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THE NATO Thread Pt. 2

For discussions of events and conditions not necessarily related to Peak Oil.

Re: NATO blames opposition to fracking on Russians.

Unread postby Cog » Wed 03 Feb 2016, 10:58:13

Have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?
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Re: NATO blames opposition to fracking on Russians.

Unread postby Subjectivist » Wed 03 Feb 2016, 13:23:17

Cog wrote:Have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?

I have seen all kinds of people drink all kinds of things, I don't get the point you are trying to make.
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Re: NATO blames opposition to fracking on Russians.

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Wed 03 Feb 2016, 14:02:18

T - So they are "urging" member states to not allow frac'ng. That brings to mind the old joke about the unarmed English bobby chasing a crook: he yells "Stop! Or I'll yell stop again! IOW: "Stop frac'ng! Or I'll urge you again to stop frac'ng. LOL
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NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby dissident » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 09:43:29 ... th-russia/

The United States and NATO Are Preparing for a Major War With Russia

Massive military exercises and a troop buildup on NATO’s eastern flank reflect a dangerous new strategy.

This is all supposedly justified by "the invasion and annexation of Crimea". Crimea never legally belonged to Ukraine in spite of Khruschev gifting it to this USSR "republic". The City of Sevastopol (and its major naval base) was never even part of this gift an was still part of Russia in 1991. Sorry, NATO clowns, but large cities don't just fall under foreign control spontaneously. Crimea has a two-thirds ethnic Russian majority. They have voted systematically since 1990 to stay out of Ukraine but their voices are deliberately ignored: ... ndum,_1991,_1994

What is good for Kosovo is good for Crimea. No amount of screeching by NATO about it being a "special" case makes it so.

NATO leaders need to understand that Russia will not back down on Crimea. NATO will experience nuclear war if it decides to go on a punitive campaign as its quislings in Kiev are doing the Donbas. Crimeans were not going to subject themselves to rule by a bunch of ethno-fascists who were openly calling for the murder of ethnic Russians as was the case in Rwanda in the run up to the genocide there (all you apologist retards can't laugh off calls for ethnically motivated murder). ... i-reality/

NATO is allied with Nazis it helped install them into power in Ukraine and now it wants to wage war on Russia. It is 1939 all over again and this time around the Reich is called NATO.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 10:06:20

Not to worry Dissident Commander and chief Trump will know just how to handle the situation. It will be huge HUGE!!
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby Cog » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 12:45:34

You could move to Russia dissident. You really could. Its obviously a superior place to live than where you currently live.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby claman » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 13:00:45

"NATO leaders need to understand that Russia will not back down on Crimea. "

And Russia shouldn't . But the Russians need to know that this is where the landgrab ends. The next landgrab will be on Nato grounds.

Chinese seagrab, Russian landgrab - It is all a well coordinated political move orchestrated by Russia and China. The Russian landgrab could to some extend be justified, but the Chines seagrab is way over the top.
The chines are losing so much respect and credibility, that it's hard to understand their motives for doing it.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby penury » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 13:07:43

The pro-american propaganda is so thick in this thread that any reality inserted would be superfluous.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 13:17:18

claman wrote:"NATO leaders need to understand that Russia will not back down on Crimea. "

And Russia shouldn't . But the Russians need to know that this is where the landgrab ends. The next landgrab will be on Nato grounds.

Chinese seagrab, Russian landgrab - It is all a well coordinated political move orchestrated by Russia and China. The Russian landgrab could to some extend be justified, but the Chines seagrab is way over the top.
The chines are losing so much respect and credibility, that it's hard to understand their motives for doing it.

When did the Chinese have any respect and credibility?
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby claman » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 13:24:41

Penury, If all national borders were decided by local ethnic majority, we would have a pretty weird looking atlas.
Sometimes minorities/majorities have to live under "foreign" rule, and that is how the world in general looks to day. Try to change that and you got a lot of civil wars. Iraq and Syria are great examples of that.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby claman » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 13:38:07

WTSnowedin: Some ten years ago nobody would have expected china for having good old imperialistic intensions. But now we know better. Congratulations to a so called communistic country, that has been figthing western imperialistic powers for decades.
It all goes to show that no country can be relied on - their neighbours have to keep their arms loaded, cocked and ready to fire
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 14:26:06

God, you hating warmongers are idiots. Our fighters still do not have a chance to penetrate Chinese airspace, a situation that has existed since the 1990s.

Our resident US morons don't even bother to actually look to see if their Rah Rah nonsense is true before posting.

As for warring with either Russia or China, you will probably be facing both if you attack either and they both have hypersonic reentry vehicles that can't be stopped.


Imbeciles! Get a clue.

If the US starts looking rabid and dangerous, they will just put us down with a first strike we can't stop.

We are no longer capable of being the bully on the block.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

The level of injustice and wrong you endure is directly determined by how much you quietly submit to. Even to the point of extinction.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby claman » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 14:44:12

Cid-yama, could you be a little more specific ?
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 15:18:32

claman wrote:WTSnowedin: Some ten years ago nobody would have expected china for having good old imperialistic intensions. But now we know better. Congratulations to a so called communistic country, that has been figthing western imperialistic powers for decades.
It all goes to show that no country can be relied on - their neighbours have to keep their arms loaded, cocked and ready to fire
I can see China coming to blows with India over the food and other resources lying between then in SE Asia. Their arms sales to Bangladesh and Myanmar are pointing in that direction. Other then that the only "imperialist" invasion they might consider is trying to retake Taiwan by force which would be a killing the goose that's laying golden eggs mistake. Other then those two I think they will content themselves with economic competition and cyber warfare. The logistics are too onerous and the rewards too small and uncertain to risk it.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby Sixstrings » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 16:18:00

dissident wrote:Sorry, NATO clowns, but large cities don't just fall under foreign control spontaneously.

Right, they don't just don't just fall under foreign control spontaneously..

What happens is that the Russian Army leaves their leased naval base, breaking every last legal agreement and promise with the host nation (that was leasing them that base in good faith and trust), and THEN said Russian Army takes up positions on every street corner.

An invasion. THAT is how a place falls under foreign control, it gets invaded.

And, they took their patches off their jackets -- as if nobody would know they came over from that Russian naval base, or from over the border with Russia.

The famous "little green men."

Like George W. Bush famously said:

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

NATO will NOT get fooled again.

ALL of Russia's neighbors, from Estonians to Swedes, and Romanians and Poles, and Turks and Alaskans, are UNITED in the common defense purpose that the Russian Army shall NOT cross any of their borders.

There shall NOT be any more sneaky hybrid war annexations.

ALL of Russia's neighbors have dusted off that old homeowner's association agreement, "NATO." To handle the problem neighbor in the hood, ALL the other neighbors stand united.


It's not hostile to Russia, it's just DEFENSE -- we're just all going to defend our borders together, all for one and one for all. There shall be NO MORE Crimeas, whether that be in Sweden or Estonia or Poland or Romania or Alaska, or arctic resource confrontation getting too heated with Canada.

Russia has a responsibility to work with the rest of the world, and all its neighbors.

Seriously: anybody with common sense knows this is just defensive, it's a simple matter of ALL of Russia's neighbors are banded together to not allow Russia to cross anyone's border.

Ben Hodges is over there in Poland, he's a good general. He can handle it!

LTG Ben Hodges, Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe and Lt. Gen. Miroslaw

Poland flexes its military muscle during Exercise Anakonda 2016

US & Polish Tanks, Armored Vehicles Live Fire Exercise Anakonda 2016


U.S. Soldiers during exercise Anakonda 2016

America stands with Poland, and all our east Europe allies! Warsaw, Prague, Romania too, ALL will be defended, united we all stand.

It's JFK and Ronald Reagan and HW Bush's legacy, the end of the cold war.. when the peoples behind the Iron Curtain broke free and joined the West. These east European countries are some of the most pro American there are, in the world.

They're solid, good core allies. Just as Japan is, and South Korea.


Poland and America stand side by side, allies forever:


It's sad things went bad with Russia (Putin) and they don't like us so much, but the REST of east europe likes us. Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia.. these are very pro American places.

And they shall all be free, for as long as the stars and stripes flies, just as South Korea and Japan and Israel, and Australia and west Europe and the UK, will always be free, their independence guaranteed by the United States of America.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby claman » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 16:44:16

VTS :"Other then that the only "imperialist" invasion they might consider is trying to retake Taiwan "
As we know from the british and Japanese empires and the portugalese, dominance of the waters is just as imperialistic and important as as land dominance. Dominance of the seas are maybe even more important than dominance of land.
Maybe China has understod that, and are going full in for sea dominance.
They will not be popular for that, but maybe they yhink it is worth trying. There is a lot of nations who do not approve of their ideas. Time will show
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby claman » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 17:04:02

Come on Sixstrings, we are all with you, just like you are with us.
Denmarks 27 new F-35's will help keep the South Baltics clean of unwanted ships so you don't have to worry about being attacked from the back
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 18:02:26

claman wrote:Come on Sixstrings, we are all with you, just like you are with us.
Denmarks 27 new F-35's will help keep the South Baltics clean of unwanted ships so you don't have to worry about being attacked from the back

Having F-35's on order and having them operational are two very different things.
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Re: NATO preparing for war on Russia

Unread postby claman » Sat 09 Jul 2016, 18:14:18

The Russians are reorganising the Baltic fleet , and by that time I guess/hope we have it all in place, or maybe not - anyway it seems like Russia is calming down a little and that will give us all time to get things in place.
For the moment being i'm not particularly worried.
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