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Deep State black ops?

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Re: Deep State black ops?

Unread postby onlooker » Thu 25 Jan 2018, 16:28:54

I do not consider that animosity between the Sovient Uniion and the United States as all that genuiene. I think in fact that mostly the US gave this impression that it was in a true fierce ideological struggle with the USSR. It did so to have the pretext to build up its dominant military and expand its ambitions of Empire around the world. I know some here would enter into heated debate about this with me. But it is just my viewpoint from knowing all the many actions and operations undertaken by the US to assure its hegemony in relations to all other countries. So, this Deep State is truly the Military-Industrial Complex overseen by the most powerful economic players in the planet ie. Banks and Transnational Corporations and economically potent Families who own so much around the world. As they say follow the money trail. The Rich and Powerful have endeavored to remain the cream of the crop.
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Re: Deep State black ops?

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 28 Jan 2018, 11:58:00

onlooker wrote:I do not consider that animosity between the Sovient Uniion and the United States as all that genuiene. I think in fact that mostly the US gave this impression that it was in a true fierce ideological struggle with the USSR. It did so to have the pretext to build up its dominant military and expand its ambitions of Empire around the world. I know some here would enter into heated debate about this with me. But it is just my viewpoint from knowing all the many actions and operations undertaken by the US to assure its hegemony in relations to all other countries. So, this Deep State is truly the Military-Industrial Complex overseen by the most powerful economic players in the planet ie. Banks and Transnational Corporations and economically potent Families who own so much around the world. As they say follow the money trail. The Rich and Powerful have endeavored to remain the cream of the crop.

You'll have to answer the question, who wouldn't want to remain the cream of the crop? So long as the world is divided up into winners and losers, and people look at the situation through the lens of their own personal perspective, there will always be rich and poor people. Does that make rich people evil? Maybe it handicaps them in an insidious way? They are more sold out to winning than that 99% of people who aren't winners like they are. The trouble is, all of the poor people want to be in the rich man's place. That makes almost 100% of people handicapped. They are all captivated by winning, by filling that one spot and holding it or crossing the line first. I think everybody can win, but to do that the world will have to let go of seeing right and wrong according to rules and doctrine and begin to see it as played out in right-of-way.

Neither the rich nor the poor have any particular advantage under that scenario. There is only where you start from, how you respect other's intentions, and how they respect yours. Everybody drives on the same freeway. As long as you don't try to go the wrong way entirely, the best way is not to look at getting to where you are going as a race with the other people. Being poor is not the equivalent of breaking down, though it can be. It is more the equivalent of not having a car that can pass everybody else's. But are we in this to get to the stoplight first, or to get where we are going? Does the real poverty lie in the 99% not having dreams of their own, not having a destination that is different from the others? The rich only 'win' if the rest of us buy into the reality of cheapest price as the main determinate of choice, or, concurrent with that, the paradigm that suggests to us that we must choose from the options given to us.

As for the Soviet Union, it is true that they were not the threat, except at the beginning, that the powers that be said they were. For a long time anyone who looked at the situation knew that they were going to topple. All it took was the coup attempt against Gorbachev to act as a catalyst. The same result could have come earlier. There just wasn't a catalyst before then. Such is the fate of any program which seeks to corral every person under one umbrella, all heading in similar directions of taste and desire. Capitalism is dissimilar enough from communism that it hasn't gone down that road, but there certainly are tensions developing. Right now, they are probably more to do with irate people proclaiming they were somewhere first, and that all of those competitors ought to be somehow disallowed. There is this other thing about right-of-way that is also important when considering these things. It causes people to reflect upon what they are doing, whether their timing or their direction is actually right, both for those who were there first and for those who came after.

And, oh, yeah, I guess it is toe the line, not tow the line. I thought about it, and I think the saying comes from men taking formation, not from a shipping reference, like I was thinking when I wrote that.
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Re: Deep State black ops?

Unread postby onlooker » Sun 28 Jan 2018, 12:30:04

Interesting this Right of Way. I have pondered it. Yet, it seems that Capitalism is inherently about Might makes Right. It is that direct and unambiguous. That is why you have generations upon generations of the same wealthy families. That is why you have whole swaths of people and groups consigned over time to perpetual poverty. The inequality has been firmly ingrained since this whole notion of personal property and wealth accumulation via money etc. took hold.

Ideally, yes people should have a minimal respect for the rights of others as it ultimately makes sense for everyone. The problem lies in the fact that in a world that has commercialized everything and concurrently allows hoarding and cumulative monopolization of wealth via the corresponding power that comes with wealth, it cannot help but be asserted. That is why corruption is so endemic to all regions and places. Because the basic features of Capitalism have become ubiquitous. And so Society and its Polity have been overriden by the Power of Economics. And not just in terms of the wants and needs of the wealthy but of the lower classes as well. In a world that does not play via sharing and cooperation, money takes precedence over everything for everyone. Competion becomes ruthless and Governments are beholden to the wealthiest entities ie. Banks and Corporations. Right of Way can only work when the priviledges endowed by money are somehow tempered, mitigated and controlled.
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Re: Deep State black ops?

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 29 Jan 2018, 15:47:01

Deputy FBI director McCabe out early.
Maybe there is something in that Memo that is coming out that puts him in a bad light. ... wn-n842176
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Re: Deep State black ops?

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Mon 29 Jan 2018, 18:33:48

vtsnowedin wrote:Deputy FBI director McCabe out early.
Maybe there is something in that Memo that is coming out that puts him in a bad light. ... wn-n842176

Knowing something about how the federal retirement system figures it's payouts I think the result of him using his leave to get to March instead of getting a lump sum at the end that counts toward his highest three years of pay will cost him about $235 a month on a retirement that hovers around $6000 a month.
I do hope we get to see him testify under oath in public and explain in full what the insurance policy was or is.
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Re: Deep State black ops?

Unread postby Cog » Mon 29 Jan 2018, 21:19:13

FBI director Wray read the House intelligence memo at the House SCIF on Sunday. Monday McCabe is gone. Coincidence? Probably not.

The OIG, who is conducting their own investigation of the FBI and DOJ, is supposed to brief the House intelligence committee tomorrow on his preliminary findings. This is going to make a lot of people lawyer up.
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FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 19 May 2018, 12:17:10

Now its come out that the FBI/CIA/DEMs used an informant to spy on the Trump Campaign. The spy has been identified as a retired American Professor named Stefan Halper, and there are multiple connections between Mr. Halper and Christopher Steele and Hillary Clinton and the MI6,FBI, CIA, FusionGPS and the Obama Administration. Wow...its sad to once again discover just how corrupt the Obama administration was, but that kid of thing doesn't surprise me now. What surprises me is that the whole Russian Trump investigation was started with a false flag operation.


The FBI/CIA spy apparently paid for George Pappadopolous to take a trip to London, and then set him up by regaling him with tales of the Russians having access to Hillary's most secret emails. Gosh that sounds familiar. And shortly after that Papadoplous mentions at a party that the Russians have Hillary's emails. And that supposedly launches the FBI/CIA investigation into Russian-Trump collusion. Except the whole idea actually originated with the FBI/CIA spy who PLANTED it on Papadoplous. Crossfire Hurricane. False Flag.

Yes-- the whole story about the Russians and Hillary's emails came from an FBI/CIA/DEM spy who planted it on Papadoplous. The Russians were never even involved.

Can you spell FALSE FLAG?

The whole Russian-Trump collusion story turns out to be a false flag operation carried out by the Obama administration. First the CIA and FBI PLANTED the story, and then they "investigated" the phony story that they themselves had planted.

W O W !
Last edited by Plantagenet on Sat 19 May 2018, 13:31:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sat 19 May 2018, 12:47:12

Plantagenet wrote:Image
The whole Russian-Trump collusion story turns out to be a false flag operation carried out by the Obama administration. First the CIA and FBI PLANTED the story, and then they "investigated" the phony story that they themselves had planted.

W O W !

Yeah. Case closed. /s

Why don't we wait for what Mueller finds re actual evidence, and see if Trump committed actual crimes which can be proven?

(I tell the liberals this who frequently already have Trump locked up on the NYT pages, too).
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 20 May 2018, 02:33:39

pstarr wrote:Planty, I don't see how the New York Times could publish this story at the same time holding onto its 2-year BS campaign and conspiracy theory . . . that Trump and Russia colluded to destroy Hillary's presidential bid.

How is that all reconciled?

Its all very weird, isn't it---its like 90% of the media are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

There is a complete disconnect between the reporting in the NY Times and WaPo showing that the high level people in the FBI, CIA and Hilalry's campaign fabricated the Russian collusion story to destroy Trump, and the media insistence there was Trump-Russia collusion even though Mueller can't find a trace of it after a year of very expensive investigating on the taxpayer's nickel.

I was just reading a story on the FBI side of this in New York magazine by Jonathan Chait---normally a smart and well informed political reporter. Chait claimed the whole story of FBI malfeasance must be untrue because no one in the FBI ever leaked anything to the press to generate an October surprise and defeat Trump. But back here in the real world Christopher Steele was indeed working for the FBI when he secretly leaked the Russian dossier to CNN, the NY Times etc. and the story of Trumps viewing of a golden shower with Russian Prostitutes WAS published in October---i.e. the Ds manufactured the phony Russian dossier, then they used Steele and high level Obama appointees at the DOJ, etc. to inject the phony dossier into the intelligence services, and then they contacted their friends in the press, who published a classic october surprise, with the help of the FBI.

The story of Trump and the Russian Prostitutes and the golden shower failed to destroy or even damage Trump before the Nov election only because Trump made a funny joke about it---he said it couldn't be true because he was a germaphobe, and that pretty much made the whole D October surprise into a joke itself. But Hilalry and the Ds and the D partisans in the FBI and the DOJ definitely did spring their October surprise.

I emailed Chait the link to the Wikipedia page on Christopher Steele which fully documents this, but I don't expect the facts to really sink into his little brain. He is just one of many reporters suffering full blown Trump derangement syndrome.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 20 May 2018, 02:51:52

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Why don't we wait for what Mueller finds re actual evidence, and see if Trump committed actual crimes which can be proven?

In case you haven't noticed, we've already been waiting a year for Mueller to prove anything about Trump.

IMHO after a year its not unreasonable to wonder what in heck Mueller is doing, especially after the blockbuster reports by the NY Times and WaPo just today showing that the supposed contact of a Trump campaign advisor with the Russians was actually with an FBI spy----and it was all initiated by the spy. The FBI spy invited the poor guy to London, paid for him to travel, and told him the Russians had dirt on Hilalry. BUT IT WAS THE FBI SPY SAYING IT---NOT THE RUSSIANS.

Thats called entrapment. And that has major implication for Mueller and his investigation.

Mueller charged the poor guy the FBI spy entrapped with perjury for lying about his contacts with the Russians----but there never were any Russians---there was only the FBI spy lying to Pappadopalous about Russians.

Basically the FBI is charging a guy for lying to the FBI about being lied to by the FBI.

According the the NY Times there were no Russians involved at all----it was all just the FBI setting the guy up with a fake story so the Obama administration could embroil the Trump campaign in a phony FBI investigation to help Hilalry.

I'll bet you the Mueller people never told Pappadopolous that his supposed contact with the "Russians" was actually with an FBI spy. In turns out in the US justice system the govemrent isn't allow to cover things up---they have to give all relevant information to the DEFENSE. IF Mueller never informed this guy about the FBI spy then Mueller has destroyed his own case----the prosecution can't hide relevant facts from the DEFENSE. The case will have to reopened and then thrown out of court for prosecutorial misconduct by Mueller and his team of crack D lawyers and Hilalry supporters.

Chances are everything Mueller has done will have to be reversed and thrown out of court, because the existence of the FBI spy wasn't disclosed to the defendant. This is major misconduct on the part of the Mueller and his D lawyers----and Mueller's case against Pappadopulous will have to thrown out of court due to prosecutorial misconduct.

A similar same problem exists in Mueller Flynn prosecution. The FBI agents who did the interview believed that Flynn was telling the truth. But then Mueller indicated Flynn for perjury. How much do you want to bet that Mueller never reveled to Flynn that the FBI agents who interviewed believed he was telling the truth? That is highly relevant. Can you imagine a perjury trail where the defendant brings in the FBI agents he is charged with lying to and they testify under oath they didn't think he was lying? BY keeping this critical fact secret Mueller has committed prosecutorial misconduct in that case as well, and there is a fair chance the Flynn guilty plea will be reversed or the case thrown entirely out of court due to Mueller's misconduct in that case as well.

Face facts---the whole "Russian Collusion" story is just a false flag operation run by high level political appointees in the Obama administration to try to destroy Trump. The Mueller investigation is the coverup trying deflect attention from the fact that the whole the whole "Russian Collusion" story is just a false flag operation run by high level political appointees in the Obama administration.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Cog » Sun 20 May 2018, 08:41:05

This was part of Peter Strozk's insurance policy in play in the event Trump was elected. Which was not supposed to happen. Even now the DOJ and FBI is resisting all attempts to uncover the truth
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 20 May 2018, 10:54:32

Cog wrote:This was part of Peter Strozk's insurance policy in play in the event Trump was elected. Which was not supposed to happen.


But Strozk was just the guy doing some of the dirty work for the Ds on Crossfire Hurricane. Strozk was an important player yes---he got Hilalry off the hook for mishandling government emails and then helped start the phony Russian investigation of Trump. But the phony Russian investigation, and the secret spying on the Trump campaign, and the wiretapping of Trump Tower and the unmasking of those tapes for Ds in the White House and elsewhere involves many high level D appointees in the Obama administration, including Comey, AG Lynch, the CIA director, etc. And, of course, according to Strozk Obama himself was in the loop as well. And since this was all done to help Hillary win the election, Hillary did her part by paying for the phony Russia dossier which was released to the US press in a series of briefings in September and early Oct. 2016 to create a phony "October surprise" and sink Trump for good once and for all.

Only it didn't.

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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 20 May 2018, 13:40:47

Plantagenet wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote:Why don't we wait for what Mueller finds re actual evidence, and see if Trump committed actual crimes which can be proven?

In case you haven't noticed, we've already been waiting a year for Mueller to prove anything about Trump.

IMHO after a year its not unreasonable to wonder what in heck Mueller is doing, especially after the blockbuster reports by the NY Times and WaPo just today showing that the supposed contact of a Trump campaign advisor with the Russians was actually with an FBI spy----and it was all initiated by the spy. The FBI spy invited the poor guy to London, paid for him to travel, and told him the Russians had dirt on Hilalry. BUT IT WAS THE FBI SPY SAYING IT---NOT THE RUSSIANS.

Thats called entrapment. And that has major implication for Mueller and his investigation.

Mueller charged the poor guy the FBI spy entrapped with perjury for lying about his contacts with the Russians----but there never were any Russians---there was only the FBI spy lying to Pappadopalous about Russians.

Basically the FBI is charging a guy for lying to the FBI about being lied to by the FBI.

According the the NY Times there were no Russians involved at all----it was all just the FBI setting the guy up with a fake story so the Obama administration could embroil the Trump campaign in a phony FBI investigation to help Hilalry.

I'll bet you the Mueller people never told Pappadopolous that his supposed contact with the "Russians" was actually with an FBI spy. In turns out in the US justice system the govemrent isn't allow to cover things up---they have to give all relevant information to the DEFENSE. IF Mueller never informed this guy about the FBI spy then Mueller has destroyed his own case----the prosecution can't hide relevant facts from the DEFENSE. The case will have to reopened and then thrown out of court for prosecutorial misconduct by Mueller and his team of crack D lawyers and Hilalry supporters.

Chances are everything Mueller has done will have to be reversed and thrown out of court, because the existence of the FBI spy wasn't disclosed to the defendant. This is major misconduct on the part of the Mueller and his D lawyers----and Mueller's case against Pappadopulous will have to thrown out of court due to prosecutorial misconduct.

A similar same problem exists in Mueller Flynn prosecution. The FBI agents who did the interview believed that Flynn was telling the truth. But then Mueller indicated Flynn for perjury. How much do you want to bet that Mueller never reveled to Flynn that the FBI agents who interviewed believed he was telling the truth? That is highly relevant. Can you imagine a perjury trail where the defendant brings in the FBI agents he is charged with lying to and they testify under oath they didn't think he was lying? BY keeping this critical fact secret Mueller has committed prosecutorial misconduct in that case as well, and there is a fair chance the Flynn guilty plea will be reversed or the case thrown entirely out of court due to Mueller's misconduct in that case as well.

Face facts---the whole "Russian Collusion" story is just a false flag operation run by high level political appointees in the Obama administration to try to destroy Trump. The Mueller investigation is the coverup trying deflect attention from the fact that the whole the whole "Russian Collusion" story is just a false flag operation run by high level political appointees in the Obama administration.


For someone who doesn't like "speculation" about Tesla, you sure seem to love to speculate.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 20 May 2018, 14:21:25

And still another of Mueller's legal cases is going off the rails. The MSM made much of the fact that Mueller had indicted some Russians for posting on Facebook and other websites. But then some of the Russians retained US legal counsel and went to court asked for a trial.

What did Mueller do then??? Did he take the rascally Russians to trial and prosecute them?

HECK NO.....he's doing everything possible to AVOID going to trial, because in trial the prosecution has to provide basic facts they have to defense during DISCOVERY. And if Mueller's case goes to trial, DISCOVERY will reveal Prosecutorial misconduct (i.e. the indictment has no grounds) and the case will get thrown out.

Ask yourself....what kind of prosecutor makes a big show of indicting people and then is afraid to actually go to trial?




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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 20 May 2018, 14:30:14

Plantagenet wrote:Ask yourself....what kind of prosecutor makes a big show of indicting people and then is afraid to actually go to trial?


Ask yourself, why should a prosecutor go to trial before he's built the whole case, just because certain people whine a lot?

Ask yourself, is the National Review any more politically balanced or moderate than, say MSNBC or Huffpost?

Less hyperventilation and more perspective might work better.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 20 May 2018, 16:15:40

Outcast_Searcher wrote:why should a prosecutor go to trial before he's built the whole case

If Mueller hasn't 'built the whole case' yet, then why did he file charges and make a big show of going on TV?

A normal prosecutor files charges against people that they intend to prosecute and then he goes to court and prosecutes them. I've never before heard of a prosector filing charges just to go on TV but then trying to duck out of actually going to trial.

Mueller apparently filed charges against several groups of Russians just so he could hold a press conference and go on TV---and then when one group of the Russians say they're innocent and retain counsel and want a trial it turns out Mueller's utterly uprepared to actually go to trail and is using legal maneuvers to get out of it. Thats downright pathetic, actually.

Great at TV press conferences. Not so good at actually going to court.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Cog » Sun 20 May 2018, 18:21:25

Mueller never thought he would actually have to prosecute any Russians because they are beyond his reach. As far as providing discovery to the defense, that is definitely not in Mueller's interest. Discovery would reveal that the intelligence community can't truly prove that Russia had anything to do with affecting our election. Who hacked the DNC and Podesta emails? There isn't any proof that Russia did it.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 20 May 2018, 19:57:58

Plantagenet wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote:why should a prosecutor go to trial before he's built the whole case

If Mueller hasn't 'built the whole case' yet, then why did he file charges and make a big show of going on TV?


Let's pretend everything in the Beltway is rapid and efficient. Let's pretend everyone on both sides of the aisle always cooperates, which makes that happen. Let's pretend Mueller isn't currently investigating obstruction of justice by the Trump team, and that such obstruction wouldn't slow things down.

You're far better at arm waving than making a convincing case.

If spring of 2020 rolls around and there is no active case waiting on the courts, then it looks bad for Mueller's investigation. In the mean time, empty ranting by the right when everything doesn't go their way and in the timeframe they'd prefer doesn't mean much more than HRC's ludicrous claims of "a vast right wing conspiracy" did.

But it makes great political sport, so have a great time.


Again, unlike the typical reader of the NYT, I'm not convinced it can be proven Trump did anything wrong re the Russians. (It's not illegal to do business with the Russians, for example, if it doesn't corrupt the POTUS campaign).

However, unlike the cheerleaders for both sides seeking political points, I want to allow enough time for investigating to occur to root out what likely actually happened.
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Re: FBI/CIA/Ds infiltrated a spy into the Trump Campaign

Unread postby dissident » Sun 20 May 2018, 21:01:38

I am still waiting for that open and shut case of Putin giving "bankrupt Trump" money to turn him into a stooge.

The MSM has been feeding the public a stream of tinfoil hat BS that keeps the story alive but which fades into oblivion. Anyone who believes the smear against Trump today is either a retard or malicious.
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