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Modern Media McCarthyism

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Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Mon 05 Dec 2016, 16:16:34

Modern Media McCarthyism


Obama’s thought police need to be read the riot act.

A little thought experiment.

What is worse? Someone trying to get people fired from the most awesome job they’ve ever had, that they’re doing great at, that is not only making their life better personally but is also greatly benefiting their community because said someone hates these people, OR is it worse calling the person trying to fire innocent people a bad name ?

Buzzfeed writer Kate Aurthur wrote a hit piece [I refuse to give them more traffic, feel free to Google it] on Chip and Joanna Gaines — the funny, real, and decent couple behind the smash HGTV hit Fixer Upper — suggesting that because they had not overtly stated their opinion on gay marriage, they must be bigoted homophobes because they go to a church where the Christian pastor believes that homosexuality is a sin. Ms. Aurthur didn’t get a comment from the Gaines. She didn’t get a comment from HGTV. She didn’t get a comment from the pastor.

The purpose of the piece was multifold:

1. It signals to the rest of the leftist world that Kate Aurthur thinks the right thoughts and, therefore, is a Good Person Who Cares for Gay People.
2. It signals to the rest of the media that it’s open season on the Gaines, and it’s time to bring them down.
3. It signals to HGTV viewers who enjoy Fixer Upper that they’re bigoted and associated with bigotry, if they enjoy the show, and, therefore, Good People should avoid the show.

Complete Article:

It has been about a year since we discussed rampant political correctness, aka Leftist McCarthyism:

Time to consider another aspect of this troubling phenomenon, media writers who have an audience due to their job, and not any particular merit.

FWIW, I know many people who have religious faith, and are decent, well-behaved people who seem to have more luck than most when it comes to raising decent, polite, and non-criminal children. I don't know the Gaines family, but I have enjoyed about eight episodes of their HGTV show.

The attack on this couple seems mean-spirited, even bordering on the criminal, and completely without cause - they did or said nothing that needed to be addressed by the media. I believe this is an outrageous and outright abuse of the innocent by a mean-spirited and despicable member of the online media.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby evilgenius » Tue 06 Dec 2016, 13:23:49

How did the subject of what church they went to even come up? Did it have anything to do with their show? I don't watch the show, so I don't know. I had another opportunity to see a story about this the other day as well, when I saw a headline on the Yahoo News feed about it. I didn't click on that because I didn't care to be baited, suckered for ads. It wasn't important to me what the stars of a home improvement show thought about anybody else. I didn't suppose that what they did on their show had anything to do with that. That's just how I think, though.

I didn't much like the way that Duck Dynasty fellow tried to use the popularity of his show to push his values. I give him free speech and all that, but that doesn't mean I have to listen to him, or buy anything he has to sell. I could never really tell if he wasn't trying to pander to a more right-wing group of people with what he said anyway, and, therefore, pull in a whole new set of advertisers to his show.

I am religious. Because of that, I also hate it when money is actually at the heart of what people do when they say it is done in the name of religion. People want to 'witness.' I get that, but I think any witness that speaks from a platform other than a person's character or religious knowledge, such as the opportunity that some commercial success has brought them, is beyond unnecessary. It doesn't look like these people, from what you said about them, but I personally have found that businesses that advertise their owner's religion tend to be crooks with endless histories of people complaining about them. What kind of witness is that?
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 06 Dec 2016, 14:23:18

I thought that american religion defines material success with gods blessing. Thats why evangelicals love Donald.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 06 Dec 2016, 15:01:14

Well, the whole point was that the Gaines did not actually DO anything or SAY anything.

HGTV and the other home improvement channels in fact bend over backwards to prove they are not prejudiced and don't criticize anybody's lifestyle. Gays and Lesbians are over-represented on these types of programs, which feature same-sex couples who are house-hunting or renovating all the time. This is not particularly difficult since most such programs are filmed in California in the LA basin or nearby. The oldest renovation program which is PBS's This Old House which is produced mostly in Massachusetts has also had it's share of LGBT "clients".

The Gaines (to my knowledge) have never featured an LGBT couple. They have never said anything in public on the topic of alternative lifestyles. They are in fact a mixed race couple, as he is kinda Nordic and she is Native American. Both Chip and Joanna are graduates of Baylor University in Waco (a private Baptist university), and live and do business in the Waco area, which is staunchly conservative and overwhelmingly Christian.

I do not believe that they are being exclusionary, I simply think that in the greater Waco area, there are very very few openly LGBT couples, and pretty much none of the few would want the glaring publicity of being on a popular HGTV program such as Fixer Upper.

I could be wrong, like I said I have only seen approximately eight of the Fixer Upper programs, and IMDB says they have been broadcasting on HGTV since 2013. It is possible they had LGBT "clients", and also possible that they did not have such clients, and likely that even if not, they were not excluding anyone.

I think the question is, if in fact the Gaines have never had an LGBT client because of religious convictions, is that something which amounts to a crime? Do they deserve to be attacked by an aggressive online "media warrior"? Is it OK for them to say nothing, and neither endorse or condemn alternative lifestyles?

I say that they can believe what they wish and "no comment" is a perfectly acceptable answer. But we are still living under the lash of Ol' Massa Obama, who first cracked the whip in 2009 as I recall, over a bakery which declined to prepare a wedding cake with two grooms on top.

Is it or is it not acceptable to be quietly non-PC, such as the Gaines MAY be, or even aggressively non-PC, as are some other public figures?
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Tue 06 Dec 2016, 17:10:53

KaiserJeep wrote:
HGTV and the other home improvement channels in fact bend over backwards to prove they are not prejudiced and don't criticize anybody's lifestyle. Gays and Lesbians are over-represented on these types of programs, which feature same-sex couples who are house-hunting or renovating all the time. This is not particularly difficult since most such programs are filmed in California in the LA basin or nearby. The oldest renovation program which is PBS's This Old House which is produced mostly in Massachusetts has also had it's share of LGBT "clients".

This is also true for home renovation shows filmed in Canada and reality TV shows such as The Amazing Race (or it's Canadian version). Since LGBT people are such a small percentage of the population, the only way to show you are inclusive is to over-represent them.

The Amazing Race used to always have an older couple but they stopped doing that a couple of seasons ago. I'm not sure why my wife and I continue to watch a series that is clearly prejudiced against our demographic! :)
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby ROCKMAN » Tue 06 Dec 2016, 19:15:39

yellow - "...used to always have an older couple but they stopped doing that a couple of seasons ago." Of course they dropped the old farts like me and you. They only ones interested in watching them race are other old farts like us. But the old couples are so slow they don't finish the race before our bedtimes.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby evilgenius » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 19:30:35

KaiserJeep wrote:Well, the whole point was that the Gaines did not actually DO anything or SAY anything.

HGTV and the other home improvement channels in fact bend over backwards to prove they are not prejudiced and don't criticize anybody's lifestyle. Gays and Lesbians are over-represented on these types of programs, which feature same-sex couples who are house-hunting or renovating all the time. This is not particularly difficult since most such programs are filmed in California in the LA basin or nearby. The oldest renovation program which is PBS's This Old House which is produced mostly in Massachusetts has also had it's share of LGBT "clients".

The Gaines (to my knowledge) have never featured an LGBT couple. They have never said anything in public on the topic of alternative lifestyles. They are in fact a mixed race couple, as he is kinda Nordic and she is Native American. Both Chip and Joanna are graduates of Baylor University in Waco (a private Baptist university), and live and do business in the Waco area, which is staunchly conservative and overwhelmingly Christian.

I do not believe that they are being exclusionary, I simply think that in the greater Waco area, there are very very few openly LGBT couples, and pretty much none of the few would want the glaring publicity of being on a popular HGTV program such as Fixer Upper.

I could be wrong, like I said I have only seen approximately eight of the Fixer Upper programs, and IMDB says they have been broadcasting on HGTV since 2013. It is possible they had LGBT "clients", and also possible that they did not have such clients, and likely that even if not, they were not excluding anyone.

I think the question is, if in fact the Gaines have never had an LGBT client because of religious convictions, is that something which amounts to a crime? Do they deserve to be attacked by an aggressive online "media warrior"? Is it OK for them to say nothing, and neither endorse or condemn alternative lifestyles?

I say that they can believe what they wish and "no comment" is a perfectly acceptable answer. But we are still living under the lash of Ol' Massa Obama, who first cracked the whip in 2009 as I recall, over a bakery which declined to prepare a wedding cake with two grooms on top.

Is it or is it not acceptable to be quietly non-PC, such as the Gaines MAY be, or even aggressively non-PC, as are some other public figures?

Wait a minute, the way you frame that makes me wonder. You're saying that gay people in their area may be repressed out of fear and that may be why the numbers run small enough that they may not have had any gay couples on their show. I think that's interesting because gay people tend to run at the same small percentage of the general population wherever you go. They ought to show up anyway, repressed or not, because the show is about a big step that any couple takes. You wouldn't expect them to sport a gratuitous number of gay couples, like others have said happens when repression isn't an issue, but you'd expect one couple in so many years. To be fair, a randomness generator may not give you any for a while yet.

I don't suppose you have any information on how the people who appear on the show are chosen? They must have producers. I wouldn't imagine that the Gaines' do everything themselves. Plus, never having seen the show, I don't know if what you say about there possibly never having been a gay couple is true. A lot of times gay couples in areas like that masquerade as other types of investors; brothers or sisters or business partners.

The question, I guess, has more to do with whether there is a duty to do something about the repression by over-representing? Just because they have a syndicated TV show doesn't necessarily mean that kind of mandate falls to them. So it doesn't, either, necessarily follow that in spite of their possible religious convictions they could be construed as under a duty to make that change. Definitely, if they had refused anybody appearing on the basis of their sexual orientation, they could be liable. But if the people come on and they are pleasant to them, not treating them any differently, it shouldn't matter what their opinion might be of them. It's even possible they did them a favor by not exposing them, should the actual couples really be in the kind of horrid situation where they might have felt threatened if they more openly presented themselves.

That's writing a lot into it, though. I wonder what you think about them maybe having a duty? If they did would it go so far as the over-representation that others have spoken of concerning other shows?

Keep in mind, it's not altogether illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of their sexual orientation. The law doesn't really shield them. They don't have an advocate, in many cases, other than the thought police. The thing I agree with you over is that the thought police shouldn't rise up and start throwing around accusations wildly. It doesn't matter whether there is a known attitude, in this regard, because those who are discriminated against and have no recourse need their advocates to act sparingly. Over acting, as when no real discriminatory act has occurred may actually hurt the cause of those who are being advocated for. It comes off as the boy who cried wolf, or as an individual reporter forwarding their own career at someone else's expense. That's what people may remember. In that manner there is a duty not to profane someone for no reason other than their beliefs. It only works otherwise, more gratuitously, when it's pointed at those who form the arguments, who can make actual law. These people don't fall under that category.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Wed 07 Dec 2016, 23:37:49

Well I can't really argue with the above, I mostly agree with you.

The problem is not you or me and probably not the Gaines for that matter. The question is, was the web "journalist" Kate Aurthur justified in attacking them in print, without even talking to them, or talking to the show producers, or talking to the pastor of their church, simply because in his past sermons, the pastor has said that same sex relationships are sinful?

I say NO to that. If the Gaines had acted or spoken out against LGBT people, perhaps so - but they did not. They may or may not share their pastors's views on this topic, nobody but them knows.

However, there are many more openly LGBT people in either California or Massachusetts than in any part of Texas (with the possible exception of Austin which is full of transplanted Californians). These regional demographic considerations may dominate any other consideration in the Waco area, and there appear to be fewer than three dozen Fixer Upper programs total. Maybe they just have not done a show with LGBT people yet.

YES I think this smacks of Leftist McCarthyism. The Gaines were attacked because somebody suspects - but cannot prove, and in fact did not try to even talk to them - that they are not as unprejudiced as city folk in major cities in other states.

Well DUH - probably not - Waco is like most small and medium cities and towns across the country. Nor do they have much tolerance for city folk and their bizarre behaviors.

But NO NEED TO START A WAR where no conflict exists.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby evilgenius » Fri 09 Dec 2016, 19:33:27

Since we are talking about this as a way of examining how it works, there is another thing to consider. The law is based upon norms That means that laws get passed that people find fit how they live and think, on average. While I too don't agree with harassing people for what they believe, unless they have a more direct impact upon the interpretation of those norms, as in being a politician or having actually transgressed the law in some way, a reporter doing so can cite an attempt to address the norms as a reason why.

The trouble I have with this is how is a person supposed to learn something like tolerance if they are not treated with some measure of tolerance their self? Most religion, in my opinion, is just Darwinism masquerading as dogma. Darwinism operates as a given condition within any society because it's more obvious and available to the emotional self. People can relate to being anti-gay because gays, by the very definition, are not natural breeders. It doesn't take much inflammatory language to promote being anti-gay for other reasons as well when it already has such a head start. I firmly believe that we need to figure out for ourselves to be more tolerant about such things. That means we are going to start out as the kind of people that our adult selves, assuming we learn to be better people, may actually cringe about when thinking about ourselves when we were young. It doesn't help if the thought police intervene and try to push us along that path with behavioral suggestions that are disconnected from the experience that people are having on the ground. It takes reasonable argument to make those changes, and examples that prove our base prejudices and fears were wrong. Forcing people to comply only makes hypocrites of us. We are far more likely to become Peter Pan, hold on to the beliefs of our youth, but say what everybody seems to want to hear.

As I may have implied, I don't disagree with the idea of there being a thought police, as far as the role of the media in these matters goes. The trouble is that PC doesn't tend to mean investigating the arguments, or providing the good examples (not true with the shows that 'over-represented' for sure). It tends to mean going after people, many of whom may be in the midst of change. Everybody makes mistakes. Many people make the kind of mistakes they wish they didn't have to, but that were invaluable in helping them become better people. All of this, and most people probably never change at all. That's why PC exists in the first place.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 11 Dec 2016, 11:03:47

I repeat that in this case, the Gaines did nothing. They were very probably PC for the society they live in, which maintains that if someone exists of whoom you disapprove - be that for reasons of personality, politics, or lifestyle, a polite person says or does nothing by way of criticism of that other person. That is in fact one of the tenants of genteel Southern society in the USA.

Obviously, a media journalist who blasts out an accusation about somebody else whom they have never met, interviewed, or corresponded with has a very different - and too me, very repellant - set of manners.

The whole point being, that the Gaines may have been injured financially by what this person did and said. That should not have happened, and very probably such injury would be hard to prove and thus unlikely to have a remedy in our legal system.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 11 Dec 2016, 12:37:09

I don't think they did anything either. The only possible thing I can see is whether they failed to act upon a duty to allow that which does exist to come forward in a manner that's commensurate with its true, and very low in occurrence, place in society. I think they're allowed to go down the wrong roads they have to in order to eventually find the truth. They have to be allowed, in fact, or nobody will ever find truth. By the way, that's also kind of Darwinian, in the sense that it's very much about how the scientific method works, the trial and error thing used here to discover truth. Though it doesn't discover order, it does discover failure.

It isn't that God or religion are all about science either. It's more like how in matters pertaining to those things people make all kinds of assumptions. They, largely, never examine those assumptions either. You know, God is this judgemental being who wants to send you to hell, at the same time as being this loving being who wants to save you. When people cling so fiercely to these types of assumptions there is bound to be a much bigger gap between where they are coming from and where they are being led. There's a lot more emotional pain to suffer when crossing those gaps than the smaller ones which people who have engaged these questions have to cross. And that's not about crossing into atheism, or agnosticism. You could say it is about crossing into a relevant theology, where people's eyes don't glaze over anymore in some kind of weird dissonance when they listen to Jesus talk about how all the law and the prophets can be summed up as love for God and for one's fellow man.

I don't know if you can judge this so bravely as merely a monetary injury. They've also been given a chance, that some potentially higher version of themselves in an alternative universe may look back upon and wonder why they never took it. Yes, the reporter was wrong to point them out. They were wrong in the same way that someone shouldn't out a gay person before they are ready or tell someone they know about that person's spouse's infidelity because they saw something and can't resist telling. And storms come along and reveal things too. We can't expect to bumble along in our lack of order and keep the right to complain about the revelation of that lack when it does occur, though. That would be like the man in Oakland who actively fostered that firetrap which just killed almost 40 people getting away with complaining about somebody who came along and tipped the fire department off to what he'd been doing so that the fire never happened. Or the shoddy work on the African church roof that was done in an effort to hurry up and get it done prior to the bishop's ordination, where the roof collapsed upon the whole crowd during the ordination and killed something like 60 people, getting exposed before such a bad thing could happen and the people responsible complaining about it.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby C8 » Sun 11 Dec 2016, 14:10:05

McCarthyism will always be in the history books because it was awful and done by Republicans. Left wing professors will be very careful to exclude the similar methods used by the left today.

Current events are reported by the left. History is written by the left. Conservatives will have to start taking this seriously and developing effective responses or it will be all over. A nation guided by only one side of a story will have a distorted debate and a disastrous path.

Liberals aren't always correct and neither are conservatives. But one sided news, one sided history, and no real freedom of speech is a disaster for the nation as it distorts the debate and the decisions which emerge from debate.

Its frightening how many liberals have abandoned free speech and fairness when they see it benefits them. Many on the left stay silent while watching the media witch hunt. Government officials who disagree with Black Lives Matter or Obama get fired while those who state support keep their jobs. We are definitely solidly in the middle of another witch hunt era but since it is being led by the left its suddenly OK and not to be entered into history books.

Bad things always happen after free speech is wiped out and people fear stating their views. I was a Democrat for 40+ years who voted for Obama twice- I have never seen the party embrace extremism like this before. Its as if the view now is "the ends justify any means".
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 11 Dec 2016, 18:50:41

There is a difference between getting called out all of the time over ideas vs getting called out all of the time for what you can't help, like the color of your skin. That doesn't mean that you can't call a group of people out for what they have in common culturally, regardless of what their skin color is. Religion, for instance, is an idea. The right's biggest problem is that they can't seem to stick to those arguments. Complaining about a group that suspects you aren't sticking to the arguments by means of name calling and assignation as a race or some characteristic that those people can't help being is doing that. If you want to win those arguments, like with Black Lives Matter, then stick to those arguments. It's not a bad thing to have to come down from privilege when it alone is the reason for your place. It feels bad, but will put you in a position to have to think how to get back to where you were. As soon as you become offended, and then let it determine how you are going to act, you lose. Staying offended only keeps you there.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby careinke » Mon 12 Dec 2016, 02:30:02

C8 wrote:McCarthyism will always be in the history books because it was awful and done by Republicans. Left wing professors will be very careful to exclude the similar methods used by the left today.

Current events are reported by the left. History is written by the left. Conservatives will have to start taking this seriously and developing effective responses or it will be all over. A nation guided by only one side of a story will have a distorted debate and a disastrous path.

Liberals aren't always correct and neither are conservatives. But one sided news, one sided history, and no real freedom of speech is a disaster for the nation as it distorts the debate and the decisions which emerge from debate.

Its frightening how many liberals have abandoned free speech and fairness when they see it benefits them. Many on the left stay silent while watching the media witch hunt. Government officials who disagree with Black Lives Matter or Obama get fired while those who state support keep their jobs. We are definitely solidly in the middle of another witch hunt era but since it is being led by the left its suddenly OK and not to be entered into history books.

Bad things always happen after free speech is wiped out and people fear stating their views. I was a Democrat for 40+ years who voted for Obama twice- I have never seen the party embrace extremism like this before. Its as if the view now is "the ends justify any means".

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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Tue 13 Dec 2016, 07:35:36

As difficult as it may be for the two of you to understand, American politics has never before been as polarized, in an ideological sense, as it is today. Within my lifetime, there was a wider ideological divide within each major party than between them. I will give you the high points, and you need to confirm what I say using legitimate sources, not the typical search engine BS.

"Tailgunner Joe" McCarthy was not a Right Wing fanatic, he was a Left Wing fanatic. The Communist witch hunt originated in a Left Wing branch of the Roman Catholic Church which was a significant power group in the National politics of the 1950s. McCarthy was originally a D but became an R because Eisenhower had originally first desegregated the US military by decree as Commander-In-Chief, then began speaking out in public about Civil Rights. The backlash from the extreme Right Wing Dixiecrats propelled McCarthy into the Rs, haven of the soft heart Liberals.

After the witch hunts were over, the Kennedy brothers, scions of one of the most extreme Right Wing factions of the Ds, began the "Camelot" reforms of the 1960s, and were opposed by both the Dixiecrats and the Northern Right Wing Ds, led by the fanatical Mayor Daley of Chicago.

Make no mistake, JFK and RFK were both extreme Right Wingers (Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, etc.), the only softening of their ideology was Civil Rights, which they had correctly identified as "the" hot button issue of the 1960s. The great ideological sorting into Rs being Right and Ds being Left happened in the 1970s and 1980s.

I was there, and I saw it happen. Far too many today believe that the strident ideological divide of today has always been. In the past, the R vs. L ideology was resolved in the Primaries, not the General election.

You don't have to take my word for this, the real version is recorded in books on current events. (History by definition is more than 100 years old. WW1 is history, WW2 is Current Events.) Understand that the fools who write online are ignorant of Current Events.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby evilgenius » Sat 17 Dec 2016, 14:16:23

I think what you are talking about, referring to division within political parties, is how, in a two party system, the parties fluctuate in representing political philosophies of conservatism and liberalism over time. In the US the fluctuation usually takes about 70 years. At the end of that time the parties will come out representing what they used to oppose - 70 years before.

It's the reason why when Republicans try to call themselves the 'party of Lincoln' in their efforts to win over black voters it falls upon deaf ears. The fact is, in the intervening time the Republicans have become the ones arguing for state's rights over the order of the Federal Government. They have become the party of libertarianism, and a demand for individual rights over those of the collective. But look at the inflection point that Trump has put his finger on, that of the disaffected working class. The Republicans are ready to change. They realize they can't have the whole enchilada without the working class included. Their inclusion will expel the richer interests, or it could. They'll have to find some kind of common ground, OMG, for that to happen. That'll be the mechanism, or the sword they find they have to fall upon.

And look at the Democrats, working as quickly as they can to court big money interests. They've found they can't have it all without big money, and have been losing the working man for decades while they have been preoccupied with fund raising. The last group to cling to the Democratic banner with a death grip is black people. They've just gotten their first man in the White House, on the backs of the whole Democratic proposition. Believe it or not, black people are probably the most trusting people in the principles of the Constitution of any group within the US. They know what it stands for and believe in it more deeply than those who encounter it more on the basis of privilege than understanding. It'll be hard for them to bail on the Democratic party, but don't forget that not too many decades before FDR the Democrats were the party of the KKK. Hell, in many cases they still were, until Lyndon Johnson pissed them off by being somehow tough and still caring about the plight of black people. Johnson was probably the last 'tough' Democrat. Since Carter, in fact, only Republican presidents have been widely viewed as tough. FDR was in a wheelchair and he was definitely viewed as tough. Truman stood up with a newspaper in his hand that said, 'Dewey Defeats Truman' and was like toughness personified. He was so tough that even today we overlook his mistakes.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sun 18 Dec 2016, 02:19:44

Your analysis is still flawed in the sense that you have assumed that the present situation, where the D's represent a nominal Leftist ideology, and the R's represent a nominal Right ideology, is the normal case. This simply has never before been true, even in Colonial America when the major parties were the Whigs and the Tories. Anybody who grew up in the USA since the 1970's is prone to this error. The present situation and the extreme political polarization that has resulted from it, is unique in the History of this country.

The modern Democratic Party was founded a few years before the Civil War, by Andrew Jackson, a slave-owning wealthy Southern gentleman, a former general who "made his bones" and his reputation via the "Trail of Tears", the forcible relocation of Native Americans to reservations.

The Republicans were founded by Abraham Lincoln, who brought the Abolitionist cause into National politics. However the Abolitionist movement itself originated decades before that in the Quakers, an extremely conservative New England religious sect with roots in England itself.

This tendancy to interpret Current Events based upon personal life experience is the reason that History is only written a century after the actual events, by nominally neutral authors. I publish in the proceedings of the Nantucket Historical Association, my period is the late 17th and early-to-mid 18th century New England whaling industry. My editor has paired me with a Liberal academic historian from a famous New England college, and he moderates our disputes and the result is noticeably lacking in ideological bias.

If you want a specific example of ideological bias at work, then I would refer you to Oliver Stone's recent series of videos where he lays out "his" alternative version of the "History" of the 20th century. Note that I am NOT reccomending these videos to you as examples of eminent scholarship - nor will you hear anything in them that has not been said before by every Liberal professor you ever had - but they are perfect examples of why History cannot be written by those who experienced it, as they are completely biased.

Thus the formal definition of History as anything more than 100 years old. If anybody alive still remembers those events, they are Current Events.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 18 Dec 2016, 11:09:12

I was thinking about your concept of complete impartiality when I wrote suggesting the changing representations, but I don't think it really applies. There's a problem, of course, with my oversimplification. The changes don't all happen at the same time. There are sometimes various factions that cling to the past in each party. There are those who believe in what will not come to pass, but still have an influence upon what will. Some factions think too far ahead. Everybody wants their own. You can't ever become separate from them, though, because they will always be tumbling over each other, and, therefore, affecting each other throughout time. And we will insist upon nostalgia when we don't know what else to do. The power, for instance, of the libertarian stance is very seductive in today's world, even though it could be considered an anachronism is some circles, a relic of the Confederacy, or even of De Tocqueville. And that was in excess of a hundred years ago.

You are right about the polarity today being unique. I don't know if I believe it is like a storm that comes once a century, or more, a real show stopper that will never come again. You know, some kind of real statistical outlier that just happens to be so real. It may be that, or it may just be a sort of fourth turning like collision of mindsets in various factions that all dovetail into a common timeframe. I suppose the difference is in how much gravity each case would have upon further development. If the polarity is a one off, the gravity toward despotism, which is a real fear right now, could be impressive. If what we are going through, however, is a fourth turning like collision of separate mindsets, separate themes working through the culture, then the impetus toward despotism is not nearly something so much to worry about.

Yeah, and in reference to political correctness, you really can see how it isn't just a tool of the left. When the word "liberal" becomes a byword, then you know you have it going on the other way as well. It isn't in that sense, as you initiated the conversation, strictly McCarthyism. It can be, but mostly it is what happens as a result of suppression. People can't speak for too long (are prevented from speaking), and it comes out as rules that no one really remembers the origin of. We are emotional creatures after all. It's like how in the bible Eve was only told that she couldn't eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, but when the serpent was tempting her she said to him that God had forbidden that it even be touched. God never told her she couldn't touch it. She wasn't forbidden from knowing what it was, only from eating it. She was well on her way toward falling before she took the bite, when she made the rule.
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby Tanada » Fri 09 Nov 2018, 10:54:53

Video of interview at link below quote.

Legendary news anchor Larry King gave his take on the midterm election results to RT America. King talked of an election, and a president, like no other.

“This was an election for or against Trump,” King said, adding “there’s never been anything like this in history.”

Speaking to RT earlier, King said that the media’s non-stop focus on Trump has fueled the current climate of division in America.

“CNN stopped doing news a long time ago, they do Trump," King said. "Fox is Trump TV, and MSNBC is anti-Trump all the time.”

While the election delivered mixed results for the president, King isn’t too worried about how Trump is personally taking the loss of the House of Representatives.

“Donald Trump does not have a bruised ego,” King said. “His ego remains constant. If he’d have lost the Senate he would have blamed the world.”

Larry King
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Re: Modern Media McCarthyism

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Fri 09 Nov 2018, 11:19:42

I'm actually disappointed. The problem I am having is that the news reporting is supposed to be apolitical and neutral. Just the facts, without any detectable political position. In my youth, this absolutely happened. Chet Huntly and David Brinkley did this, Walter Kronkite did this, and if a mistake was made and any political bias was exposed in the news, within a few days they would confess their sin, acknowledge the lack of professionalism, and apologize to the viewers.

After he retired, Cronkite gave an interview to CBS's 60 Minutes program, and that is how we discovered that he was Liberal in his politics. A bare few years later, Dan Rather was caught misbehaving when he published an unconfirmed bit of "fake news", a hit piece that supposedly "exposed" a scandal about George W. Bush's military service in the Air National Guard in Texas. Even at this relatively late date, his career in Network TV was ended by this rank political bias.

Nowadays, no broadcaster or network even pretends to be politically neutral, and the audience sorts itself into ideological corners by which flavor of biased news broadcast they favor by watching it. I never studied Journalism or any related field in an academic environment, but the exact same political bias is now rampantly visible on the typical college campus. I wonder if the present situation arises from Journalism classes where political bias is taught by professors that are anything but neutral.
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