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The One Percent Pt. 2

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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby onlooker » Wed 10 May 2017, 14:19:25 ... super-rich
Yep, they are preparing in all sorts of ways
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 10 May 2017, 17:07:20

onlooker wrote:
Yep, they are preparing in all sorts of ways

Rodents in a hole. These are wealthy psychopaths that know very well they are socially inept at dealing with crisis and somehow believe they can keep their privilege and survive any crack up of civilization.

Instead of focusing on making society more resilient they are already digging in.

Humorous and pathetic.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby onlooker » Wed 10 May 2017, 17:15:07

Humorous and pathetic.--- Yep, I actually feel sorry for them
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 10 May 2017, 17:17:11

KaiserJeep wrote:Ibon, there simply is no precedent for a world-wide collapse, in the entirety of recorded history. The most that has ever happened is an entire country has had an economic conniption. Hyperinflationary currency, financial speculations, bank fraud, stock fraud, even famines affecting entire areas within a country, these things have all happened.

I never stated or embrace an all out collapse scenario. On the other hand I also don't embrace linear one way trajectories. Civilizations are cyclical, our species population is overshot, there will be a cyclical correction and the different bio-regions around the planet have varied carrying capacities that cannot be predicted ahead of time because of many factors.

I am satisfied just knowing the general trend line without too much precision.

On a side note we came off the mountain and are having a couple days break in Colombia going to Cartegena tomorrow. For the first time since last November I watched TV and allowed myself 15 minutes of CNN. All about this firing of the FBI dude. The tone of the discourse, the polarization, it was so raunchy and primitive and stupid I turned off the TV.

I feel really really sorry for all of you guys in the USA who have to live on a daily basis with ingesting this media shit. I feel even more sorry for some of the posters on this site who engage in this garbage and allow themselves to be drawn into the mediocrity of the media and the topics being discussed.

The 1% love it when the pawns get all fiery and opinionated either right or left. You guys really want to allow yourselves to be manipulated with such mediocrity?

Sorry to sound like a snob but the media crap out there is breathtakingly vacuous.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 10 May 2017, 17:40:46

"raunchy & primitive"- good terms. I think of it in darker language- vampirical, designed to absorb the viewer in the lower echelons of their own personal existence- in no particular order- fear, lust, revenge, pity, rage, powerlessness- then the ads pop on & sell the cure for all this negativity. If anything has changed since the internet became ubiquitous, TV has become even more blatantly appealant to these modes, the medium getting desperate, losing audience in droves. When the non internet using population dies off, they won't have an audience at all & the only such media will be government funded propaganda.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby onlooker » Wed 10 May 2017, 17:51:48

Great post Ibon and Sea
government funded propaganda.---It already is and corporate funded
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 10 May 2017, 17:53:57

SeaGypsy wrote:"raunchy & primitive"- good terms. I think of it in darker language- vampirical, designed to absorb the viewer in the lower echelons of their own personal existence- in no particular order- fear, lust, revenge, pity, rage, powerlessness- then the ads pop on & sell the cure for all this negativity. If anything has changed since the internet became ubiquitous, TV has become even more blatantly appealant to these modes, the medium getting desperate, losing audience in droves. When the non internet using population dies off, they won't have an audience at all & the only such media will be government funded propaganda.

Think about it Seagypsy, all those socially isolated Americans who don't know their neighbors and this is all they have as cultural inputs so they take it all so serious and earnest. This is pure trash.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby GHung » Wed 10 May 2017, 18:07:18

Ibon wrote:
KaiserJeep wrote:Ibon, there simply is no precedent for a world-wide collapse, in the entirety of recorded history. The most that has ever happened is an entire country has had an economic conniption. Hyperinflationary currency, financial speculations, bank fraud, stock fraud, even famines affecting entire areas within a country, these things have all happened.

I never stated or embrace an all out collapse scenario. On the other hand I also don't embrace linear one way trajectories. Civilizations are cyclical, our species population is overshot, there will be a cyclical correction and the different bio-regions around the planet have varied carrying capacities that cannot be predicted ahead of time because of many factors.

I am satisfied just knowing the general trend line without too much precision.

On a side note we came off the mountain and are having a couple days break in Colombia going to Cartegena tomorrow. For the first time since last November I watched TV and allowed myself 15 minutes of CNN. All about this firing of the FBI dude. The tone of the discourse, the polarization, it was so raunchy and primitive and stupid I turned off the TV.

I feel really really sorry for all of you guys in the USA who have to live on a daily basis with ingesting this media shit. I feel even more sorry for some of the posters on this site who engage in this garbage and allow themselves to be drawn into the mediocrity of the media and the topics being discussed.

The 1% love it when the pawns get all fiery and opinionated either right or left. You guys really want to allow yourselves to be manipulated with such mediocrity?

Sorry to sound like a snob but the media crap out there is breathtakingly vacuous.

OK, Ibon, I agree regarding today's media, but what's the alternative, especially when our elected 'leaders' misbehave in such extraordinary ways? The "firing of the FBI dude" involved a President who fired the guy who was investigating his White House and campaign. Third world shit, that.

When I lived in the burbs, I used to hate my neighbor's yippy little dog barking too much, until the night he woke me up as someone was breaking in the spare bedroom window. Good boy!

As for KJ saying; "...there simply is no precedent for a world-wide collapse, in the entirety of recorded history", I notice he conveniently ignored my earlier list (above) of unprecedented liabilities we've developed since the onset of the industrial age, most of which are global. We are in unprecedented territory as a species, and expecting unprecedented consequences seems reasonable. Indeed, not expecting global consequences, or belittling those who do, seems idiotic, if not cowardly. As I said to KJ, above, a lot of folks are whistling past the graveyard these days. Will we see a total global meltdown? Maybe not, but an "unprecedented" number of humans are likely to be caught up in the next big reset, and many won't survive.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 10 May 2017, 18:09:10

For sure there are some rich folks doing philanthropy, news of which doesn't sell soap or cars so nobody hears about it. We hear about the rich preppers because they appeal to the pathetic- they are relatable & their actions fit the slot for massappeal.

I play games with the middle class. Recently I bought a late model Mercedes, a 50th birthday present for myself. But I live in a tent & drive a truck, shower at the gym/ spa in a suburb where the cheapest houses are over a million bucks. Exploiting loopholes.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 10 May 2017, 18:31:00

GHung wrote:OK, Ibon, I agree regarding today's media, but what's the alternative, especially when our elected 'leaders' misbehave in such extraordinary ways?

Do what SeaGyspy is doing. Exploit the loopholes, be in it but not of it. In any case don't engage with the media and don't believe that listening to the media is in anyway or fashion being informed. Furthermore, the politics are so corrupted that engaging in it corrupts you as well because it is a subtle way of communicating to you that you have no choices. That this garbage is reality.

You have 1000 choices. If you can really and truly put yourself where the elite and consensus reality doesn't want a place where they are irrelevant. Where I am for example. American culture and politics are totally irrelevant. We get many American guests but it is a rare moment that we ever discuss politics here and when we do it is mostly with the realization of what we are now discussing at this moment.....that it is a bunch of shit. It is so much easier to see it clear and plainly from up here where we are.

Everytime I go back to the USA it slowly works on me in a negative way where I get drawn in. I feel like one of those Eusocial insects Newfie refers to, like some ant back in the colony and I slowly get drawn back into the dysfunctional consensus reality that is there. We have a few days off. Except for visiting family going back to the USA is the last place we consider going.

I believe all around the USA there are probably millions who no longer participate in this media shit similar to what Sea Gyspy is doing or what I am doing. You never hear about these folks because all the noise is turned up full volume and is just pure garbage. Disconnect, unplug from it, create your own set of cultural values but don't feed into what is broken.

I think if you are in the USA it is very hard to do this. Newfie right, we are eusocial insects it seems and have a very hard time existing in a separate reality outside of what the establishment is feeding you every day.

I need the buffer of 600,000 hectares of cloud forest wilderness otherwise I think I would be cuckoo too! :)
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby onlooker » Wed 10 May 2017, 18:48:42

Okay, I am one of the millions who do not participate. I have not voted since the year 2000. My ability to function outside the system stems from my awareness of all the sophistry that is uttered and printed in the "official" media. That is why I have been steadfastly challenging on this site to those who so easily believe what is officially being told to them. Even right now, I am on the Inflation thread arguing that the official economic statistics are bogus. Me and my wife function pretty well as semi hermits. I do not have friends really. I have my Mother and Sister who live in NY city who I visit fairly regularly. My routine is fairly established. I appreciate this site because of how many of you are awake to the many realities that define our age. I go on Facebook and am member of a certain special interest groups. I have spare time because I work independently and do not need nor wish for that much money. We pay little rent as my wife is disabled and thus we live together cheaply. Anyway, my point is that yes, craziness abounds in the USA and I have known that for quite some time, so that I think that allows me to be in it but not of it.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 10 May 2017, 19:01:06

onlooker wrote: We pay little rent as my wife is disabled and thus we live together cheaply. Anyway, my point is that yes, craziness abounds in the USA and I have known that for quite some time, so that I think that allows me to be in it but not of it.

In your own quiet and humble way Onlooker you are a hero!
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby onlooker » Wed 10 May 2017, 19:04:40

Ibon wrote:
onlooker wrote: We pay little rent as my wife is disabled and thus we live together cheaply. Anyway, my point is that yes, craziness abounds in the USA and I have known that for quite some time, so that I think that allows me to be in it but not of it.

In your own quiet and humble way Onlooker you are a hero!

Wow, gracias :)
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby GHung » Wed 10 May 2017, 19:18:35

Ibon wrote:
GHung wrote:OK, Ibon, I agree regarding today's media, but what's the alternative, especially when our elected 'leaders' misbehave in such extraordinary ways?

Do what SeaGyspy is doing. Exploit the loopholes, be in it but not of it. In any case don't engage with the media and don't believe that listening to the media is in anyway or fashion being informed. Furthermore, the politics are so corrupted that engaging in it corrupts you as well because it is a subtle way of communicating to you that you have no choices. That this garbage is reality.

You have 1000 choices. If you can really and truly put yourself where the elite and consensus reality doesn't want a place where they are irrelevant. Where I am for example. American culture and politics are totally irrelevant. We get many American guests but it is a rare moment that we ever discuss politics here and when we do it is mostly with the realization of what we are now discussing at this moment.....that it is a bunch of shit. It is so much easier to see it clear and plainly from up here where we are.

Everytime I go back to the USA it slowly works on me in a negative way where I get drawn in. I feel like one of those Eusocial insects Newfie refers to, like some ant back in the colony and I slowly get drawn back into the dysfunctional consensus reality that is there. We have a few days off. Except for visiting family going back to the USA is the last place we consider going.

I believe all around the USA there are probably millions who no longer participate in this media shit similar to what Sea Gyspy is doing or what I am doing. You never hear about these folks because all the noise is turned up full volume and is just pure garbage. Disconnect, unplug from it, create your own set of cultural values but don't feed into what is broken.

I think if you are in the USA it is very hard to do this. Newfie right, we are eusocial insects it seems and have a very hard time existing in a separate reality outside of what the establishment is feeding you every day.

I need the buffer of 600,000 hectares of cloud forest wilderness otherwise I think I would be cuckoo too! :)

High and mighty on your mountain top, eh Ibon? Take care that others don't accuse you of willfully having your head in the sand. I choose to engage in the system from the fringes, largely because we have family here that will need the relative stability and sanity of the homestead. I would likely be living very much as you do under other circumstances. But I must ask; If the shit hits the fan in your area, would you not try to tune in?

Careful. Tuning in is flirting with insanity 8O
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 10 May 2017, 19:20:38

Squilliam wrote: To get the things that represent genuine happiness and contentment for most people you need to opt into the system. To marry you need a good job, or conform to societal expectations of beauty. Buy a house/go to college you're participating in the system of debt and obligations. Then you're married and to stay married you need to continue on with that system. Then finally when you make it out the other side since you feel like you've gone through a river of BS to get to that point you don't want to change anything when you're older because you feel entitled to the spoils of others buying you out through taxes or property prices. Opting out of the system generally means also opting out of many of the things that make for a happy and healthy life.

From my millennial daughters and many of their peers I clearly am getting the message that the happiness returned is not worth the investment required. And more and more of them are opting out and actually remind me of the choices SeaGypsy has made. Most of them are clear about the current politics. They are not participating and focusing on their immediate and local friendships.

I am heartened at the thought that there are many disengaging and that we just don't see this because it is of course not reported.

On this site those shrill participants in politics, regardless if they are politically left or right, are mostly older baby boomers who are still invested. We do not hear from young millennials most of them didn't even vote.

More and more this political disengagement is looking like civil disobedience and I salute them.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby SeaGypsy » Wed 10 May 2017, 19:20:52

I left my wife because she's too concerned with conformity. We get on better apart. I see the kids several times a week. I work in near zero stress job, make average wages, go to a millionaires gym in a millionaires car & have a lot of freedom. I'm not sure what I'm 'missing out on' which is so 'important to have a happy life'.
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Re: The One Percent Pt. 2

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 10 May 2017, 19:33:55

GHung wrote:
High and mighty on your mountain top, eh Ibon? Take care that others don't accuse you of willfully having your head in the sand.

I can handle that accusation and have heard that many times through the years. I have no problem with it because my head is not in the sand, it is absorbed in an incredible bio diversity that feeds my soul on a daily basis. And this is what we share with our guests.

I guess we could have a lively discussion over whose heads are really in the sand? For me that is not even a conversation worth having because I am clear on that point and those who don't want to hear what I have to say will only be more convinced that I am sitting high and mighty up here on the mountain top. I have no problems being labeled another type of elitist. I took my risks and I am quite content being here, I will be back in the USA in July and I'll try my best to extend compassion and not get too snooty over the cultural malaise. ha ha

If the shit hits the fan here I wont fight it too much. I wont be a rodent digging a hole. We are pretty integrated in this community and well respected. But I have no illusions about surviving a real break down of the civil order here, I will be a target and could quite easily be taken out. By the way the politics here is the same shit as in the USA, the difference is that local people here have integrated lives in their communities and the media and politics are not in their face on a daily basis and the rich local community lives folks have buffers them from the crap going on. This is the main difference in the USA.

The only reason the media and politics dominates so much American culture these days is because outside of this most folks have nothing culturally. It is breathtakingly sad actually.
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