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The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 11:50:11

The anti-regulation and anti-tax 1% have been stoking this derangement all along. But it isn't a conspiracy, they've been right out there in the open

An agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal. Most U.S. jurisdictions also require an overt act toward furthering the agreement.

OK. Major corporations and donors are cutting off the money spigot right now. I guess they detect this conspiracy thing being realized and want no culpability. The 'overt act' may have already happened.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby Ibon » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 14:57:21

Pops wrote:So is it a conspiracy? Depends on what you call "conspiracy." The republican party, it's various backers: Addleson, Koch, murdock, the gun makers, oil companies, corporations, blah blah have been pushing ever more hysterical fear out over AM radio for decades—while they automate, offshore, raid retirements, cut wages, undermine social welfare, eliminate environmental regs. We are at the very locus, the culmination of the anti-abortion, anti-feminist, ant-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-atheist, anti-"socialist" hysteria conspiracy.

So who is backing the conspiracy? Well, trump said it out loud, I pay for politicians and they give me what I want. The people with money, real money, who want more and don't care how they get it.

The anti-regulation and anti-tax 1% have been stoking this derangement all along. But it isn't a conspiracy, they've been right out there in the open


Herein lies the truth that has the power to unite the disenfranchised currently on opposite sides of the manipulated tribalism. We need leaders who are not beholden to corporations that can gain traction at the grass roots level.

We had a couple during the D primaries but they were labeled as radical socialist which was by the way part of that manipulated tribalism by the 1%. Bernie Sanders was about as radical as a Danish politician!!!
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby aadbrd » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 15:09:01

dohboi wrote:Trumps going to call his troops into action from Alamo, TX of all places.

What exactly do you mean by this?

What I can say is that this is what happens when a candidate refuses to concede. It's not just Trump's ego here, it's the hopes and dreams of everyone who voted for Trump who have hitched their wagons on Trump's delusions. There is a necessary art in the concession speech that few really appreciated until now, but in effect what it accomplishes is to try to throw water on the feelings of anger and despair that comes from your side loses. The analogy to a town of a losing team rioting is apt. There is a primal rage that overtakes those who lose, especially when they feel (rightly or wrongly) that the stakes are so high. We definitely saw that in 2016 although those not-my-president Pussy Hat riots were contained to peaceful demonstrations. That sort of symbolic show of dissent is a sign of a functional democracy, to keep a lid on how far emotions like these are allowed to go. Trump's failure to concede even to this day is really the foundation of the incitement. What he said at the rally was just the final icing on the cake. He can make as many half-hearted pleas against violence all he likes, but until he concedes, this has a momentum all its own and we will likely have an ongoing terrorist insurgency in this country.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 15:36:30

aadbrd wrote:What exactly do you mean by this?

You seemed to answer your own question, so it was just rhetorically posed.

In my mind, any person holding government office at this point who doesn't accept the results of the election is just not abiding by the oath to uphold the constitutuion, PERIOD.

Sure, next election, fix the election process (of course, their intent is to actually 'rig' the election process, but never mind that).

So, we've entered crazy land as we've been heading there for quite some time and may have, actually, arrived already.

Crazy land is like a combination of Orwell's '1984' and 'Animal Farm' all rolled into our current predicament. All we are missing is Ray Bradbury's 'Fahrenheit 451', but the heat is already being turned up.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby Pops » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 16:35:11

Listening to the US Attorney press briefing, sounds like they are totally serious about bringing sedition charges, murder, lots of fun stuff.

Hopefully this will throw a little cold water on the fantasy warriors.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby aadbrd » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 17:34:18

Pops wrote:Listening to the US Attorney press briefing, sounds like they are totally serious about bringing sedition charges, murder, lots of fun stuff.
Hopefully this will throw a little cold water on the fantasy warriors.

I doubt it. They are all after their 15 minutes of fame and now they know it's possible.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 18:03:18

aadbrd wrote:
Pops wrote:Listening to the US Attorney press briefing, sounds like they are totally serious about bringing sedition charges, murder, lots of fun stuff.
Hopefully this will throw a little cold water on the fantasy warriors.

I doubt it. They are all after their 15 minutes of fame and now they know it's possible.

I don't think that is the motivation. Even if prosecutors are blocked on the most serious offenses, they cannot be accused of taking this lightly. They need to throw a scare into these protestors/instigators/lawless mob participants. They're crazy, but they are not innocent of this pre-meditated insurrection. Letting them off too lightly is an invitation to more of this. Stay tuned.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Tue 12 Jan 2021, 18:34:28

Well, this is good entertainment:

The antler guy isn't a climate activist. He's an eco-fascist. A Hippy Nazi.

The times do move along.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Wed 13 Jan 2021, 00:47:27

What happens after events like this:

For the mob that stormed the US Capitol, a lesson from Charlottesville

These people are not glorified. They are hunted down.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Sun 17 Jan 2021, 13:44:29

An excellent synopsis of the U.S. Capitol Insurrection and the American Civil War II (actually, the Great American Political Divide II):

What happened on January 6th, 2021 Explained - Good Synopsis - You need to get at least one minute into it before his commentary begins.

JT Chapman Twitter Feed

I think that is the narrator. I am 100% in agreement with his conclusion on the 'Capitol Insurrection'.

No easy answers provided, which I also have to agree with.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Wed 27 Jan 2021, 21:46:31

OK. This is interesting. What is happening here?

Two police officers died by suicide after responding to Capitol riot

No one wants to speculate so soon after these tragic deaths, yet we are curious what exactly could be happening?

Are these guards who thought this rally was a good idea and were subsequently horrified at what took place?

The reverse? It's hard to determine what is in a man's soul. However, social media sometimes reveals all.

Everyone knows where I stand, at least :-D
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby evilgenius » Thu 28 Jan 2021, 06:20:34

This thread reminds me of my ex-brother-in-law. He used to stash guns all around his house. He couldn't go anywhere without his gun. Mostly, that was all in his mind. The world can be dangerous. What he did was to listen to everything that reinforced his fears. He sort of listened to those that didn't, but not really. Imagine what his social media looks like.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby aadbrd » Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:02:08

I think what we have here is the apotheosis of the process of demonizing political rivals. It started decades prior with AM talk and Fox News and has culminated in the storming of the capitol and representative gun nuts who would like to execute Nancy Pelosi. Now we have tens of millions of Americans living in their own alternate-reality who would love to have a second civil war. This is going to tear the country apart regardless of the fact Biden managed to get inaugurated.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby JuanP » Thu 28 Jan 2021, 15:59:31

aadbrd wrote:I think what we have here is the apotheosis of the process of demonizing political rivals. It started decades prior with AM talk and Fox News and has culminated in the storming of the capitol and representative gun nuts who would like to execute Nancy Pelosi. Now we have tens of millions of Americans living in their own alternate-reality who would love to have a second civil war. This is going to tear the country apart regardless of the fact Biden managed to get inaugurated.

I would say that there are over 300 million Americans living in hundreds of millions alternative realities. There are very few people left in the USA that have anything other than temporary experiences of actual reality. And, I wonder if there is even a single American left that is truly living in the real world 24/365. I haven't met any in 30+ years.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby aadbrd » Fri 29 Jan 2021, 15:29:02

JuanP wrote:I would say that there are over 300 million Americans living in hundreds of millions alternative realities.

That is to deny the very clearly defined reality silos which exist.

Political ideology has now become the new religion of the 21st century and conspiratorial and eschatological thinking is at its center, with figures such as Trump, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and Marjorie Taylor Greene as a form of clerical hierarchy. ... ago-463238

I see very clear parallels to what is happening in the US and what happened in the Middle-East with the rise of extremism and the use of terrorism as a political tool.

I see the doublespeak and cognitive dissonance among right-wing politicians as akin to the days of Yasser Arafat where, in public, he would go through the motions of decrying violence in order to maintain the front of being a negotiator while simultaneously endorsing it to his base as a lever to achieve his long-term goals.

The capitol riots could have been a true bloodbath had the chamber not been evacuated in time. It's highly likely 2021 will see the first successful political assassinations along the lines of the attempt on Governor Whitmer. I also don't rule out bombs going off in softer civilian targets but I think right now the emphasis is on taking out political figures rather than random citizens.

Probably the worst thing that could happen for the right is for a plot like this to go off during the actual impeachment trial as it would put Republicans in the worst possible spotlight for letting Trump off the hook as I'm sure they will do regardless of evidence presented.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 29 Jan 2021, 18:00:51

aadbrd wrote: It's highly likely 2021 will see the first successful political assassinations along the lines of the attempt on Governor Whitmer. I also don't rule out bombs going off in softer civilian targets but I think right now the emphasis is on taking out political figures rather than random citizens.

You have a very grim vision of the current political situation.

To me, this all seems sadly familiar to things that have happened in the past.....I see the anarchists who plotted against Whitmer as being no different than anarchists who have been devising devilish plots and carrying out crazy political crimes since the 19th century. Its in the nature of anarchism to hate the current political order and anarchists have repeatedly shown themselves to be willing to riot, bomb, burn or do almost any crazy thing.

Some of the Whitmer plotters had anarchist flags etc in their homes., i.e. they self-identify as anarchists. Some of the antifa rioters paint anarchist symbols and graffiti during their riots, i.e. they self-identify as anarchists. IMHO these modern anarchists belong to the long and irredeemably stupid tradition of violent anarchists that have been doing stupid things since the 19th century.

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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby jedrider » Fri 29 Jan 2021, 23:23:26

The WSJ today has an op-ed on Speech and Sedition. It's not that I pay attention to the WSJ (as I don't get beyond their firewall and just read the titles).

However, on KPFA today, they talked a lot about the line between free speech and locking of accounts and deleting threads just as the Egyptians erased anyone's name from stones whom they had issue with.

I am more of the opinion that falsehoods that wantonly damage individuals is not free speech and conspiracy to sedition is both and inciting a riot is just that and is not free speech and Oil companies denying facts about climate change is deception for profit and is also not free speech, etc. So, it is a fine line that must be carefully drawn.
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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 30 Jan 2021, 02:27:32

jedrider wrote:I am .... of the opinion that falsehoods that wantonly damage individuals is not free speech

The whole point of free speech is to protect speech that expresses unpopular or even offensive opinions. Only allowing speech that every agrees with isn't free speech.

jedrider wrote: Oil companies denying facts about climate change is ...also not free speech

Actually it is. Its wrong-headed and inaccurate but nonetheless it is protected speech under the first amendment.

In my humble opinion people who want to ban free speech and take away our human rights in the USA don't understand democracy.

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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby Pops » Sat 30 Jan 2021, 11:25:48

aadbrd wrote:
JuanP wrote:I would say that there are over 300 million Americans living in hundreds of millions alternative realities.

That is to deny the very clearly defined reality silos which exist.

It's just an excuse, if everyone is lying/deluded/conned/fact-free then it's OK for me to be.

Probably the worst thing that could happen for the right...

I'm pretty sure that after the initial shock wore off, the attempted coup is now seen as totally justified, PEW says... only 27% of Rs had strong negative emotions seeing the capitol assaulted—surprisingly, only 48% of Ds felt the same.

trump was the best thing since Reagan for the Rs—they never wanted Mittens or McCain or Bush really, even dogs can't always hear a dog whistle. trump gave them exactly what they wanted loud and clear and did it right out in the open. In doing he pointed the way forward.

The country is still 60% white... 76% white/hispanic. trump showed there are enough whites for even him to win. trump was actually a cautious groundbreaker, his "many people are saying" and test marketing conspiracies and outrages at his rallies and in his tweets was pretty genius. Just like his "perfect" talk with the Ukrainian and his "I'll walk with you" and all the other "mob boss" doublespeak so he could get outrageous things to happen from his disciples without actually saying the "thing" that would cook his goose.

The next trump won't need to be a norm-breaker, an unfocused, chaotic narcissist with no plan beyond the next tweet. He can be smart, focused, prepared, organized, dedicated.

Won't be long now, couple of years for the congress to flip, couple more till the next presidential election.

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Re: The U.S. Capitol Insurrection of 2021

Unread postby dissident » Sat 30 Jan 2021, 13:27:21

The routine false dichotomy of invoking extremist speech to argue that free speech is not allowed. And of course only the right has extremist speech and not the precious, angelic left. All the blood libel spread by the leftist mass media and SJW drones on the internet is hate speech. It should be banned according to their own demands.
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