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Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Discussions about the economic and financial ramifications of PEAK OIL

Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 05 Dec 2016, 12:49:16

KaiserJeep 2.0, Neural Subnode 0010 0000 0001 0110 - 1001 0011 0011, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix 0000 0000 0001

Resistance is Futile, YOU will be Assimilated.

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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby jupiters_release » Tue 06 Dec 2016, 21:10:21

pstarr wrote:This is another deluded thread. You white middle-class guys are not going to crash a system. you are the system. You do your part every day when you buy internet time, food, gasoline and stuff at Target. You are the recipients of a global network of materials, transportation, labor, currency flows and debt. Your soda cans are made with Jamaican bauxite, not Jah Love. You energy comes from Saudi Arabia, the banks move your money where it does YOU the most good. And where the cheapest labor is.

We have no choice but to support the system. You would have to kill yourself to really make a difference. Unlike folks in other nations around the world, you are all ICE-dependent. Everything you do or think or say comes from somewhere else including your food, energy, and waste dumps. The rest of the world really has local agriculture and industry. People are close to their jobs and their food. And when they travel it is by bus and train. We are energy hogs, but worse we are stuck with our auto-centric highway dispersed lives

And forget Permaculture. It's just another (semi-religious) multi-level marketing scam, kind of like Scientology or Juice Plus. Permaculture won't fix anything because Permaculture requires land. Forget all those silly -vertical-farming, food-forest, local food delusions. Only the 1% of the 1% has enough land to grow food. If you are wealthy rural survivalist then perhaps you might give it a shot, but it won't be food-forests, aquaculture intercropping or keylines. Good old bean patches and corn rows.

For the rest, poor and middle-class alike the real arable land is already owned. Part of the US agriculture-export market. Part of the world trade. We feed the world in turn for their oil and goods. You guys want the land, then make REVOLUTION. It will fail, for revolution only comes from the bottom up. But the bottom is fed well and so will you be. McDonalds is your friend. I am going there right now.

Good post. Reserve banks know the energy data though, they'll control the market crash and guide the oil cliff. Isis/l will be blamed and WWIII will enter 1st world countries. The revolution will be a devolution, but if you saw all the dumbphone zombies in the cities then can only go up from here but friends say Black Mirror is popular now.

There used to be a lot of fish in McDee's fish sandwiches when I was a kid, with grass-fed beef surrounding you how can settle for a big mac, is it the chx nuggets, what's their addictive additives?
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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby kiwichick » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 05:21:55

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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby dohboi » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 11:18:10

Instead of a housing crash, the global financial crisis this time may be triggered by a collapse in the insurance sector.

Climate change threatens ability of insurers to manage risk

The ability of the global insurance industry to manage society’s risks is being threatened by climate change, according to a new report.

The report finds that more frequent extreme weather events are driving up uninsured losses and making some assets uninsurable.

The analysis, by a coalition of the world’s biggest insurers, concluded that the “protection gap” – the difference between the costs of natural disasters and the amount insured – has quadrupled to $100bn (£79bn) a year since the 1980s. ... anage-risk

Since Lloyd's of London started insuring maritime commerce and thus helped create the British Empire and the first global markets (including the market for slaves), the insurance industry has enabled many of the most important ventures of the modern industrial economy. When it collapses, everything else will collapse with it.
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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby Pops » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 11:37:38

careinke wrote:All I'm advocating is take care of your own needs as much as possible, get out of debt, have some money, produce something, avoid banks, grow some food, buy local, trade, barter, and gift. Frankly even if it didn't cause a monetary collapse, working towards those ends is going to leave you better off with or without a collapse.

Good thread C.
And really your last bit is the best.

Crash early and beat the rush.
If you ain't got nuthin you got nuthin to lose (but you're practiced getting by on nuthin already, so the real impact on you is less. As my Dad said about the Great Depression, "we were so poor we didn't realize anything bad had happened.")
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby dohboi » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 12:11:01

Pops, the difference this time is that nearly everyone is closely tied to the financial system now.

In the Great Depression, lots of people still lived on farms which really had very little dependence on the financial system. Food came from the farm, clothes from food sacks. Everything else was luxury.

Now very, very few people live on subsistence farms. Most farmers are completely dependent on huge loans for machinery and other necessaries of modern large scale farming.

The entire society is much more fragile in that sense.

Of course, all of that is a good reason to stay as close to out of debt as you can.
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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby Pops » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 13:04:50

I don't believe we can do much to fix society or the economic system, Doh, but we can fix ourselves. Which is why I commented on Cs last point and not his first.
Think of Jevons Paradox, its biggest paradox is although society as a whole is incapable of saving due to efficiency or conservation, an individual can. He can benefit from better tech that makes him more efficient, lowering his cost; practicing conservation that lowers his cost; and in addition enjoy lower cost from society lowering consumption, however shortlived.
And, plus, what's more, in the end, he becomes more resilient to boot.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
-- Abraham Lincoln, Fragment on Government (July 1, 1854)
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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby jupiters_release » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 17:15:04

pstarr wrote:
jupiters_release wrote:Good post. Reserve banks know the energy data though, they'll control the market crash and guide the oil cliff. Isis/l will be blamed and WWIII will enter 1st world countries. The revolution will be a devolution, but if you saw all the dumbphone zombies in the cities then can only go up from here but friends say Black Mirror is popular now.

There used to be a lot of fish in McDee's fish sandwiches when I was a kid, with grass-fed beef surrounding you how can settle for a big mac, is it the chx nuggets, what's their addictive additives?
Thanks for reposting my comment.

But what does pig sex have to do with the post? We don't have a prime minister in this country. Is that kind in the job description where you live? How about those chx nuggets. Now with a variety of 4 scrumptious sauces.

edit: Holy Jeez is that funny. I am addicted already and there are still three seasons. Love the original "The Office" with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. Hoping this is as good. tnx Jup. :)

You don't think Trump has a bit of pigish grimace? Dana Carvey's stand-up impersonation (also available on nflix) is the best I've seen so far.
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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby jupiters_release » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 17:31:49

I'll give it a spin.
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Re: Let's Crash the Global Economic System!

Unread postby dohboi » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 23:01:51

Pops wrote: " we can fix ourselves..."

Yeah, especially if you mean in the sense "I got my dog 'fixed'"!! :-D :-D :-D

Neuter all stray human males, and maybe we'd be starting to get somewhere!! 8)
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