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Nuclear War, Dieoffs, and Doomer Porn! Pt. 4

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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby GHung » Sat 20 Aug 2016, 18:50:18

Pity, maybe; not disgust. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" or something like that. Meanwhile I just got back from the garden, picking cukes to make more pickles. Can't go back to store-bought pickles (sort of a metaphor I guess). Tomorrow we'll probably can more beans and apple sauce.
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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby Ibon » Sat 20 Aug 2016, 19:52:42

GHung wrote:Pity, maybe; not disgust. "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" or something like that.

Like stages of grief there is also a timeline of reaction. I went from anger to disgust, at times pity, but I have landed in a place where irrelevant is the best word that describes my reaction to those who willfully and unquestionably submit to the golden cage.
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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby Ibon » Sat 20 Aug 2016, 20:17:15

I thought I would share an off the grid vignette. We are building again here at Mount Totumas, adding an owners cabin and a couple rooms. Today the power was shut down to the lodge and other cabins so that all 7.6KW from our hydro turbine could feed the construction site. One of our workers was welding pieces of rebar and was using a welder that requires 7KW which sucks in all our power.

In the midst of this I got stuck in a rainstorm and went back to the lodge cold and wet and jumped in the tub to run some hot water. Unfortunately the water was lukewarm because the electric hot water tank was shut down. I had to switch to on demand propane to get the hot water. I am laying in the tub and it just didn't feel right, using propane to heat water. Propane I had to pay for and haul up the mountain using our diesel pick up truck. I just dumped a few buckets over my head and exited.

When you are used to generating your own free power and then you suddenly use bought for propane for something as non essential like heating water for a bath, you just don't feel quite right about it.

If we have the lodge full of guests and are making good income and have to switch to propane that's fine. But alone in the lodge and using propane to heat water just rubbed me all wrong.

In moments like this I cant help but imagine the hundreds of millions of folks out there switching lights and power off and on all day without appreciating it or even realizing where their power comes from.
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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby Hawkcreek » Sat 20 Aug 2016, 20:34:20

I don't live on that corporate treadmill anymore, but I have to admit, I kinda liked it sometimes. In my business there was always a challenge to meet, different people to like or dislike, and often new gadgets to play with. Of course, I always worked as a contractor, so I left any job that I didn't like. I have probably quit at least 20 or 30 jobs in my life. I could almost always find someone willing to pay me more to let me change my surroundings. I feel sorry for the young people today that don't have that kind of freedom.
I have never considered myself a survivalist, just someone with a bit of paranoia left over from my younger days, combined with the responsibility I felt for my family. I worked on my Plan B for a long time, but now I just consider it a part time home.
Like I said before, I like good coffee, travelling, etc, etc.. I probably burn over 1000 gallons of gas a year, just in finding pretty places to camp, and nice people to meet.
I do think most of the things I like will be much harder to find and enjoy in the future, but that doesn't matter to me very much. I'm pushing 70, and I will probably be hard to find in the not too distant future myself.
Meanwhile, life is great, I have turkeys to feed when I am on the hill, pictures to take of the pretty landscapes I find, and motorcycles that still give me an adrenaline rush, once in a while.
I don't really think the collapse will come in time to make my life any more interesting than it already is.
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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby onlooker » Sat 20 Aug 2016, 20:41:14

I think Ibon your story dramatizes to me the incredible waste and over consumption evident in our modern industrial civilization. I believe I had read from Greer that some of the personal electrical uses could have so easily been serviced by wind or solar. Things like heating water, lights, fans, running water etc. In turn this dramatizes how at some point we were at a crucible whereby we could have perhaps chosen a less ostentatious and prolific economic system via wind/solar etc. but decided to go with the most energy intensive type of economic system via fossil fuels. Was this as inevitable as overpopulation was given our medical advances? Probably. But who knows.
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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby Ibon » Sat 20 Aug 2016, 21:24:53

onlooker wrote:I think Ibon your story dramatizes to me the incredible waste and over consumption evident in our modern industrial civilization. I believe I had read from Greer that some of the personal electrical uses could have so easily been serviced by wind or solar. Things like heating water, lights, fans, running water etc. In turn this dramatizes how at some point we were at a crucible whereby we could have perhaps chosen a less ostentatious and prolific economic system via wind/solar etc. but decided to go with the most energy intensive type of economic system via fossil fuels. Was this as inevitable as overpopulation was given our medical advances? Probably. But who knows.

It's a strange world full of cognitive dissonance. I despair burning some propane to heat water for a bath but I run an eco tourist lodge that depends on tourists flying on airplanes thousands of miles to visit us and provide us an income.
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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 21 Aug 2016, 07:43:49

Yeah, I get that Ibon. I feel the hypocrite all the time.

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Re: Nuclear Weapons in Turkey: the Elephant in the Room

Unread postby vox_mundi » Tue 30 Aug 2016, 13:04:18

Who you gonna believe; Take your pick ...

US Transfers Nukes from Turkey to Romania amid Rising Tensions


Two independent sources told that the US has started transferring nuclear weapons stationed in Turkey to Romania, against the background of worsening relations between Washington and Ankara.

According to one of the sources, the transfer has been very challenging in technical and political terms.

“It’s not easy to move 20+ nukes,” said the source, on conditions of anonymity.

According to a recent report by the Simson Center, since the Cold War, some 50 US tactical nuclear weapons have been stationed at Turkey’s Incirlik air base, approximately 100 kilometers from the Syrian border.

During the failed coup in Turkey in July, Incirlik’s power was cut, and the Turkish government prohibited US aircraft from flying in or out. Eventually, the base commander was arrested and implicated in the coup.

Whether the US could have maintained control of the weapons in the event of a protracted civil conflict in Turkey is an unanswerable question, the report says.

Another source told EurActiv news website that the US-Turkey relations had deteriorated so much following the coup that Washington no longer trusted Ankara to host the weapons. The American weapons are being moved to the Deveselu air base in Romania, the source said.


Romania was an ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, but it never hosted nuclear weapons during that period. Stationing tactical US nuclear weapons close to Russia’s borders is likely to infuriate Russia and lead to an escalation. The stationing of Russian nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962 was the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war.

EurActiv has asked the US State Department, and the Turkish and the Romanian foreign ministries, to comment. American and Turkish officials both promised to answer. After several hours, the State Department said the issue should be referred to the Department of Defense. EurActiv will publish the DoD reaction as soon as it is received.

In the meantime, NATO sent EurActiv a diplomatically worded comment which implies that allies must make sure that US nuclear weapons deployed in Europe remain “safe”.

“On your question, please check the Communiqué of the NATO Warsaw Summit (published on 9 July 2016), paragraph 53: “NATO’s nuclear deterrence posture also relies, in part, on United States’ nuclear weapons forward-deployed in Europe and on capabilities and infrastructure provided by Allies concerned. These Allies will ensure that all components of NATO’s nuclear deterrent remain safe, secure, and effective,” a NATO spokesperson wrote to EurActiv.

The NATO summit took place a few days before the failed coup in Turkey. At that time, the risks for the US nukes in Incirlik were related to the proximity of the war in Syria and the multiple terrorist attacks that have taken place in Turkey in recent months. For some of the attacks, Ankara blamed Daesh (ISIL), and for others the PKK, the Kurdish military organization that appears on the EU and US terrorist lists.

The Romanian foreign ministry strongly denied the information that the country has become home of US nukes.

In response to your request, Romanian MFA firmly dismisses the information you referred to,” a spokesperson wrote.

Romanian politicians react to US nuclear weapons transfer reports

The report by that the United States has started the transfer of nuclear weapons from Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base to the Deveselu air base in Romania has triggered numerous reactions from Romania’s politicians. The country’s Ministry of Defense denied yesterday the reports, which he dismissed as “speculations.
One cannot move warheads as you would a sack of potatoes

... According to former president Traian Basescu, the information is not reliable. “One cannot move warheads as you would a sack of potatoes, it was decided yesterday and tomorrow it’s done, we move them to another location. Secondly, such a move involves a negotiation process between the owner of the warheads and the host country that takes years, because once deposited on the territory of a state, the risks for this state are extremely high. There are a lot of components that make this information unreliable,” Basescu told broadcaster Realitatea TV on Thursday.

... But he didn't say it was 'untrue'

US activates Romanian missile defence site, angering Russia


The United States switched on an $800 million missile shield in Romania yesterday (12 May) that it sees as vital to defend itself and Europe from so-called rogue states but the Kremlin says is aimed at blunting its own nuclear arsenal.

To the music of military bands at the remote Deveselu air base, senior US and NATO officials declared operational the ballistic missile defence site, which is capable of shooting down rockets from countries such as Iran that Washington says could one day reach major European cities.

The U.S. Is Now Flexing Its Nuclear Muscles on a Weekly Basis

ImageThe Pentagon is suddenly very interested in making sure Russia knows America's nukes still work.

The last three weeks has seen a surge in testing of American nuclear weapon systems, accompanied by carefully released photos on social media. The tests and pictures appear calculated to drive home one point: The Cold War may have ended 24 years ago, but America's nuclear weapons still work.

On October 21, a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in in Southern California. The missile, launched by crews from the 90th Missile Wing at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, delivered a re-entry test vehicle to Kwajalein Atoll 4,200 miles away.

On November 3, 2015, a pair of B-52H bombers flew from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana to Spain, where they participated in a maritime strike scenario exercise. Although the mission simulated a conventional strike, the B-52H has the ability to drop nuclear bombs.

On November 7, a Trident II D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missile launched from the Pacific Missile Test Center in Southern California, also at Kwajalein Atoll. This launch from the nuclear submarine USS Kentucky was seen up and down the West Coast, as far as Arizona and San Francisco, and widely photographed and shared on social media. Five members of Congress were on board to observe the launch. On November 9 a second Trident was launched from Pacific Missile Test Center.


on an unrelated note...

Stockpile food in case of attack, Germany tells citizens

Germany on Wednesday (24 August) urged its population to stockpile food and water in case of terrorist or cyber attacks, as it adopted its first civil defence strategy since the end of the Cold War.

The plan marks the first broad update since 1995, when a dismantling of federal civil defence structures was advocated as security policies were eased in the wake of German reunification.

But the 69-page document warned that “the security policy environment has changed again”.

The plan makes civilian backing of troops a priority while advocating making buildings more resilient and increasing capacity in the healthcare system.

It also encourages the people to stockpile sufficient food for 10 days, and water to last five.

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Re: Nuclear Weapons in Turkey: the Elephant in the Room

Unread postby vox_mundi » Tue 30 Aug 2016, 19:48:08

No, the U.S. Is Not Moving Its Nukes From Turkey to Romania

An obscure website published a vague report Thursday making the dramatic claim that relations between Washington and Ankara had deteriorated so badly that the United States had begun moving nuclear weapons from Turkey to Romania.

The problem is that there doesn’t seem to be any basis at all for the report, which alleged B61 nuclear weapons were on their way to Romania’s Deveselu base. Romania’s defense ministry promptly denied it and experts dismissed the idea as illogical for technical and other reasons.

Although the Obama administration declined to comment, officials privately scoffed at the report when asked by FP.

NATO Nukes in Romania: Rumor Mill Vs. Reality

... According to a 2010 paper by The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) titled, “NATO’s Tactical Nuclear Dilemma” (PDF), part of the reasoning of maintaining nuclear weapons in Europe and Turkey is to give the NATO alliance “credibility” as well as discourage nuclear proliferation both within NATO and beyond it.

The paper postulated that the removal of nuclear weapons from Turkey could unbalance the region strategically and spur nuclear proliferation from Iran to Saudi Arabia and perhaps even force Turkey itself to seek its own nuclear weapons. In regards to Turkey, the paper concluded that maintaining US nuclear weapons there was desirable both for Turkey and for NATO.

Considering what were perceived to be the consequences of removing nuclear weapons from Turkey in 2010, the transferring of US nuclear weapons to Romania now would be serious indeed. Thus, floating rumors of the weapons being moved could have been aimed at pressuring Ankara to make concessions regarding any number of current US projects in the region, the most prominent of which would be its ongoing proxy war against Syria, Russia and Iran.

Another possibility may have been to simply add credibility to claims that US and Turkish ties are strained, even unraveling.

This geopolitical subterfuge might be aimed at Russia and Syria as a means of drawing them in before an inevitable betrayal.
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Re: Nuclear Weapons in Turkey: the Elephant in the Room

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 31 Aug 2016, 11:34:02

If they were going anywhere, I would expect them to be transferred to Croatia who have been preparing to receive nuclear weapons under the nuclear sharing program since 2013.


Romania is not part of the program, nor would have the secure facilities prepared to house them.
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Re: Nuclear Weapons in Turkey: the Elephant in the Room

Unread postby dissident » Wed 31 Aug 2016, 11:53:32

Cid_Yama wrote:If they were going anywhere, I would expect them to be transferred to Croatia who have been preparing to receive nuclear weapons under the nuclear sharing program since 2013.


Romania is not part of the program, nor would have the secure facilities prepared to house them.

Regardless it would be major violation of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. But Uncle Scam is exceptional in his own mind so treaties don't apply. Uncle Scam signed many treaties with the aboriginals and stole their land anyway.
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Re: World War III is well and truly underway. And we are los

Unread postby dts » Mon 05 Sep 2016, 20:44:18

I think we as a nation should fund free sterilization across the world and give people 10,000 to do it for every member of the family that does choose it. Instead of using all the money for war, use the money for that and bring back civilian conservation corps and plant trees, bring back the trolleys which were taken down by fossil fuel corporations. Back in the 50's there was a trolley to every city in Indiana but it was pulled apart for buses run on gas. Make propaganda against climate change punishable for attempting to kill off the human race. Tell everyone victory gardens are back in vogue and have the civilian conservation corps put in wind mills, solar panels for free everywhere. There is so much that could be done but the humans that run shell and exxon wont even let us try, they don't get it that climate change is going to kill them as well, our oligarchs are so exceptionally stupid.
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Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby dissident » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 10:34:08 ... ar/ri17032

Interviewer Chuck Todd had asked him, “Why would he [Obama] send a message out to Putin?” Biden pursed his lips, paused, and said, with a grim look on his face, “We sent him the message.” Of course that didn’t answer Todd’s question, which was “Why?" Biden and Todd both remained silent for another tense moment. Then, Biden picked up again: “We have the capacity to do it, and, uh,” and Todd interrupted him there with “He’ll know it?” Biden replied: “He’ll know it, and it’ll be at a time of our choosing, and under circumstances that have the greatest impact. Uh, the capacity to do, to fundamentally alter the election, is not what people think; and, uh, I tell you what: to the extent that they do [‘do’ presumably meaning: fundamentally alter the election], we will be proportionate in what we do. And, uh,” Todd again interrupted his interviewee, and said, “So, a message is going to be sent. Will the public know?” Biden replied, “Hope not.”

The lunatics in the White House really believe that they have nuclear primacy. This is what the delusion about being exceptional gets you. Delusions of grandeur and invincibility. The broken record of western history and its perpetual drang nach osten.

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Re: Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby vox_mundi » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 10:47:46

dissident wrote:

Interviewer Chuck Todd had asked him, “Why would he [Obama] send a message out to Putin?” Biden pursed his lips, paused, and said, with a grim look on his face, “We sent him the message.” Of course that didn’t answer Todd’s question, which was “Why?" Biden and Todd both remained silent for another tense moment. Then, Biden picked up again: “We have the capacity to do it, and, uh,” and Todd interrupted him there with “He’ll know it?” Biden replied: “He’ll know it, and it’ll be at a time of our choosing, and under circumstances that have the greatest impact. Uh, the capacity to do, to fundamentally alter the election, is not what people think; and, uh, I tell you what: to the extent that they do [‘do’ presumably meaning: fundamentally alter the election], we will be proportionate in what we do. And, uh,” Todd again interrupted his interviewee, and said, “So, a message is going to be sent. Will the public know?” Biden replied, “Hope not.”

The lunatics in the White House really believe that they have nuclear primacy. This is what the delusion about being exceptional gets you. Delusions of grandeur and invincibility. The broken record of western history and its perpetual drang nach osten.

You will get yours and you will never recover.

The interview was about cyberwar - not nuclear war

vox_mundi wrote: CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia

The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

Current and former officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the CIA has been asked to deliver options to the White House for a wide-ranging "clandestine" cyber operation designed to harass and "embarrass" the Kremlin leadership.

The sources did not elaborate on the exact measures the CIA was considering, but said the agency had already begun opening cyber doors, selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation. Former intelligence officers told NBC News that the agency had gathered reams of documents that could expose unsavory tactics by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

When asked if the American public will know a message was sent, the vice president replied, "Hope not."

Retired Admiral James Stavridis told NBC News' Cynthia McFadden that the U.S. should attack Russia's ability to censor its internal internet traffic and expose the financial dealings of President Vladimir Putin and his associates.
"It's well known that there's great deal of offshore money moved outside of Russia from oligarchs," he said. "It would be very embarrassing if that was revealed, and that would be a proportional response to what we've seen" in Russia's alleged hacks and leaks targeting U.S. public opinion.

"We've always hesitated to use a lot of stuff we've had, but that's a political decision," one former officer said. "If someone has decided, `We've had enough of the Russians,' there is a lot we can do. Step one is to remind them that two can play at this game and we have a lot of stuff. Step two, if you are looking to mess with their networks, we can do that, but then the issue becomes, they can do worse things to us in other places."
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Re: Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby Tanada » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 10:50:06

These foolish decisions make me very nervous.

Russia is not Iraq, with a third world military and no ability to defend itself in depth. Russia has thousands of nuclear devices at its disposal that can be launched in reprisal of any attack.

Just having three 'satellites' orbiting over the USA go off EMP fashion would totally destroy our financial system in a blink of an eye without directly killing any civilians.

Nuclear war is a game nobody wins and everybody loses.
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Re: Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby Ibon » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 10:54:59

Tanada wrote:Nuclear war is a game nobody wins and everybody loses.

Maybe a county like Uruguay would win. A country far away from geopolitical conflict, somewhat self sufficient. The citizens would feel so grateful of their privileged position in the aftermaths of such an event that it would bind the country together with a sense of unity. Just saying.
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Re: Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby AgentR11 » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 11:07:59

Diss, they aren't talking about a military engagement; they're talking about hacking each other; which is kinda stupid; we're hacking the Russians as hard as we possibly can, and Russians are doing exactly the same thing, RIGHT NOW. Its fine.

They're only talking about it openly because hacking became publicly entangled in the US election, so they have to make like they're about to pull off some great retaliatory move. When in fact, they'll just keep doing what they've already been doing for years; and Russia will do the same.

Also, probably shouldn't think of these things as specifically government ordered, but instead, think of them as tolerated activity of black hats within the US and Russia, encouraged to target each's adversary.

At most, a US team will be encouraged to do something that makes a splashy effect visible to Western press... (and likely mocked in Russian in Russia).
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Re: Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby jesus_of_suburbia » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 11:08:39

The video won't play for me. Does Biden specifically mention nuclear war? Reading the quotes transcribed in the article, I didn't see any explicit threats of nuclear war. I know there's been a lot of shit talk regarding a cyber attack on Russia, so I'm assuming that's what Biden is referring to.

Either way, can our government just drop this already? We are looking dumber by the day. If we really want to push someone around, how about a non-nuclear power? Go slap around that guy in the Philippines if you really need a fix.

I really hope this is the typical tough guy posturing the Democrats do before elections. They are so scared of being called weak by the Republicans. This puffed chest facade is just flat out embarrassing.
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Re: Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby dissident » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 17:10:31

vox_mundi wrote:
The interview was about cyberwar - not nuclear war

It is not for the yapper to decide what is the interpretation of ambiguous threats. It is for the audience to decide. If Biden was worried about clarity he would have used different language. He used ambiguous language on purpose since threatening cyber war is for morons and a nice "plausible deniability" cover.

BTW, "cyber war" is a term for retards. Shutting down access to a few internet hubs and launching DOS attacks is really a joke and not something to elevate to WWIII dialogue.

Any security organization with a clue would have dealt with STUXNET type firmware sabotage a long time ago. So the notion that Obama will be able to shut down power plants in Russia is ludicrous. Same goes the other way around.
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Re: Obama Threatens Putin with Nuclear War

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 15 Oct 2016, 19:00:02

vox_mundi wrote:cyberwar - not nuclear war

Why is Obama threatening Russia at all? Don't forget, Obama is also threatening to intervene military in Syria on the side of the Jihadis in Aleppo---this would bring him into military conflict with Russia, which is backing the government of Syria.

Obama is acting like an egomaniac---no one appointed him king of the world with the right to boss around every other country on the planet. Has Obama consulted with president-to-be Hillary on this, or is he just trying to screw things up as much as he can before he leaves office.....
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