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ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 05 Apr 2017, 17:35:52

Totally agree Diss. It's truly disgusting what has happened to our so called free media. WTF would Assad have to gain by using chem weapons? His side is winning the war. To resort to chemicals implies desperation, besides desperate stupidity, when it is clear Assad is neither desperate or stupid. Certainly not as stupid as our western governments & media take us mugs to be.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby careinke » Wed 05 Apr 2017, 17:38:22

dissident wrote:
careinke wrote:Hey Dissident, please don't take offense, but are you one of those "thousands" of Russian social media trolls, the MSM have been screaming about? Just curious.

Don't get me wrong, you are ALWAYS one of my favorite reads. At the very least, you certainly raise my critical thinking skills. Your comments are always lucid and well thought out. As a matter of fact we agree on LOTS of stuff.

Like you, I think this whole Chem Weapons thing does not ring true. I can see NO advantage to Asad for using chem weapons at this point in time. The current Russian story, seems the most credible at the moment. Although your False Flag hypothesis is certainly intriguing.....

Your question comes from cognitive dissonance. Anyone who is not running with the herd of media-fed lemmings must be some "agent of a foreign" power. My link to Russia and Ukraine is that I have relatives there and I left the USSR during the 1970s. At least I have access to information that clearly contradicts the information bubble being maintained by the western media. They don't lie to you about events at home, but they spew 100% tin foil hat conspiracy theories about Russia.

The western media has zero credibility. They did not cover the massive protests against the 2003 Iraq invasion. Three million people demonstrated against it in Rome alone. Yet they screech that some protest of 20,000 in Moscow is epic in scale. That city has over 17 million residents. CNN and pals described the March 2, 2014 massacre of unarmed protestors who were herded into the Trade Union building in Odessa and burned alive as "some people died in a fire". Those that tried to escape by jumping through windows were beaten to death. Then you bitches whine about Russian meddling after you stage regime change coups around the world.

Maybe you should ask the question to yourself why you still believe that your government and media represent any sort of normalcy and are not a freak show. I get riled up by the brazen, bloody lies and hypocrisy from a collection of mass murdering war criminals posing as agents of goodness and the guiding light of humanity. You call this paid trolling. This makes you an accomplice to the butchers.

Actually, my question came out of curiosity, sorry to offend you, it was not intentional. You never know the answer unless you ask the question. That said, your answer seems to be a little defensive, don't you think?

As a side note, I just found out the other day, at my younger brothers celebration of life/wake/party, (he was not religious), that I have a Russian connection in my past. My uncle brought me some documents about my paternal grandfather and the Reinke Clan. It turns out the Reinke's immigrated from Germany (Prussia) in 1776, but not to the US. They went to Russia answering some call issued by Catharine the Great (not sure what is was). Then evidently things got bad in 1876 and they moved to Kansas.

My uncle had a birth certificate for my grandfathers Mother dated 1879 and it was in German which I found interesting as it was issued in the U.S.

Since I'm retired I may do some sleuthing and get a DNA test. I can't imagine the family living in Russia for 100 years and not picking up any of the local DNA. Who knows, I probably have the blood of my former "enemy" in me.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 05 Apr 2017, 17:47:29

My American family has the same roots- Pennsylvania 'Dutch'. 8 generations in the US & right down to my father fluent in German. He signed up for the US Army in 1962 & was sent immediately to Berlin as Military Police.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 06 Apr 2017, 16:14:41

Battle for Tabqa city begins as Kurdish forces advance across Raqqa [/size]


This is a classical "Sichelschnitt" operation..... the DODs signature is on the table.

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@ dissident it could be a false flag operation the Jihadists => Erdogans Turkey or Al Qaida or ISIS

Why should Asssad use chemical weapons now ? It make no sence @all while SAA+RUS and SDF+USA is winning on the battlefield in cooperation so you have to undermine the cooperation if you are a Jihad Islamist.

Qui bono? => Jihadists Terrorists in Idlib and ISIS

Dont trust anybody its WAR

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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby dissident » Thu 06 Apr 2017, 17:32:38 ... move-assad

Tillerson throws an ultimatum at Russia that Assad is to be removed. And replaced by what forces, dipsh*t? The "moderate" al CIAda? Oops I meant al Nusra (whatever name it is going under these days).

This threat means that the Trump administration is going to send US and NATO troops to Syria. Aircraft will not be enough to defeat the SAA, especially when there are S-400 systems controlling Syrian air space.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Thu 06 Apr 2017, 17:55:57

Unbelievably stupid. But true. Amazing.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby Shaved Monkey » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 03:36:09

Resource Wars as predicted
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 10:28:04

Ex-UK Ambassador: Assad wasn't behind the chemical attack :!: :arrow:

Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford says those calling for intervention in Syria are likes "dogs returning to their own vomit"
Peter Ford says he believes it is "highly unlikely" that Russia or the Assad regime was behind the attack in Idlib.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 11:50:51

ISIL takes advantage of US attack on government to storm western Palmyra


Not long after the U.S. attacked the Shayrat Airbase in eastern Homs, the Islamic State (ISIL) launched two separate attacks on the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) defenses in the Palmyra.

Beginning with Al-Furqalas, the Islamic State attacked the Syrian Army’s checkpoints outside the village, resulting in a fierce battle that lasted for approximately two hours on Friday.

The Islamic State was hoping to capitalize on the absence of the Syrian Air Force in east Homs; however, the terrorist group’s offensive was eventually repelled by sunrise and Homs-Palmyra Road secured.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby Cog » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 12:04:27

Sounds like the Syrians fought them off without having to use chemical weapons. Good for them.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 15:36:24

M_B_S wrote:ISIL takes advantage of US attack on government to storm western Palmyra

Yes. Both ISIS and Al Quaida issued statements thanking Trump for bombing the Syrian government forces and basically helping their side. :roll:

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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 15:38:17

SeaGypsy wrote:My American family has the same roots- Pennsylvania 'Dutch'. 8 generations in the US & right down to my father fluent in German. He signed up for the US Army in 1962 & was sent immediately to Berlin as Military Police.

My fathers mother's family were Swiss Palintines who came with Penn in the early 1700'. Hell, we may well be related!
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby dissident » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 18:36:42

A question for all those that think the chemical attack was plausibly Assad's fault:

What function did the attack serve? Millions of rounds and bombs have been expended by the Syrian government forces and the jihadis since 2011. Why have chemical weapons not been used the same way? Please spare me the weapons of mass destruction drivel. Chemical weapons are not nuclear bombs both in terms of technological level and devastation. And also don't invoke the threat of sanctions or "retaliation" by third parties. If chemical weapons were ever going to be used by the regime it would have been from day one. But all we get are these rare incidents. No routine use whatsoever. The timing of these extremely rare incidents (once in 2013 and 2017 (so far) during a 6+ year war) is extremely improbable. They come just at the time of a key policy moment in the US and at the UN. Tillerson announced regime change was off the agenda, wham! Obama planned an all out Libya style attack and no fly zone, wham! That this is coincidence is cosmically improbable. But what is not improbable is a collection of fanatic jihadis staging such invents to gain advantage.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby Cog » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 18:59:33

Simple explanation is best explanation. Arab leaders are crazy. History is full of examples.

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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby onlooker » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 19:33:14

Thanks Dissident for pointing out the obvious
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Sat 08 Apr 2017, 14:00:20

SDF is ready to liberate Raqqa from ISIS Terroristss

SDF fighters storming ISIS position in Raqqa

Long live Rojava SDF
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Thu 13 Apr 2017, 14:00:29 ... ghanistan/

US drops ‘Mother of all Bombs’ on ISIS target in Afghanistan
By Bob Fredericks April 13, 2017


The US has dropped “the mother of all bombs” on ISIS fighters and hideouts in Afghanistan — the largest non-nuclear explosive ever used in wartime, the Pentagon said Thursday.

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb, nicknamed MOAB, was dropped at 7 p.m. local time Thursday, military sources told CNN.
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby Subjectivist » Thu 13 Apr 2017, 20:47:34

Despite the media reporting this is just a new model MOAB, not the first one ever used.

Fox News wrote:US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan after Green Beret killed

The U.S. military dropped its largest non-nuclear bomb on an ISIS tunnel complex in eastern Afghanistan on Thursday, a U.S. defense official confirmed to Fox News.

The GBU-43B, a 21,000-pound conventional bomb, was deployed in Nangarhar Province close to the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. By comparison, each Tomahawk cruise missile launched at a Syrian military air base last week weighed 1,000 pounds each.

The MOAB -- Massive Ordnance Air Blast -- is also known as the “Mother Of All bombs.” It was first tested in 2003, but hadn't been used in combat before Thursday.

Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump said the bomb had been brought to Afghanistan "some time ago" for potential use. The bomb explodes in the air, creating air pressure that can make tunnels and other structures collapse. It can be used at the start of an offensive to soften up the enemy, weakening both its infrastructure and morale.

"As [ISIS'] losses have mounted, they are using IEDs, bunkers and tunnels to thicken their defense," Gen. John Nicholson, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said in a statement. "This is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum of our offensive against [ISIS]."

President Trump told media Thursday afternoon that "this was another successful mission" and he gave the military total authorization.

Trump was also asked whether dropping the bomb sends a warning to North Korea.

"North Korea is a problem, the problem will be taken care of," said Trump.


The MOAB had to be dropped out of the back of a U.S. Air Force C-130 cargo plane due to its massive size.

"We kicked it out the back door," one U.S. official told Fox News.

Ismail Shinwari, the governor of Achin district, said the U.S. attack was carried out in a remote mountainous area with no civilian homes nearby and that there had been no reports of injured civilians. He said there has been heavy fighting in the area in recent weeks between Afghan forces and ISIS militants.

The strike came just days after a Green Beret was killed fighting ISIS in Nangarhar, however, a U.S. defense official told Fox News the bombing had nothing to do with that casualty.

“It was the right weapon for the right target, and not in retaliation,” the official said.

The U.S. estimates that between 600 to 800 ISIS fighters are present in Afghanistan, mostly in Nangarhar. The U.S. has concentrated heavily on combatting them while also supporting Afghan forces battling the Taliban.

In August, a company of nearly 150 Army Rangers killed "hundreds" of ISIS fighters in Nangarhar, though five of the Rangers were shot. Some weapons and equipment, including communications gear and a rocket launcher, were also left behind following the operation.

Fox News' Martin Hinton and The Associated Press contributed to this report. ... illed.html
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby Subjectivist » Thu 13 Apr 2017, 21:13:44

The bombs used up in 2003 were Vietnam era surplus Daisy Cutter bombs not much lighter than the new MOAB design. The major difference is the olde designs were designed to be dropped from old model cargo planes with smaller payloads. I dug up this story from March 2003 when the bomb dropped today was finishing development.

Slate wrote:So, what about this Mother of All Bombs? Last Tuesday, the U.S. Air Force tested a new and very powerful weapon called the Massive Ordnance Air Blast. The resulting acronym, MOAB, spells out the more colorful title as well—no doubt, deliberately so, as a snarling in-joke reference to the "mother of all battles" that Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf waged against Iraq in '91. Was MOAB, in fact, tailor-made for the impending Gulf War II? How will it be used, against what sorts of targets? And just how big a Mother is it?

First, it's big, but not that big. On the night of the test, ABC News reported that the bomb was "similar to a small nuclear weapon."Time magazine, in strikingly similar language, reported that it "packs the punch of a small nuclear weapon." Let's do the math. The MOAB weighs 21,000 pounds, including 18,000 pounds' worth of high explosives. That's 9 tons. The teeniest nuclear weapon in the U.S. stockpile has the blast-power of 1,000 tons (one kiloton, in the parlance). In other words, had Time's reporter been a bit less giddy, he would have written that MOAB (which, by the way, the Air Force pronounces "mo-ab") "packs one one-hundredth the punch of a small nuclear weapon."

Nor does such a big conventional bomb mark any great technological achievement. During World War II, Britain's Royal Air Force built a 22,000-pound bomb called the Grand Slam, which Lancaster bombers dropped on Nazi U-boat pens. The U.S. Army Air Force built a 44,000-pound bomb, called the T-12 Cloudmaker, though the war ended before it was used. (Again, by comparison, the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima released the explosive energy of 13,000 tons, or 26,000,000 pounds.)

Still, 18,000 pounds is a lot for a conventional bomb that falls from the sky. It is, by the Air Force's own labeling, a "massive ordnance" (even if by no stretch a weapon of mass destruction). It delivers about 10 times the blast of most U.S. Air Force and Navy bombs ("smart" or otherwise). It's about one-fifth larger than the BLU-82 "Daisy Cutters," which, at 15,000 pounds, were until now the most powerful bombs in the U.S. non-nuclear arsenal. ... _bomb.html
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Re: The Islamic State Thread

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 17 Apr 2017, 11:16:34

The Shocking Massacre of Kafriya and al-Fu'ah

This video is dedicated to the souls of over 126 civilians from Kafraya and al-Fu'ah, who were massacred in cold blood by U.S. backed "moderate rebels".
At least 68 children were among the victims.
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