- we already know you believe that.
After all, the little people have all the power in this world (sarcasm, just in case you didn't catch it). They change things to suit themselves, so they must like it the way that it is. The rich would never try to make things financially harder for the little people, so only the peons are to blame.
Like King Reagan said, the rich are trickling down on the little people as fast as they can.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby shortonoil » Mon 02 May 2016, 18:26:38

"Since it would probably take something like a $20.00 per gallon fuel tax to actually pay for all the externalities (consider all the US military costs fooling around in the middle east as ONE example), this shows how truly delusional the masses are."

Well, actually $20 per gallon is a little high. Is is actually $13.41 at today's $44/ barrel. But your point is quite validate.

The main question is why is the question of Global Warming wrapped in a labyrinth of technical goobly goog that is far beyond the capabilities of the average person to understand. CO2 concentrations, IIPC multi billion dollar black boxes, and a plethora of well paid experts to expound on the revelations of their latest research paper. All of that can be easily demonstrated with an old iron pot, and some water?

Put a fire under the pot, and the water gets hot! The heat generated from burning fossil fuels each year is equivalent to more than twice the heat absorbed by all the world's oceans every year. The world's oceans are getting hot at a rate of 1° F every 32 years. In less than a century there will not be many things remaining alive in them.

Is global warming a real political issue, or an excuse to provide tenured professors with lucrative research grants. Goldman Sachs is planning on making billions by selling carbon credits. Let's end this charade of multi billion dollar save the world investigations, and simply turn down the heat -- before the frog gets sick of the whole rigamarole, and jumps out of the pot.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Mon 02 May 2016, 19:57:08

What caused Carter to lose the election was Baker's back door deal with Likud to supply military spare parts to Iran, in exchange for Iran holding the Hostages until after the election, and reimbursement and support for Israel from the Republicans, once in office.

Likud feared Carter would force Israel into a two state solution to the Palestinian crisis if he got a second term. They felt Carter has strong armed then into the Camp David Accords with Egypt.

Also, somehow the wrong filters ended up in the helicopters for the raid to free the hostages, and got clogged in the desert, forcing the abandoning of the mission. Wonder how that happened? :roll:

This tri-part Pact continued after Reagan entered office with Iran supplying weapons to the Contras in exchange for military spare parts from Israel which the Reagan Administration reimbursed Israel for, to bypass a law passed in Congress preventing them from supplying the Contras.

This became known as Iran-Contra.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby ennui2 » Mon 02 May 2016, 22:35:12

Hawkcreek wrote:If you are just trying to say that everyone really deserves the shitty circumstances that they find themselves in, and that everything is only the stupid peoples fault -- we already know you believe that.

In a democracy, the fish rots from the bottom up. In other words, a gullible and ignorant electorate is the root of all problems. We get the government we deserve.

Now, if we instituted an IQ check before you were entitled to vote maybe elections couldn't be manipulated by cheap propaganda tactics. But we allow all mouth-breathers to vote, which is why Trump is going to win the GOP nom.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby ennui2 » Mon 02 May 2016, 22:38:23

Cid_Yama wrote:What caused Carter to lose the election was Baker's back door deal with Likud to supply military spare parts to Iran, in exchange for Iran holding the Hostages until after the election, and reimbursement and support for Israel from the Republicans, once in office.

It was one factor, but the economy was in the crapper too and Carter was blamed for it. Reagan promised morning in america again and people wanted to buy into that narrative. They didn't want "malaise" anymore.
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby ennui2 » Mon 02 May 2016, 22:43:16

shortonoil wrote:Put a fire under the pot, and the water gets hot! The heat generated from burning fossil fuels each year is equivalent to more than twice the heat absorbed by all the world's oceans every year. The world's oceans are getting hot at a rate of 1° F every 32 years. In less than a century there will not be many things remaining alive in them.


"I believe in Global warming."

shortonoil wrote:Is global warming a real political issue, or an excuse to provide tenured professors with lucrative research grants. Goldman Sachs is planning on making billions by selling carbon credits.


Ah, caught you there! No I don't. Look, here's my tinfoil hat!

Goldman Sachs. It's the Godwin's Law for doomers.

shortonoil wrote:Let's end this charade of multi billion dollar save the world investigations, and simply turn down the heat -- before the frog gets sick of the whole rigamarole, and jumps out of the pot.

And for good measure, here's some magical thinking on top of it!

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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby jedrider » Mon 02 May 2016, 22:57:15

ennui2 wrote:
Cid_Yama wrote:What caused Carter to lose the election was Baker's back door deal with Likud to supply military spare parts to Iran, in exchange for Iran holding the Hostages until after the election, and reimbursement and support for Israel from the Republicans, once in office.

It was one factor, but the economy was in the crapper too and Carter was blamed for it. Reagan promised morning in america again and people wanted to buy into that narrative. They didn't want "malaise" anymore.

And, supposedly, Carter did the dirty work of forcing inflation out of the system:

Inflation: The Reagan Myth and Carter Record ... 18868.html
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby shortonoil » Tue 03 May 2016, 08:03:20

"And for good measure, here's some magical thinking on top of it!"

Don't need it. Depletion will soon be remedying the situation. In case you haven't noticed (which you apparently haven't) the fossil fuel industry is rapidly going broke. Oil producers revenue is down by $1.3 trillion per year, and the coal industry is filing for bankruptcy. But, back to the GW issue, when you heat something up, it gets hot. But apparently you haven't noticed that either. How do you completely shut down your brain, and retain the ability to post pictures of your fantasy girl?
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Re: The Climate Revolution Thread

Unread postby Hawkcreek » Tue 03 May 2016, 14:41:52

ennui2 wrote:In a democracy, the fish rots from the bottom up. In other words, a gullible and ignorant electorate is the root of all problems. We get the government we deserve.

Now, if we instituted an IQ check before you were entitled to vote maybe elections couldn't be manipulated by cheap propaganda tactics. But we allow all mouth-breathers to vote, which is why Trump is going to win the GOP nom.

More to the point, "a gullible and ignorant electorate" is the goal of the existing power structure. We got the government "they" wanted.

And if you seriously think a vote in the presidential election can make a difference, you are smoking some really good stuff.
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