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Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 17:14:47

First, let us not be banal 10,000 or whatever the point is Vietnam is far away from us. Second, the 400 year reference is probably made in reference to the fact that they were gathered and shipped into slavery for 400 years or so. Third, he said darker people not just Black and this is correct in so much as the poorer regions ostensibly exploited are all for the most in the South where the "darker" people live. Fourth, all war is legalized murder even if some do not wish to admit it and and the rest of your objection to number four amounts to you being coy about the matter. Number 5, all that actually happened does not change the fact that he was threatened with jail and with losing much money. Number 6, how do you know he did not follow Islam? I think his actions in not going to Vietnam and forfeiting the best years of his athletic life and thus much money are a testament to his religious convictions.
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 17:39:12

onlooker wrote:.... he did not follow Islam? I think his actions in not going to Vietnam and forfeiting the best years of his athletic life and thus much money are a testament to his religious convictions.

Of course Muhammad ali was a follower of Islam. He started out in the kooky Black Muslim cult back when it was run by Elijah Muhammad. He was personally brought into the faith by Malcom X.

When Malcom X realized the black Muslims had little or nothing to do with actual Islam, a schism resulted and Elijah Muhammad had Malcom X murderd. Muhammad Ali never spoke about his friend Malcom X after he was murdered, and Muhammad Ali stayed with the black Muslims and their weird anti-white racist teaching (i.e. whites were descended from devils, etc.).

When Elijah Muhammad died, and the black Muslims renounced his teachings and became Shia Muslims, Muhammad Ali accepted the new teachings.

The fact that his funeral service will be presided over a Muslim imam indicates Muhammad Ali was a Muslim (although not a very devout one----Muslim teaching is that the body should be buried the next day if possible).

Muhammad Ali wearing a black Muslim hat and testifying in his Black Muslim mosque.
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 18:32:30

Ali was "ambushed" by unsympathetic reporters on several occasions, who asked very basic questions about Islam and the Quran which he could not answer. His public conversion was probably Black Power politics - lending a famous name to a political cause.

It matters not, I suppose - but in everything except the boxing sport which killed him eventually, he was largely an ignorant and loudmouthed fraud.
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 19:07:51

KaiserJeep wrote:Ali was "ambushed" by unsympathetic reporters on several occasions, who asked very basic questions about Islam and the Quran which he could not answer.

Ali had a low IQ and was illiterate. He reportedly never read a book in his life, much less the Koran.

Ali was a great fighter, but an Islamic scholar---not so much. :lol:

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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby Lore » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 19:11:34

Ali, himself often said that he was the greatest not the smartest. Kind of like Trump.
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 19:17:16

Haha Trump is neither the greatest or smartest. Maybe the most arrogant. haha
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 20:42:04

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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby Poordogabone » Mon 06 Jun 2016, 20:42:29

"If the measure of greatness is to gladden the heart of every human being on the face of the earth, then he truly was the greatest,"
-Bob Dylan

KJ, methane gas is supposed to reside in your lower colon not your cranial cavity. I would consult with a physician asap if I were you.
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 07 Jun 2016, 04:44:36

Because I refuse to revere a loudmouthed and unintelligent man? My heroes have all had both intelligence and a reverence and appreciation for the country they live in. Note that I am but 9 years younger than Ali, and I registered for the draft just two years after his famous and obviously ignorant 1967 tirade about his "brown brothers", when he was still being prosecuted for his crimes and was considered a national disgrace by most Americans.

Knowing even then - as everyone did - that Ali did not have two wits to rub together and was a puppet dancing to the tune of other smarter men who wanted to use him and his fame for their own agendas, I never did became a fan of Ali.

For the record, I was 1-A status for two years with a student deferment, then voluntarily enlisted and even volunteered to be sent to SE Asia. However, the USA decided that people with knowledge of electronics should be sent to other places than the jungles of Vietnam. Because the nature of Service is that you end up doing what your country needs to have done, even if it is something that you yourself would not choose to do, in places you would never choose to go, in the company of other men with whom you would otherwise not choose to associate with.

Mohammad Ali, claiming "conscientious objector" status on religious grounds - which even then everybody knew to be a false claim that forever dishonored the man - could have chosen to serve his country in a non-combat role. Many, many people had done so before Ali, in WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam/Cambodia before his famous and ignorant and cowardly repudiation of the obligations of an American citizen.

Which is why he deserves no respect or admiration from any other American today. I was there, and I tell you so from first hand experience. I do not take my beliefs from lying words typed into documents found on the Internet, by people who would condone criminal behavior from a loudmouthed braggart, as long as it fits a political agenda.

By the way, what do you think was the net/net of Ali's refusal to be inducted? He did not stop one single person from going to Vietnam as each local draft board had a quota. The way the system worked, when one draftee refused to report, they dipped one person deeper into the local pool of eligible men, and another citizen of Lewisburg, Kentucky - one who had otherwise escaped the draft via a higher lottery number - went in his stead.

For the second time this week I remind you that this country changes course via whomever we elect to positions in national politics, and not via the words of a loudmouthed braggart or the antics of street rioters. The Vietnam War was a Democratic fantasy which was only ended by electing Richard M. Nixon, after both warmongers JFK and LBJ had repeatedly tried to "win". Another famous Democrat, Mayor Daley of Chicago, had recently sent police into the streets to violently suppress anti-war protesters at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, they too (the "Chicago Seven") were still on trial.

An inconvenient truth, perhaps?
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 07 Jun 2016, 12:24:10

Plantagenet wrote:-snip-

When Malcom X realized the black Muslims had little or nothing to do with actual Islam, a schism resulted and Elijah Muhammad had Malcom X murderd. Muhammad Ali never spoke about his friend Malcom X after he was murdered, and Muhammad Ali stayed with the black Muslims and their weird anti-white racist teaching (i.e. whites were descended from devils, etc.).

When Elijah Muhammad died, and the black Muslims renounced his teachings and became Shia Muslims, Muhammad Ali accepted the new teachings.


Muhammad Ali wearing a black Muslim hat and testifying in his Black Muslim mosque.

Not that it makes a whole bunch of difference anymore, but according to Wikipedia and numerous other sources, Ali converted to the Sunni Muslim faith, not Shia.

The only place in the world where large numbers of Black slaves exist today are the African countries of Mauritania (90,000 Black slaves owned by Arab Muslims) and Sudan (200,000 people abducted and trafficked by Muslim Black insurgents). There are also another 43,000 women and girls in Niger, in sexual slavery to members of all faiths - but with a strong Muslim majority. Millions of other Blacks exist as indebted economic slaves, in African countries where slavery is nominally illegal, with no rights until they repay their owner via decades of hard labor. (In this condition they greatly resemble the large numbers of "indentured" Englishmen who rebelled in the 13 colonies that became the USA in 1776.)

You just do not hear much about these slaves from US Black Muslims, because they spoil the political narrative of the Black Race-Baiters, or from other nominally Christian Race-Baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby Poordogabone » Wed 08 Jun 2016, 19:12:20

The jail system in the US is still exempt from slavery abolition laws. This loophole is utilized at its fullest. No need to look "10.000 miles" away.
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Re: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies at 74

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Wed 08 Jun 2016, 20:31:44

If you do the crime, you do the time. Last time I looked, the inner city areas where people of color reside were rife with violence, crime, and corruption. The toney and mostly white suburbs, not so much.

I can tell, you are a proponent of "affirmative action" releases of minority offenders until the racial mix in prison reflects that of the country at large. Which makes no sense at all because on a national basis, crime is at an all-time low - not surprising, when you understand that the "three strikes" enhancement means that most of the dangerous felons are in prison.
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