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Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Discussions about the economic and financial ramifications of PEAK OIL

Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby shortonoil » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 09:48:46

Good old shorty. Per Google, I see no credible indication the Russians already have a working vaccine.

A complete lie, from a complete ignoramus. ... nal-stage/

Couldn't find it on Google?? How interesting; it makes one wonder what else one can't find on Google that should be there. The social engineering has reached all levels. The $trillion Western pharmaceutical industry has supposedly spent the last 20 years looking for a vaccine for the SARS virus, but haven't come up with a thing. Little old Russia came up with one in less than a year. That is of course the same $trillion pharmaceutical industry that has not come up with one cure for a disease in 50 years, but they have found a million treatments. Treatments are sold over and over again; cures are only sold once.

With the Russians now having a working vaccine and the West doesn't, the newest up and coming business opportunity will be tour guides for the rich and famous to go to Russia and get their shot. As the rich are getting vaccinated lunkheads like the one above will be telling you that there is no vaccine. In the meantime the greatest PSYOP in history continues.

Maybe the Africans aren't as dumb as we are told to believe. ... kill-them/
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby JuanP » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 10:04:24

"Staying grounded or crashing and burning? The airline industry is facing the worst crisis in its history" ... us-crisis/

I think most airlines, Boeing, and Airbus may never fully recover from the COVID-19 crash.

"The COVID-19 era oil crash is different, V-shaped recovery unlikely" ... -recovery/

Another industry that may not recover fully is the oil industry. Will this peak be the last and definitive one? There is no certainty yet, of course, but this time it may be the real thing. Will US shale ever achieve its previous production level again? I wouldn't bet on it either way.
"Human stupidity has no limits" JuanP
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby AdamB » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 10:48:02

shortonoil wrote:
Good old shorty. Per Google, I see no credible indication the Russians already have a working vaccine.

A complete lie, from a complete ignoramus. ... nal-stage/

Ummm.....the phrase was "credible indication", which wouldn't seem to include Russian state propoganda.

Not that a welsher knows any more about credibility than they do the oil industry of course, but just sayin'...
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby shortonoil » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 12:29:16

Ummm.....the phrase was "credible indication", which wouldn't seem to include Russian state propoganda.

Are you still looking for Russians under the rug? Russian propaganda; sure. Try Western media propaganda, like weapons of mass destruction, terrorist living next store, and everywhere, buildings that collapse for no reason at all; they feed us a constant stream of complete bullshit, and say it's the Russians.

One of the best medical schools in the world announces that they have a working vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, and without one shred of evidence you say they don't. Who is spreading the propaganda now?

The gist of the story is that the Russians have a working vaccine which they are willing to share with the rest of the world, and the West is refusing it as their civilization crumbles around their ears. The West is now morally, financially, and ethically completely bankrupt. They are willing to let their citizens die, and their economies collapse to fulfill some ones's latest political agenda.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby diemos » Sun 19 Jul 2020, 19:58:03

shortonoil wrote:
One of the best medical schools in the world announces that they have a working vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, and without one shred of evidence you say they don't. Who is spreading the propaganda now?

Hmmm.... Aren't you an anti-vaxxer?
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby shortonoil » Mon 20 Jul 2020, 08:30:17

Hmmm.... Aren't you an anti-vaxxer?

Personally yes, I have witnessed the complete amorality, and intentional disregard for human life, and health by the Western pharmaceutical industry for too long to trust them with anything. The concept of a vaccine is not by itself bad; its over use, and miss use for the explicit purpose of fulfilling corporate coffers at the long term expense of peoples health is. The Western pharmaceutical industry's primary objective is making money, saving lives or improving people's health come in at a long, long second place. As they have no watch dog, because they have essentially become their own, placing one's health in their hands may not be the best of ideas.

Once the Russian vaccine has taken the COVID-19 virus out of Russia, and a few other countries the whole Virus hoax that has been well perpetuated by a few powerful entities will collapse. The media is now trying frantically to cover up the fact that the Russians even have a working vaccine. They are vying for time to complete their initial agenda; which was probably the destruction of the US Republic. They will probably fail. The horn toadded obstinacy of the American spirit, and Russian resourcefulness will defeat them. Americans will then get a good view of their real enemy, and the world will change.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby shortonoil » Mon 20 Jul 2020, 09:41:35

Russian Elite Received 'Experimental' COVID-19 Vaccine As Early As April ... arly-april

Wait... so the Russians hacked the British vaccine research, traveled back in time, then decided to test their vaccine prototype on some of the most powerful people in Russia's (highly unequal) society? Well, they had to first travel to the future to steal the time-travel technology from the Americans (bear with us...we're still piecing it all together).

Come on, you've got to give ZH at least two points for that one!

Knowing the Russians, they will have little booths outside the Kremlin selling this stuff in a month. Hillary is already over there standing in line.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Tue 21 Jul 2020, 11:40:23

AdamB wrote:
shortonoil wrote:
Good old shorty. Per Google, I see no credible indication the Russians already have a working vaccine.

A complete lie, from a complete ignoramus. ... nal-stage/

Ummm.....the phrase was "credible indication", which wouldn't seem to include Russian state propoganda.

Not that a welsher knows any more about credibility than they do the oil industry of course, but just sayin'...

He wouldn't know credible (or about using multiple ACTUAL credible sources to verify something) if it ripped his face off.

All he knows is lying, paranoia, and nonsense. Oh, and name calling.

So I'm shocked, SHOCKED by his post above. :roll:

Which I wouldn't see if someone didn't cite him, since he's in my ignore booth, re a near zero signal to noise ratio, borne out well when I see his nonsense cited now and again.
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby JuanP » Wed 22 Jul 2020, 09:47:39

"Capitalism may not survive 2020 global crisis, which will last longer and cut deeper than many predict" by Richard Wolff ... sm-crisis/
"Human stupidity has no limits" JuanP
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Wed 22 Jul 2020, 10:50:09

JuanP wrote:"Capitalism may not survive 2020 global crisis, which will last longer and cut deeper than many predict" by Richard Wolff ... sm-crisis/
The article is long on the whining and short on solutions that add up. Redistributing wealth will reduce profits and the very tax collections needed to pay for all the socialist proposals. I also note he sites the 2008 housing crisis as a capitalist failure when it was brought on by the socialist "community reinvestment act" forcing banks to lend to unqualified borrowers.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Wed 22 Jul 2020, 12:22:06

vtsnowedin wrote:
JuanP wrote:"Capitalism may not survive 2020 global crisis, which will last longer and cut deeper than many predict" by Richard Wolff ... sm-crisis/
The article is long on the whining and short on solutions that add up. Redistributing wealth will reduce profits and the very tax collections needed to pay for all the socialist proposals. I also note he sites the 2008 housing crisis as a capitalist failure when it was brought on by the socialist "community reinvestment act" forcing banks to lend to unqualified borrowers.

And that to me is the major weakness of the dems in general. Overall, their vision assumes far too much that more government, more taxation, more regulation, and more punishing outsized succeess (profits or personal income) will automatically lead to "success", if they manage to redistribute lots of wealth.

There needs to be FAR more balance, which is why, despite all their flaws, we need the voice of the right when it comes to business principles like rewarding profit, while still maintaining an overall progressive tax system.

There's too much idealism laced by tinfoil on BOTH sides to be able to follow either side, since financial issues are only one piece of the puzzle, and of course, the far left and far right both tend to take nearly EVERYTHING too far.

As polarized as things have gotten, I can't imagine both sides working together effectively on very much, which is ridiculous. For example, take the current issue re another COVID-19 financial aid package for the economy and individuals. By the time anything happens, it will be at least WEEKS after the current package runs out, and the financial impacts start slamming through the economy re things like foreclosures, apartment eviction proceedings, and families getting needed staples. And I hear BOTH sides stating what they demand, but not much re trying to COMPROMISE to get the votes needed to get something effective done quickly (even if imperfect, as federal sausage-making inevitably is).
Given the track record of the perma-doomer blogs, I wouldn't bet a fast crash doomer's money on their predictions.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby shortonoil » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 11:41:06

Connecticut State Lab Finds 90 False Positives Out Of 144 Coronavirus Tests Administered In Mid-June ... ministered

Even more alarming, the State Department of Health said the flawed numbers came “from a widely-used laboratory testing platform that the state laboratory started using on June 15.”

It is no wonder that the growth curve of this virus as reported looks more like a broken dog's leg than a natural occurrence.

And, we keep getting media reports about horrendous death tolls from around the world that do not even equal naturally expected occurring fatalities rates.

Hold up your life saving mask to a light. See all the light coming through. Those are holes, and they are 40 to 50 million times bigger than the man eating virus that you are trying to protect yourself from. Good luck. You rarely find screen doors on submarines either. ... ve-updates
Another ZH hourly update that never credits where the update originated from: one must wonder if CDC knows about all of this?


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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby shortonoil » Thu 23 Jul 2020, 11:51:26

So I'm shocked, SHOCKED by his post above.

peed your pants again? That happens pretty often with senile old reprobates. He thought that the invention of the Hula Hoop was a commy conspiracy?
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby AdamB » Sun 07 Mar 2021, 12:08:33

The next oil and gas boom is here.

The history of the oil and gas business in the United States is that every time the “experts” all line up to declare it to be dead, it finds a way to come roaring back. This scenario has played itself out at least half a dozen times across my own 42-year career in the business or writing about it.

Well, guess what: It appears to be happening again.
Plant Thu 27 Jul 2023 "Personally I think the IEA is exactly right when they predict peak oil in the 2020s, especially because it matches my own predictions."

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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby diemos » Fri 12 Mar 2021, 08:57:58

So I year ago I looked at the data coming out of South Korea and Italy and estimated that we would see about 2-3 million dead if we did nothing and the health care system didn't collapse.

We're currently at 540k and projected to go to 600k.

I disagree. I think that there are enough anti-vaxxers around that once everyone who wants one has been vaccinated and we open back up again there will be a final wave and we'll get to 1 million.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby Pops » Fri 12 Mar 2021, 10:46:43

I can't figure out how LTO nosedive and OPEC spigot equals a "boom".
I thought oil demand was dead, that no one wanted the stuff, that everyone was gonna ride mopeds wearing solar helmets?
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby Armageddon » Sat 13 Mar 2021, 00:27:50

diemos wrote:So I year ago I looked at the data coming out of South Korea and Italy and estimated that we would see about 2-3 million dead if we did nothing and the health care system didn't collapse.

We're currently at 540k and projected to go to 600k.

I disagree. I think that there are enough anti-vaxxers around that once everyone who wants one has been vaccinated and we open back up again there will be a final wave and we'll get to 1 million.

Nearly 3 million Americans die per year. Covid is nothing special. You’d be shocked if you knew how they are lying with how they classify so many deaths as Covid.
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby diemos » Sat 13 Mar 2021, 12:30:47

Armageddon wrote:Nearly 3 million Americans die per year.

True. And an extra 3 million people dying would not be the end of the world, just a noticeable humanitarian tragedy.

Armageddon wrote: Covid is nothing special.

It's a new, air borne, highly contagious disease that hospitalizes 5% of people who get it and kill 1%.
Since it's new, no one has any antibodies for it, so if we did nothing everyone would have contracted it. 15 million people hitting the emergency room all at once would have collapsed our health care system.

Armageddon wrote: You’d be shocked if you knew how they are lying with how they classify so many deaths as Covid.

All I need to see is this graph of pneumonia deaths to know that something highly unusual is happening. And it's happening even with a bunch of economically painful measures in place to try to stop the spread. ... _small.gif
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby Armageddon » Sat 13 Mar 2021, 13:37:55

diemos wrote:
Armageddon wrote:Nearly 3 million Americans die per year.

True. And an extra 3 million people dying would not be the end of the world, just a noticeable humanitarian tragedy.

Armageddon wrote: Covid is nothing special.

It's a new, air borne, highly contagious disease that hospitalizes 5% of people who get it and kill 1%.
Since it's new, no one has any antibodies for it, so if we did nothing everyone would have contracted it. 15 million people hitting the emergency room all at once would have collapsed our health care system.

Armageddon wrote: You’d be shocked if you knew how they are lying with how they classify so many deaths as Covid.

All I need to see is this graph of pneumonia deaths to know that something highly unusual is happening. And it's happening even with a bunch of economically painful measures in place to try to stop the spread. ... _small.gif

Except it’s not new
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Re: Opening Up the Economy Pt. 3

Unread postby diemos » Sat 13 Mar 2021, 13:58:06

Armageddon wrote:Except it’s not new

Except we have the ability to sequence a virus' genome and so know that it is indeed new.

Distinct from the 4 beta corona viruses that cause the common cold. Highly similar to beta corona viruses found in wildlife in China.
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