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Blame Obama!

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Thu 17 Oct 2019, 08:58:51

Obama just endorsed Trudeau, no doubt swinging millions of Canadians to follow his recommendation. If trudeau gets re-elected and starts running around in blackface again Canadians can now blame Obama.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby jedrider » Thu 17 Oct 2019, 09:49:01

Ronald Reagan was guilty of that, too, but got away with it. Doesn't make it right, though.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 26 Oct 2019, 13:27:54

James Clapper---Obama's DIA----when asked whether he was worried about the new IG criminal investigation of the origins of the official FBI investigation of the conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian agent said he was just following orders from Obama


Even James Clapper now blames obama! :P :lol: :o 8) :roll:

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 30 Oct 2019, 17:47:27

Keepers, even Fox is praising O on this one.

"This idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly," the two-term Democrat said. "The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids and share certain things with you."
Obama said he has particularly noticed the trend on college campuses he has visited with his daughter Malia. He described it as a "danger" that is "accelerated by social media." ... 095362002/

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Ibon » Wed 30 Oct 2019, 19:09:31

Good on Obama... The response was encouraging because it was bi partisan. Obama was addressing college student progressives about not pegging people as good or evil or putting them in black or white boxes. This is the pure ideologically driven problem with the current polarity. Not nuanced, not understanding complexity, just seeing the opposite as evil and your own team as good.

I have been mentioning on the other thread the pendulum reaching the apex of maximum polarity.

Reading the reaction to Obama's speach with some bi partisan support is a hint that there are rumblings in the collective getting tired of the dumbed down polarity......

The pendulum may indeed start to move.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Newfie » Wed 30 Oct 2019, 19:27:05

Maybe, or maybe he will get tagged also. Maybe someone will come up with a picture of him And David Chappel leering at some busty young gal.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 27 Nov 2019, 00:40:59

Obama just said he will speak out to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the 2020 D nomination


At first blush this seems surprising. But in 2016 the DNC did all it could to tilt the nomination to Hillary and stop Bernie. Its tempting to blame the 2016 undemocratic behavior of the DNC on Hillary, but actually it was Obama who was in control of the D party and the DNC in 2016, so the cheating by the DNC against Bernie was probably sanctioned and even ordered by Obama.

And now in 2020 Obama is doing what he can to sabotage Bernie. Obama sabotaged Bernie in 2016 and he's out to do it again now.

Obama sabotaged the Bernie campaign in 2016 and he's out to do it again in 2020.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby asg70 » Wed 27 Nov 2019, 16:10:49

Plantagenet wrote:Obama sabotaged the Bernie campaign in 2016

Image ... 49f724793b

In 2016, Obama didn’t publicly intervene in the Democratic primary until June, roughly a month before the Democratic National Convention. During a meeting with Sanders, Obama encouraged him to rally behind Clinton. Soon after, Obama announced his endorsement of Clinton and, in mid-July, Sanders followed suit.

That's not "sabotage" nor would Obama endorsing a candidate other than Sanders in 2020 amount to "sabotage". He's free to say what he wants and people are free to be swayed by it or ignore it.

Plantagenet wrote:the cheating by the DNC against Bernie was probably sanctioned and even ordered by Obama.

A vague suspicion fueled by a pathological dislike for Obama amounts to truth? You want to dredge up birtherism again while you're at it? And I see you've taken to reading Zerohedge. You apparently want to degrade your credibility to Armageddon levels I see?

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Cog » Wed 27 Nov 2019, 17:48:17

Given how super delegates were such a factor in Democratic party primaries, Hillary winning was a foregone conclusion. The Clinton dynasty knows where the bodies are buried and put a lot of them in the ground themselves.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby dissident » Fri 29 Nov 2019, 11:42:31

Calling BS on this news is ludicrous. It is clear that Killary and Obummer were in bed together politically. Of course he is going to push Killary's agenda. And that includes undermining Sanders.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby asg70 » Fri 29 Nov 2019, 11:47:44

Anyone who posts with terms like Killary and Obummer isn't worth taking seriously.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Fri 29 Nov 2019, 18:31:05

asg70 wrote:Anyone who posts with terms like Killary and Obummer isn't worth taking seriously.

So ..... every pundit on the left, including the MSM and the "news analysis" crowd NEVER talks about, say, Trump in a deprecating way, or uses nicknames to insult him? Or is it just that we shouldn't take any outlet that ever does that, like say MSNBC, seriously? (Or folks like John Oliver or Stephen Colbert, who often make VERY good points. And Oliver even calls them like he sees them when the situation calls for giving the left a smack, which ups his crediblity in my book.)

I'm not saying such terms aren't childish. But seriously, in today's political / punditry reality, I think you need better, and more consistent standards re just dismissing political adversaries -- or we might just as well have neither side EVER listen to each other (though one could argue that we're far too close to that state of affairs already).
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby asg70 » Fri 29 Nov 2019, 18:40:28

Outcast_Searcher wrote:So ..... every pundit on the left, including the MSM and the "news analysis" crowd NEVER talks about, say, Trump in a deprecating way,

Yep. If you want to criticize someone, stick to the facts (and there's plenty of it in the case of Trump) rather than hurling cheap schoolyard bully nicknames.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Cog » Fri 29 Nov 2019, 22:03:42

Republicans can hardly be blamed that the Dems ran one of the most untrustworthy candidates they could find in the form of crooked Hillary. But I'm sure in 2020 you will find an even worse one.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 03 Mar 2020, 13:28:19

Rumor has it that the reason that Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar both dropped out of the D race on the same day, right before super Tuesday, is that Obama and the DNC ordered them to drop out and clear the path for Old White Joe.

Obama has been signaling for months that he didn't want Bernie to win the nomination, and apparently now he has personally intervened and meddled in the 2020 D primary. And the DNC is stocked with Obama loyalists, who follow his direction.

IMHO Obama's intervention will prove to be disastrous for several reasons, just as the DNC tilt to Hillary in 2016 didn't work out well.

1. This shows, once again, that the DNC and the D party are a farce. The whole D primary season in 2016 was a farce because the DNC was cheating for Hillary, and now 2020 is a farce because the DNC is tilting to Joe. The D party is not about what the D voters....its about what TPTB in the DNC want. And they wanted Buttiegig and Klobuchar out to help Joe, and so it must be.

2. Second, this move disenfranchises huge numbers of Ds who has already voted in "early voting" in states across the USA for buttigieg and Klobuchar. Their votes literally don't count now, thanks to Obama and the DNC.

3. Third, this move destroys two viable political campaigns. Petey in particular had attracted lots of funding and support, and represented a younger, smarter, and more vigorous alternative to Old White Joe.

4. Petey and Amy had been telling everyone for months that they were the best suited to be the next president, and now we're supposed to just accept that they were lying the whole time and Joe is actually the best?

5. FINALLY....the whole premise of democracy in the US is that the people get to decide. By pressuring Petey and Amy to drop out, Obama and the DNC have subverted our democracy, taking it upon themselves to decide the election and denying the American people to right to vote and choose their own nominee.

No need for you little people to vote. I HAVE DECIDED the D nominee shall be Old White Joe. Bow down and submit!!!!!!

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby asg70 » Tue 03 Mar 2020, 16:18:35

How predictable. Please go on another vacation.

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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 03 Mar 2020, 17:55:24

People close to Obama are now admitting to NBC and other MSM that Obama pressured Pete and Amy to drop out in favor of Biden


"As Democrats begin to coalesce around Joe Biden as the moderate alternative to Bernie Sanders, there appears to be a quiet hand behind the rapid movement: former President Barack Obama....."

Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer that the American people actually be allowed to vote and choose who they want for president, rather then having the DNC or former President Obama working behind the scenes to pressure certain candidates to quit so their preferred candidate has a clear path to the nomination, especially when the hand-picked candidate being pushed by Obama and the DNC is Joe Biden---a man so senile he thinks today's election is called "super thursday."

And just imagine how the Bernie Bros feel. Bernie got screwed by Obama and the DNC in 2016, and now here is Bernie being screwed over again by Obama and the DNC in 2020. I bet they aren't going to be happy about this......

Don't dream you are going to screw over Bernie again....
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby dissident » Tue 03 Mar 2020, 19:46:56

So corrupt, senile cretin Biden it will be. Truly a guiding light for humanity.....

Sane Americans need to vote Trump and make an effort too. Can't let have the fake stream D. Party aligned MSM have any talking points about "lack of legitimacy".
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Cog » Wed 04 Mar 2020, 06:57:09

Biden's senility is becoming more obvious every appearance he has. He forgot who his wife and sister were yesterday. He hasn't forgot to put his pants on yet before venturing into public but it coming folks.
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Re: Blame Obama!

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 04 Mar 2020, 13:16:15

Cog wrote:Biden's senility is becoming more obvious every appearance he has. He forgot who his wife and sister were yesterday.

That was another very funny Joe Biden moment! But the Ds don't care---- thats just how Joe rolls......


So the DNC and Obama and the rest of the D powerbrokers have will be Joe.

I suppose its not a bad choice. Joe has real problems with age and senility, but if you overlook those issues he's mostly pretty inoffensive. The DNC ran off the candidates of color, and the gay candidate, and all the women candidates, and now they're running off the socialists......all to settle on Old White Joe. Its just all so retro. I suppose the Ds think Joe is the "safe" choice, even if he's not the smartest or the most vigorous or the clear "best" choice.

But lets look on the positive side. When Joe beats Trump in the 2020 election, you can be pretty confident that Joe will only be a 1 term president.

It doesn't matter if Joe is senile or not. The Ds say Joe is who we're going to get.

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