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Modern Collapsology

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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby REAL Green » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 06:38:30

Orwell called this Doublethink:
"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them…. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indispensably necessary."

“The Corporate Media Gaslighting Campaign That Failed” ... 78256.html

“If you’re making the mistake of getting all your news from the six corporations that control most of the American mainstream media, then you’ve heard that the 2020 presidential election ended days ago, Joe Biden was declared the winner, and the transition period between the incoming Biden administration and the outgoing Trump White House has already begun. And you’d be wrong about that, because the corporate news media is deliberately misleading you. The truth is that, as I write this column on Friday, Nov. 13, despite what the media is claiming, the actual results of the presidential election are still undecided. A hotly contested race for the White House ended with no clear winner on election night, and indeed there might not be a clear winner for some weeks yet. As troubling as that is all by itself, the corporate media using it as an opportunity to launch one of the most brazen gaslighting campaigns ever is infuriating to me…And so the corporate media has stridently insisted for the past week that the election is over because they said it was over, even as states were not yet called, votes were still being counted in closely contested states, and President Donald Trump was pursuing legal action in multiple state and federal courts as he sought recounts and audits. But a transition can’t begin until one of the parties concedes to the other. And that hasn’t happened yet…Abusing the Public Trust The mainstream media has been willingly and deliberately playing a role in coordination with the Democratic Party and the political elite class to mislead the American public about how presidential elections are decided and when a presidential transition begins. Fox New’s self-sabotage is the most crass example of a media outlet determined to do its part in the propagandistic charade. The leftward tilt of Fox News has been apparent for some time, but the blatant partisan behavior of the network on election night still managed to stun its audience. Fox will now reap what it has sown, as millions of former viewers change the channel to far more honest network competitors, such as OAN and Newsmax. This kind of behavior is not serving the public trust; it’s abuse of that trust. Plenty of Americans have had enough of this abuse, and are seeking out alternative news outlets.”
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby REAL Green » Tue 17 Nov 2020, 14:23:58

We may be in the prelude to CW2 if this court case succeeds:

Giuliani To Rep Trump In PA Election Case, Remains Absolutely Convinced He'll Win ... n-election

“we are about to witness the most high stakes court battle in the history of the United States. Yes, the outcome will determine whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden wins the presidency, but even more importantly the integrity of America’s elections is about to be put on trial. If fraud can be proven, extremely expensive voting machines will have to be destroyed all over the nation and the way that we run our elections will need to be completely reconfigured. But if fraud is not proven, our elections will continue to be run the same way and nobody will ever dare challenge them again. Literally, this is the moment when we determine if there will be fair elections in the United States for the foreseeable future. So to say that the stakes are very high is actually quite an understatement. Of course in the short-term the implications of this court battle for our country will be enormous. If Biden wins the presidency, tens of millions of conservatives will completely lose faith in the system and many of them will never vote again. But if Trump wins the presidency, tens of millions of liberals will completely lose faith in the system, and we will witness civil unrest in the streets on a scale that we have never seen before…. But the key to this entire court battle is going to come down to the voting machines. In particular, the heart of the case to prove fraud is going to involve machines and software provided by a Canadian company called Dominion Voting Systems. Today, machines and software provided by Dominion Voting Systems are used in 28 different states. According to their official website, the critical swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada are all customers. Trump attorney Sidney Powell says that she has uncovered evidence that indicates a computer algorithm was used to flip votes from Trump to Biden, and that this completely changed the outcome of the election. This is a very, very serious allegation to make, and no experienced lawyer would make it lightly. Sidney Powell has put her entire reputation on the line in this battle, and she has a history of taking on huge battles and winning. The following comes from John Nolte… In fact, here are 12 quotes from Powell that show why she is so convinced that Trump will end up in the White House for a second term…#1 Powell: “There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from we the people of the United States of America, to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump, to manufacture votes for Joe Biden.” #2 Powell: “First of all, I never say anything I can’t prove… and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.” #3 Powell: “They also used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip, and they used computers to flip those votes from…Trump to Biden.” #4 Powell: “They had the algorithms. They had the paper ballots waiting to be inserted if and when needed. And notably, President Trump’s vote in the blue states went up enormously. That’s when they had to stop the vote count. They had to go in and replace votes for Biden and take away Trump votes.” #5 Powell: “They can watch the voting real time. They can run a computer algorithm on it as needed to either flip votes, take votes out or alter the votes to make a candidate win… It’s massive criminal voter fraud, writ large across at least 29 states… It’s obvious the algorithm and the statistics that our experts are tracking out are batches of votes and when the votes changed. It’s going to blow the mind of everyone in this country when we can get it all together and can explain it with the affidavits and the experts that have come forward.” #6 Powell: “Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away. They can put — it’s like drag-and-drop — Trump votes to a separate folder and then delete that folder.” #7 Powell: “In fact, we have got math in Michigan and Pennsylvania, I think it is, that, all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of votes at a 67 percent ratio for Biden, 23 percent for Trump were uploaded multiple times into the system.” #8 Powell: “They did this on purpose, it was calculated, they’ve done it before. We have evidence from 2016 in California, we have so much evidence I feel like it’s coming in through a firehose.” #9 Powell: “It’s absolutely brazen how people bought the system, and why they bought the system.” #10 Powell: “In fact, every state that bought Dominion, for sure, should have a criminal investigation or at least a serious investigation of the federal — of the officers in the states who bought the software. We have even got evidence of some kickbacks, essentially.” #11 Powell: “…aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought this software.” #12 Powell: “We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states.”… In the end, we will see what can be proven in court and what can’t be proven. Apparently some big legal moves are about to be made, and I wouldn’t bet against Sidney Powell. If Powell can pull this off, it will be the most shocking legal victory in the history of U.S. politics, and it will turn our country completely upside down.”
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby Tuike » Thu 19 Nov 2020, 05:54:51

There's a nice peak oil article in the front page of ... -went-away
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby REAL Green » Thu 19 Nov 2020, 07:04:33

Debt is a systematic relationship that pervades all in a delocalized civilization that uses concentrated capital to produce and consume globally. So, it is the circulatory system with fiat currency and exotic finance the red blood cells. This system is now suffering anemia from the lack of real productivity. Confidence is liquidity and it is the interrelationship of these that will influence the future as debt goes dysfunctional from diminishing returns.

How long will human nature hold or better how long will the elite control human behavior? The Marxist Fascist “Great Reset” is an attempt to address the need for controlled human behavior of the self-destructing status quo. This is self-organizing because it is a macro condition of a delocalized global civilization at the point of a “Great Turning”.

Application of debt will increasingly produce less and less real production and instead support previous malinvested zombie assets that hemorrhage. Keep in mind the elite will avoid losses and force them on the masses as has always been the case with human civilizations in some form. Malinvestment is extended failure. It is negative ROI and in an energetic society eventually becomes negative EROI. At some point all this will go negative in a trap that will form a vortex of human decline singularity. A combination of deflationary and inflationary stresses will explode when systematic growth goes negative like the combination of a nova and black hole. Official Indicators of this will be manipulated to avoid panic.

Disenfranchisement will force poverty on large class segments that then must be supported just like the debt pile. A building chaos process will dominate with economic turbulence. This will involve abandonment, dysfunction, and the irrational or IOW succession of decline and lower complexity. Hard assets, soft networks, and human policy will all decline in value.

This will be occurring as the planet systems go critical in abrupt change in regards to ecosystem complexity in succession. A great Anthropocene extinction process of the web of life from human forcing will be a result. By the end of the century a different world will be evident as the Anthropocene rapidly forms a new epoch post human domination.

The push will be to centralize and control in ever greater steps that only make the decline process more pronounced. Geoengineering and human control will be techs next great focus but diminishing returns will quickly extinguish tech’s effectiveness until it actually causes more problems than improvements.

This is the end game for civilization as we know it. Add in militarization with tech and speed and you get a volatile combination. Add in the tension between populism and globalism. Finally add in corruption and moral hazard of it all especially with the elites who refuse to downsize their oversized footprint and you have a decline that will likely accelerate into a collpase process.

"Surreal Debt Tsunami": IIF Shocked To Forecast Global Debt Hitting $360 Trillion In Ten Years” ... -ten-years

“Putting it all together, reveals nothing short of an surreal, apocalyptic hellscape where the world either collapses into a debt singularity as global debt to GDP slowly but surely creeps toward 1,000%... or explodes in a hyperinflationary supernova as central banks deposit trillions in digital Fedbux to every citizen instructing them to buy anything and everything they can find, in a last ditch effort to hyperinflate away the debt. But don't take our word for it: as the IIF itself states, "the pace of global debt accumulation has been unprecedented since 2016, increasing by over $52 trillion. While some $15 trillion of this surge has been recorded in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the debt build-up over the past four years has far outstripped the $6 trillion rise over the previous four years and over earlier comparable periods…As a result, even the IIF admits that "there is significant uncertainty about how the global economy can deleverage in the future without significant adverse implications for economic activity." One alternative - the one which is coming thanks to the digital dollars (and euros, and yen, and yuan) which the Fed and its peers will wire to every citizen - is that the next decade could bring a reflationary fiscal response, in sharp contrast to the austerity bias in the 2010s, according to the IIF. Of course, it would also unleash a monetary tsunami that will in just a few years do away with fiat as we know it... but that's precisely why we have been pounding the table that the biggest story of 2020 is not covid, not the election, but the "all hands on deck" preparation by central banks to launch digital currencies. We have about 2-3 years before digital currencies are fully adopted. Whether it is a deflationary neutron bomb, or a hyperinflationary supernove, the IIF's conclusion is quite clear: "if the global debt pile continues to grow at the average pace of the last 15 years, our back-of-the-envelope estimates suggest that global debt could exceed $360 trillion by 2030—over $85 trillion higher than current levels."
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby REAL Green » Sun 22 Nov 2020, 06:54:30

“America in November 2020: a Structural-Demographic View from Alpha Centauri” ... -centauri/

“structural-demographic theorists distinguish between two causes of revolutions and civil wars: structural trends, which build slowly and are quite predictable, and much less predictable, or even unpredictable, triggering events. In this view, a revolution is like an earthquake or a forest fire. As Mao once wrote, “a single spark can start a prairie fire.” A fire needs fuel—dead plant material—which accumulates gradually as plants die and fall down. But what it needs to start is a spark—somebody throwing away a careless match, or a lighting strike coming from the sky… Each side sees the world in Manichean terms and increasingly endorses violence as the necessary means to prevent the other side from staying in, or coming to power. As a result, we are in an extremely fragile state, which in technical terms is known as the revolutionary situation. What comes next—in November and in the months ahead? In dynamic systems terms, we are on the cusp with a highly positive Lyapunov exponent. What it means in English is that, unless there is a clean win, we will be in situation where possible trajectories start diverging dramatically. All kinds of outcomes become possible, even ones that seem outlandish right now, such as American Civil War II. Many social scientists, who study civil wars and revolutions, don’t believe that a civil war here is likely. They look at the current wave of violence and don’t see how it could escalate to a civil war—the United States has a strong and well-armed police force that can easily put down any popular insurrection. But this view misses an important point: successful revolutions rarely result from the revolt of the masses. The most important factor is the divisions at the top, with dissident elites mobilizing the masses to advance their political agendas.”

Manichean –
To be Manichean is to follow the philosophy of Manichaeism, which is an old religion that breaks everything down into good or evil. It also means “duality,” so if your thinking is Manichean, you see things in black and white. When you see Manichean, think “two.”

Lyapunov exponent - wiki
In mathematics the Lyapunov exponent or Lyapunov characteristic exponent of a dynamical system is a quantity that characterizes the rate of separation of infinitesimally close trajectories… there is a spectrum of Lyapunov exponents—equal in number to the dimensionality of the phase space. It is common to refer to the largest one as the Maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE), because it determines a notion of predictability for a dynamical system. A positive MLE is usually taken as an indication that the system is chaotic
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 23 Nov 2020, 18:11:05

I was sorry to see that Joe Biden has appointed John Kerry as his climate point man.

John Kerry was one of the climate criminals who, along with Obama, foisted the phony Paris Climate Accords on the world back in 2015.

Here we are.....five years later......and its already clear that the Paris Climate Accords have had already failed utterly at reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, and they've failed utterly at reducing global temperatures.

And Joe Biden, along with John Kerry, apparently want more of the same kind of failure.

Climate Change is an existential threat......but Joe Biden and John Kerry actually support a treaty where the world agreed to have HIGHER CO2 emissions in the future.

The Paris Climate Accords have to be one of the absolute stupidest things I've ever seen.....and now Joe Biden is going to double down on it.

Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f#@% things up---Barack Obama
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby mmasters » Mon 23 Nov 2020, 18:42:49

Plantagenet wrote:I was sorry to see that Joe Biden has appointed John Kerry as his climate point man.

John Kerry was one of the climate criminals who, along with Obama, foisted the phony Paris Climate Accords on the world back in 2015.

Here we are.....five years later......and its already clear that the Paris Climate Accords have had already failed utterly at reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, and they've failed utterly at reducing global temperatures.

And Joe Biden, along with John Kerry, apparently want more of the same kind of failure.

Climate Change is an existential threat......but Joe Biden and John Kerry actually support a treaty where the world agreed to have HIGHER CO2 emissions in the future.

The Paris Climate Accords have to be one of the absolute stupidest things I've ever seen.....and now Joe Biden is going to double down on it.


Don't forget the POS Iran Nuclear Deal!

At least proper clowns are being appointed before the Titanic sinks lol.
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby Plantagenet » Mon 23 Nov 2020, 19:09:56

mmasters wrote:At least proper clowns are being appointed before the Titanic sinks lol.

Yes....I suppose that a small consolation.

However, to continue your metaphor......these clowns are gonna run the Titanic right into the ice.........and they'll take us all down with them!

Joe Biden summons another clown to his cabinet.

Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to f#@% things up---Barack Obama
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby REAL Green » Sat 28 Nov 2020, 08:41:42

This is the real reason the election had to be stolen. This is also the reason media is corrupt. Science and academia at many levels are behind this but mostly it is the super trans-border rich who see a future as the uber-elites with techno control of all vital global nodes. This will likley be a multilateral effort becuase there are indications Asia under China and the west will pursue similar but culturally differentiated efforts. The Chinese already are far along in their effort of population control. The big question is how will the Sino American cold war be resolved to allow this WEF vision?

"A Horrifying Future" - WEF's Vision For A Post-COVID World ... ovid-world ... a_2020.pdf

"The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just published (October 2020) a so-called White Paper, entitled “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”. This 31-page document reads like a blueprint on how to “execute” – because an execution (or implementation) would be – “Covid-19 – The Great Reset” (July 2020), by Klaus Schwab, founder and CEO (since the foundation of the WEF in 1974) and his associate Thierry Malleret. They call “Resetting the Future” a White Paper, meaning it’s not quite a final version. It is a draft of sorts, a trial balloon, to measure people’s reactions. It reads indeed like an executioner’s tale. Many people may not read it – have no awareness of its existence. If they did, they would go up in arms and fight this latest totalitarian blueprint, offered to the world by the WEF. It promises a horrifying future to some 80%-plus of the (surviving) population. George Orwell’s “1984” reads like a benign fantasy, as compared to what the WEF has in mind for humanity. The time frame is ten years – by 2030 – the UN agenda 2021 – 2030 should be implemented. Planned business measures in response to COVID-19: An acceleration of digitized work processes, leading to 84% of all work processes as digital, or virtual / video conferences. Some 83% of people are planned to work remotely – i.e. no more interaction between colleagues – absolute social distancing, separation of humanity from the human contact. About 50% of all tasks are planned to be automated – in other words, human input will be drastically diminished, even while remote working. Accelerate the digitization of upskilling / reskilling (e.g. education technology providers) – 42% of skill upgrading or training for new skills will be digitized, in other words, no human contact – all on computer, Artificial Intelligence (AI), algorithms. Accelerate the implementation of upskilling / reskilling programs – 35% of skills are planned to be “re-tooled” – i.e. existing skills are planned to be abandoned – declared defunct. Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) – 34% of current organizational set-ups are planned to be “restructured’ – or, in other words, existing organizational structures will be declared obsolete – to make space for new sets of organizational frameworks, digital structures that provide utmost control over all activities. Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks – this is expected to touch 30% of the work force. That also means completely different pay-scales – most probably unlivable wages, which would make the also planned “universal basic salary” or “basic income” – a wage that allows you barely to survive, an obvious need. – But it would make you totally dependent on the system – a digital system, where you have no control whatsoever. Temporarily reduce workforce – this is projected as affecting 28% of the population. It is an additional unemployment figure, in disguise, as the “temporarily” will never come back to full-time. Permanently reduce workforce – 13% permanently reduced workforce. Temporarily increase workforce – 5% – there is no reference to what type of workforce – probably unskilled labor that sooner or later will also be replaced by automation, by AI and robotization of the workplace. No specific measures implemented – 4% – does that mean, a mere 4% will remain untouched? From the algorithm and AI-directed new work places? – as small and insignificant as the figure is, it sounds like “wishful thinking”, never to be accomplished. Permanently increase workforce – a mere 1% is projected as “permanently increased workforce”. This is of course not even cosmetics. It is a joke. This is the what is being put forth, namely the concrete process of implementing The Great Reset. The Great Reset also foresees, a credit scheme, whereby all personal debt would be “forgiven” – against handing over all personal assets to an administrative body or agency – could possibly be the IMF. So, you would own nothing – and be happy. Because all your necessities will be provided for. Also, it should not occur to you to disagree with the system, because – by now each one of you has been covid-vaccinated and nano-chipped – so that with 5G and soon to come 6G, your mind can be read and influenced. Please do not call this a conspiracy theory. It is a White Paper, an “authoritative report” by the WEF. DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is part of the Pentagon –and has years ago developed the technology. It is just a matter of time to implement it. And Implemented it will be, if We, The People, do not protest — Massive Civil Disobedience is of the order – and that rather sooner than later. The more we wait with action, the more we sleepwalk into this absolute human disaster."

Part 2

"Social and human relations are being eviscerated. This has several advantages for this novel “totalitarian” WEF approach to humanity – to controlling humanity. We, The People, cannot rebel, we have no longer cohesion among ourselves “We, The People”, will be played against each other – and there is an absolute digital control over humanity – executed by a small super elite. We have no access to this digital control – it is way beyond our reach. The idea is, that we will gradually grow into it – those of us who may survive. Within a generation or so, it is expected to become the New Normal. The “survival angle” is an aspect not mentioned directly either in The Great Reset, or in the “Implementation Guide” – i.e. in the White Paper “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”. Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, Kissinger et al, have never made a secret out of their strong opinion that the world is over-populated and that the number of people has to be literally reduced. We are dealing with eugenicists. A perfect method for reducing the world population, are Bill Gates initiated, and WHO-supported vaccination programs. Scandals of such disastrous vaccine programs resulting in children’s death were recorded in India (in the 1990s), Kenya (2014 and thereafter) and other parts of the world. See also a very revealing TedTalk by Bill Gates of February 2010, “Innovating to Zero”, just about at the time when the “2010 Rockefeller Report” was issued – the very report that has given us so far, the “Lock Step Scenario” – and we are living it now. Hardly protesting it – the entire world – 193 UN member countries – has been coopted or coerced into following this abject human rights abuse on a global scale. What either report, The Great Reset and the “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” fails to mention is who is going to enforce these draconian new rules? – They are supposedly the same forces which now are being trained for urban warfare and for suppressing riots and social unrest – they are the police and the military. Part of our People’s Organization of Civil Disobedience, will be on how to focus on and talking to, educating, informing the police and military of what they will be used for by this small elite, and that in the end they are also just human beings, like the rest of us, therefore they better stand up in defense of the people, of humanity. The same needs to be done to teachers and medical personnel – information, the unfettered truth. That’s the challenge. If we succeed – the game is over. But it’s a long way. Media disinformation is brutal and powerful and hard to contradict for “us”, without a sizable budget for counter-propaganda, and as a group of people, which is ever more divided by the very media. The mandatory wearing masks and social distancing – has already made enemies of what we used to be, colleagues, friends, even within families. This very diktat has managed to create rifts, divisions and discord within our societies No fear – but shredding “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” and the “The Great Reset” literally to pieces – with a human alternative that would do away with organizations like the WEF, and coopted UN agencies, like WHO, UNICEF, WTO, World Bank, IMF – and maybe even the entire UN system. Political and business leaders behind this project must be confronted. The fundamental principles of international law including Nuremberg must be applied."
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby JuanP » Tue 01 Dec 2020, 08:00:38

"Where will the pandemic take the US"

"The US is a troubled country: That is why it could elect a right-wing populist maverick like Trump. The causes of the ever-intensifying divisions are manifold, including the huge inequalities in income and wealth and the country's historic and continuing failure to address systemic discrimination against African-Americans. Americans are hopelessly divided on a constantly expanding range of issues. Where once Democrats and Republicans shared some common ground, now there is virtually none. The polarization has reached the point where governance is close to paralysis. Americans are now even asking whether its democracy can survive. The outlook can only be described as bleak. Almost 300,000 people have died from the pandemic and the number is rising rapidly. Half the population say they will refuse the vaccine. The economy has been hobbled. The real wages of many will fall. Unemployment is predicted to reach around 7 percent. The financial crisis led to Trump. Where might America find itself in the wake of the pandemic?"

The author was until recently a Senior Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University.

It is quite clear that the USA is in decline and will continue to get worse. Anyone not willing to accept this is living in denial.
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby REAL Green » Tue 01 Dec 2020, 08:42:09

JuanP wrote:It is quite clear that the USA is in decline and will continue to get worse. Anyone not willing to accept this is living in denial.

Your denial is finger pointing the US and not seeing global patterns especially with your Sinophilia that glorifies and murderous and expansive CCP.
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby JuanP » Thu 10 Dec 2020, 23:19:52

"The year of the Great Humbling" ... t-humbling

"COVID-19 has pricked the bubble of human supremacy and revealed our fragility. And the economic destruction means we cannot return to the free-market capitalism that made the pandemic inevitable."

This virus definitely fed some people some real humble pie, particularly Western governments of the "First World" in the USA and the EU. It has been most definitely an eye opening experience for many people all over the world. Most developing countries are looking East rather than West in their search for adequate leadership in dealing with the pandemic, and I see this as a turning point in human history. The West is unlikely to ever regain its former leadership, glory, or reputation. Most of the white race failed miserably in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Human stupidity has no limits" JuanP
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby REAL Green » Fri 11 Dec 2020, 06:30:42

JuanP wrote: Most developing countries are looking East rather than West in their search for adequate leadership in dealing with the pandemic, and I see this as a turning point in human history. The West is unlikely to ever regain its former leadership, glory, or reputation. Most of the white race failed miserably in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wow, completely missed the part of about the lies and coverups out of China that introduced the China virus to the world as a pandemic. China continues to obstruct the vital need of finding out what really happened. This is a crime against humanity and Xi should be put on trial.
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby DesuMaiden » Mon 12 Apr 2021, 17:16:14

All species eventually become extinct, and human beings are no exception to that rule. We are causing the Sixth Mass Extinction, and we will eventually wipe ourselves out in the near future. Don't worry. It was fun while it lasted. The human experiment was fun while it lasted, but it is soon coming to an end. I don't understand why anyone would hold these beliefs of human superiority. Probably because of religious reasons saying that "humans shall conquer the Earth". And now since we managed to conquer it, it will also be our destiny to wipe ourselves in a macabre human sacrifice of our entire species. Human beings are no different from bacteria in a Petri dish. When we are introduced to an abundant but finite resource, we reproduce rapidly, consume all of the resources and then drown and die in our own wastes. In other words, a boom and die-off pattern exhibited by all species.
History repeats itself. Just everytime with different characters and players.
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Re: Modern Collapsology

Unread postby AdamB » Mon 12 Apr 2021, 17:53:06

DesuMaiden wrote: I don't understand why anyone would hold these beliefs of human superiority.

Speciesism. It it what us humans do.

You've got to love the climate change/environmentalist types who exhibit it as readily as the rest of us.
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