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Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 19 Sep 2021, 10:09:48

You guys aren't even arguing over weed. You are arguing over what is the best method to determine the truth. People who use weed are probably more accepting of the role of experience in life. Those who don't seem to come with this "reasonable" argument. This is just a mirror of what is happening in the greater context with our political parties. They are clinging to one form of discovery, reason or experience, being favorable over the other as well. In fact, they are each outright demonizing anybody who thinks the other way.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sun 19 Sep 2021, 12:06:28

evilgenius wrote:People who use weed are probably more accepting of the role of experience in life.

Why would you imagine that?

It seems to me that people who use weed are just copying the behavior of pop stars who they see in the media. This happens all the time. People want to be fashionable and copy whatever is "in" at any given time. For instance, nobody used to have long hair or tattoos but then a few rock stars wore their hair long and got tattoos so all the copy-cats in our culture also had to have long hair and get tattoos. The urge to copy other people is the entire basis of the advertising industry........lots of people copy whatever they see in the media.

evilgenius wrote:Those who don't seem to come with this "reasonable" argument.

Why the scare quotes around "reasonable?"

Whats wrong with being reasonable or logical or sensible or thinking things through for yourself.

Learning the facts and making decisions on your own is certainly better then just copying the fashion that some dimwit in the media is touting at any given time.

All I'm doing in this thread is pointing out that as more and more people use more and more marijuana, more and more significant medical problems are starting to occur in pot users. That shouldn't be surprising.....people who use drugs often have medical reactions.....but people get all worked up over it because they can't face facts.

For instance, here's another fact......marijuana cases convulsive uncontrollable vomiting. And that medical issue is now on the rise in the US due to increased marijuana use:

marijuana convulsive vomiting on the rise in USA marijuana use

I think you better cut down onto the pot, man. You too, man.

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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby evilgenius » Sun 19 Sep 2021, 13:03:59

Plant, if you weren't high, you'd certainly see how those quotes are there to get you to look at the word in relation to the context it's being used in. So that it points out the use of reason in the way that we can choose between reason and experience. There is nothing scary about either of those, except insofar as we have loaded them up with baggage so that we can look down on others.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Outcast_Searcher » Sun 19 Sep 2021, 17:49:46

Plantagenet wrote:I think you better cut down onto the pot, man. You too, man.


When you stop with the many ridiculous claims, like that EV batteries cause cancer, be sure and get back to us on "what you think" being credible at all.

Another example would be "GOP all good" and "Dem all bad" claims you pretty much have constantly made for quite a few years now, re pumping the GOP.

And yes, I confess to the "sin" of being a moderate, and refusing to just give my vote to any party, despite their platform and the issues.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 21 Sep 2021, 20:31:03

Outcast_Searcher wrote:When you stop with the many ridiculous claims, like that EV batteries cause cancer

You are lying. I never said EV batteries cause cancer.

Outcast_Searcher wrote:Another example would be "GOP all good" and "Dem all bad" claims

You are lying again. I never said "GOP all good" and "Dem all bad." You are making up fake quotes. Please stop.

Outcast_Searcher wrote: I confess to the "sin" of being a moderate, and refusing to just give my vote to any party, despite their platform and the issues.

Don't worry......god won't punish you......its not a sin to be a moderate.

Thats just more bizarre thinking.

Its not a "sin" to be a moderate, and only someone as out-of-touch with reality as you would ever imagine it is a "sin" to be a moderate.

And your refusal to give your vote to a party "despite their platform and the issues" doesn't make any sense either.

OF COURSE you should vote based upon a candidate's positions on the issues.

Thats the whole point of elect people who support one's own views on the issues.

Thats precisely what a well-informed voter does.


PS: this thread is about current medical research showing medical risks in marijuana use. You can tell that by reading the thread title.....its always at the top of the page when you are posting or reading in a thread so you can't miss it. Please be courteous to other posters at this site and try to stay on topic in your future posts. THANKS!
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 23 Feb 2022, 22:25:55

Marijuana causes psychosis.....and people may become psychotic quite suddenly


There is quite a bit evidence now that marijuana use is connected with an increased incidence of psychosis. What I found interesting in this story about two doctors in the UK who treat marijuana-induced psychosis is their concern that people who smoke marijuana regularly can suddenly become psychotic....even if they've been smoking marijuana for years with no psychotic episodes.

They compare it to a smoker getting lung cancer....smokers can suddenly get lung cancer after years of smoking cigarettes even if they haven't previously had any problems......apparently in the same way marijuana smokers can suddenly become psychotic even if they've been smoking for years previously and haven't had any problems.

Psychotic episodes can apparently suddenly begin even in people who spent years smoking marijuana with no ill effects

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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Sat 11 Jun 2022, 20:22:15

The link between marijuana use and mass shooters-----marijuana causes psychosis in some young adults.

Marijuana causes psychosis in some young adults.....and crazy psychotic people do crazy things like carry out mass shootings.


Once again a mass shooter has turned out to be a pot head. The shooter in Uvalde Texas was a serious pot fact he reportedly shot his grandmother because he flew into a rage when she tried to
get him to stop using marijuana......and only after he shot his grandmother did he head for the school to murder more people.

An anomalously high number of the young mass shooters turned out to be potheads. This isn't entirely's potent marijuana triggers off psychosis in some young adults,
and psychotic people are crazy by definition and crazy people have an unfortunate tendency to do crazy mass shootings.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby theluckycountry » Mon 13 Jun 2022, 23:21:09

Plantagenet wrote:Marijuana causes psychosis.....and people may become psychotic quite suddenly


I smoked a ton of it in my late teens, then quit. Lots of us did, it was just the thing, as was CB radio. No one got psychosis back then, and I suspect that today the weed is so weak that it's being laced with some artificial drug like ice to boost it's potency and that that is causing all the psychosis. The psychosis events are real too, I have seen it first hand in two young people, both big potHeads.

They went completely off the reservation and it was only modern anti-psychotic drugs that brought them back under control. Perhaps the pharmaceuticals are behind it? But I can't see that myself, though it has certainly boosted their profits. As for people I know (knew) that kept smoking daily but didn't get reefer madness, well their lives were tainted too. Some became simple paranoids, many became chronic unemployed, one in particular became a successful electrical contractor and made quite a deal of money.

When I last saw him 20 years ago, this contractor was off the tools and had a team and he was spending a lot of money and effort trying to quit. He was on about 100 cones or more of head a day (mixed with tobacco) Little be-known to him though was the fact he was addicted to the tobacco. He could quit for a week, and did so once a year on average, but by buying a pouch of tobacco and smoking that. Amazing that he couldn't connect the dots. Quitting smoking is easy with hypnosis, I did it myself, Quitting mixing pot with tobacco though seems impossible lol lol.

All his waking hours were spent mixing mull and tugging on bongs and all his friends were deadheads, not at all successful like him. What normal person would want to hang around someone with a billy around their neck spewing dribble. I only saw his twice after catching up again after 15 years but that was enough. Another lost soul.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 14 Jun 2022, 22:28:35

theluckycountry wrote: The psychosis events are real too, I have seen it first hand in two young people, both big potHeads.

They went completely off the reservation and it was only modern anti-psychotic drugs that brought them back under control. Perhaps the pharmaceuticals are behind it? But I can't see that myself, though it has certainly boosted their profits. As for people I know (knew) that kept smoking daily but didn't get reefer madness, well their lives were tainted too. Some became simple paranoids, many became chronic unemployed, one in particular became a successful electrical contractor and made quite a deal of money.

When I last saw him 20 years ago, this contractor was off the tools and had a team and he was spending a lot of money and effort trying to quit. He was on about 100 cones or more of head a day (mixed with tobacco) Little be-known to him though was the fact he was addicted to the tobacco. He could quit for a week, and did so once a year on average, but by buying a pouch of tobacco and smoking that. Amazing that he couldn't connect the dots. Quitting smoking is easy with hypnosis, I did it myself, Quitting mixing pot with tobacco though seems impossible lol lol.

All his waking hours were spent mixing mull and tugging on bongs and all his friends were deadheads, not at all successful like him. What normal person would want to hang around someone with a billy around their neck spewing dribble. I only saw his twice after catching up again after 15 years but that was enough. Another lost soul.

Really great post, Lucky.



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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby C8 » Tue 14 Jun 2022, 22:34:16

I have read that Marijuana is actually more addictive than cocaine if it is taken for a long enough time period. I don't know if this is true- illegal substances don't produce very reliable research stats b/c people don't want to share info.

I do know that the method of taking in MJ should matter to the health of the body. I don't think it is good for the lungs to have any amount of smoke in them.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 28 Jun 2022, 01:44:06

New Study shows that marijuana users....including casual recreational pot smokers....are far more likely to go to the ER and/or be hospitalized then non-pot smokers.


Smoke a joint.....then suffer trauma and go to the ER and be admitted to the hospital.

I will gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today....

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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby AdamB » Tue 28 Jun 2022, 11:54:09

Plantagenet wrote:New Study shows that marijuana users....including casual recreational pot smokers....are far more likely to go to the ER and/or be hospitalized then non-pot smokers.

Wonder if that's what happened to PStarr? :lol: He was an absolute riot when posting stoned. When posting not stoned he was just a nitwit.

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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby C8 » Tue 28 Jun 2022, 23:28:15

Outrage as two men caught with 150,000 illegal fentanyl pills - enough to kill several MILLION people - are freed at request of California court

Jose Zendejas, 25, and Benito Madrigal, 19, were arrested on Friday in Tulare, California after being caught with 150,000 illegal fentanyl pills

The men were held at the Tulare County Pre-Trial Facility before being released the very next day on a court order
The two are scheduled to return to court on July 21 to discuss the $750,000 worth of fentanyl pills ... later.html
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Wed 29 Jun 2022, 00:09:38

C8 wrote:
Outrage as two men caught with 150,000 illegal fentanyl pills - enough to kill several MILLION people - are freed at request of California court

Jose Zendejas, 25, and Benito Madrigal, 19, were arrested on Friday in Tulare, California after being caught with 150,000 illegal fentanyl pills

The men were held at the Tulare County Pre-Trial Facility before being released the very next day on a court order
The two are scheduled to return to court on July 21 to discuss the $750,000 worth of fentanyl pills ... later.html

Its one of the bad things about Biden effectively opening the US border to Mexico.....the Mexican cartels make Fentanyl and send it to the US. Since Biden stopped border enforcement the amount of Fentanyl coming into the US has greatly increased, and the number of Americans dying from Fentanyl has greatly increased as well.


Fentanyl deaths in the USA have soared since Biden reduced Border enforcement.

Joe Biden had done a lot of stupid things, but one of the stupidest things he has done is reduce border enforcement and allow in more Mexican Fentanyl. IMHO Biden bears some of the blame for every Fentanyl death happening in the USA right now.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Fri 08 Jul 2022, 17:31:46

The second I saw a photo of the Highland Park Shooter and his facial tattoos I thought it likely he was another pothead killer. And sure enough....the Highland Park Shooter previously admitted to police he was a "depressed drug user."


This guy is clearly a psycho creep. And, as happens so often, when a psycho creep starts using psychoactive drugs like Marijuana he becomes even more deranged. Marijuana causes some young people to become clinically psychotic.....and a small but distressing number of these of these crazy potheads go on to be mass shooters.

Psycho POTHEAD killer

Clearly we need to keep guns away from crazy, dangerous people. But we should also be trying to keep marijuana and other psychoactive drugs away from crazy, dangerous people, because it can make them even crazier and even more dangerous.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 09 Jul 2022, 14:27:11

Plantagenet wrote:The second I saw a photo of the Highland Park Shooter and his facial tattoos I thought it likely he was another pothead killer. And sure enough....the Highland Park Shooter previously admitted to police he was a "depressed drug user."

You don't have to be a druggo to be a criminal, but most of the people in jail are there because of acts they committed when off their heads or drunk.

When I quit all drugs in my early twenties, to get serious about life, I actually began to listen to the dribble that came out of the potheads mouths. "It's natural man" Blah blah blah. And I thought to myself, who gives a shit, why are you justifying it? Just Smoke away if you want? I'm not sitting there with a rum bottle beside me saying "Oh alcohol is natural man, it comes from sugarcane" blah blah blah.

No, the pothead knows he/she's all screwed up, hence the natural defense mechanisms begin kicking in. Sure it didn't matter in the 60's or the 70's, but being off your head sure matters today. This is not the time in history to befuddle your thinking processes and be off with the fairies.
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Re: Casual Marijuana Use Causes Brain Damage

Unread postby Plantagenet » Tue 09 May 2023, 00:59:09

New study proves (again) that marijuana use causes schizophrenia.



The study estimates that about 30% of schizophrenia cases may be related to marijuana use.

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