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ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby M_B_S » Mon 17 Sep 2018, 15:47:40


Syria war: Russia and Turkey to create buffer zone in Idlib

Russia and Turkey have agreed to create a demilitarised buffer zone in Syria's Idlib province to separate government forces from rebel fighters based there.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said it would be 15km to 25km (9-15 miles) wide and come into force by 15 October.

Troops from Russia, an ally of Syria's government, and Turkey, which backs the rebels, will patrol the zone.....

Another piece of Syria goes to Dictator Erdogan (MünchenII ?)

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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Cog » Mon 17 Sep 2018, 22:39:54

Seems that a Russian electronic warfare plane has been shot down. Oops. LOL
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 18 Sep 2018, 06:02:16


Only TOTAL Idiots are happy with that "shot down".

Image ... plane.html

“We reserve the right to take adequate measures in response,” said Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, according to the news agency Interfax. “As a result of the irresponsible actions of the Israeli military, 15 Russian servicemen died. This absolutely does not correspond to the spirit of Russian-Israeli partnership.”


Russia blames Israel after military plane shot down off Syria ... -1.6489773 ... index.html

Syria accidentally shot down a Russian military plane
By Barbara Starr, Ryan Browne and Nathan Hodge, CNN

Updated 0952 GMT (1752 HKT) September 18, 2018

Russia Blames Israel for Military Plane Shot Down Over Syria
Moscow said it reserved the right to ‘respond adequately’ to the loss ... 1537260656 ... ane-567479

According to Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov, the plane was shot down by Syria’s S-200 air defense system because Israel’s F-16 fighters used it as a cover. ... -as-cover/
“By using the Russian plane as a cover the Israeli air pilots made it vulnerable to Syrian air defense fire. As a result, the Ilyushin-20, its reflective surface being far greater than that of F-16, was downed by a missile launched with the S-200 system,” Konashenkov said. “The bombing raid was not far from France’s frigate The Auvergne and in close proximity to the UIyushin-20 plane of Russia’s Aerospace Force that was about to land.”

Konashenkov added that Israeli warplanes had been carrying out strikes in the area of Latakia and deliberately created a dangerous situation for surface ships and aircraft in that area. He added that Russia reserves the right to give a due response.

“We see these provocative actions of Israel as hostile,” Konashenkov said. “Israel did not warn the command of the Russian troops in Syria about the planned operation. We received a notification via a hotline less than a minute before the strike, which did not allow the Russian aircraft to be directed to a safe zone.”

Israel’s Embassy in Moscow has refused to comment on the Russian statement on the IL-20 incident. ... el-attack/

Russia blames Israel after Syria downs plane while trying to repel attack
Russian defense chief tells Liberman that Israel wholly responsible for aircraft with 15 aboard being shot down by Syrian S-200 missile, says Moscow reserves right to respond
Today, 11:11 am
[b]The normal step by Russia is now declaring space closed for Israel attacks in Syria [/b]


=> Russia Attacking all planes which are a direct or indirect thread to russian forces in and close to Syria
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Cog » Tue 18 Sep 2018, 07:22:30

Wait. So Syria shoots down a Russian plane and that is somehow the Izzie's fault? Sounds like the Syrians and Russians need to work on their IFF systems. The Israelis have warned the Syrians repeatedly, they will not let Syria be used as a manufacturing and staging point for Hezbollah. Blaming Iran for this would be appropriate.

As far as closing Syrian airspace off to Israel, the Syrians and Russians are no more capable of stopping Israel than they are the United States from bombing at will in Syria.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Tanada » Tue 18 Sep 2018, 08:38:14

Cog wrote:As far as closing Syrian airspace off to Israel, the Syrians and Russians are no more capable of stopping Israel than they are the United States from bombing at will in Syria.

Uh huh. Make no mistake I love Israel, but the idea that a tiny nation can defeat a nuclear power able to devastate the world in a nuclear holocaust is a wee bit over the top in my estimation. It doesn't mater if every member of the Israeli military is a Homo Superior with an IQ of 200 and the strength of Mr. Universe contestants, even counting down to babes in the arms of mama the Russians outnumber the Israelis by 10:1 and they have the capacity to erase the entire country off the map.

As always it is a cost benefit analysis, Russia has little to gain by erasing Israel and a lot to lose in terms of threats from western nations to retaliate. But never confuse ABILITY with CAPABILITY because all it takes is enough people who don't care about the consequences in the decision chain for all that to change.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Cog » Tue 18 Sep 2018, 08:44:12

If only Israel had their own nuclear response and a big brother with an overwhelming one to keep Russia from contemplating such a thing. No wait...they do.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby M_B_S » Tue 25 Sep 2018, 02:35:39

Russia send S300 AA to Syria ... ria-s-300/

The Russian Defense Ministry promised to take "adequate" measures to boost the security of Russian servicemen after the Israeli Air Force used the Russian Il-20 as a shield while attacking targets in Syria, which led to the downing of the aircraft by Syrian air defenses last week.

During a Monday briefing, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Moscow will deliver the S-300 air defense systems to Syria within two weeks as an adequate response to Israel's role in the downing of the Russian Il-20 plane last week.


Background ... a-58036551

In an apparent reference to the S-300, the statement said "transferring advanced weapons to irresponsible hands will increase the dangers in the region," adding that Israel will "continue to defend its security and interests."

Shoigu announced that Russia would also equip Syrian air defenses with a new automated control system to enhance its efficiency and help identify Russian aircraft. On top of that, the Russian military will start using electronic countermeasures to jam any aircraft that would try to launch attacks off Syria's coast.

"We are convinced that these measures will calm down some hotheads and keep them from careless actions which pose a threat to our troops," Shoigu said.

The Israeli military has denied responsibility for the downing of the Russian jet, insisting Sunday that Israeli jets did not hide behind other aircraft and that they were in Israeli airspace when the Russian plane was downed.

**************** ... fense-sys/

US warns Russia over missile defense for Syria 8O :!:

September 25, 2018 at 12:05a.m.


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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby dissident » Tue 25 Sep 2018, 09:31:55

So the White Helmet terrorist chemical weapons theater got cut off and went nowhere. Having lost this opportunity to gang rape Syria, NATO and its regional ally decided to stage a provocation enticing Russia into attacking a French naval ship (that did fire missiles in a coordinated distraction attack). Instead of taking the bait, Russia let the Israelis flail in the wind accusing Syria and Iran (why Iran?) and used the provocation and lack of accountability to finally give the Syrians S-300 systems.

Bolton and other neo-con clowns can huff and puff all they want.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby M_B_S » Fri 05 Oct 2018, 04:09:55 ... ern-idlib/

Turkey supports ISIS+ NUSRA Terrorists in Syria

Dictator Erdogan still plays ping pong with Russia and USA vs. EU

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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby M_B_S » Sat 23 Mar 2019, 07:52:14

Image ... 33685.html
The US-backed fighters in Syria's east have declared their final victory over ISIL, ending a four-year battle against the group that once held territory spanning a third of Syria and Iraq.

An official of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced the defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, or ISIS) group via Twitter on Saturday.

Thanks to all winner :-D :!:

Good job!

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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby dissident » Sat 30 Mar 2019, 10:36:56

Russian Defense Ministry: French and Belgian security services are preparing a provocation with chemical weapons in Syria

The ministry noted that Western intelligence services will pay $ 100 to participants of the staging chemical attack scenes.

MOSCOW, March 29. / TASS /. The intelligence services of France and Belgium are preparing a provocation with chemical weapons in Syria to accuse the Russian space forces in strikes on civilians. Representatives of the Western intelligence services have already held a meeting with field commanders of terrorists in the city of Idlib, the head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Warring Parties (included in the Ministry of Defense) in Syria, Major General Viktor Kupchishin, told reporters on Friday.

"To organize provocations, representatives of the French and Belgian secret services arrived in Idlib. Under their leadership, a meeting was held with the field commanders of the terrorist groups Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham and Hurras Al-Din" (banned in the Russian Federation), as well as representatives of the White organizations helmets, "said Kupchishin. The general added that the meeting discussed the organization of staging shots," allegedly indicating the use of poisonous substances by Russia and Syria against the civilian population. "

"On March 23, under the control of the French special services, from the city of Serakab, in the settlements of Khan-Sheikhun, Maaret-Horma and Kafer-Zaita (all in the province of Idlib), a poisonous substance was delivered under the guise of oxygen and gas cylinders "- said the general.

Kupchyshyn also noted that from 14 to 27 March, representatives of the Belgian secret services videotaped the air strikes inflicted by the Russian VKS aircraft on depots with ammunition and drones on the territory of the Idlib de-escalation zone, “to use them later as evidence of the use of chemical weapons”.

"For participation in the filming of scenes depicting the effects of the use of poisonous substances, payments in the amount of US $ 100 per person were established," he said.

He added that it is possible that the organizers would use real toxic substances to achieve “certainty” of photo and video materials. The victims of this crime may be refugees and family members of citizens who were previously repressed by the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham group of militants.

"The Russian Center for Reconciliation calls on leaders of illegal armed groups to abandon armed provocations and take the path of peaceful settlement of the situation in the areas under their control," Kupchishin said.


Given the pattern of NATO weeping over all the previous fake chemical attack events the above is more than credible. It fits the same template: stage some attack and then claim the right at retaliation on behalf of the "victims". Of course all the victims of the terrorists are somehow never a pretext for attacks on the terrorists. Only "evil" Assad and now Russia are to be framed, demonized and attacked.

NATO residents are the worst type of sheeple. These sheeple simply do not think for themselves and just lap up every transparent lie from their fake stream "free" media with relish. So Syrian and Russian forces use regular munitions 99% of the time and than spontaneously decide to use chemical weapons? Why, to give NATO pretexts? What military function does a sporadic use of chemical weapons serve. That a few dozen civilians are affected? A few thousand are affected any time any sort of large military operation takes place. So if you care about the children so much, how about stopping the support for the terrorists and helping stop the war? Instead, the NATO fake stream media calls them rebels and ignores their victims.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby dissident » Mon 08 Apr 2019, 17:06:18 ... 5491758081

Next time you see the crocodile tears for "the children" in the fake stream media, consider what the terrorists have those children doing.

Retaliation against mortars and cannons that includes collateral damage of "the children" is fully justified. All the bleeding heart self-anointed "humanitarians" should stop supporting the supporters of the terrorists if they want to save "the children". Until then, they are guilty of putting "the children" in harm's way.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 08 Apr 2019, 17:24:34

And the supposedly neutral NGO's and humanitarian organizations being contolled or in the pocket of the West just corroborate these disingenuous sly tricks of the West
Thank you Dissident for giving us the non West truthful perspective :)
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby onlooker » Mon 08 Apr 2019, 17:37:01

Dissident, you will get a laugh from this. Time magazine accusing Putin of Empire building
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby dissident » Mon 08 Apr 2019, 18:53:45

onlooker wrote:Dissident, you will get a laugh from this. Time magazine accusing Putin of Empire building

The fake stream media at its "best". Let's take Syria as an example. All the bleating about Assad being a "ragtag dictator" is transparent BS since the alternative being foisted upon Syrians consists of Gulf State sponsored Salafi jihadis. Any secular "dictator" is a paragon of freedom compared to these totalitarian freaks who want to impose medieval theocratic rule. Think wrong and you are executed. This is real and we have examples of jihadis decapitating boys for listening to rock music. Of course, slaughtering Christians and other religious minorities is job 1 for these jihadis as well. But their cockamamie White Helmet branch that helps stage chemical weapons attack hoaxes gets feted in the west.

Time can peddle its BS propaganda to credulous saps that think that pure morality runs the "west". Putin is pushing back against the agenda of jihadi supporters and the jihadi supporters can only bleat in their fake stream media propaganda orifices. Tough sh*t, losers.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby Cog » Mon 08 Apr 2019, 20:56:31

I sometimes agree and sometimes disagree with dissident but make no mistake about it. He is a Russian apologist for all things Russia and Putin in particular. Dead Russians are not a bad thing from an American point of view and those 300 dead Russian mercs who got killed by American artillery and aircraft in the Syrian desert gave me a certain amount of satisfaction. Especially since Russia allies themselves with a known terrorist nation like Iran and helps them export their terrorism around the world. Yeah dissident, we didn't forget who supplied IED's to the radicals Shia's in Iraq who killed 600 US military with them.

You can read it about it here. Happened about a year ago ... syria.html

I was trained to kill Russian military back in the early 80's and my one regret is I never got a chance to do so. Russia is not our friend, buddy, or ally. What Russia is, is a supporter of terror groups around the world and have done so for decades.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby dissident » Sun 14 Apr 2019, 10:44:48 ... 4999478272

An example of US forces killing children as part of some "anti-terrorist" operation. No crying about killing of civilians in the bootlick western fake stream media. But fake chemical weapons attacks staged with bodies of jihadi victims, that calls for world action. Geopolitics is the theater of the absurd.
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Re: ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria Thread Pt. 2

Unread postby dissident » Wed 22 May 2019, 00:41:39 ... allegation

Here we go again. Al Qaeda fakes up a chemical attack on its own civilians and then cries to the "west" for help. Naturally the "west" obliges.

1) What military purpose have any of the claimed chemical attacks served? You will note how they invariably consist of a single alleged air attack. What sort of military operation uses one conventional air dropped bomb and one bomb only? Clearly this is propaganda BS predicated on "nuclear bomb" aka WMD "attack" hysteria. This is a pattern with these hoaxes. They come in very tiny numbers spread over years. We have WWI as a reference case for the use of chemical weapons on the battlefield. Nothing in Syria compares to WWI even after scaling the conflict by the size of the forces involved.

2) What is achieved by killing only a few dozen civilians if one is to swallow the excrement that the SAA is targeting civilians? We are dealing with people who are prepared to martyr themselves before surrendering or giving up. This includes the women and children. Sending a few dozen to paradise achieves no military or psychological damage worth noting.

3) The most potent and obvious impact of these "chemical attacks" is to inflict massive damage on the SAA via NATO forces using these obvious hoaxes as pretexts. Most functional brain humans would do a simple cost-benefit analysis. Nobody uses C4 to cook their morning bacon and eggs. You know, cost vs. benefit. But the world is supposed to believe that the SAA engages in utterly useless chemical attacks, in tiny numbers spread over years, with those alleged chemical attacks resulting in large retaliatory damage.
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