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SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Cog » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 15:47:20

60 votes so we end up with a justice who only half the time supports and protects the Constitution as written? No thanks. 4 justices ruled in Heller you have NO right to a firearm of any kind.That the individual right to bear arms does not exist. Is that what you want on the court?
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 16:11:23

Newfie wrote:
I wish the swing senators had got together and held their vote pending an iron clad promise to return to a 60 vote basis for approval.

I think it would be smart for the Rs to reinstitue the 60 vote rule before the midterms. It would help them a lot. Or for the Dems to promise the same if they take control of the senate.

Thats sounds reasonable and sensible, but I don't think it would work given the extreme partisanship exhibited by the Ds when it comes to voting for SCOTUS judges for decades now. --The record is pretty clear on this. It would be political suicide for the Rs to do it, because most of the Ds are so partisan they won't vote for R SCOTUS judges.

Since Bork, every D nominee to the SCOTUS has received over 60 votes and been seated, with the exception of Merrit Garland That means enough Rs show bipartisanship every time to put the Ds nominees over the 60 vote threshold. And everyone knows that if Hillary had won the presidential election the Rs would've moved the Garland nomination and voted him in, probably with more than 60 votes as well.

In contrast, if you go and start with Bork---when Ds started this partisan madness---- only 3 of 8 R nominees received 60 votes. ' That less than 50%!

You can't have a supermajority voting system when the Rs consistently vote for 100% of the Ds SCOTUS judge nominations, but Ds refuse to vote for even 50% of the R SCOTUS judges. Look at the current case.....Kavanaugh is an outstanding federal judge with outstanding character, and the Ds almost all chose to smear him with lies rather than vote him.

Its one of the most disgustingly partisan displays I've ever seen in DC. Thank GOD we don't require a 60 vote supermajority or the Ds would get away with it too!

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 16:31:00

America, the divided, here we come.

Lisa Murkowski's Facebook Page Flooded with Rape Threats and Accusations After ‘No’ Vote on Kavanaugh

What 'nice' people :o
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Subjectivist » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 17:32:48

Plantagenet wrote:Kavanaugh passed his first test vote 51-49.

I was nauseated to see my own Senator Murkowski join the Ds in voting against Kavanaugh. I've met Murkowski a couple of times.....she seems earnest and likable enough. But at the moment I am thoroughly disgusted with her vote. Rewarding the Ds for viciously smearing this man on the basis of what clearly are lies just gives the Ds encouragement to go on lying and smearing people in the future.

The rest of the Rs held firm, and Joe Manchin, a D Senator from West Virginia, joined in voting for Kavanaugh.

Hopefully they'll all hold strong for the actual confirmation vote this weekend.


She lost her last primary and instead of bowing out she went for a write in candidacy and then got the election judges in Alaska to twist arms and accept all write in in her favor no matter how far from correct they were. The R party should have supported the winner of the primary full force, but instead they supported her write in candidacy. And then they wonder why voters don't trust them?
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 18:03:56

Susan Collins says she'll vote for Kavanaugh.

Good to see her standing up to the D mob.

That should be 51 votes for Kavanaugh and 51 votes against the slimy smear job the Ds attempted on Kavanaugh.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 18:20:03

Subjectivist wrote:She lost her last primary and instead of bowing out she went for a write in candidacy and then got the election judges in Alaska to twist arms and accept all write in in her favor no matter how far from correct they were. The R party should have supported the winner of the primary full force, but instead they supported her write in candidacy. And then they wonder why voters don't trust them?

Evidence for this from credible sources? (Not conspiracy blogs, political opinion pieces, etc).

Because speaking of trust, if you're going to make such claims, they should have more backing than your personal opinion or various arm wavers with their (baseless) opinions.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby dissident » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 18:27:44


Feinstein fancies herself like some domineering male in this photo. She must be a "butch".

It's a classic "kabe don" pose:

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby jedrider » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 20:15:45

Hey, Palin can see 2022 in Alaska. At least, she's not blonde, because there are enough Palin jokes, already.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 21:04:41

The vote is tomorrow and it appears that it is a done deal to confirm Kavanaugh. The deciding factor may have been a slide in the poles as people are horrified at the circus and see that the Dems have crossed the lines of honest competition and were using any means necessary fair or foul to get their way. One pole had them dropping twenty points in a week.
It will be interesting to see how that plays out in November when we count the votes.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 22:25:25

I think that’s been the main goal all along.
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Newfie » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 22:28:55

Kabe don....has to look that up.

Why do you know such things? 8O :-D
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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Cog » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 22:59:41

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 23:29:54

Murkowski is now saying she won't vote "no" on Kavanaugh.

Her plan now is to abstain from voting.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby KaiserJeep » Sat 06 Oct 2018, 11:52:27

Kavanaugh Gang-Rapes Collie in Satanic Ritual: College Boys in KKK Robes Chant “Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!”

Oh God. Oh God. Is there no surcease? I know, silly question. Squalling protesters: Half of the country seems fifteen years younger than its chronological age. Staged ire. Sordid passion of the herd. Hysteria. Irrationality. Werid accusations. Savage feminists. As per custom, it is all about how horrible men are.

One of the sillier sillinesses of feminists regarding us men, of whom they seem to know little, is that we hate women, scorn them, want to abuse and hurt them and, most especiall, gang-rape them. See, men view rape casually. It’s just something to do in a moment of boredom. Like scratching, or wondering where we left our keys. It’s because of our misogyny. The Sisterhood seems to love misogyny, pray for misogyny, invent misogyny because without it life would be bleak and devoid of meaning.

What is wrong with these baffled ditz-rabbits? Men hate women? By and large, our mothers have been women. Yes, check it out. Also our wives and girlfriends, grandmothers, granddaughters, daughters and–this will astonish the more ardent among feminists–even many of our friends. And, often, our collies.

As for regarding rape causally: If some dirtball raped anywoman close to me, I would favor subjecting him to a sex change with a propane torch, knee-capping him as a mobility-reduction measure, giving him a beating of the sort popular with dentists who want Porsches, and putting him in Leavenworth for thirty years. Sensitive readers will suggest that I am a psycho for proposing such effective and extremely meritorious measures. Admittedly they run counter to the trade winds of American jurisprudence. But a great many men will quietly say, “Right on, Fred.”

But: Rape is a crime. The standard is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. As well as I can see, the Kavanaugh charges do not even meet the civil standard of preponderance of the evidence, since there seems to be little evidence to preponder. The accuser doesn’t remember when it was, or where it was, or just who was there, and those she thinks were there don’t remember the party.

It would be uncharitable of me to note that she sure did pop up at a politically convenient time. So I won’t note it, as I am vey charitable. Anyway, such is the nobility of our democracy that no one would make phony rape charges to derail a judgeship. In Guatemala, yes, but not in America. Heaven forfend.

Since I am actually in a mood for noting things, I will note that any girl in my high school class–King George High, class of 1964–could accuse me of raping her at a party, and do it with similar evidence: none. Equally with Kavanaugh, I would have no way to defend myself. How could I prove what I hadn’t done at a party nobody remembered after 55 years? This would be no defense against the presumption of guilt. Girls I dated would report that I had no such inclinations. Surviving teachers would remember–well, perhaps imperfect behavior, but nothing lubricious. This would prove nothing.

Rest of it here:
KaiserJeep 2.0, Neural Subnode 0010 0000 0001 0110 - 1001 0011 0011, Tertiary Adjunct to Unimatrix 0000 0000 0001

Resistance is Futile, YOU will be Assimilated.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 06 Oct 2018, 13:44:45

KaiserJeep wrote:any girl in my high school class–King George High, class of 1964–could accuse me of raping her at a party, and do it with similar evidence: none. Equally with Kavanaugh, I would have no way to defend myself. How could I prove what I hadn’t done at a party nobody remembered after 55 years? This would be no defense against the presumption of guilt. Girls I dated would report that I had no such inclinations. Surviving teachers would remember–well, perhaps imperfect behavior, but nothing lubricious. This would prove nothing.

But what if every major D politician and the MSM all across America cheered your accuser as being so brave to come forward and denounce you, and they all said they believed her and they condemned you as an evil sex assaulter, and thousands of demonstrators demonstrated against you, and then other accusers came forward with increasingly bizarre claims of other sexual assaults, and polls showed half of America thought you were a sex criminal.

Thank goodness that kind of mass hysteria could never happen here in America. :roll:

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Cog » Sat 06 Oct 2018, 16:49:42

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby dissident » Sat 06 Oct 2018, 18:27:03

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 06 Oct 2018, 21:10:34

Cog wrote:Image

RBG’s replacement is already lined up. Trump’s next SCOTUS appointment will reportedly be a female conservative.

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Re: SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States Pt.2

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 06 Oct 2018, 22:01:16

Imagine if Trump gets to appoint another justice? A six- three court would change things for decades.
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