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Iransome $400 Million

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Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 04:46:14

August 5, 2016, 1:16 am


How sad a spectacle to see Americans defending that shameful $400 million tribute to Iran.

Barack Obama might well have been right in saying this week that Donald Trump wasn’t qualified to be president.

But there is a problem — Obama isn’t qualified to make that judgement, and frankly with the revelations about his actions in supplicating America to the Iranian mullahs this week, it’s time to begin talking about what the personal consequences should be to himself and his team for what they’ve done.

Specifically at issue is the story, first reported this week by Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, that Obama secured the release of four Americans held hostage by the Iranians by flying in $400 million in grease-money to buy them back.

Apparently it was so much of a quid pro quo that perhaps the most famous of the four, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, told the Fox Business Network Thursday that he and the others were made to wait at an airport for hours before release and when they asked about what the holdup to their release was, it was clearly the arrival of the money.

“[T]hey told us you’re going to be there for 20 minutes,” he told FBN’s Trish Regan. “But it took like hours and hours. We slept at the airport, and when I asked them why you don’t let us go, because the plane was there, pilot was there, everyone was ready that we leave the country, they said we are waiting for another plane, and until that plane doesn’t come, we never let you go.”

The plane finally did come. When it did, reports say it contained wooden pallets of paper currency — Swiss francs, Euros, and other notes totaling $400 million. The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. federal government secured the money from the central banks in the Netherlands and Switzerland, then flew it into Tehran — clearly to satisfy a condition of the release of Abedini and the others.

One would imagine that it would be a lot easier for the federal government to simply wire the money; if nothing else, there would be no reason to prolong the agony of the hostages at the airport.



Whole story is at:
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby GHung » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 08:58:28

It was Iran's money to begin with; being held for ransom in US banks. The entire gist of this article is a LIE, one which far too many Americans will swallow whole.

Gotta love this part: "One would imagine that it would be a lot easier for the federal government to simply wire the money..."

Part of western sanctions against Iran was a complete disconnect from the western electronic banking system. They couldn't wire the money because we shut them down. And what difference does it make? Neocon sheeple are idiots.
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 10:40:05

Only a Neolib would believe the incredible lie that this was not a ransom. The legal finding awarding the cash was in January 2016, the four hostages were held until after the cash arrived and was counted.

While the White House may claim that there are no linkages between its various unsavory, outrageous, and suicidal dealings with Iran, it would appear the Iranians believe such dealings are all very much related - they set the terms, and we complied, even purchased foreign currency to subvert US laws.

Still another $1.3B to be paid, wonder how many other Americans we can "not ransom" with that cash. Also, now that this reeking deal has been publicised worldwide, America's citizens abroad are in considerable danger because of it.

I never thought to see a POTUS more inept at foreign relations than Jimmy Carter. Now I have seen one, Barack Obama.
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby GHung » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 11:10:14

KJ: "Only a Neolib would believe the incredible lie that this was not a ransom. "

Who gives a shit what you call it? And I think it's pretty slick that we used Iran's own money to get our people back. Thinking the administration isn't going to spin this in their favor is silly, as is thinking that "incredible lies" coming out of Washington is any longer worthy of comment. For the most part, only lying sacks-of-shit get elected by both parties; which is why I'm firmly in the independent pragmatic school, watching you pots calling kettles black. Silly you, KJ.
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby regardingpo » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 12:24:57

Nitpicking, but shouldn't the title be Iransom, without the e?
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 12:25:17

If it wasn't ransom, why did the Iranians refuse to release the US hostages until it was paid? The Iranians held the US hostages at the airport until the cargo plane loaded with ransom money landed. Only after they checked that the ransom money had been paid, did they release the hostages.

If it wasn't ransom, why did they need a whole plane to transport pallet loads of small, unmarked bills? Don't people know that kidnappers always want small unmarked bills because they are untraceable.

If it wasn't ransom, why do the Iranians say it was ransom? Think about it. If the kidnappers think they got a ransom payment for the hostages they took---then isn't it actually a ransom payment?

If it wasn't ransom, then why have the Iranians already collected another batch of US hostages which they are holding for.......wait for it........more RANSOM?

Thats the problem with Obama paying $400 million in ransom for this first bunch of hostages. There is already a second batch being held in Iran in order to get more ransom.

Obama has now put a target on the back of every US citizen in Iran or other similar places that says kidnap americans and the Obama administration will pay you hundreds of millions of dollars in ransom money.

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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby GHung » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 13:12:42

Plant said; "Obama has now put a target on the back of every US citizen in Iran or other similar places that says kidnap americans"...

Bush did a fine job of that, Plant, but we're used to you being a bit slow on the uptake. At least the Iranians didn't cut their heads off and send you the video.
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 13:21:53

In the end, your beliefs, my beliefs, and the beliefs of Obama and his administration are all irrelevant. What matters is that the Ayatollah thinks that he extorted money from the US in exchange for hostages. That fact is what endangers US citizens. That fact is yet another example where Obama failed to protect US citizens - which is part of the oath he swore.

Since those funds were in US hands since 1979 and were successfully retained by presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush II - only to be forked over by Obama - it's another example of his bad decisions and poor performance. He really is the worst president I can remember (I remember from Eisenhower onwards), and a definite contender for the worst POTUS there has ever been.
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 13:51:53

KaiserJeep wrote:What matters is that the Ayatollah thinks that he extorted money from the US in exchange for hostages. That fact is what endangers US citizens. That fact is yet another example where Obama failed to protect US citizens... He really is the worst president I can remember (I remember from Eisenhower onwards), and a definite contender for the worst POTUS there has ever been.

+1 +1 +1

You've got it exactly right. The Iranians are now even showing film of the piles of cash on Iranian TV, and boasting about the big ransom they collected from Obama and the USA.

Iranian television has broadcast what some say is purported footage of the $400 million pallets of cash that officials claim was part of the “expensive price” paid by the Obama administration to free several U.S. hostages.

The footage.... shows images of large stacks of hard currency and features claims that the Obama administration sent this money over as part of an effort to free several U.S. hostages.


Of course this just creates an environment favorable to taking more Americans as hostages, and demanding more ransom money, which is exactly wha the Iranians are doing---they've already got a new batch of US hostages.
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Aug 2016, 18:40:40

Its "open season" on Americans now in Iran. Iran just took another US citizen hostage yesterday


How much longer is this bozo going to be president? He can still do a lot of damage, even as a lame duck.

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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby GregT » Sat 06 Aug 2016, 02:56:18

From your link planter:

“Another day, another hostage taken by Iran," House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) said today. "Iran has clearly declared open season on anyone with ties to the United States. What is the White House going to do about it?”

"...What I can say is our commitment, and our commitment is to the safety and security of U.S. citizens abroad. We think these people need to be home with their families."

Kind of a no-brainer really. Stay in the USA, and stop spreading violence, war, terrorism, and destruction abroad. If you can't get your own house in order, you have no right in telling anybody else what to do.
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Re: Iransome $400 Million

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 06 Aug 2016, 12:50:43

GregT wrote: Stay in the USA, and stop spreading violence, war, terrorism, and destruction abroad.


How likely is that with neoliberal war mongers like Obama and Queen Hillary running the show? Just last week Obama started bombing Libya again.


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