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D. J. Trump Administration Geopolitics Pt. 3

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 22 Dec 2018, 01:02:43

asg70 wrote:.... pin-the-blame-on-Obama

As you wish....

We know that Obama gave multiple speeches calling for regime change in Syria in 2010 and 2011 and then secretly authorized the CIA to fund, arm and train opposition forces within Syria. Much about the CIA operation (code-named Timber Sycamore) intended to topple the Assad regime remains classified, but we do know the CIA funneled huge numbers of guns and a great deal of money to the Islamist groups fighting a civil war with the Assad regime, and we know that CIA operatives trained Islamist fighters in Syria, and we know the civil war between the regime and the Islamist militias destroyed villages and towns across Syria, and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

And we know Obama specifically gave the go ahead for this secret CIA operation in 2012, and expanded it's scope in 2013. We know Obama ordered US military forces back into Iraq in 2014, and sent US forces into Syria in 2015. We know that Obama severely restricted the scale of US airstrikes against ISIS in Syria out of fear of causing environmental damage. We know the wars against ISIS in Iraq and Syria were unresolved when Obama left office, forcing his successor to deal with the mess he created.

I'm sure there is more to blame Obama for in the Syrian disaster, but thats all I can think of right off the top of my head.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Cog » Sat 22 Dec 2018, 01:20:06

LOL. The left seems to think Trump has been POTUS for the last twenty years instead of the last two. Funny how memory works. The MSM is having a case of the vapors that Trump is doing what he campaigned on. To remove our troops from Syria and Afghanistan.
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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby asg70 » Sat 22 Dec 2018, 08:58:39

Plantagenet wrote:We know that Obama...

And despite me suggesting you're suffering from an acute case of ODS you just keep blindly blathering on like a broken record.

Plantagenet wrote:thats all I can think of right off the top of my head.

I'm sure you'll think of more. You always do.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 22 Dec 2018, 13:15:13

Cog wrote: The MSM is having a case of the vapors that Trump is doing what he campaigned on. To remove our troops from Syria and Afghanistan.

The MSM sees everything through the eye of partisanship. If a D were getting us out of Syria, the MSM would be over the moon with joy and full of praise for the President. Talk of a Nobel Peace Prize would be in the air.

But since its an R who is pulling US troops out of Syria, the press suddenly is all in favor of endless foreign wars. Even Rachel Maddow and the crew at MSNBC have turned into chickenhawks and now support US military intervention and occupation of foreign countries.

Fortunately, some of us can rise above partisanship and have the intellectual integrity to objectively view the political scene no matter what political party is in power. I was against US intervention in Syria when Obama and the Ds were sending in the CIA to fund, train and arm the Islamist rebels to destabilize the government there, and I'm still against US intervention in Syria now that we have an R president.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Cog » Sat 22 Dec 2018, 18:43:39

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 22 Dec 2018, 21:14:21

Cog wrote:Image

I wonder why there wasn't this kind of hysteria over Gen. Mattis in the media back in 2013?


In 2013 Obama fired Mattis and ended his military career, and the MSM didn't waste days hyperventilating over the bad relationship between Obama and Mattis back then. In fact it hardly made the news.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby asg70 » Sun 23 Dec 2018, 11:59:12

"Fortunately, some of us can rise above partisanship"

And that "some" excludes you.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Cog » Sun 23 Dec 2018, 14:42:39

You only thought you were giving two months notice. You are out now. Pack up your bags and get thee out. This happened to me when I left my last job. Gave them the standard two week notice and they escorted me out the door that day. Common business practice now. ... ver-jan-1/

WASHINGTON — Just days after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced he would step down from that post in late February, President Donald Trump announced he would push the popular Cabinet member out even earlier.

In a tweet Sunday morning, Trump announced that Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan will become acting secretary of defense starting Jan. 1. He praised the Pentagon’s second-in-command as having “a long list of accomplishments” and added, “He will be great!”
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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 23 Dec 2018, 18:46:13

Gen. Mattis just signed the order to pull US forces out of Syria


Good to see Mattis being a good soldier and participating in the Syrian withdrawal process. The fact that he signed the withdrawal order shows that his disagreement with Trump's decision to withdraw isn't so great that Mattis is refusing to participate in the withdrawal process.

By signing the DOD order to carry out Trump's strategic decision to declare victory and pull out of Syria, Mattis is now complicit in the decision. This makes it seem like his resignation wasn't triggered by the decision to withdraw, but instead reflects the WAY Trump unilaterally decided to pull out, without consulting with our allies or with his own staff (and mainly not consulting with Gen. Mattis).

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Pops » Sun 23 Dec 2018, 21:25:07

Looks like state television informed the head of state that all the big words in Mattis' letter meant he, trump, is a threat to the “security, prosperity and values,” of the US. Having been so advised, corporal bone-spur twitter-dismissed him early.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby rockdoc123 » Sun 23 Dec 2018, 22:17:25

Looks like state television informed the head of state that all the big words in Mattis' letter meant he, trump, is a threat to the “security, prosperity and values,” of the US. Having been so advised, corporal bone-spur twitter-dismissed him early.

as Cog noted it is standard practice in businesses that when someone turns in their notice they are asked to leave immediately. There are many reasons for that but the main one is having a disgruntled employee hanging around for a couple of weeks doesn't get you anywhere, sows dissent and is basically uncomfortable. The security risk is also significant. Hence Mattis being shown the door. I think it is a totally reasonable response.

You folks need to get over your Trump derangement syndrome. Not everything he does is incorrect.
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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Pops » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 01:21:46

trump tweeted on Thursday that Mattis was, “retiring, with distinction, at the end of February,”.

So which is it, he had to have someone explain "how things are done in business" or had to have someone explain that Mattis said he was a threat?

It must be disheartening to feel like you need to come up with excuses for every twitter tantrum from someone so ill suited to be a mayor, let alone our president.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Cog » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 07:02:34

Sorry your girl lost Pops.
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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby asg70 » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 13:20:13

Plantagenet wrote:By signing the DOD order to carry out Trump's strategic decision to declare victory and pull out of Syria, Mattis is now complicit in the decision. This makes it seem like his resignation wasn't triggered by the decision to withdraw

My god the mental backflips you jump through in order to spin things this way and that. You really believe this dogshit? Do you expect anyone else to buy it? What a reality-distortion-field you live in.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 13:22:11

NPR had a story about the Kurds this morning. They had a reporter there in Syria, and after the usual Trump bashing they discussed what the Kurds were going to do to defend themselves from the Turks after the US troops pull out.

"Oh"...said the Kurd......"we'll have to find someone to replace the US troops. We've been talking with the Syrian government about joining forces to defend Syria from the Turks."


What exactly is so bad about the Kurds in Syria joining forces with the Syrian government to defend their country from the Turks? Isn't that a step towards peace? Doesn't that make perfect sense?

Shouldn't the Syrians be the ones defending Syria? Why in heck is that the job of US troops?

If pulling US troops out of Syria triggers reconciliation and peace between Syrian Kurds and the Syrian government.....then that is a GOOD THING!!!

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby asg70 » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 13:37:54

Plant, it's not whether or not the pullout is a good thing. It's the fact that whatever Trump decides to do, good or bad, you will defend it in pure tribal/cult-like fashion, because he's your flavor of the month. And the inverse, like with Obama, is also true. That's how your mind works and everyone can spot it a mile away, which is why your political analysis here isn't worth a hill of beans.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Cog » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 13:48:49

I thought the left believed in "No Blood for oil" meme.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 15:03:03

The whole reason we are in Syria is Obama's idiotic idea that we should get involved in overturning the Syrian government. So Obama sent in the CIA to arm and train the Islamist rebels.. But then the Islamists turned into ISIS and Obama had to send in US troops. And that did't work out either.

Well, So Obama's plan didn't work out. So what. Nothing new in that.

Its time to admit obama's plan was stupid and wrong and its time to pull out and turn Syria back over to the Syrian government. The Caliphate is destroyed and ISIS is reduced to another crazy islamist ideology now.

Now its time to make friends with the Syrian government. At least they aren't crazy jihadis and Islamists like the people Obama wanted to install to run Syria.

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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby asg70 » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 16:24:12

Plantagenet wrote:The whole reason we are in Syria is Obama...

Plant, admit it. You died years ago and this is just a bot taking your place.


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Re: Trump pulls US troops out of Syria

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 24 Dec 2018, 19:10:13

asg70 wrote:[Plant, admit it. You died years ago and this is just a bot taking your place.

mos/ennui/asg, admit it. You were declared brain dead years ago and this is a bot taking your place.


Enough of that. Your psychotic trolling has gotten so icky that even mirroring it back at you is tedious, especially now that it is Christmas. Soooo---I will just rise above it all and spread peace and light instead.

In the spirit of the holiday season---the season of forgiveness--- I forgive you mos/ennui/asg. I want to wish everyone here at a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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