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THE Precious Metals: Silver Thread Pt. 2

Discussions about the economic and financial ramifications of PEAK OIL

Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Niagara » Sun 05 Dec 2010, 15:49:17

Repent wrote:PS: its working:

Yes, it is working. The cartoon's website is currently SOLD OUT of silver.

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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Blacksmith » Mon 06 Dec 2010, 21:12:48

Tried to buy 100 ounce bar of silver from local Scotia bank, sold out, even in Toronto.

But then again I'm getting greedy.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby patience » Mon 06 Dec 2010, 23:44:21

This scares the pants off of me, and so far I'm on the right side of the trade with silver. How many have thought out the ramifications of J. P. Morgan going down? It is not a pleasant thought. They own $8.4 Billion in silver derivative contracts. They could crash the entire derivatives market if they failed. "Too big to fail"? Maybe not. And if they DID fail, there is no possible way to bail them out.

As they say over at Tickerforum, it would be "photoguy bad", referring to a particularly flambouyant poster there.

What would a collapsed dollar be worth then? Anything? There are good reasons why the govt. has been hand in glove with this bunch suppressing silver and gold prices for ages now. As the cartoon points out, soaring PM prices shows that the US dollar is worthless, and I don't think anyone wants that, not really. Bad JuJu there. 8O

For more background on this issue: ... ebank.html
It's a 40 year long history of price rigging with govt. complicity. They will NOT let this run its' natural course. so, figure out when you need to bail out of the market here, 'cuz it's gonna be one heck of a ride.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby careinke » Tue 07 Dec 2010, 02:08:39

No dramatic rises in silver so far today.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 12 Dec 2010, 10:47:29

The question has been raised: what is there to gain by crashing JP Morgan:
What would a collapsed dollar be worth then? Anything? There are good reasons why the govt. has been hand in glove with this bunch suppressing silver and gold prices for ages now. As the cartoon points out, soaring PM prices shows that the US dollar is worthless, and I don't think anyone wants that, not really. Bad JuJu there


I would want it for these reasons:
1) Our society is gradally drifting towards plutocracy and facism, a collapse in the economy and the social order would halt this trend.

2) Myself, and many that I know, live at the very bottom of the economic pyramid. We're the ones who get up early before its light outside, put our pants on and go to work for far less money that we are worth. The 'Sales executives' and such treat themselves as kings by comparisome. Taking company all expense paid for vactions to Hawaii for annual business meetings; then the company can turn around and write off the cost off their taxes as business expenses. (Myself and many others around me are forced to work on holiday's, work unpaid overtime because we are on salary, never be allowed to take a sick day and so forth.)

Where is OUR free company paid vacation to Hawaii?? (Courtesy of the public taxpayer?) Only the collapse of the economy will be able to level the economic playing field. All of a sudden; the people who do the actual work in society will become more important that those who manage the outcomes!

3) JP Morgan is a corrupt criminal organization. Max Keiser has suggested that they even provided the financing for the two Kennedy assasinations in the 1960's. This is about justice being served- 'lets get rid of the bums'.

4) The global large scale capitalist ecomomic model for development is consuming the world and destroying the Earth, its ecology, and dimishing the long term carrying capacity of planet. A collapse in the global model would rein this in, leading to a return to smaller scale, localized economic activity that would be of immediate benefit to those who have been living at the bottom of the economic pyramid.

5) I am willing to live with a few years of personal pain, dislocation, and hardship to prevent a return to fascism, level the economic playing field, save the enviroment of the planet, and have a future for myself and my kids!

So, yes over the next year all of my spare money will be used to buy silver coins to 'Collapse JP Morgan', to get them and the other bums out.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 12 Dec 2010, 12:19:23

This just in courtesy of 'The Automatic Earth':
Vampire by Michael Krieger
vam·pire noun \ˈvam-ˌpī(-ə)r\
Definition of VAMPIRE
1: the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep
2 a : one who lives by preying on others

Does the above definition of vampire by Merriam Webster remind you of anything? Yes of course it does, it reminds you of the Too Big To Fail Banks. It was extremely appropriate for Matt Taibbi to refer to Goldman Sachs as the “Vampire Squid.” Just as the above definition lays out, vampires are able to come back from the dead and once they have done so they drain the life out of the living while they sleep.

Need I say more? The big banks and the Federal Reserve are modern day vampires and they are feeding off what remains of the living (productive) parts of the economy while the majority of Americans are stuck in a reality tv, Prozac induced coma of endless propaganda and brainwashing. Indeed the vampires are feeding off of an American public that still by and large remains “asleep.” These are ideal hunting grounds for vampires.

The reason vampires feed on people that are asleep of course is that they attempt to attack when their victim is most vulnerable. The cover of night is when vampires are active, which is exactly why the Federal Reserve must operate in the shadows and why it fiercely fights off attempts to disclose its activities to the public. The TBTF banks and the big trading brokers that scamper off like cry babies to their sugar daddy Ben Bernanke every time they have a losing trading day must be exposed as the economic life sucking vampires and financial terrorists that they are.

They must be brought out into the light of day and exposed for the unproductive, unable to compete in the free market jokers that they are. I have said it before and I will say it again. Until these entities are put out of their misery, restructured and key executives now and from the crisis are prosecuted there will be no sustainable recovery other than repeated phony boosts in aggregate demand created by printing money. More worryingly, the social fabric of the country will continue to deteriorate.

So all this vampire talk leads me to an obvious conclusion. Silver! When I was last on Max Keiser’s show the “Keiser Report” a few weeks ago we discussed the latent power in the hands of the people via their ability to buy physical bullion and take delivery.

There is no more powerful and effective vehicle of political protest than taking this action as a vote against the fascist policies of the Federal Reserve and its abusive money monopoly. This is because the Federal Reserve’s power lies in its ability to create AT WILL as many fiat dollars as it pleases to further its agenda, which at this point is clearly entirely aligned toward helping the bankers and the politicians in what I call the NYC/Washington D.C. cancer center.

Gold and silver are the historical and indeed the modern day competitors to fiat money, which is why they tend to be demonized so much by the mainstream media and financial press and are almost never addressed by Federal Reserve members even though they have been at the heart of global finance for millennia. Ever since our conversation, Max has launched a very powerful campaign aimed at the silver market as a way for the average citizen to fight back against the criminal banking system intent on turning the vast majority of the Western world’s population into modern day serfs. It is prescient and it will succeed.

Part of why I have liked precious metals for many years now is because I knew that this day would eventually come. That the suffering people of the world would finally have had enough and would fight back. I knew that the most effective way to fight the system would be to take physical delivery of precious metals as the surge this would cause in the price would be evidence of a total loss of confidence in fiat money, which could only then be countered by a return to some sort of hard money or revaluation of the dollar in order to reset the system, or the “ctrl alt del” print.

This campaign is not just brilliant in its potential effectiveness but its real power comes from the inclusion of as many everyday citizens as possible in the fight. You see, back in the late 1970s when the Hunt brothers and others bought up a large percentage of the world’s available silver, they were relatively easily demonized and stopped by the government..

No government no matter how thuggish is going to be able to stop millions and millions of people the world over from buying a few ounces of silver. Silver is also in much shorter overall supply than gold since pretty much all 160,000 tons of gold estimated to have been produced over the course of human existence is still around somewhere. Silver is largely consumed and its annual production is estimated at only around 600 million ounces a year. Think about this for a second. While every adult American doesn’t have the $1400 to buy an ounce of gold, they do have the $75 dollars to buy three ounces of silver. So if every adult American spent $75 on silver that is total annual global production folks. See how powerful this is?

Ah but there is more. Keiser’s campaign has been accepting videos from members of its audience that support the campaign and he has then been posting the best one’s on the website. This takes the focus away from any one particular individual and puts it in the hands of the people that are participating. This is extremely empowering just as youtube and the internet in general are extraordinarily empowering. Someone that has never reached more than ten or twenty people in their lives with their views are now reaching thousands through the internet.

The establishment “filter” on news and ideas is gone. The internet is the Guttenberg printing press on steroids. Let’s not forget that the Guttenberg press was key in sparking the Renaissance. This is why I am completely convinced that the current system will collapse. It has run its course and is no longer helpful to humanity’s progress in the 21st century. The people do not want things to stay the way they are and in fact the means of ending it are very simple. Much more simple than voting at the polls for politicians that know nothing and can be bought off within a week. Vote with your money. Buy silver

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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Blacksmith » Sun 12 Dec 2010, 16:58:20

I thought you silver bugs might be interested in this: ... hing-0127/

Silver has been sold past the point of availability and as a result significant shortages of the physical metal are developing. This is in part due to attempts at manipulation that have recently begun to turn on the manipulators. Companies that have traded silver futures in an effort to keep prices low are now being stressed by the rising investor interest in silver. As a result it seems clear that the short-term silver market is about to get truly exciting.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 12 Dec 2010, 17:14:27

This whole thing is ridiculous. Sure, JP Morgam may lose many billions when they have to buy back the silver contracts they sold at lower prices.

So what? They are too big to fail. They may also be partiallt hedged via options, and/or via other commodities that correlate somewhat with silver.

The idea that there is a shortage of silver and that people can't buy silver to participate in the current mania is silly. If you want to chase silver, just buy SLV (as an example). It's liquid, it's easy, and there aren't massive premiums or expenses.

When all the panic/excitement dies down, you'll be able to easily buy physical silver, but if the price plummets when all the current chasers panic to get out, you probably won't want it. :lol:

The idea that lots of silver futures contracts will cause a massive physical shortage of silver has even less merit.

JP Morgan could be short 99 trillion silver contracts. When they buy them back, that balances the books on that trade. NO new net demand.

Yeah - if everyone suddenly wants "physical X" instead of "paper X" it causes an imbalance in supply/demand.

The prepared who want physical P.M.'s as a permanent hedge against financial collapse should be buying them when they're CHEAP. They're also easy to find when they're cheap.

Given past booms/busts, you'll probably get the chance to get MUCH better prices in 5 or 10 years. Unless this is "the end", and good luck enjoying THAT scenario. :roll:
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sat 18 Dec 2010, 11:15:25

Naked short silver positions were the main factor in bringing down Bear Stern: ... 1-1-1.html

The same process will work with JP Morgan.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sat 12 Feb 2011, 19:49:50

I don't know why this thread died, from the Max Keiser website:

Banker problems:

Also, this link from zerohedge: ... r_embedded

End game time.
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Re: Buy silver to crash J.P. Morgan

Unread postby Rod_Cloutier » Sun 10 Apr 2011, 20:50:35

A new revenge movement has started up against the world bankers. The silver liberation army:

A campaign started by Max Keiser has already been shown to be a success; with the price of silver rising over $8.00 an ounce since last week. Breaking the $40.00 an ounce level for the first time in 30 years has established a new beachead on this campaign: ... dded#at=22

Max Keiser's has set the goal at $500.00 an ounce before its over. Just an updated look at how this is progressing as people stock up and hoard silver: ... bedwebsite

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Re: THE Precious Metals: Silver Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Tanada » Sat 10 Dec 2016, 08:13:28

Recently the government of India has been cracking down on the amount of cash economy in the country.

On one hand, you have the official government-issued rupee, and on the other, gold. For many years, the yellow metal has been the preferred by the vast majority of people, and that's unlikely to change any time soon.

If the Indian government decides to crack down on gold holdings - as some believe they will - silver could begin to take gold's place. In fact, a trend toward silver has already begun taking hold.

How big could India's impact on silver prices be? ... e-cm718142
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Re: THE Precious Metals: Silver Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Revi » Sat 17 Dec 2016, 18:46:39

Do you like "junk silver", bullion or numismatic?
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Re: THE Precious Metals: Silver Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Revi » Tue 20 Dec 2016, 09:43:58

I like what I call "mildly numismatic silver", which I call anything that I can get at around spot that might have a numismatic bump in the near future. Worn Barbers, Walking Liberty half dollars and Mercury dimes for example.

They can be bought for the spot price, but they might be worth more in the very near future.

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