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Q "The Plan To Save The World"

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Great speech by Nigel F.

Unread postby Whitefang » Thu 30 Jan 2020, 16:41:43

Just words but national flags at the end. 8)
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The new economy of nations

Unread postby Whitefang » Sat 01 Feb 2020, 04:50:57

The GDP is holding steady and rising, get ready for another tax cut to push the GDP higher. The [CB] miscalculated, they thought that if they used the coronavirus event this would bring down the entire system, they never expected that the patriots would know their playbook.

The [DS]/D's they know they are in trouble, the fake impeachment has failed, there is no step 5, now they are throwing everything out there to get Trump. The public is waking up, the public questioning it all, it is now time to drip out the next piece of information, all other crimes. The perfect storm is coming.

They Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street, Public Ready For The Next Drip - Episode 2085b

Around 6000 CEO's and important others have been fired or resigned for whatever reason.......
Massive changes in the security agencies, the army, the navy and politics.
A global regime change, shift for the better :-D
Just in time to face death with our heads held high, slaves no more.

The BREXIT has finally arrived, the people of the UK voted 3 years ago telling their government they wanted to leave. Their government didn't listen, so the people had enough and voted in the person that would deliver, BJ. Now a new chapter begins. Trump worked on the US, then China and now he is pivoting to the EU, it's time to restructure it all.

US First, Then China, Now Trump Pivots To The EU - Episode 2085a
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Petty Little Pelosi, PLP. Nasty Nancy

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 05 Feb 2020, 17:30:45

The [DS]/D's are struggling with the fake impeachment, they did not prove their case, actually the opposite happened, they introduced evidence against, JB, Crowdstrike, Ukraine and election interference and now the patriots can use this against them. Graham was activated, its time, the signal that the declas is coming just went out, it's all about to happen.

The mob is getting exposed so we can finally aim with the rebuilt army at the real terrorists, target is high, the party people who tell well paid petty little actors what to do, endless chain of stupid acts like war, the things they do at home, mother of all bombs.No deep fake or photo shop 8O
It is open season :badgrin:

BCP on Nasty Nancy


Please watch at 12 minutes, why not have fun and laugh at them :-D
Then kill part of them for the things they do to children, after trial with proof, facts, not fake news.
The Epstein legacy, from his grave will do them in.
The end of a global regime, an abrupt change, like climate.
The storm is here.

The [DS]/D's just ran out of ammunition, the fake impeachment has fallen apart. The D's are having problem with the Iowa Caucus, it seems shadow players are involved. Tom Fitton gets hit by the WaPo, Fitton fights back. Rand Paul reads his question in front the Senate. Emails surface that have to do with SR, even though the FBI says there was no investigation. The MSM pushing technology that can show which pics and videos are fake and what is real.

GOP Investigates Ukraine White House Meetings, SR Watch The News - Episode 2088b
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Patriot Party, follow the pen

Unread postby Whitefang » Fri 07 Feb 2020, 15:18:05


BCP on why there is reason to celebrate


Mitt choose the dark side, he might have been blackmailed or maybe his income depends on it, who knows?

Dirty Money ... aine-deals

Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, Soros, Brennan, McMaster, Obama and Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine deals. No wonder they wanted to impeach President Trump!

Romney's adviser, Joseph Cofer Black, trained for covert operations and eventually became the director of the National Counterterrorism Center. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, perpetrated by al-Qaeda, Black was appointed ambassador at large and coordinator for counterterrorism in December 2002 by President George W. Bush. John Brennan succeeded Black in his job as director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Cofer Black left the CIA in 2006 to join Blackwater, the huge contractor for services related to military and intelligence action, where he served as Vice Chairman until 2008.

Did you know Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert, a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, helped Mitt Romney build his fortune at Bain? See all the ties that bind?

There might be pics of him on some club med doing things on the lolita express………………

The [DS]/D's have failed in their mission, does this mean they are going to give up trying, no. They believe they have the one person that will allow them to impeach Trump again, that person is Bolton. Q told us to follow the pen, follow Bolton. Trump gave a press conference today and he came out swinging, the MSM were shocked by what he did, the gloves are off and we are in the 15th round.

Follow The Pen, The Gloves Are Off,Trump Comes Out Swinging - Episode 2090b

Q is Family, speech held at breakfast right? With prayers.

Ciaramella was a vocal critic of Trump who helped initiate the Russia “collusion” investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. The Democrat attorney for the so-called "whistleblower" bragged in 2017 that he was part of a coup to remove President Trump from office.

Also, Lawfare, the legal gurus behind Pelosi's end run around the Constitution in impeachment, are tied to Brookings, Huawei & Communist China. In other words, Communist China is funding the removal of President Trump. Steve Bannon is building an "impeachment war room" to counter Pelosi & Lawfare's political disinformation campaign against Trump.

BANNON: "Joe Biden is the hand grenade & Hunter Biden is the pin. When it's pulled, the shrapnel will blow back all over the DNC."
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Silent War, Senate were key

Unread postby Whitefang » Fri 07 Feb 2020, 16:52:46

The [DS]/D's have failed in their mission, Trump was acquitted of all charges, now it's the patriots turn. Trump gave the SOTU and the D's were not happy about it, they were exposed to the world. The patriots are ready to drip some more information, get ready, the [DS]/D's will feel pain, the patriots are going to bring it all down, it's going to biblical.

"You shall also say to the sons of Israel: 'Any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones. 'I will also set My face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his offspring to Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary and to profane My holy name. 'If the people of the land, however, should ever disregard that man when he gives any of his offspring to Molech, so as not to put him to death,read more.
then I Myself will set My face against that man and against his family, and I will cut off from among their people both him and all those who play the harlot after him, by playing the harlot after Molech. ... s-n2290379

Since President Donald Trump has been sworn in on Jan. 20, authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States. This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?

As a strong advocate for sex crime victims, I’ve been closely following the pedophile arrests since Trump took office. There have been a staggering 1,500-plus arrests in one short month; compare that to less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests in 2014 according to the FBI. It’s been clear to me for awhile that Trump would make human trafficking a top priority. On October 8, 2012, Trump tweeted:
"Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents – fast trial, death penalty."

See, we are going for their heads.
A headshot, why not, fast and lethal, a gift for those killing children.
Senate and the rest will be shown cheese pizza of elites.
Thanks to Epstein and others, 100 times pizzagate.
Dark proof on the net, not deep fake unfortunately :cry:

22 minutes, Shadow inc. link you George S.

Buckle Up, Patriots Are Going To Bring It All Down, Senate Was The Key - Episode 2089b

The [CB]/Globalist planned to bring down the economic system and blame it on an event, the patriots might have known what they were planning and aloud it to happen. Why interfere with your enemy while they are destroying themselves. The new US economy is being created, the [CB] economy is being destroyed

[CB] System, Why Interfere While They Are In The Process Of Destroying Themselves- Episode 2090a

Much of Europe is undergoing incredible warmth, with the January temperature anomalies as large as 5.5 C to 8 C above normal. Early February is even warmer, i.e. NW Italy hit +27 C (80.6 F), Switzerland hit +24 C (75.2 F), and parts of Spain unbelievably hit +28 C (82.4 F). It is winter there now, but seems more like summer. In a few days anomalies will go from +8 C to -8 C; a perfect example of “weather whiplashing”, or “weather wilding” in our climate casino. If you follow my videos you know why. I explain the crucial role that abrupt climate disruption plays on the jet streams.

Another biblical flood, storm in the making.

I continue my chat on unprecedented, widespread winter heat in Europe. Since the Arctic is warning much faster than lower latitudes, jet streams are much slower and wavier. A given location can be in a jet stream ridge (hot, dry) for several days, then in a trough (cold,wet) for several days, and then back again to hot. Rapid, extreme temperature and precipitation variations (oscillations) caused me to first coin the terms “weather whiplashing” and “weather wilding” many years ago. They are worsening in our “climate casino”, wreaking havoc on infrastructure, flora (plants) and fauna (animals).
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Amazing Polly on Q affairs

Unread postby Whitefang » Sun 09 Feb 2020, 16:08:04

The Criminal Progressive Mafia are now ruining Opportunity Zones & the Iowa Caucus. They are well organized and their sole aim is to keep their scams going. Let me explain...

At 24 minutes......can't you tell by now? Trump is not part of the mob, the party people, the deepstate.

300 video's with say 10 linkies a piece, 3000 links to proof of her not just saying something.

Last edited by Whitefang on Sun 09 Feb 2020, 17:29:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Q "The Plan To Save The World"

Unread postby asg70 » Sun 09 Feb 2020, 16:47:11

You're a nut and you're just speaking to yourself in this thread as everyone else has (wisely) tuned out.

-Billions are on the verge of starvation as the lockdown continues. (yoshua, 5/20/20)

-Short welched on a bet and should be shunned.
-Frequent-flyers should not cry crocodile-tears over climate-change.
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Going nuts

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 12 Feb 2020, 16:34:05

The [DS]/D's are trapped, the swamp is being drained and more swamp creature are being fired or resigning, they know it's all coming down around them. All the cases they have been pushing are now falling apart. Barr, Trump and team have pushed in them into a corner and exposed what they have been doing this entire time. Flynn is on deck, declass of illegal FISA coming soon. Trump tweets out DRAIN THE SWAMP.

At 25 minutes, Epstein revenge.


Yes, I talk to myself constantly, like you and most of humanity, to think is to hold up the world we know.
That makes us all nuts, no exception. Fixating objects, a magic trick and vey handy indeed.
A high price for those shields we use for protection against the unknown, everything we do.

How about the D.Trump nutcase?
Many Americans support him, are they nuts as well?

What makes you think there is no revolution going on? :roll:
A silent worldwide war on the party people, those who do the unthinkable, like killing children to make the devil happy. :twisted:
Why keep these facts secret since we are all facing abrupt CC, doom if you will :cry:

How about some Polly Amazing?

Witnessing abuse/bullying takes more of a toll on people than actually being bullied. I believe that the powers that be use social media to make us all witnesses to injustice in order to try to psychologically break us.
MORE ...

Maybe some BCP can cheer you up

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Q offline

Unread postby Whitefang » Thu 13 Feb 2020, 12:36:54 ... heory.html

A rally in Washington in September for QAnon, an online conspiracy theory that has steadily migrated offline

Pay walled.....
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Furious anger.....

Unread postby Whitefang » Sun 16 Feb 2020, 12:39:56 ... -videocast

The reason I got mad, furious anger for a while.
Like David says, do your own research on elite hobbies and worldly programs to domination. ... heory.html

No real paywall, 4 times for free....

A city council member in California took the dais and quoted from QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory about “deep state” traitors plotting against the president, concluding her remarks, “God bless Q.”
A man spouting QAnon beliefs about child sex trafficking swung a crowbar inside a historic Catholic chapel in Arizona, damaging the altar and then fleeing before being arrested.
And outside a Trump campaign rally in Florida, people in “Q” T-shirts stopped by a tent to hear outlandish tales of Democrats’ secretly torturing and killing children to extract a life-extending chemical from their blood.
What began online more than two years ago as an intricate, if baseless, conspiracy theory that quickly attracted thousands of followers has since found footholds in the offline world. QAnon has surfaced in political campaigns, criminal cases, merchandising and at least one college class. Last month, hundreds of QAnon enthusiasts gathered in a Tampa, Fla., park to listen to speakers and pick up literature, and in England, a supporter of President Trump and the Brexit leader Nigel Farage raised a “Q” flag over a Cornish castle.

Most recently, the botched Iowa Democratic caucuses and the coronavirus outbreak have provided fodder for conspiracy mongering: QAnon fans shared groundless theories online linking the liberal billionaire George Soros to technological problems that hobbled the caucuses, and passed around bogus and potentially dangerous “treatments” for the virus.
About a dozen candidates for public office in the United States have promoted or dabbled in QAnon, and its adherents have been arrested in at least seven episodes, including a murder in New York and an armed standoff with the police near the Hoover Dam. The F.B.I. cited QAnon in an intelligence bulletin last May about the potential for violence motivated by “fringe political conspiracy theories.”

Some QAnon fans are hardened conspiracy buffs who previously believed other fringe theories, such as the bogus claim that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were an “inside job.” But many QAnon adherents are everyday Americans who have found in Q’s messages a source of partisan energy, affirmation of their suspicions about powerful institutions or a feeling of having special knowledge. Some are older adults who discovered the theory through partisan Facebook groups or Twitter threads, and were drawn in by the movement’s promises of inside information from the White House (some QAnon devotees even believe that Mr. Trump posts himself, under the code name “Q+”). Others are seduced by the movement’s wild, often violent fantasies, including claims that Hollywood celebrities are part of a satanic child-trafficking ring.

The frequent introduction of new symbols and arcane plot points to dissect and decipher has given QAnon the feel of a theological study group, or a massive multiplayer online game. In interviews, several adherents described QAnon as a “lifestyle” or a “religion,” and said it had become their primary source of political news and analysis. ... -order-now

You are holding a book that those it exposes never thought would ever be written in the modern climate of systematic and extraordinary censorship.
But David Icke has never been one to follow other people’s rules and impositions or bow to intimidation no matter what the source. He believes that with freedom being deleted by the day that someone has to have the courage to call out those transforming human society into a global prison camp in which only the ‘right’ opinions and information are allowed.
The central theme of The Trigger is what happened on 9/11 and the force that was really behind those attacks – no, not 19 ‘Islamic extremists’ who somehow flew wide-bodied jets with fantastic skill while being dubbed incompetent by flying instructors in one-engine ‘puddle-jumpers’.
The Trigger, however, is not only about 9/11. In exposing the network that orchestrated and covered-up those horrific attacks Icke reveals the force that is dictating your life in increasingly fine detail and leading the world along a dark and dangerous road to total Orwellian global control.
The book is written in two distinct, but fundamentally connected parts, and together they represent perhaps the most controversial book of modern times – and long before that – given the ever-gathering climate of mass oppression, censorship and freedom deletion.
David Icke has had the courage to write it. Do you have the courage to read it? If you do it will transform your view of 9/11. It will transform your view of everything.

The club behind Trump, make America great again, is the family, among others, a Jesus loving but militant and strategic group doing battle against the global regime that had no real opposition for ages, until now.
For proofs around child sex and torture rings of elites, there is enough to be found with a simple google on your connection to the web.
For the Family, just watch Netflix.

The Family is an American documentary web television miniseries that premiered on Netflix on August 9, 2019. The series examines a conservative Christian group—known as the Family or the Fellowship—its history, and investigates its influence on American politics.[1][2][3]
The series was executive produced by Jeff Sharlet, who previously wrote books about the same organization, including C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy and The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power.[4]

Easy to confirm, satanic activity and NWO issue, not easy to swallow, accept and battle against, a deep and wide swamp. Classic good and bad to the bone. Unwise to see much of the proofs and testimonies, these pics and stories stick to your mind making it hard to sleep sound for a while, in time these images will be there but not pervasive, just background noise, a reminder to keep hunting down those psychopaths who do the unthinkable.
To heal and purify, we need to go through these horrors first, just like your personality doing what it does, over and over again, all the dirt comes up, is exposed. Then accepted and changed into new habits, new feelings, from self pity to ruthlessness, the opposite.
Then what do I know, I truck 8)
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Swamp draining as we speak

Unread postby Whitefang » Sun 16 Feb 2020, 15:44:31


Optics Are Important, Barr’s Delayed Testimony Confirmed, Traps Are Important - Episode 2097b

Relinky, public is being informed first, then we get the trials, the tribunal to get the first actors to jail, the middle managers like HRC and the rest. Next year a possible aim at Central Bank controllers, Royalty and Party People.

Billionaire Mike Bloomberg is considering 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as his pick for vice president, report says; former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon weighs in.

Bannon: Bloomberg has a personal vendetta against Trump

Michael Bloomberg's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination has been bombarded with criticism of one of his signature policies as mayor of New York City: "stop and frisk," the controversial police practice of temporarily detaining, questioning and searching residents who were overwhelmingly black or Latino.
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JFK going nuts, monolithic conspiracy.

Unread postby Whitefang » Wed 19 Feb 2020, 16:23:45

Polly is getting close.

This video gets stranger as it goes along, so bear with me. What did JFK mean when he said "We are opposed around the world by a monolithic conspiracy." ?? How much have the conspirators relied on eavesdropping / spying to achieve their goals? more below....

At 35 minutes, Jewish child consumption ideas and rituals.
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Unread postby Whitefang » Tue 25 Feb 2020, 11:54:14

The [DS]/MSM are not being exposed every single day, they have no cover story and many are lashing out. All the exits are blocked, there is no place to hide. JS indicted, HW convicted, it's coming. All of the pieces are being put into place, the setup is almost complete, the show is about to take a turn and the best is yet to come.

Drip, Drip, Pieces Of The Puzzle Come Together, The Best Is Yet To Come - Episode 2105b

Wild ride. Some might say "trippy" - but this is about exposing the counterculture of the 1960s for what I think it really was: an attempt to redirect humanity from freedom to technological enslavement. I touch on John Brockman, The Grateful Dead, Hunter S Thompson, Ken Kesey, Owsley Stanley and much more...
If you would like to support me in this work that I love to do, here is my paypal:
My web site is: and you can find a link to my PO Box on the contact page there -- I love snail mail & your letters and donations that arrive that way.

Better on bitchute:

Latest Polly on the row,,
The Coincidences Just Keep Coming

Cracking Your Skull

Owls and Minerva.......Epstein revisited


BCP plotting conspiracy.
Last edited by Whitefang on Tue 25 Feb 2020, 13:39:18, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Q "The Plan To Save The World"

Unread postby Cog » Tue 25 Feb 2020, 12:01:54

Trump has figured out no one in the intelligence or law enforcement community can be entrusted not to be corrupt. The left is howling now about his pick of DNI. The swamp is getting ready to be set on fire and the left knows this.
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Swamp running for the hills, corona Trumpvirus

Unread postby Whitefang » Sun 01 Mar 2020, 15:47:16

219 CEO's leaving normalcy in a month……

Lynching is a premeditated extrajudicial killing by a group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob in order to punish an alleged transgressor, convicted transgressor, or to intimidate a group. It can also be an extreme form of informal group social control, and it is often conducted with the display of a public spectacle (often in the form of hanging) for maximum intimidation.[1] Instances of lynchings and similar mob violence can be found in every society.[2][3][4]
In the United States, lynchings of African Americans became frequent in the South during the period after the Reconstruction era into the 20th century. Lynchings are common in many contemporary societies, particularly in countries with high crime rates such as Brazil, Guatemala and South Africa. ... index.html

Washington (CNN)The administration's move to start executing prisoners on federal death row after a 16-year hiatus reverses a trend away from capital punishment in the US and tees up yet another divide between President Donald Trump and Democrats, who are nearly united in opposition.
Trump has been a public advocate of the death penalty for decades. And his embrace of the rhetoric of criminal justice reformers hasn't softened his view on putting prisoners to death.

We are in for a long hot summer with a silent war going on, the real terrorists will be attacked and killed for crimes against humanity, treason and genocide.
And the really dark stuff snuffing children, the unthinkable.
Even if the opposition somehow succeeds in killing Trump they will meet their end a bit later on the show, there are enough people who are aware, enough to tip the scales, we are too far on the road from global tyranny to personal freedom.
Then we running out of time, the ice is getting thin and thus the amount of grain, our basis. ... trump.html

Alex Azar, the health and human services secretary, and other members of the Trump administration testified before a House panel on Wednesday.
Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times

So, our Coronavirus Czar is going to be … Mike Pence. Feeling more secure?
“I know full well the importance of presidential leadership,” the vice president said as soon as he was introduced in his new role.

Paywalled, please do not pay miss Anna Moneymaker, NYT is not a newspaper but a propaganda tool to control opinions of people that benefit the few in power.
The corona way out, not by guzzling massive amounts of beer but the fast and easy way, a lethal excuse not to stand for trial.
Interesting to see which famous people will be effected, the pope maybe? ... -12314029/

Pope Francis has missed a planned Mass with clergy in Rome due to an unspecified illness. The Vatican said the pontiff, 83, had a ‘slight indisposition’ and would proceed with the rest of his planned work today but ‘preferred to stay near Santa Marta’, the Vatican hotel where he lives. There was no word from the Vatican about the nature of his illness, but the pope was seen coughing and blowing his nose during the Ash Wednesday Mass. Yesterday, he told well-wishers: ‘I wish, again, to express my closeness to those who are ill with coronavirus and to health-care workers who are caring for them.’
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The devil made me do it

Unread postby Whitefang » Mon 02 Mar 2020, 02:48:13

Moving pieces into place...……

Freedom is power and that is personal, a first step is to go national instead global, then local, then to ourselves.
And the devil made me do it is no excuse for what our leaders did and do.
We let them run our lives though, so we are all fools on the same ship facing our end on this level, Earth as we know it, not as it is.
We all have to let go and that takes power, courage and discipline, right action and sobriety in the face of our death.
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