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the Doomer outlook

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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 23 Dec 2020, 17:35:23

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:
Outcast_Searcher wrote:
OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Progress is a HOAX

Yes. We still live in caves, bang on rocks, and forage berries for a living.

All that stuff about powerful computers doubling as a cell phone, GPS networks, electric cars, solar energy, jet planes, and any other technology you'd care to contemplate since written history (ironically, including writing itself) is just a conspiracy theory. :roll:

Why even bother to post such nonsense?

Big hint: Just because progress generally has some side effects and consequences (which humanity may well handle badly over time) doesn't mean REALITY DOESN'T EXIST.

Yep. Humans built themselves a prison and Outcast Searcher loves being a prisoner inside of it.

Outcast Searcher: Hell yeah I love my slavery keep giving me some more.

Bill Gates: Ohhh yeah I got a vaccine for you'll give you Bells Palsy.

Outcast Seacher: Sounds perfect....I'll be first in line.

You can have your jet planes that fall out of the sky....

You can have your cell phones that cause cancer and sterilize you....

You can have your electric cars that spontaneously combust....

The more pure BS you type, the more demented you look.

Keep it up. No doubt, you're a hero to the fact free doomer crowd. 8)

Is there ANY TIME you want to post meaningful evidential links from CREDIBLE sites, or is it all just 5 year old worthy garbage from you (evidence free, of course)?
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby Pops » Wed 23 Dec 2020, 18:20:05

haha, you guys are classic.

Even I, infamous non-friend of even one black person knows that the saddest knee-jerk defense of any liberal white person accused of being a racist is the worn out trope: "some of my best friends are black."

Yet you couldn't help but roll it out to show your broadmindedness.

I laugh.
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby JuanP » Wed 23 Dec 2020, 18:36:54

Pops wrote:haha, you guys are classic.

Even I, infamous non-friend of even one black person knows that the saddest knee-jerk defense of any liberal white person accused of being a racist is the worn out trope: "some of my best friends are black."

Yet you couldn't help but roll it out to show your broadmindedness.

I laugh.

I will repeat myself for clarity and say that I don't think there is anything wrong with not having black or gay friends, but if you purposefully refuse to be someone's friend because they were black or gay, then I would think that would be sad. I have met many wonderful black and gay people, and some of them became my friends. I believe my life would not have been as good without them in it. But everybody has the right to choose their friends, too, and as long as you are corteous, fair, and respectful towards all people, I don't think there is anything wrong with choosing not to have black or gay friends, either. That is your right, and it also would be your loss.

Also, for clarity again, I will specifically say that I am NOT claiming that this observation applies to Pops in particular, since that is NOT what Pops said. I am just making a point about life in general and any of us who makes that choice.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 23 Dec 2020, 18:51:36

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Progress is a HOAX....

You can have your jet planes that fall out of the sky....

You can have your cell phones that cause cancer and sterilize you....

You can have your electric cars that spontaneously combust....

Yo Mr. OutcastPhilosopher

Would you be so kind as to expand on your idea?

Do you think that all progress is a hoax......or just certain parts of progress while other aspects of progress are useful and improve our lives.

For instance, presumably you are using a computer and the internet to make posts at this are computers and the internet an example of "good" progress.

Please explain your viewpoint a bit more.

Is all of progress a hoax....or just certain parts of progress?

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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby Pops » Wed 23 Dec 2020, 19:37:08

JuanP wrote:There's nothing wrong with that. I only knew a handful of black people growing up in Uruguay (they were African diplomats and their families) and no gays. Living in today's Miami Beach I do have friends, coworkers, neighbors, and acquaintances of all colors, ages, national origins, sexes, and sexual orientations.

I read your comment below, so I understand your political views better now. Am I right in thinking you voted for Biden then?

No prob Juan,

I couldn't vote in the general because of the move, but would have voted for Biden. I voted for Liz in the primary, or Bernie, I can't remember—that was ages ago! I'm pretty liberal, even more libertarian—the political quizzes all say so! I always vote D even though they are all right-wingers to me, LOL. Honestly my opinions are divergent like most people's.

The main difference between me and most old white men is when I express myself and people call me a commie libtard, anti-American snowflake I don't get all butt-hurt and vote for someone to burn it all down. I don't feel the resentment that seems to consume so many in my demo, literally consume them to the point of self destruction. The angry is a mystery to me.

I grew up in California's San Joaquin Valley to dust bowl Okie parents who came to CA to pick fruit, then they worked in the defense plants during WWII and the canneries after that. There were no black folks in the valley but I grew up around Mexican kids who were there for the season. We didn't become school friends because they didn't stay the winter but I'd sometime work in the orchards with them when I was older. They had it hard and I felt sympathetic because they were doing exactly what my folks had done 30 years before. And frankly the old families still looked down on my folks and me, not as much as the Mexicans but enough to feel. Later as an adult I had a couple of good Mexican pals, my wife's closest friends in school were twin Mexican girls, Margaret and Margarita.

I've been around the "design" trades, antique collectors etc so gays are not scary to me. In fact out of a high school class of maybe 100 people there might have been half a dozen guys who died from AIDS (the San Joaquin is 60 miles from San Francisco). Though we'd not stayed in touch a couple were guys I knew. I'm guilty of the occasional locker room joke and feel bad I might have hurt someone's feelings back when being out was hard. Myself I'm comfortable enough in my own skin that I'm not all that concerned about other people's goings-on.

Oh, and I was baptised in the Southern Baptist church but am an atheist of some sort, frankly not interested enough to figure out what sort, LOL
The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby OutcastPhilosopher » Wed 23 Dec 2020, 19:53:47

Plantagenet wrote:
OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Progress is a HOAX....

You can have your jet planes that fall out of the sky....

You can have your cell phones that cause cancer and sterilize you....

You can have your electric cars that spontaneously combust....

Yo Mr. OutcastPhilosopher

Would you be so kind as to expand on your idea?

Do you think that all progress is a hoax......or just certain parts of progress while other aspects of progress are useful and improve our lives.

For instance, presumably you are using a computer and the internet to make posts at this are computers and the internet an example of "good" progress.

Please explain your viewpoint a bit more.

Is all of progress a hoax....or just certain parts of progress?



First, there is no person that can ever state what we are "progressing towards"......what is progress? The ability to type messages on a message board to strangers? High speed planes that can travel overseas? The ability for women to work a job? Rights for homosexuals? Technological Progress? Social Progress?

Many believe that we are technologically progressing with computers and other gadgets. I would agree that it is a technological advancement. Your claim of "good" progress versus what I guess you would claim "bad" progress is rather narrow and limiting for instance, no one weighs the cost of technological advancement versus human freedoms or a myriad of other human conditions.

Lets take the example of the automobile. Prior to the automobile, man could travel as he pleased by walking. During this time period, there were no laws or if there were any they were minor so that a man walking would go where he pleased at any rate he wished and walk on any unoccupied piece of land. He would have had total control of his travel except for any outside forces other than himself. Imagine if you are walking and walk into another person, would you die? Surely not. You would be in control of your destiny.

With the introduction of the automobile that changed. Now man is no longer is able to walk wherever he pleases. With the introduction of the automobile in order to travel, man was forced to adapt to it because of technological advancement. This is a case of technology enforcing its will on man, not man enforcing its will on technology. Now when utilizing an automobile, man is subject to many laws and there are specific areas that he has to drive his vehicle on (roads,highways,etc.). This doesn't even go into the licenses and other such items that a man has to acquire to operate such a vehicle. Furthermore, man is no longer solely in control of his destiny in an automobile because he is utilizing an object that is subject to outside forces that he cannot control. The automobile can break down or become damaged, which would cause the man to either spend money for a new automobile or for repairs. Other automobiles controlled by other persons can crash into him and kill him. In 2019, there were 38,800 people who died in car accidents in the US.

In effect introducing more technology causes man to lose more control over his life.

In regards to technology, we are not progressing in any way towards being a more "free" society. We are actually becoming a less "free" society due to technological advancements. The more technologically advanced society becomes, the less freedoms that the individuals who live in that society will have. Technology requires conditions to be imposed on humanity in order for technology to function. It is a misnomer that man enforces conditions upon technology en masse, the opposite is the case.

Lets take a look at "medical progress" versus human freedoms and medical treatments.

Prior to medical treatments and vaccinations, what were the options given to man? Man had the option of self medication through herbal remedies such as naturopathy and homeopathy. There were local doctors who had a very cursory understanding of medications and treatments that could treat someone. Obviously from historical records life expectancy and health standards were varied. Aside from that, man was mostly in control of his own health and could utilize very basic medicines and herbal treatments. There wasn't any kind of forced or recommended health treatments.

Now with "advanced medical treatments" like vaccinations, surgeries, chemotherapies, etc. there are a wide range of treatments for various ailments that one may fall ill with. There are also a wider range of diagnosing capabilities that the medical system has with radiography. Obviously modern man has a much wider variety of diagnoses and treatments to choose from. Now what about quality of treatments? Most wouldn't know this but medical error in the United States is the third leading cause of death ... _in_the_us

Are we really making medical progress when nearly 250,000 people die due to the medical system every year?

Currently, in order to work in hospitals and other health treatment centers, employees are forced to take vaccinations such as the flu shot and now it looks like the COVID-19 vaccination. So again, as we supposedly advance, people are losing their freedoms and are forced to take vaccinations. This doesn't even cover the possibility of becoming injured due to vaccines. The US government was forced to create a national vaccine injury compensation fund due to injuries from vaccines, unfortunately pharmaceutical companies are exempt from liability due to legislation passed in the 1980s.

The question of progress is a question of what do you value? Do you value freedom? Do you value technology? etc.

As I stated earlier, technology is imposing conditions on man and taking away freedom. There are other human conditions that you can examine in this lens against the various cases of "progress".
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby aadbrd » Sat 26 Dec 2020, 20:20:08

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:technology is imposing conditions on man and taking away freedom.

You're cherry-picking negatives and looking from a decidedly spoiled 21st century viewpoint. If you were thrust back into the proverbial world made by hand you may find that the grass isn't as green as you may think.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 26 Dec 2020, 21:26:29

Yo Mr. OutcastPhilsopher:

Thank you very much for giving a full and complete answer to my question. I can see you put a lot of time and thought into your answer, and I appreciate you laying out your philosophy in more detail. So many conversations on the internet quickly devolve into angry people mindlessly flaming other angry people, and i think you deserve full credit for calmly expounding at length on your philosophy.

So please allow me to discuss your views on freedom and technology now.

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:First, there is no person that can ever state what we are "progressing towards"......what is progress? The ability to type messages on a message board to strangers? High speed planes that can travel overseas? The ability for women to work a job? Rights for homosexuals? Technological Progress? Social Progress?

I don't think it is necessary to precisely state what the world is "progressing towards." Technological progress is a little bit like Adam Smith and his view of how capitalism works......for the most part the top people in the scientific and technology field are basically working to satisfy their own intellectual curiousity and also to further their own careers, and taken together it results in overall technology progress.

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Lets take the example of the automobile. Prior to the automobile, man could travel as he pleased by walking. During this time period, there were no laws or if there were any they were minor so that a man walking would go where he pleased at any rate he wished and walk on any unoccupied piece of land. He would have had total control of his travel except for any outside forces other than himself. Imagine if you are walking and walk into another person, would you die? Surely not. You would be in control of your destiny.

With the introduction of the automobile that changed. Now man is no longer is able to walk wherever he pleases. With the introduction of the automobile in order to travel, man was forced to adapt to it because of technological advancement. This is a case of technology enforcing its will on man, not man enforcing its will on technology. Now when utilizing an automobile, man is subject to many laws and there are specific areas that he has to drive his vehicle on (roads,highways,etc.). This doesn't even go into the licenses and other such items that a man has to acquire to operate such a vehicle. Furthermore, man is no longer solely in control of his destiny in an automobile because he is utilizing an object that is subject to outside forces that he cannot control. The automobile can break down or become damaged, which would cause the man to either spend money for a new automobile or for repairs. Other automobiles controlled by other persons can crash into him and kill him. In 2019, there were 38,800 people who died in car accidents in the US.

In effect introducing more technology causes man to lose more control over his life.

You are absolutely right that auto technology has included the introduction of certain new auto-related laws and these create limitations on people. But you have to weigh that against some of the good things that auto technology has produced....for instance, I live some distance from the university where I work. Thanks to automobile technology I can drive to work in the morning and drive back home at night, even if its -40° and a blizzard....something that would be impossible and likely would kill me without the auto....and yet now its routine. Last summer I made two trips down to the Gulf of Alaska, driving hundreds of miles each time....once for a kayak trip and a second trip for salmon fishing. Again, both of these would've been impossible without auto technology. So there are trade-offs.....personally, for me, the positive aspects of car ownership outweigh the negative aspects.

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:In regards to technology, we are not progressing in any way towards being a more "free" society. We are actually becoming a less "free" society due to technological advancements. The more technologically advanced society becomes, the less freedoms that the individuals who live in that society will have. Technology requires conditions to be imposed on humanity in order for technology to function. It is a misnomer that man enforces conditions upon technology en masse, the opposite is the case.

Again, you are exactly right that new technologies tend to produce societal changes, and some of those changes may involve new restrictions on some kinds of activities. But the new technologies also tend to offer very real new opportunities and freedoms.....and thats why people eagerly adopt them.

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Lets take a look at "medical progress" versus human freedoms and medical treatments.

Prior to medical treatments and vaccinations, what were the options given to man? Man had the option of self medication through herbal remedies such as naturopathy and homeopathy. There were local doctors who had a very cursory understanding of medications and treatments that could treat someone. Obviously from historical records life expectancy and health standards were varied. Aside from that, man was mostly in control of his own health and could utilize very basic medicines and herbal treatments. There wasn't any kind of forced or recommended health treatments.

Now with "advanced medical treatments" like vaccinations, surgeries, chemotherapies, etc. there are a wide range of treatments for various ailments that one may fall ill with. There are also a wider range of diagnosing capabilities that the medical system has with radiography. Obviously modern man has a much wider variety of diagnoses and treatments to choose from. Now what about quality of treatments? Most wouldn't know this but medical error in the United States is the third leading cause of death ... _in_the_us

Are we really making medical progress when nearly 250,000 people die due to the medical system every year?

Thats good question. However, by all all objective measures millions of human lives are saved each year and human life expectancy has increased dramatically in the last 200 years precisely because of modern medical technology. When you do the math, medical technology nets out as a big positive. And every year that someone is alive who would've died if not for modern medical technology is a HUGE increase in freedom for that person. There is absolutely zero freedom when someones dies of a disease.....much better to get it treated using the best modern medical technology available.

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:The question of progress is a question of what do you value? Do you value freedom? Do you value technology? etc.

IMHO ife is always a game of trade-offs....IMHO we're not making a binary choice between freedom and technology.

For most people modern technology brings new freedoms....the freedom to travel by car or airplane.. the freedom to live longer thanks to modern medical treatment....the freedom to communicate from a distance with a cell phone.....the freedom to have interesting conversations with people you don't even know on a chat page on the internet.....etc. etc. etc. etc.

So we disagree. We think differently about this topic. And thats OK.

However.....As William Shakespeare said: There is nothing either good or bad that thinking makes it so.


Let my close by saying again I appreciate you taking the time to explain your point of view. Your thinking is certainly audacious and unusual. Thank you again.

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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby careinke » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 04:02:25

Pops wrote:But Boomers are also the Me Generation, so now we have the reaction to all that liberalness as the white, uneducated majority around the world finally reassert their grievance at no longer being the advantaged group. It is shocking/not surprising to read EU say that progressives multiculturalism is tribalizing neighborhoods and the women will soon "be ditched" —whatever that means. (maybe PO needs an incel subforum, LOL) White people are pissed that black people can move in next door, that women are bosses, that homosexuals are out and no longer punchlines. And pissed that they are called deplorable for being pissed. Simple as that.

This comment is both untrue, and blatantly racist. I don't know of any other way to describe it. That said, I will defend his right to be a racist, up until until he forces his stupid beliefs on others.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby REAL Green » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 09:20:59

Trump would not matter if he managed to win or if he yet manages to stay on. The process all are in is programed by a self-organizing of human decline that visits all human civilizations. Civilization is out of scale as-is in comparison to any previous history. The size and scope of the current global one is in an extreme sense so the progress of decline will be relatively swift. This process has now accelerated. Americans are heading Chinese CCP. Both Republicans and Democrats are in on it and in fact the politicians are just pawns of a deeper shadow state and world consensus of a few. This deeper power is just a reflection of the process so these powers are not powers but themselves pawns of the planet's way. I doubt these shadow power centers can hold becuase this process is much more potent.

“The Gray Curtain Descends, Part 1, by Robert Gore” ... bert-gore/

“Let’s dispense with the obscenity that expressed intentions excuse all crimes and consequences. It’s a close contest between which officially approved story is more implausible: Coronavirus as the Scourge of Humanity or America’s Free and Fair Election. The former enabled the latter, and they were propagated by the same people pursuant to an all-in power grab. Both are riddled with glaring inconsistencies and fraud, none of which are mentioned in polite society.
It was strange, she thought, to obtain news by means of nothing but denials, as if existence had ceased, facts had vanished and only the frantic negatives uttered by officials and columnists gave any clue to the reality they were denying. Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand, 1957
The stories’ propagators don’t address the inconsistencies and fraud because they can’t; they simply deny their existence. They suppress questions, inquiry, and exploration of actual evidence and facts, and promote mindless slogans. The legacy media censorship has been overt, but not as effective as hoped, thanks in large part to the alternative media. The censorship itself is a red flag. If the approved stories are Shining Truth, why can’t they bear challenge? The propagandists are suppressing free inquiry and debate, and they’re about to eliminate it entirely. With next month’s ascension of Biden and Harris and the predatory and parasitic ruling cabal to which they answer, the prize is in site. They see no need to continue feigning fealty to anything other than subjugation and control. For the most part they’ve even dropped their shopworn rhetoric of concern for their subjects. In the good old days there was “for the people” codswallop with the goodies, which you got as long as you did what you were told. The new diktat will be to do as you’re told or else, but there will be no goodies; governments are bankrupt and the ruling cabal has no ability to produce. They will not be bothered by destitution and deaths among the ruled, that’s a feature, not a bug. Indeed, any detectable concern would be grounds for immediate expulsion from the cabal. Let’s dispense with the obscenity that expressed intentions excuse all crimes and consequences. Totalitarianism has never produced anything but destruction, destitution, and death and never will, regardless of the totalitarians’ lofty rhetoric. Totalitarians are vultures, not eagles, and the current kettle of vultures intend to dine on the corpse of history’s most advanced civilization. Draft animals work harder for a morsel or kind words than for the whip or switch, but somehow humans are different. Whips, switches, prisons, and subjugation pave the road to utopia. When they instead lead to a charnel house, that’s not the fault of the whippers, switchers, wardens, or subjugators. Except it is. Orwell said it best: “The object of power is power.” Power’s trite slogans and rationalizations don’t excuse its murderous depredations, they only increase its inescapable guilt…Except the unfortunate consequences have arrived. We’re confronted by a dystopian totalitarianism the design of which the totalitarians are no longer trying to hide. Virtually everything has already been compromised and the meager remnant of freedom is on the table. As the crowd is prodded into the cattle cars (not social distancing, their well-being no longer even a faux concern) uneasy whispers circulate: is the final destination the abattoir? However flimsy the excuses offered by the ruled have been, they’ve at least had the usual rationalizations of cowardice. There’s no excuses or rationalizations for our rulers. They want to impoverish, subjugate, or kill us. Don’t give them too much credit believing the latter isn’t the preferred option. Such deeds never spring from motives other than all-encompassing, unremitting malice and hate. The honest and honorable are left to wonder what, if anything, has replaced those forfeited souls. We may never know the answer…nominal capos of the largest organized crime syndicate in history. Unchallenged crime and evil are not static; they get worse. Investing any hope in “things will get better” has been a loser for more than a century. Governments generally do nothing but get worse—more taxes, more laws and regulations, more debt, more fiat fraud, more wars, more corruption, and more power—as the freedom of individuals who must live under them vanishes. Hope without action is not a strategy, but there is cause for hope if it’s coupled with action.”
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 13:40:14

REAL Green wrote:politicians are just pawns of a deeper shadow state

Good encapsulation of today's "doomer outlook", which is more often conspiratorial and based more on cynicism and the comfort of reinforcing existing ideology than provable fact.

As an adjunct, more and more of the greater body politic exhibit the "doomer outlook", i.e. the QAnon types of which Trump is sympathetic.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 13:44:59

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Humans built themselves a prison and Outcast Searcher loves being a prisoner inside of it.

Your take is very one-sided. Will you only insult those who disagree or are you willing to fully engage?
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby OutcastPhilosopher » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 13:56:34

aadbrd wrote:
REAL Green wrote:politicians are just pawns of a deeper shadow state

Good encapsulation of today's "doomer outlook", which is more often conspiratorial and based more on cynicism and the comfort of reinforcing existing ideology than provable fact.

As an adjunct, more and more of the greater body politic exhibit the "doomer outlook", i.e. the QAnon types of which Trump is sympathetic.

Please tell us who the owners of the Federal Reserve System are........

I'll wait....

Please tell us who the owners of the Bank for International Settlements are......

I'll wait....
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby OutcastPhilosopher » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 14:07:02

aadbrd wrote:
OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Humans built themselves a prison and Outcast Searcher loves being a prisoner inside of it.

Your take is very one-sided. Will you only insult those who disagree or are you willing to fully engage?

Hey birdman I have been engaging this board and yet no one wants to answer any of these questions.....we have many resident "experts" like AdamB and OutcastSearcher who are so amazing yet they cannot answer these....

No one has explained how to pay the 155,000,000,000,000 unfunded liabilities that the US Government states that they have.....? Please explain that how to do so?

Please explain how to pay the 27.5 Trillion National Debt that the US Government has?

You can see both clearly at There are people on this board who require a citation and yet they never answer my question.

Please explain how to onshore the manufacturing base that was exported to China and to recover the Trade Deficit?

As I stated prior, China is utilizing the offshored manufacturing base of the US as collateral for the Trade Debt that is owed to China.

Please explain the explosion in creation of money supply whereby nearly 25% of all Dollars were created in 2020. ... -last-year

Why did the Banking Syndicate drop rates to zero and bring online shale oil after the 2008 financial crisis? ... -producers

No one has been able to explain the failing US Shale Oil Industry which as a whole has lost money. It is not profitable at all.

What will you all do when the whole industry fails? ... RFPUS2&f=M

Look at the charts. It was used to bring online about several mbd. Now look at it failing due to the national suicide aka COVID-19 scam.

What will you do when the shales fail and the dollar collapses? THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 15:17:43

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:No one has explained how to pay the 155,000,000,000,000

You were talking about so-called deep state conspiracies, not debt.

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:What will you do when the shales fail and the dollar collapses?

Why should the dollar collapse if shale fails?

BTW, oil in general is turning into a poor ROI lately. ... t-downturn

I see this as a good thing insofar as our economy should not revolve around the fortunes of the fossil fuel industry.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby OutcastPhilosopher » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 16:09:23

aadbrd wrote:
OutcastPhilosopher wrote:No one has explained how to pay the 155,000,000,000,000

You were talking about so-called deep state conspiracies, not debt.

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:What will you do when the shales fail and the dollar collapses?

Why should the dollar collapse if shale fails?

BTW, oil in general is turning into a poor ROI lately. ... t-downturn

I see this as a good thing insofar as our economy should not revolve around the fortunes of the fossil fuel industry.


See you have no answers yourself thereby you know nothing.

Unable to answer who owns the Bank for International Settlements? Thereby you have no idea about anything.

You have much bigger concerns that shilling against those who claim "Deep State" are in for a rude awakening like so many others.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 17:22:54

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:See you have no answers yourself thereby you know nothing.

What I do know is that your kind who seem to post for no other reason than to present themselves as infallible prophets of doom for whom all others must grovel at their feet aren't worth my time.
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby OutcastPhilosopher » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 17:54:15

aadbrd wrote:
OutcastPhilosopher wrote:See you have no answers yourself thereby you know nothing.

What I do know is that your kind who seem to post for no other reason than to present themselves as infallible prophets of doom for whom all others must grovel at their feet aren't worth my time.


You came on a board and started throwing stones at people claiming "Deep State" conspiracies and yet when I present you with hard evidence and facts you run away and are unable to answer anything just like Adam and Outcast Searcher.

Do you realize how retarded you are?

You are a dumb-ass.....join the club because there are plenty here on this board.

No answers to any serious questions....LOL
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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby AdamB » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 17:58:00

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:Birdman,

You came on a board and started throwing stones at people claiming "Deep State" conspiracies and yet when I present you with hard evidence and facts you run away and are unable to answer anything just like Adam and Outcast Searcher.

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Re: the Doomer outlook

Unread postby Newfie » Sun 27 Dec 2020, 20:41:31

OutcastPhilosopher wrote:
aadbrd wrote:
REAL Green wrote:politicians are just pawns of a deeper shadow state

Good encapsulation of today's "doomer outlook", which is more often conspiratorial and based more on cynicism and the comfort of reinforcing existing ideology than provable fact.

As an adjunct, more and more of the greater body politic exhibit the "doomer outlook", i.e. the QAnon types of which Trump is sympathetic.

Please tell us who the owners of the Federal Reserve System are........

I'll wait....

Please tell us who the owners of the Bank for International Settlements are......

I'll wait....

Members of the World Economic Forum, who have underwritten the International Airlines Association (or whatever) to develop and roll out the Health Passport Application and who are foisting the Great Reset upon us.
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