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Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 15:07:38

Subjectivist wrote:I want my President to put USA first and the rest of the world later.

The thing is, the "USA" actually gets a LOT of benefit form the world. The US already has the highest GDP -- it can't get any higher than #1, so it's not like we aren't getting our fair share in the world.

The REAL problem is just that the "we" is too much the top 1%.. so that's why I'm a Democrat, and believe the 1% need taxed a bit more, and raise wages, and other ideas HRC has in her platform.

There's actually nothing wrong with the "system" that Trump is criticizing -- he's really just off message. Rather than retreat from the world and end the system, he ought to be for just spreading the benefits around, more equitably.

But, he's an isolationist protectionist Republican.. rather than a democratic capitalist Democrat.. so there's the difference. It's like Herbert Hoover, versus FDR.

Trump's ideas could result in a LOWER gdp, if he really is protectionist and wants to retreat from the world.

A lower GDP overall isn't something I'd be for -- I just say to TAX it a bit, spread it around a bit.

I have to wonder, WHY doesn't Trump come to that same conclusion?

He says "just throw the system out, you working class people aren't getting anything from it." But really, it doesn't have to be that way -- an FDR type could just pass some things to SPREAD that wealth better, rather than toss the rich totally off the boat and everybody be poor.

Essentially, I fear that Trump is actually ANTI RICH but it's in a way where he'd just cause wealth to be lost rather than be an FDR and simply tax the wealth but don't throw it away.

Look at what's going on with the stock market right now. IT'S REBOUNDING TODAY, because of Comey's letter and the polls look like a sure Clinton win. This stuff is no joke, if Trump won the market could CRASH.

Honestly, I wonder why in troubled times, conservatives go PROTECTIONIST on the economy rather than move left and just tax the rich. The protectionism, actually hurts the rich a lot more than the tax would! Therefore, the latter is the better course for everyone.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 15:21:00

dohboi wrote:Changing a 'slur' into a point of pride is a genius move, and if it has life beyond my post, I would hope that my neologism would have such an afterlife! ... ate-trump/

Yikes, our culture is devolving, or something. :|

I saw on the news, some Trump-supporting women wore "Trump can grab me by the _____" tshirts, to a Trump rally. These women looked like someone's mother, and that was just so vulgar (it had an arrow on the shirt pointing down).

So now per your link Doh, some liberal women are TATOOING "nasty woman" on their arms?

Sigh. :|

What we badly need in this country -- $15 minimum wage, free college, EDUCATE THE PEOPLE so that they are CLASSIER and more educated. EXPAND the middle class, LIFT UP the working class.

And I don't mean to be a prude, I like a good biker dive bar as much as the next guy -- but just now and then, our whole society shouldn't be like that. :lol: 8O

Is this going to be a trend now, women with "nasty woman" tattoos?

I mean seriously, a "nasty woman" TATTOO will last a lot longer than this election. 8O
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 15:39:37

I'm ready for HILLARY..

She'll be a GOOD EXAMPLE to America's women. Not "nasty woman" tattoos NOR "Trump can grab me by the _____" tshirts.

Hillary's gonna bring some Establishment back again, in this country. And manners, and old fashioned political correctness and no Jerry Springer stuff.

Hillary's a good Methodist from the Midwest.

Last edited by Sixstrings on Mon 07 Nov 2016, 15:41:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 15:41:27

It turns out that our politics may be in our spit!
...the stress levels for liberals and conservatives didn't really change — with one exception. The researchers looked at cortisol levels based on whether participants had someone close to them who planned to vote for the opposing candidate. And for Trump supporters who had a conflict with a person close to them — a parent, a sibling, a spouse — cortisol levels actually went up after the debate. They probably found the debate more stressful.

Probably because Trumpsters are so deeply paranoid! :lol: :lol: :lol:

(I know lots of 'good Midwestern Methodists' with tatoos! :lol: )
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 15:52:17

Sixstrings wrote:Hillary's gonna bring some Establishment back again, in this country.


The Establishment never left.

Obama was the candidate of Wall Street in 2008, and Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street and the internet billionaires in 2016.

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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 16:09:01

pstarr wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:
Sixstrings wrote:Hillary's gonna bring some Establishment back again, in this country.


The Establishment never left.

Obama was the candidate of Wall Street in 2008, and Hillary is the candidate of Wall Street and the internet billionaires in 2016.

And Bush IIII wasn't? I mean really Planty, they are all figureheads working for The Man. Right?

I'm talking about manners and civility.. at least the "Establishment" and "The Man" has some class.

Trump's been so dominant for a year and more, it's like he was already president -- I'm ready for change, I'm ready for Hillary.

And hopefully she passes her domestic policies that could reduce poverty, and hopefully R's will work with her to pass it.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 16:19:09

Sixstrings wrote: hopefully she passes her domestic policies that could reduce poverty, and hopefully R's will work with her to pass it.

Why would Hillary's plans to reduce poverty work any better then Obama's did? Aren't Hillary's plans basically just more of the same thing we've had with Obama?

If you are concerned about poverty then I'm sure you know that the number of people living in poverty has reached all time highs under Obama.


IMHO we'll just see more of the same under Hillary….i.e. more and more poverty in the US.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 16:23:50

Well anyhow, has anyone looked at 538 blog?

Here's how things stand..

HRC's odds have been holding STEADY for quite a few days at around 64%, so that was good (they had been falling).

And lately, her odds numbers have gone UP.. it's now at 68.5% chance for her to win.

A *good sign* -- nate silver has Florida leaning BLUE now, so that's huge.

I heard Trump on tv, he was saying "why would you vote Hillary? I've lived in Florida all my life, Hillary's got nothing to do with Florida." :lol:

Well, maybe most of Florida doesn't want anything to do with what Trump is offering, in sum total.

If HRC wins Florida, then that's it, it's done, there's no path for Trump without Florida.

If Trump wanted to win.. what he NEEDED to to.. was swing center and he just never did. He loves these Republican base rallies that he got used to, in the primaries, but he needed to learn to love centrist suburban people and latinos too.

He keeps having huge rallies but really, it's the SAME people.. and it's most likely not enough to win the WH.

P.S. And inviting hostile foreign powers to cyberattack our country was beyond the pale. :roll:

My goodness, what a hot mess Trump has been.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 16:37:02

Plantagenet wrote:
Sixstrings wrote: hopefully she passes her domestic policies that could reduce poverty, and hopefully R's will work with her to pass it.

Why would Hillary's plans to reduce poverty work any better then Obama's did? Aren't Hillary's plans basically just more of the same thing we've had with Obama?

If you are concerned about poverty then I'm sure you know that the number of people living in poverty has reached all time highs under Obama.


IMHO we'll just see more of the same under Hillary….i.e. more and more poverty in the US.

That's a good chart you posted Plant, it shows the reality of the problem.


This is the old game where R's ruin everything, and then want to blame the D in the WH, and then people vote R, and then the cycle goes round until R's not only ruin the working and middle class -- but they're gonna wind up ruining the rich too, now that they're becoming a Trump party.

Republicans are just a spiral of destruction, finally their own party imploding, finally their own party "going after the rich." (Herbert Hooverism protectionism)

Folk should just vote straight D, for president and congress.

PLANT -- Republicans won't do it, but would you at least give the opinion that congressional Republicans ought to pass HRC's domestic policy plans?
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 16:54:24

I think I trust nate silver's predictions for FL going HRC, but just to note, some other analysts are predicting Trump will barely win Florida.

A prominent latino Republican is voting Clinton:

Ana Navarro: I'm voting for Hillary Clinton -- and against Donald Trump


I didn't want to write this. I avoided making a decision as long as I could. I schlepped my absentee ballot all over the country for almost four weeks. I would periodically take it out of the envelope, look at it, shake my head in disgust, and put it back in my suitcase.

I had decided to write-in my mother as a symbolic protest vote against the Democratic and Republican nominees. I didn't want to vote for either of them.

I had hoped that a week before the election, Trump would be losing Florida by a large enough margin that my vote wouldn't matter. But darn it, my home state is too close to call. Florida could be the decisive state (again) as to who ultimately becomes the next president of the United States. I thought back to the 2000 election, which was decided by 537 votes in Florida. I thought about how I would feel if the same thing happened in 2016. I thought and I thought and I thought....

Then I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. Let me rephrase that. I cast my vote against Donald Trump. I did it without joy or enthusiasm.

I did it out of civic duty and love for our country.

I voted against Donald Trump because I am an immigrant. Trump has spent this campaign focusing on the very bad things done by a very small group of very bad immigrants. He has portrayed immigrants as criminals, rapists, and murderers. He does not talk about the contributions immigrants have made to America.

He does not talk about immigrants who have made this a better and stronger country. He does not talk about the thousands and thousands of immigrant names that fill the Vietnam Wall in Washington or that are carved on so many headstones in every US military cemetery around the world.

I voted against Donald Trump because I am Hispanic. On June 16, 2015, the first day of his campaign, Trump called Mexicans "rapists." I was not born in Mexico.

I am not of Mexican descent. But I knew he was also talking about me.

UK Guardian:

End this misogynistic horror show. Put Hillary Clinton in the White House

When I was a girl of 11 I had an argument with my father that left my psyche maimed. It was about whether a woman could be the president of the US.

How did it even start? I was no feminist prodigy, just a shy kid who preferred reading to talking; politics weren’t my destiny. Probably, I was trying to work out what was possible for my category of person – legally, logistically – as one might ask which kinds of terrain are navigable for a newly purchased bicycle. Up until then, gender hadn’t darkened my mental doorway as I followed my older brother into our daily adventures wearing hand-me-down jeans. ...

I probably started by asking him if girls could go to college, have jobs, be doctors, tentatively working my way up the ladder. His answers grew more equivocal until finally we faced off, Dad saying, “No” and me saying, “But why not?” A female president would be dangerous. His reasons vaguely referenced menstruation and emotional instability, innate female attraction to maternity and aversion to power, and a general implied ickyness that was beneath polite conversation. ...

My father is very old now. Lately, I brought up our ancient argument about who may occupy the White House, but he didn’t remember it. The world has changed and so has he, urged forward by working daughters and granddaughters. He’s ready and eager to vote for a woman president.

This part, is a good argument for equality in general:

I was trying to work out what was possible for my category of person

No American should feel their "category of person" can't do anything that a straight white protestant male can, JUST BECAUSE of that "category of person."

And that's what our country is all about, and it was from the very start with the founding principles 240 years ago -- it just took a long time to fully realize it.

If we can get all this equality stuff done, THEN the country could get to something else that matters -- ECONOMIC equity.
Last edited by Sixstrings on Mon 07 Nov 2016, 17:48:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby kiwichick » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 17:44:19

+100 ...sixstrings
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 18:53:35

dohboi wrote:(I know lots of 'good Midwestern Methodists' with tatoos! :lol: )

Well look, if Hilly has a tat somewhere, I just don't want to see it? Mmmkay? :lol: :razz:

kiwichick wrote:+100 ...sixstrings

Thank you, kiwi. :) +100 to you too.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 20:15:16

Sixstrings wrote:
Plantagenet wrote:... the number of people living in poverty has reached all time highs under Obama.


That's a good chart you posted Plant, it shows the reality of the problem.


This is the old game where R's ruin everything...

I don't see how the Rs are to blame after 8 years of Obama and Obama economic policies. The numbers are pretty clear that under Obama GDP growth has been very slow, most new jobs are part time and in the service industry (i.e. waiters, McDonald's counter people, Wall-Mart greeters, etc.), and the number of people in poverty has grown and grown.

Obama seems happy enough with the way his policies on the economy are working, by the way. Obama frequently boasts about how great the economy is thanks to him. Again, I don't see how you can blame the Rs for the bad economy when Obama himself claims full credit for the condition of the economy.

Obama thinks he's fixed the economy, 6---so why are you badmouthing the economy? Methinks that for you to be a good soldier for the Ds you should be HAPPY about the economy, poverty and all!

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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Sixstrings » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 20:31:58

Plantagenet wrote:The numbers are pretty clear that under Obama GDP growth has been very slow,

GDP growth has been down worldwide though, the US gdp isn't what everyone wants it to be but the reality is that it's still the best (comparatively).

Total GDP, it's #1 in the world, more than China or EU. And under Obama, we've had more growth than the EU or Canada.

most new jobs are part time and in the service industry (i.e. waiters, McDonald's counter people, Wall-Mart greeters, etc.),

Yep, and robots will take those jobs next.. so we may as well stop talking about it all and Republicans need to start passing lefty ideas like $15 minimum wage and guaranteed basic income.

and the number of people in poverty has grown and grown.

Yes. BUT.. it's an open question, Trump could possibly make that MUCH worse. It's like Michael Moore said to people in Michigan, that if they think it's bad now.. then they had better not go for a stock market crash and *great depression*.

The stock market ROARED today, biggest gains in 9 months.. 2% gains.. all because it looks like Clinton will win.

Obama seems happy enough with the way his policies on the economy are working, by the way. Obama frequently boasts about how great the economy is thanks to him. Again, I don't see how you can blame the Rs for the bad economy when Obama himself claims full credit for the condition of the economy.

Republicans (the party of "no") have been blocking Obama, for years now. If we'd had a Democrat congress the whole time, you don't think Democrats would pass things for workin folk? Of course they would! That's what Democrats do.

But with this R house, and guys like BOEHNER and PAUL RYAN.. and the Mitch McConnel crowd in the senate, and Ted Cruz and Rubio and all them.. they just block everything, Plant. Democrats can't do anything.

Obama thinks he's fixed the economy, 6---so why are you badmouthing the economy? Methinks that for you to be a good soldier for the Ds you should be HAPPY about the economy, poverty and all!

I'm happy with our constitutional values and the American Way and I wasn't going to vote to throw that out the window, that's correct.

And -- Clinton has a domestic policies platform THAT REALLY WOULD help the working and middle class. All it requires is for Republicans to join with Democrats, and pass it.

P.S. My biggest criticism of Obama, is that he could have FOUGHT for raising the minimum wage, but he didn't. We'll see what HRC does, if she'll fight for any of her ideas, or not.

Trump was just not acceptable, to me -- he's a demagogue, Plant. Do you think "Father Coughlin" should have been president, in the 1930s?

For goodness sake, he invited Russia to hack us. He doesn't seem to be square on constitutional principles, and democracy.

It's like this -- Hillary may not be the best bus driver in the world, but at least she has a driver's license.
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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 20:41:22

Sixstrings wrote:Republicans (the party of "no) have been blocking Obama, for years now.


Then how is it that the Rs pass Obama's budget each year and Obama signs it into law?

If Obama doesn't support the budget legislation passed by Congress then why is he signing these budgets into law?

Its actually a very convenient excuse for Obama to pretend that his agenda is being blocked by evil Rs, but in reality Obama himself plays a big role in crafting the budget, and he clearly supports the budgets he gets because he signs them into law.

Thats how the legislative process works, by the way. The White House and the Congress negotiate, and the final bill is a compromise that has the input and then the approval of both the Congress and the White House. Trying to blame the Rs for bills that Obama wants and Obama helped put together and Obama signs into law really doesn't make much sense because those are de facto obama's budget bills.

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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 20:49:29

Good points, 6S. (Ignore P, he just seems to be in a bad mood today.)

Basically, what Trump (and P) is saying here can be summed up in this immortal song of Groucho Marx:

"The last guy nearly ruined this place,

He didn't know what to do with it.

If you think this country's bad off now,

Just wait till I get through with it!"

:) :) :) :)
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Re: Arctic Sea Ice 2016 Pt. 2

Unread postby litesong » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 21:11:58

Plantagenet wrote:Whats wrong with white?

U like ta ferget the other adjectives:
Lost white racist, sexist, xenophobic, kkk(always small letters) endorsed T-rump

Not any blacks, reds, yellows, browns, & most certainly no Grays in the kkk(always small letters).
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Re: Arctic Sea Ice 2016 Pt. 2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 21:30:46

litesong wrote:Not any blacks, reds, yellows, browns, & most certainly no Grays in the kkk(always small letters).

1. What do you mean by "Grays"? From context in your post they seem to be a pretend race of people that you've made up. Or you referring to the imaginary space alien "greys" or what?

2. Why are some of your posts in normal English, while others are filled with misspelled words and bizarre sentence structures as though you are transcribing speech done in a kind of pidgin English? Whats that all about? My guess is that when you write a post in dialect mode you are trying to mock the way black and white southerners speak? Is that right? Please clarify---what are you trying to suggest by posting in a phony dialect?

3. What do any of your multiple posts about race in this thread have to with sea ice in the Arctic?

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Re: Hillary Clinton Pt. 2

Unread postby dohboi » Mon 07 Nov 2016, 21:38:01

Clinton has finally come up with a slogan to most clearly set her apart from her opponent:

In Final Appeal to Voters, Clinton Changes Slogan to “Won’t Blow Up Planet”

:) :) :) :) :)

Meanwhile, the last batch of last minute polls just came in and they seem to be favoring Hilary pretty strongly: ... -win-lose/
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