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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Yonnipun » Mon 06 May 2019, 21:47:39

Don't design your life around believing in this narrative.

I don't disagree with the premise but between now and then are many years still of abundance and it is a complete waste to focus on this.

I do not remember exactly when and how but it was during the housing bubble crisis approximately 10 years ago when I first clicked on some internet page that was about peak oil. I was much more afraid then than I am now. In my mind I have certain now that there is nothing humans could do to save this civilization. No calculations needed , just common sense tells us that we can not outsmart resource depletion. And that is only one part of the problem. Overall I would say I enjoy life now. I had a depression not long ago but that was because I did not had a girlfriend back then. I was a virgin till 30. Can you imagine what that could do to the mental state of a person? It is far more devastating than peak oil and climate change combined. I had a chance to buy a completly new car which I did and I specially bought a gas guzzler because I knew about the peak oil and its concequenses. I have only one regret - I could not get a bigger engine. Only 2.5 litre. I have not worked for 3 years now. I simply can not imagine wasting my life working nine to five in office or worse - at the assembly line. This is my biggest nightmare. That I have to go to work again some day. I would like the coverment to give me some basic money( 350 dollars would be enough per month) instead and let the AI do the work. Logically basic income is inevitable because AI takes the jobs from most people. I just have to wait a little . Basically my life is so simple now. All I need is a laptop, wifi and forums to be happy.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 07 May 2019, 02:36:24

Yonnipun wrote: I had a depression not long ago but that was because I did not had a girlfriend back then. I was a virgin till 30. Can you imagine what that could do to the mental state of a person? It is far more devastating than peak oil and climate change combined.

You poor guy. Congrats on getting past that problem.

Yonnipun wrote:I had a chance to buy a completly new car which I did and I specially bought a gas guzzler because I knew about the peak oil and its concequenses. I have only one regret - I could not get a bigger engine.

Why did you get the car with the biggest engine? Please explain.

Yonnipun wrote: Basically my life is so simple now. All I need is a laptop, wifi and forums to be happy.

I thought you also needed a girlfriend and a car with a very big engine?

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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Yonnipun » Tue 07 May 2019, 04:43:21

You poor guy. Congrats on getting past that problem.

Thanks. People who are above average in looks do not understand how difficult it is today for an average guy to get a girfriend. If you do not belive me than take a look into one of those forums:
It really is a miracle that I made it. The amount of guys who are frustrated grows day by day. Some of them suicide, some of them shoot up a school or some other place. They are full of hate and I completely understand them. The society was built on those guys who not so long time could live a reasonably happy life being providers for their family but nowadays it is over. Social media killed it completely. It is only a matter of time when some of those guys loose it completely. They are ticking time bombs. I just read about a man who run over a family with his truck because a father made a remark towars him about smoking in front of the supermarket main entrance. He had if I remember correctly 5 children with him and his wife. The guy got so pissed of about it that took his truck and run over the family killing his wife. Fortunately the kids survive if I remember correctly.

Why did you get the car with the biggest engine? Please explain.

No I did not get the biggest engine. I know that in some other countries the same car has bigger engines available. I would loved to have had a larger displacement version but unfortunately it could not be ordered. I tried to talk about it but they refused. Bigger displacement almost always means higher service life because the engine does not need to work so hard compared to smaller engine.This little engine spoils the car for me now. I almost do not want to drive with it anymore. I only drive it when it needs servicing. My girlfriend uses the car and she does not complain about the displacement so overall it is not so bad.

I thought you also needed a girlfriend and a car with a very big engine?

Ideally yes but as I just previously wrote the car is a failure to me because of its small engine. I do not drive it anymore. I also have to say that I do not enjoy driving so much as before when I was younger. I rearly go just for a drive now. I am getting old . I turn 37 this summer. Some things are getting over for me. Same with drinking. I do not drink at all anymore. My only addiction is internet and information in it. I do not know why but I specially like forums.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Cog » Tue 07 May 2019, 12:41:22


Employ the strategies in How to Be The 3% Man written by Corey Wayne and you will never lack women in your life. He also has a lot of youtube videos that explains why guys can't get women and how to correct that in your own life. Its not looks or even money. Its attitude and confidence that attract women. They can not help themselves. Attraction is not voluntary if you do your part and stop being a beta male like 97% of men are.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Tue 07 May 2019, 16:35:22

Cog wrote:@Yonnipon.
Employ the strategies in How to Be The 3% Man written by Corey Wayne and you will never lack women in your life. He also has a lot of youtube videos that explains why guys can't get women and how to correct that in your own life. Its not looks or even money. Its attitude and confidence that attract women. They can not help themselves. Attraction is not voluntary if you do your part and stop being a beta male like 97% of men are.

Being married with a good wife for over 25 years I would still ask you a one important question?
Why a man should bother to attract women these days?
1. They are so hopelessly useless.
2. They are usually plain repugnant with psychology twisted by feminism. Yuk!
3. Ugly tatoos all over the body
4. Resource drain
5. Reservoir of STD-s
6. Mindless, shallow consumers. No substance
7. Unfaithful and ungrateful, regardless of you being alpha, beta, sigma or omega
8. Substantial legal risk (either made up rape accusations or devastating divorce bill and child support misery)
9. Many of them have penises these days and you will only find it out once you have stripped one down
10. Emotional mess
11. They are increasingly stinky, either due to poor hygiene or overuse of cheap generic deo or mixture of both
12. Talking too much, often with no sesnse
13. Quickly getting fat and ugly
14. You name more
Unless you are a very skilled unicorn hunter, leave that crap alone.
You will be more happy, have more money, more future, more friends, more hobbies, more peace of mind just by *not* supporting any feminine parasite with your wallet or otherwise.
And if you want to get a dip, find one for few weeks and discard or go to a quality prostitute.

If you are going to look for longer relation/marriage, all below must be satisfied:
1. Virgin
2. No tatoos
3. No debt
4. Brought up in full family (mother and father)
If you can find one like this, go ahead.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Tue 07 May 2019, 17:43:57

These last few posts make me real glad I have the Wife I do. And don’t have the first one anymore.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Cog » Tue 07 May 2019, 21:05:38

Because EnergyUnlimited, after 38 years of marriage to a fine woman, I'm a widower. From her diagnosis, to her death in our home was three months. She and I did everything we could to prolong her life with chemo but it simply didn't work. I can not bring her back. But what she did say to me a month before she passed was this "Cog I know how you are. You are an introvert and after I leave you, you will want to be become a recluse. I don't want you to do that. I want you to figure out what is important to you and go pursue it"

I want the company of a woman. To hear her laugh at my lame joke, to smile at me, to simply be there. Because I have not gave up on the concept of love still existing at my age. And also because my late wife encouraged me to find love again after she knew she was terminal.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 08 May 2019, 02:35:24

I am sorry to hear that.
Being ~60 you still have a chance to find a good woman (TM) because older peoples are sharing different values than Millenial generation and their successors. Women of your age group (and also older Gen X-ers) are really a different species than crap which is now in their prime age.
My advice was directed at Yonnipon, who is not as lucky as we are. His choices are very limited.
My son (24y.o.) is trying to find a wife and s*it of his age group is just plain appalling. Mind you, we live in Poland which has far more conservative (eg better) women than US does.
Still the task is hopeless. Plenty of sex out there but nothing to marry.
Fortunately my wife is Chinese and we have some contacts with her relatives on the Far East. Friends of these relatives have growing up daughters which are brought up properly, so we are in the process of arranging one for him.
Basic conditions (virginity, no tatoos, no debt, brought up in full family) will be met. Girl is also of feminine nature, knows how to cook well, keen to keep order at home etc. Also of good physical look.
Lets hope, it will work.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Yonnipun » Wed 08 May 2019, 04:33:32

If you are going to look for longer relation/marriage, all below must be satisfied:
1. Virgin
2. No tatoos
3. No debt
4. Brought up in full family (mother and father)
If you can find one like this, go ahead.

Good points , I would also add " no makup", but eventually all that does not matter much for those who are below average or average looking. The physical appearance of yourself is the determing factor of your success with the opposite sex. From the very first second they see you they already know whether you are " fuckable " or not. It is a simple biology -woman are attracted only to the best genetically gifted individuals. No amount of talk or "game" can make up your physical unattractivness. I know it is a bitter pill to swallow but it is life. All of those things are beaten to death in the incel and MGTOW forums.
As I have said I was a virgin till 30. I went out a lot to find somebody but I was always one of those guys who left the bar or the nightclub alone. As years go by I felt more and more depressed every time I left the party. I did not have an acsess to those kind of forums we have today. Of course I read materials from the intenet about woman and back then it was mostly about "apha vs beta" thing. Which I now see is only one part of the real problem. If you are very good looking then it does not matter whether you are alpha, beta , gamma, a murdered, a rapist , mentally ill etc. You have plenty of womans no matter what you say to them or you could even beat them up if you want. They will stay with you and love you.
One thing I find particulary interesting- many men bring up the idea that " not all woman are like this"( NAWALT). Usually they are in a relationship and think they have found an "Unicorn". The irony is that I myself am one of those guys. I also deep in my heart can not belive that my girlfriend could leave or betray me. But my mind tells me that this could happen in any time.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 08 May 2019, 06:14:47

IMHO girls looking for guys for stable relationships are not seeking them in bars.

Finding a suitable mate is not easy for either sex. And is a totally different thing from finding a short term sex partner.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Cog » Wed 08 May 2019, 07:08:58

Newfie wrote:IMHO girls looking for guys for stable relationships are not seeking them in bars.

Finding a suitable mate is not easy for either sex. And is a totally different thing from finding a short term sex partner.

Correct. And neither should a guy look for women in bars unless he is just looking for a hook up. Women hang out in a lot of places besides bars. You should be in those places so you are in their view and their attraction.

But watch this one video. He changed my entire view about dating and relationships. Men don't have to pursue. In fact its detrimental to do so. Women have to feel comfortable and safe before they will open their lives to you. Men who pursue come across as needy and insecure. Other than the initial asking them out for date or the phone number, if they are into you, they will blow up your phone wanting to see you again.

Link to video:
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 08 May 2019, 08:15:11

For guys it gets better the older you get. It’s a temporary desperation. The High School Stars often flame out and the old steadies come into their own.

Some years ago while involved at the church we were planning a New Years Eve Party. I was in the office that afternoon and took a number of phone calls from ladies who were inquiring about the party.

I had this almost exact conversation a few times.

Will there be music and dancing? Yes, recorded music.
Will there be guys to dance with? Well I don’t know, come and find out.
Will you dance with me? Of course.

Now that was a decidedly older crowd, but it speaks to a different experience.

Just went to my 50th HS reunion, about 12% of my class is dead. Mostly men. I’ve met a few women who got married late in life because it was only then they found their mate.

I’m not recommending “saving yourself” until you get old. Just saying the feeling of desperation is somewhat age related and tends to pass. But you have to preserve your humanity and humor, no one wants a mean ‘ol trump as a soul mate no matter how rich or hansom. Retaining your health is also a biggie so take care of yourself.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 08 May 2019, 10:26:20

I concur with others regarding virtues (or rather lack of virtues) of finding girl in a bar/club.
Woman which could be found there is typically a slut.
It is to a degree demeaning for the man to court a slut, buy her drinks, be nice to her and (possibly) fend off competitors, just to get a dip.
If one want a slut, all what he need to do is finding a prostitute according to his taste. It will be much simpler, less time consuming and usually cheaper as well.
Places like Tinder on the other hand are for losers too. It is a portal where bottom 80% of male losers are chasing bottom 20% of female losers.

What I would advise?
Avoid modern western women at all cost, unless you find one who shares your worldviews and hobbies and meet all important points mentioned before (brought up by both parents, presence of hymen and absence of debt and tatoos).
Religious devotee of far right tilt whom you have met first time on a shooting range or in diving club might be a good bet.
In Poland for example some young girls are getting alarmed that they are going to end up with no families, used and discarded by many. They are forming so called *iron ring circles* and they swear to give their virginity only to a husband. Major drawback is that most of them are catholic devotees and can be tedious to those who do not take religion very seriously, as is my case.
Other source of good and faithful girls here are *slavic neopagans*. These are very patriotic and right wing to the extreme. They also value their bodies so they don't spread up legs easily, they despise modern life style, hate feminism and are good candidates for a man of a Viking mindset (Viking, not Swedish :-D ). Most are beautiful too. Drawback - rare (and in case of my son out of range - he is half Chinese).
These examples are given to show that category of *white female suitable for long term relation* is a very challenging one for time being, particulrly for Millenials and younger men.

By myself I got my wife an easy way.
Chinese girl met on university campus easily offered all the qualities I needed and no serious troubles was encountered during my over 25 years long marriage, despite that sometimes I was doing certain things which most of wives sincerely hate... and got away with it.
I have to be watchful though - have to do periodical brainwashing to make sure that she stays convinced that European culture is far *inferior* to her own and not worth pursuing.
This is ensuring that she does not mix much with local women and they are unable to defile her. Anyway, she knows that they are *sluts*.
Chinese culture is good for a resourceful man.

yonnipun wrote:I also deep in my heart can not belive that my girlfriend could leave or betray me.

Oh, yes, she could...
We, men, somehow feel proud that woman "loves us"...
Well, she just *might*, however it is much easier for most of women to jack a man than the other way.
Men are generally more commited to women than the other way.
I have found an evidence of that on local cemetary.
There is plenty of family graves where man died within few months after his wife and very, very few where an oppostite event occurred.
Wife likes to take her husband with herself, husband is only rarely doing so.

Woman will usually feel something towards you, call it love, should you wish, if she is totally dependent on you.
Then yes, should you be late, she will wait in the window with tear in her eye.
Otherwise it is a touch and go situation.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Yonnipun » Wed 08 May 2019, 11:40:04

Correct. And neither should a guy look for women in bars unless he is just looking for a hook up. Women hang out in a lot of places besides bars. You should be in those places so you are in their view and their attraction.

Bars and nightclubs are empty nowadays. Everything is in social media. If you are a woman you get so many matches per day that you just swipe left until you spot a good looking guy. Even an ugly or deformed woman get matches because there are so many desparate males who are willing to date anyone. On the other hand if you are a male without at least 7 points on the looks scale then you probably get zero matches. This is life right now my friends. I have never been on social media because of it. If you are an older guy then of course things are a little different but I am talking about the guys in their prime years. I am a very lucky man to have a girlfriend today. Without this particular woman and the way she was raised by her father I would possibly never had a chance to get a girlfriend. We knew eachother from young age because we lived in the same country village. We did not communicate much back then when we were children but we went in the same school so we drove in the same schoolbus and walked home on the same road. As you can see I knew her and she knew me. Her father made her to work from very young age. She did not have a typical childhood because of it. She and her sisters look after the animals in the barn. There we ten cows which needed to be fed and milked everyday by hand. Before and after school she simply had no time to play with other kids because of the work they had to do. Old man himself did almost nothing to help his wife and children in the barn. He was a complete asshole but as you can see it benefited me. She had so much work in the barn that she never had time to go outside and find a boyfriend. She even told me that she was afraid that she stays alone for the rest of his life because no man had ever showed interest in her. I was already seriously blackpilled when I started to date her and I knew that it is not possible for a woman to stay single unless a woman have ridiculously high standards which btw many of them actually have. They stay single because they want their prince on the white horse and no less. Some of them turn lesbians. One study showed that 77% of lesbians have also sex with men. So overall I instantly knew that I was just lucky to be the first guy to show interest in her and I took an advatage of this situation. It helps alot that she has no female and male friends and that she has not a smartphone and social media account. I make sure that this stay like this because once they get the taste of an attention they get in social media they are basically spoiled forever.

But watch this one video. He changed my entire view about dating and relationships. Men don't have to pursue. In fact its detrimental to do so.

It is true. There is a saying in incel forums that " if you have to approach it is already over for you".
A blogger Robert Lindsay said it nicely: " beta males are those who fight over woman. If you are alpha , then woman are fighting over you".

Finding a suitable mate is not easy for either sex. And is a totally different thing from finding a short term sex partner.

Finding a short term sex partner for a woman is very easy and very hard for an average men. But finding a suitable mate is hard for woman because only approximately 2 men out of 10 are physically attractive from their perspective so eventually the will need to settle for the one to whom they actually do not find much physical attraction. So they will settle for the money and other resources but do not expect that they grow to love you in time. It will not happen. Love is just an illusion for most guys. But of course men who are genetically gifted can experience true love in their life.

By myself I got my wife an easy way.
Chinese girl met on university campus easily offered all the qualities I needed and no serious troubles was encountered during my over 25 years long marriage, despite that sometimes I was doing certain things which most of wives sincerely hate... and got away with it.

Many guys who have no luck with local women do that nowadays. They import a woman from some third world country. The trouble with this approach is that it does not change the way woman are and think. If you bring them to west then eventually they get spoiled and may leave you for a better option. But of course it is a better option than to do nothing at all.
Last edited by Yonnipun on Wed 08 May 2019, 12:33:11, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 08 May 2019, 11:46:59

Interesting observation there about who follows whom. There once was an Indian practice, Sati, where women voluntarily immolated themselves on their husband pyre or otherwise took their own life on his passing.

This demonstrates the cultural nature of such basis.

The message is to look for a mate who shares your culture. Which also requires you belong to a culture that includes women of the sort you seek.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby Yonnipun » Wed 08 May 2019, 12:24:22

Newfie wrote:Interesting observation there about who follows whom. There once was an Indian practice, Sati, where women voluntarily immolated themselves on their husband pyre or otherwise took their own life on his passing.

This demonstrates the cultural nature of such basis.

The message is to look for a mate who shares your culture. Which also requires you belong to a culture that includes women of the sort you seek.

Many of those old age cultural practises were for controlling female hypergamy. Nowadays we have sexual free market and we see the concequences of such thing. I do not support those things like " sati" but I also want to say that I understand why such things were practised.

Schopenhauer on Sati:
It is, to be sure, a revolting thing that a widow should immolate herself upon her husband’s funeral pyre; but it is also revolting that she should spend her husband’s money with her paramours – the money for which he toiled his whole life long, in the consoling belief that he was providing for his children.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby dohboi » Wed 08 May 2019, 12:44:45

Is it possible for the mods to separate out this hormonal discussion to another thread? Maybe in another part of the forum?

Thanks ahead of time.
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Re: When will the mass dieoff begin? Pt. 5

Unread postby EnergyUnlimited » Wed 08 May 2019, 14:13:30

The trouble with this approach is that it does not change the way woman are and think. If you bring them to west then eventually they get spoiled and may leave you for a better option. But of course it is a better option than to do nothing at all.

That issue is manageable. You are just making an impression that her culture is superior to what is seen around.
It is also important to antagonize her with local females (with a little trickery you can make her believing that these are worthless sluts, for example if you happen to f*ck one or two and she knows it, she will hate them even more).
After careful seasoning of this type your wife will avoid your native females as a sort of disease and there is no risk of getting spoiled.
With time she also sees that her family is doing far better than most of families of your male friends (that is because she is not wasteful and this alone makes it not only possible but easy) and at this point she is resisant to unwanted integration with local european or american s*it.
Useless white females who see that a foreign one is doing far better than they do (and to add an insult to injury it is done with a white guy, who as per their believes should belong to them) would hate this foreign female very much. This reinforces animosity and keep it that way.
All this ensures that your wife is isolated from surrounding decadence.

Sati/sutti is cultural but rather enforced by societal norms and not a voluntary act but husbands failing to take care of themselves and dying soon after wives are certainly a sign of genuine missing of deceased wife.
There is a huge difference here.
I disagree that in current environment it is beneficial to stay within your culture while finding a wife.
These days a white man need to discard his culture (or rather surrounding customs which are a sign of decadence and not a culture) and find a woman who wish to follow him.
If the woman *is* white, she should be from selected niche breed (like Amish in the US) but othervise it is safe to take a woman from a country where any sort of culture is simply still there, as in opposition to the West.
It gone that bad and we must be sincere enough to admit it.
Mind you, older peoples can stick to traditional western culture because women suitable for them are still capable of practicing it, in opposition to younger generations.

Now I will wade to a dark side and assert that substantial majority of younger white women can only be managed in family like setting, if there is a credible threat of an extensive violence against them in case of various misconducts, perhaps specified upfront to make everything clear.
She would also be advised that a violence will grow to the extreme, should she attempt to report it.
That regardless of possible further consequences to the man, as he will do what he sees fit, before consequences reach him.
So violent alpha or sigma man who fear nothing (including the law) may successfuly subdue even a younger white woman of slut like nature and make a working family with her. The question is simple - is it worth an effort and risk?
I just believe that defiled modern women are best left alone. Let them breed cats. Make sure that they die childlessly by any means. Give them right to "abortion" up to 2 years after giving birth, just to contain emerging disease.
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Re: Men & Women

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 08 May 2019, 18:16:25

My condolences to you, Cog.

Life can be very unfair.

But you've got a lot of good years left and you've got the all-important "alpha male" vibe working for you.

Good luck and best wishes.

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Re: Men & Women

Unread postby Cog » Wed 08 May 2019, 22:38:13

Plantagenet wrote:My condolences to you, Cog.

Life can be very unfair.

But you've got a lot of good years left and you've got the all-important "alpha male" vibe working for you.

Good luck and best wishes.


Thanks. You learn a lot about yourself going through this. When it feels appropriate and respectful, I will post about it in hopes others can learn from my experience.
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