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THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

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THE Democrat Thread Pt. 7

Unread postby Ibon » Fri 19 Mar 2021, 09:29:16

Pops wrote:The thread should be named Republican Delusions, a sad attempt to make Biden appear as failed a human as trump is.
Where is the prediction that trump will return to power like Jesus on Eater Sunday?

Sad you all have to make up things to poke fun at—or at least wait for Fox to— the only good thing about trump was Ds didn't have to make things up to disparage.

Delusions are like cocaine, they make you feel good but debilitate you. I prefer not to point out these R delusions since they are steering the R ship perfectly into oblivion. Pops, ssshhhhh. stay quiet!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby JuanP » Fri 19 Mar 2021, 09:56:42

Both the partisan Democrats and partisan Republicans are thoroughly deluded, IMO. Anyone who still believes in the American political system is not understanding the truth of its real condition and purpose. And what I find most funny is how both sides accuse the other of being deluded without any understanding of their own delusions.

The USA has essentially become the world's biggest insane asylum and practically all Americans are suffering from multiple neurological, psychiatric, and/or psychological problems, but they are all convinced they are OK and it is everybody else that is crazy. It is very sad, but still fun as hell to watch. That is one of the reasons I stay in the USA; in Uruguay insane people are a very small minority, which makes life down there a lot less interesting and a lot more boring. Living in the USA is like living in a circus or a carnival and every single day is a show!
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 19 Mar 2021, 10:42:32

It is not just him dealing with stuttering. Yes he has dealt with that for years but if you look at tapes of him from say ten years ago and compare with his recent interviews or speeches you can see a clear and marked decline in his mental ability.
That he is fully capable and in charge is the Democrat illusion and they will come to realize it in time.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby aadbrd » Fri 19 Mar 2021, 11:47:36

vtsnowedin wrote:It is not just him dealing with stuttering.

Translation: I didn't like the election result and am searching in vain for a way to invalidate it.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Fri 19 Mar 2021, 12:36:57

aadbrd wrote:
vtsnowedin wrote:It is not just him dealing with stuttering.

Translation: I didn't like the election result and am searching in vain for a way to invalidate it.

No not at all my point of view. We needed to get rid of Trump and Biden has managed that.
I do think his team is making major mistakes and they will lose both houses in 2022 regardless if Biden has lasted or Harris has taken over.
The 2020 is over and I am not upset by the outcome but do think the Democrats put forward a very weak candidate and looking forward I see hard times ahead needlessly brought to us by the liberal left that for now has the power.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 19 Mar 2021, 22:56:25

Pops wrote:The thread should be named Republican Delusions, a sad attempt to make Biden appear as failed a human as trump is.

Joe is human----just like Donald.

And Joe has human failings ---- just like Donald.

And one of Joe's failings is that Joe is clearly a frail old man, as shown by him falling three times as he struggled to climb the stairs into Air Force one. It was really a sad thing to see.......I hope they get Joe one of of those "alert" pendants to wear around his neck so he can push the button to summon help when he falls and can't get up.

I hate to break it to you, but Joe is human and has human failings----just like Donald.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby aadbrd » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 13:57:23

vtsnowedin wrote:No not at all my point of view.

Thou dost protest too much. You pivoted right over from trying to mildly suggest (in good concern-trolling fashion) we invoke the 25th amendment to predicting Ragnarok because the left is in power. You're bringing it up only because you don't like his policies. I seriously doubt you'd be feeling better had we elected a president (Pocahontas) Warren or (Socialist) Sanders rather than (Sleepy) Joe. Left policies are left policies, stuttering or no stuttering. All the right can do to amuse themselves for the time being is to fish around for any possible mud to sling or fear to monger. How long before the Hunter Biden laptop is evoked again?
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby jedrider » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 14:05:18

Yes, but Joe was the only man the nation could agree upon to replace Donald Trump. It's as simple as that.

That comment about Putin as being a 'killer' gets to me, too. I know Putin probably OK'ed the poisoning of ex-spied and opposition leaders, but still not any different than what the USA would do. On wikipedia I found this:

In March 2020, the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the Brennan Center for Justice published a report indicating that Russia-linked social media accounts have been spreading Instagram posts calculated to sow division among American voters.[49][50] According to the report, Russian operatives were increasingly impersonating real political candidates and groups rather than creating fictional groups.[50] According to Twitter's head of site integrity, Russian agents also attempted in 2018 to create the impression of more election interference than is actually happening to undermine confidence in the process.[51] Shortly thereafter, the New York Times reported that according to American intelligence officials Russian operatives have been stoking via private Facebook groups anger among African Americans, emphasizing allegations of police brutality in the United States, highlighting racism in the United States against African Americans, and promoting and pressuring hate groups, including white and black extremist groups, in order to create strife within American society, though American intelligence officials provided few details about the alleged operations.[52] A CNN investigation found that Russian efforts had partly been outsourced to troll farms in Ghana and Nigeria.[53] In May 2020, Twitter suspended 44 accounts that exhibited behavior plausibly, but not definitively, indicative of Russian election interference tactics, including association with a Ghana troll farm.[54]

However, I think that Republicans didn't need much help from the Russians in accomplishing this as they seemed quite good at it all by themselves.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby aadbrd » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 14:10:40

There's multiple forms of "killing". Assassinating uppity political rivals isn't something we generally do as it goes against everything this country stands for. That tends to be a sign of tyranny whereas, let's say, engaging in war (especially a limited strike like what Biden just did) can be more easily justified.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 14:23:06

jedrider wrote: Joe was the only man the nation could agree upon to replace Donald Trump. .

I don't think thats true. Trump was very unpopular and the Ds had plenty of candidates who were younger and smarter then Joe and could easily have defeated Trump. But for some reasons the Ds decided to scam the nation and foist this tired old man on the country, and their tools in the MSM covered up the truth about just how bad Joe's mental and physical condition is.

And now we've got Joe.....a frail elderly man who can't even climb a flight of stairs without falling down and whose memory is failing and whose mind is shutting down.

Congrats to the Ds for successfully running yet another deceptive fraud on the country.

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby jedrider » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 16:00:29

Plantagenet wrote:I don't think thats true. Trump was very unpopular and the Ds had plenty of candidates who were younger and smarter then Joe and could easily have defeated Trump. But for some reasons the Ds decided to scam the nation and foist this tired old man on the country, and their tools in the MSM covered up the truth about just how bad Joe's mental and physical condition is.

Now, you're just blowing air out of your orifice: "Trump was very unpopular and the Ds had plenty of candidates who were younger and smarter then Joe." Well, Trump was popular enough to almost win and each 'D' candidate just didn't have the instance recognition that Biden had. Unfortunately, that is where we stand as a nation.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 18:45:14

jedrider wrote: Trump was popular enough to almost win and each 'D' candidate just didn't have the instance recognition that Biden had. Unfortunately, that is where we stand as a nation.

I have to differ with you there.....Biden was an exceedingly weak candidate from day one.

Anyone who is halfway honest could see a year ago that Joe is a frail old man who is losing his cognitive faculties.

I think the Ds could have done much better against Trump if they'd put up a stronger, younger, smarter and more mentally competent candidate.

Yes, the Ds won with Biden. But now we're stuck with this very old guy as President who everyone in the world can see is getting weaker and more mentally challenged almost on a day-to-day basis. Newspapers all over the world carried the pictures of Biden falling down three times as he struggled to climb up the stairs to get into AirForce everyone in the world knows that Biden is old old old and not even fit enough to walk up some stairs. And thats not the worst of it.....Putin immediately trolled Biden and then Biden backed down, humiliating himself----that makes it clear that Biden isn't mentally on top of his game either. Putin challenged Biden to debate after Biden insulted him.......and Biden went into hiding in the basement again. Biden is so weak and his brain is so dim now he couldn't even answer Putin himself. Hopefully Biden will get some sharp young speechwriter to think up a witty reply to Putin's challenge, but we'll have to wait another week for them to come up with a script for Biden and then program it into Joe's teleprompter so Joe can read it and finally have something to say back to Putin.

Joe Biden fell down go BOOM! Now he needs his nappy time!

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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby aadbrd » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 21:58:01

Candidates who fire up the Democratic base and candidates centrist enough to win are two different things. The country skews right which filters out more left-leaning candidates like Warren and Sanders from the field. Plantagenet can double-down and insist otherwise all he likes but it doesn't make it so.

And for all this talk of Biden being frail he held his own pretty well against Trump's antics in the debates. This is just a drum the right will keep beating endlessly for the next four years but the dog don't hunt.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby JuanP » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 22:16:27

The White House's official reply to Putin's challenge was that "... the President is too busy ...", neither witty nor credible, particularly now that Biden's dogs no longer live at the White House, so he can't go around chasing them and trying to grab them by their tails. But, maybe he is practicing his video gaming skills to try and beat his granddaughter, after she beat him the last time, though I suspect that Biden winning a video game against his granddaughter is as unlikely as his winning a live broadcast debate against Putin. I would like to see a live broadcast of Biden trying to tie his shoelaces, hopefully he can still do that.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 22:43:45

Thou dost protest too much. You pivoted right over from trying to mildly suggest (in good concern-trolling fashion) we invoke the 25th amendment to predicting Ragnarok because the left is in power. You're bringing it up only because you don't like his policies. I seriously doubt you'd be feeling better had we elected a president (Pocahontas) Warren or (Socialist) Sanders rather than (Sleepy) Joe. Left policies are left policies, stuttering or no stuttering. All the right can do to amuse themselves for the time being is to fish around for any possible mud to sling or fear to monger. How long before the Hunter Biden laptop is evoked again

Spare us all the Shakespeare.
And you are correct that I would not like a president Warren or Sanders. They would both be disasters.
It will not be me or the GOP that invokes the 25th amendment when Joe finally fails. The Democrats will do it planning to advance their agenda.
And no I do not think Democratic policy is Ragnarok or the end of the world, just bad policy that will have to be reversed as soon as sensible people return to power.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby JuanP » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 23:00:48

I am neither a leftist nor a rightist, but I have been very entertained by Biden's behavior in the past few weeks, though I am also concerned by his obvious intellectual disability. I thought I was going to find his presidency very boring compared to Trump's, but I am beginning to think I was wrong. Trump did make me laugh an awful lot with his outrageous behavior, more than all the previous US Presidents put together, and I don't expect Biden to match that. Biden is funny in the way a sad clown is; he makes you laugh, but you can't help but feel sorry for the f***er.

I never felt sorry for Trump, but I empathized with him sometimes, because his enemies abused him in such a brutal way. I never thought I would be able to empathize with a narcissistic bully like Trump, but the degree of abuse he was subjected to made it impossible for me not to empathize with him sometimes.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby vtsnowedin » Sat 20 Mar 2021, 23:08:53

JuanP wrote:I am neither a leftist nor a rightist, but I have been very entertained by Biden's behavior in the past few weeks, though I am also concerned by his obvious intellectual disability. I thought I was going to find his presidency very boring compared to Trump's, but I am beginning to think I was wrong. Trump did make me laugh an awful lot with his outrageous behavior, more than all the previous US Presidents put together, and I don't expect Biden to match that. Biden is funny in the way a sad clown is; he makes you laugh, but you can't help but feel sorry for the f***er.

I never felt sorry for Trump, but I empathized with him sometimes, because his enemies abused him in such a brutal way. I never thought I would be able to empathize with a narcissistic bully like Trump, but the degree of abuse he was subjected to made it impossible for me not to empathize with him sometimes.

I hear you on that.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby JuanP » Sun 21 Mar 2021, 00:05:19

"Make Way for Kamala Harris, the Deep State's Dream President" ... president/

I deeply dislike KH, as I suspect a majority of Americans do; her record as a prosecutor is extremely disagreeable. She seems to lack any redeeming qualities as a person. I really would love to have a minority woman as US President; I've often stated here that Tulsi Gabbard was my favorite presidential candidate in the 2020 election.

I seriously fear that having someone as KH as US President would be counterproductive to the advancement of minority and women's rights, though. She's not as bad a sociopathic, narcissistic, murdering bitch as Hillary Clinton is, but the potential for evil is obviously there, and, if empowered, it could bloom. She seems to completely lack empathy.
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby aadbrd » Sun 21 Mar 2021, 11:23:42

JuanP wrote:I am neither a leftist nor a rightist,

Come on, man, in your very next post (evoking Q-anon's deep-state) you link to a blog with these headlines:

Would You Buy an Automobile Designed by a Woke Engineer?
If Davos Man Views Lockdowns as ‘Quietly Improving Cities,’ Then Klaus Schwab and His Great Reset Cannot Be Trusted
Coke Woke: Why Is America’s Favorite Fizzy Drink Lecturing Employees to ‘Be Less White’?
Covid Karma: U.S. Lockdown Kings Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo Suffer Political Fallout
Jettison the Johnson: Transwomen Athletes Crashing Female Sports Will Only Hurt the Game
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Re: THE Democrat Thread Pt. 6

Unread postby JuanP » Sun 21 Mar 2021, 13:42:49

aadbrd wrote:
JuanP wrote:I am neither a leftist nor a rightist,

Come on, man, in your very next post (evoking Q-anon's deep-state) you link to a blog with these headlines:

Would You Buy an Automobile Designed by a Woke Engineer?
If Davos Man Views Lockdowns as ‘Quietly Improving Cities,’ Then Klaus Schwab and His Great Reset Cannot Be Trusted
Coke Woke: Why Is America’s Favorite Fizzy Drink Lecturing Employees to ‘Be Less White’?
Covid Karma: U.S. Lockdown Kings Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo Suffer Political Fallout
Jettison the Johnson: Transwomen Athletes Crashing Female Sports Will Only Hurt the Game

What does that have to do with what I posted or what I said? I did not link to any of those other articles! I only posted a link to one article! Do you have anything constructive to say about the article I linked to or the post I made? Do you have any proof that disproves any of the points in said article? I read many different news sources from all over the world in 5 different languages. I even read Western MSM sources in English. I don't even know what Qanon is! As usual, your post didn't contribute anything to the discussion.
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