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Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Mon 21 Jan 2019, 22:34:19

I see what you call Christian Doctrine as self-serving nonsense.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cog » Mon 21 Jan 2019, 22:42:43

Your attempt to blend Hinduism and Christianity will only result in your own peril. Better you were an atheist then to teach or believe in error. New Age Christians just can't seem to make up their mind. So they believe in everything and nothing simultaneously. Much like a Democratic Socialists.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cog » Mon 21 Jan 2019, 22:46:54

But lets get back to your support of Bernie Sanders. Doesn't sound too much like Eisenhower type Republicanism to me. Eisenhower hated communists and others of their ilk. ... r-doctrine
Eisenhower singled out the Soviet threat in his doctrine by authorizing the commitment of U.S. forces “to secure and protect the territorial integrity and political independence of such nations, requesting such aid against overt armed aggression from any nation controlled by international communism.”
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Mon 21 Jan 2019, 22:49:58

Your interpretation of Christianity is predominantly limited to the southern United States. Most Christians in the world see YOUR interpretation as self-serving nonsense, along with Prosperity Doctrine.

How do you reconcile Christ's teachings with your nonsense. Do you just not look too closely and dismiss what you don't agree with?
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby careinke » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 02:36:12

Cog wrote:So what Republicans have you voted for since Eisenhower? You avoided that question completely as always. The deal is you are a democratic socialist. Your support of Bernie Sanders tells me all I need to know.

A reincarnationist as well. Oh my God. Not only do you not understand Christian doctrine of either the Protestant or Catholic variety, your attempt to palm yourself off as a Christian is comical. Might as well believe in magic crystals or pyramid power as to believe in reincarnation.

OOHH OOOHHH Two Christians fighting over the meaning of a book! 8O Has this ever happened before???? :? :? Will one of them be converted to the "True Christianity"?

The nice thing about being an Anarchist, is you get to respect both views as long as it doesn't use force on you or your family.

I look forward to the debate, especially who CID voted for since Ike.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cog » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 06:06:51

I'd be happy to debate Cid on any topic but not in this thread. This thread is about the evils of billionaires.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby dohboi » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 08:59:42

Thanks, G, for bringing us back on topic.

Further here:

Economic system that allows billionaires is 'immoral' ... is-immoral

“I do think that a system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of Alabama where people are still getting ringworm because they don’t have access to public health is wrong,” Ocasio-Cortez told late-night host Stephen Colbert on CBS’s “The Late Show,” according to the New York Post.

Discuss... :-D :-D
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cog » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 10:02:23

Cortez is your new hero? LOL She is functionally retarded. A democratic socialist who has no concept of how business and government works. In other words, a perfect example of the brainless left.

When asked how she would fund a 21 trillion dollar universal heath care plan, her response was "Well, you just do it".
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby yellowcanoe » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 12:57:30

Cog wrote:Cortez is your new hero? LOL She is functionally retarded. A democratic socialist who has no concept of how business and government works. In other words, a perfect example of the brainless left.

When asked how she would fund a 21 trillion dollar universal heath care plan, her response was "Well, you just do it".

You have it backwards -- it is the people who support the existing health care system that are functionally retarded. The US spends far more per capita on health care than any other country in the world and yet a sizeable number of Americans have no health care coverage at all! A public system has the potential to reduce health care costs while at the same time extending coverage to everyone.

The primary feature of a public health care system is that is paid for through tax revenue and not via individual insurance payments. It does not mean that everyone involved in providing health care is a government employee. Senator Paul Ryan has or will be undergoing a hernia operation at the Shouldice Hernia Hospital in Ontario, Canada. This is a privately run institution. Most of their revenue would come from Canadian provincial governments paying for operations required by Canadians but they are free to solicit customers from outside of Canada. Paul Ryan is going there because they are recognized as having the highest level of expertise in the type of surgery he requires.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 20:39:45

Yellow canoe,

Leaving AOC aside, Cog just likes to bring her up because she is a soft target, you are spot on. The thing folks don’t get in the USA is that we already have a SINGLE PAYER health care system. 100% of all health care costs are provided by the taxpayer. How could it be otherwise? Where else is there to get money from. The handleing of costs and revenues is extremely inefficient.

If the system were run in a capitalist model things would completly different, costs would be much lower but then some part of the population would be without care.

The current system is more like the Communist model where every Commrad is guaranteed health care but through some Byzantine system that assure it is poor, costly and rare. Except for the party officials and elite.

The way I see it is the USA is caught is a silly political trap. On the one hand it goes against our grain to turn people out who need care. On the other we want this facade of Capitalisim.

It’s pretty clear to any thinking person that there are far better solutions, examples abound.

And what the hell does this have to do with billionaires?
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby GHung » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 21:16:38

Newfie wrote:
If the system were run in a capitalist model things would completly different, costs would be much lower but then some part of the population would be without care.

The current system is more like the Communist model where every Commrad is guaranteed health care but through some Byzantine system that assure it is poor, costly and rare. Except for the party officials and elite. .....

...... is more like the Communist model? The US healthcare system is a for-profit capitalist system worth $3.5 trillion in 2017, over 5% of GDP, and is essentially an extortion scheme at an astounding scale. Pay up or die. The only folks I know getting free healthcare are the poor and indigent, and many of them are being kicked out the back of the bus.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 22:35:58

The only law with regard to indigent healthcare is that hospitals must treat them until they are temporarily stabilized, then are kicked out the door.

There is no real indigent healthcare in this country except Medicaid for children and the disabled.

If you recognized the rigged game where health care corporations pay ridiculous amounts for medical equipment, in exchange for kickbacks, driving up the costs of healthcare, and charging ridiculous amounts to health insurance corporations, in exchange for kickbacks to the health insurance corporations, you would see that all the costs of this ends up in health insurance costs to the consumer, and the pricing out of those without insurance.

Regulate these corporations with regards to what they can charge, and you have affordable health care.

You don't need single payer, but single payer would do the trick, by refusing to play the game, and eliminating the gangster middle men.

It's just another engine to fleece the people.

This nation allowing this stuff to go on is Evil.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Tue 22 Jan 2019, 23:19:43

Carinke, I voted for Nixon (Clean Air and Water, EPA, but subverted Johnson's peace talks, so a mixed bag), Ford (my favorite Republican President after Ike), Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Bob Dole. After which the Banana Republicans came to the fore and started acting like Brown Shirts, showing themselves to be Fascists, and started running real Republicans out of the party. There was no way I was going to support that crap.

I am a Progressive. Think Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life, and Mr. Smith goes to Washington and Gary Cooper in Meet John Doe and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. Real Republican. Who we were before. All by Frank Capra, lifelong Republican. Those movies show what a real Republican is, before the Corporate Fascists stole the party. Seek your roots, find out what a real Republican is.

Banana Republicans like Cog deserve nothing but loathing.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cid_Yama » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 00:16:55

careinke wrote:Two Christians fighting over the meaning of a book!

Not a book, a philosophy detailed in Christ's words in the New Testament. And not just the Bible, but multiple theological sources. Including the Gospel of Thomas, not discovered until 1945.

I took a course in comparative religions which served me well in my career, and my own self-reflection.

My beliefs and understanding are the end product of a lifetime of knowledge and introspection.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." - Patrick Henry

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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby careinke » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 00:40:07

Cid_Yama wrote:Carinke, I voted for Nixon (Clean Air and Water, EPA, but subverted Johnson's peace talks, so a mixed bag), Ford (my favorite Republican President after Ike), Reagan, H.W. Bush, and Bob Dole. After which the Banana Republicans came to the fore and started acting like Brown Shirts, showing themselves to be Fascists, and started running real Republicans out of the party. There was no way I was going to support that crap.

I am a Progressive. Think Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life, and Mr. Smith goes to Washington and Gary Cooper in Meet John Doe and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town. Real Republican. Who we were before. All by Frank Capra, lifelong Republican. Those movies show what a real Republican is, before the Corporate Fascists stole the party. Seek your roots, find out what a real Republican is.

Banana Republicans like Cog deserve nothing but loathing.

CID thanks for your response. I followed you right up to H W Bush, then I discovered the Libertarian Party and voted for them up until the 2016 election. In 2016 the Libertarian party put up a Republican to run for President. After studying all Presidential candidates for 2016, I decided none were qualified, so I did not vote for President.

That said, I may have voted for Bernie if Hitlary hadn't stolen it from him. Not that I agreed with him, but he would have sure shaken stuff up. Similar to Trump today, just from the other side. Now my opinion of Trump has actually risen, he has some pretty good accomplishments under his belt. I expect him to win in 2020.

Although I don't currently subscribe to any organized religion, I respect the individuals right to hold their own beliefs without interference as long as I'm not forced to participate.

I'm an anarchist at heart, but realize it can't happen overnight. I use the Permaculture Prime Directive (Your responsible for yourself and your children), and its three Principles; Care of the Earth, Care of People, and return the surplus, as my moral compass. I'm also a constitutionalist. 8)
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 11:54:20

. Permaculture Prime Directive (Your responsible for yourself and your children), and its three Principles; Care of the Earth, Care of People, and return the surplus,

I like that. A lot.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby dohboi » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 18:24:06

It tickles me to see cog shaking in his boots over the mention of a young Latina.

The right is falling all over themselves to denigrate her in all sorts of ways, because her messages of basic descency are such a threat to their deep and disgusting indecency.

There is plenty of money to give all basic health care, just as they do in every other industrialized (and many not-so-) country. And just as there was plenty of money to bail out the banksters who brought the world to the very brink of total economic collapse.

But to come back a bit to topic, there is no way that either and equitable society or a survivable global ecology is possible as long as there are billionaires.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby Cog » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 18:27:32

OAC is going to provide both humor and an excellent target for Republicans for the next two years. I welcome this latina to the mix. I laugh every time she opens her mouth and engages her somewhat simple brain.

OAC is the very face of democratic socialism. Completely bereft of intelligence but a passion for change. Hope and change? I've heard that narrative before. :lol:

Oh and OAC wants to kill eliminate all billionaires so you have a comrade in arms there dough boy.
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Re: Billionaires = Leading Cause of CC

Unread postby GHung » Wed 23 Jan 2019, 18:55:39

Cog wrote:....... an excellent target for Republicans for the next two years........

Yep. Being only 1/3 of the electorate and having devolved to the point of lacking virtually any ideas that don't involve deflection, fear and anger, that's about all Republicans can come up with; identify "targets" they can cast trumped-up dispersions on while avoiding addressing their own ineptitude. The few Republicans who have an ounce of integrity, who aren't your typical C-average loudmouths, are bailing on their lifelong party, ashamed of any association with the current crop of swindlers and racketeers. They're making the Democrats look almost downright honest at this point. No new blood worth their salt, and living in terror of The Donald. Must really suck for the few remaining old-school Republicans, watching the Trumpsters turn the Grand Old Party into a global joke.

Can't think of anything better to do than target new young Democrats? I can SMELL YOUR FEAR.
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