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The Death of Cities

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Sat 21 Oct 2023, 18:42:04

Interesting article.

This is for those who think cities are going anywhere, in America.

Beyond the Myth of Rural America ... wtab-en-us

One irony is that—after Indigenous towns—it’s the havens of the East Coast élite, such as Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, which have the deepest roots. Most bastions of “real America” are, by contrast, relatively new. Wasilla, Alaska, where Sarah Palin served as mayor, really is a small town in a farming area. But most of its farms were created by a New Deal campaign to relocate struggling farmers from the Upper Midwest. (Hence Palin’s “you betcha” accent, similar to the Minnesota ones in the film “Fargo.”) Palin’s proud patch of “real America,” in other words, was courtesy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sun 22 Oct 2023, 16:55:43

noobtube wrote:
Beyond the Myth of Rural America

...Most bastions of “real America” are, by contrast, relatively new. Wasilla, Alaska, where Sarah Palin served as mayor, really is a small town in a farming area.

It's all demographics. That's what makes a place "real America", or rather, the America people knew and loved 70 or more years ago.

Wasilla Demographics

White: 79.44%
Two or more races: 7.02%
Native American: 7%
Asian: 3.75%
Other race: 1.24%
Black or African American: 0.89%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.66%

Very similar to Australia. Except for the bitter winters. All the talk about racism and diversity, all the Lies that the media puts forward can't hide the simple fact that when, (all other things being equal) a society is composed of mostly White people it enjoys a better quality of lifestyle. Not Money lifestyle, but not having to worry too much about being raped lifestyle, or shot in the head or your home ransacked lifestyle. Of course all other things are not always equal, and many rural localities are plagued with drug addicts.

It's no secret why Switzerland is so White, 95% white. That's the home of the Elite bankers. Am I racist? What is "racist"? It's a derogatory word used to put down white people who prefer the company of other white people, just a blacks and chinese and mexicans prefer the company of their own race. If you want to bring in a one world government and enslave the world you first have to destroy any strong cohesive opposition. It's as simple as that.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby mousepad » Sun 22 Oct 2023, 17:21:35

theluckycountry wrote:It's no secret why Switzerland is so White, 95% white.

Are you for real? I thought we had this conversation before.
Switzerland is about 30% imported 3rd world, and most of it in the last 30 years. (plenty of negros, a disgusting amount of ragheads, and plenty of libtard leftoids wanting to import even more). The same as france, germany, italy, sweden, belgium, netherlands etc. It's gone. Switzerland is gone and so is europe. What's left are cities and towns dressed up "in swiss" as tourist attractions, staffed with east europeans, catering to chinese, indian and american tourists. But the soul of the country is gone.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby ralfy » Sun 22 Oct 2023, 20:44:34

Also, population aging.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby careinke » Tue 24 Oct 2023, 00:58:10

theluckycountry wrote:
noobtube wrote:
Beyond the Myth of Rural America

...Most bastions of “real America” are, by contrast, relatively new. Wasilla, Alaska, where Sarah Palin served as mayor, really is a small town in a farming area.

It's all demographics. That's what makes a place "real America", or rather, the America people knew and loved 70 or more years ago.

Wasilla Demographics

White: 79.44%
Two or more races: 7.02%
Native American: 7%
Asian: 3.75%
Other race: 1.24%
Black or African American: 0.89%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.66%

Very similar to Australia. Except for the bitter winters. All the talk about racism and diversity, all the Lies that the media puts forward can't hide the simple fact that when, (all other things being equal) a society is composed of mostly White people it enjoys a better quality of lifestyle. Not Money lifestyle, but not having to worry too much about being raped lifestyle, or shot in the head or your home ransacked lifestyle. Of course all other things are not always equal, and many rural localities are plagued with drug addicts.

It's no secret why Switzerland is so White, 95% white. That's the home of the Elite bankers. Am I racist? What is "racist"? It's a derogatory word used to put down white people who prefer the company of other white people, just a blacks and chinese and mexicans prefer the company of their own race. If you want to bring in a one world government and enslave the world you first have to destroy any strong cohesive opposition. It's as simple as that.

Don't forget Fentanyl, it is quickly killing everybody, thanks to our current executive branch of our dying Empire.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 27 Oct 2023, 15:49:53

careinke wrote:
Don't forget Fentanyl, it is quickly killing everybody, thanks to our current executive branch of our dying Empire.

Like if there wasn't enough of a drug problem already, big pharma had to get in on the act. An industry collective is always seeking to increase profits, hell that's just capitalism after all. So why not push unnecessary drugs onto an unsuspecting public? Most are Deplorable anyway, sub-human in the eyes of the elite classes of nations' as Hillary Clinton publicly declared.

You get these little glimpses behind the curtain, incites on how these power players really think and then life goes on, there is nothing you can do. The system is entrenched and they probably have 2 other systems waiting to fill the gap if the current one becomes untenable. We saw from the capital protests that they have agents en-mass in the alternate political movements, waiting to disrupt, waiting to take over if need be. It's why I avoid cities at all cost, they are the ground zero because that is mostly where the power is applied.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby careinke » Tue 31 Oct 2023, 00:23:47

I just discovered in the US you can probably get free Narcan to add to your Emergency Kits. Just google Free Narcan and your state. Washington will send you one nasal kit a month to individuals. I just placed my order.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 01 Nov 2023, 15:36:50

careinke wrote:I just discovered in the US you can probably get free Narcan

Oh good! More profits for the pharmaceuticals at direct taxpayer expense. I don't know why they bother with this facade of republican and democrat, why not just have Military-industrial and pharma parties and let the people decide directly how much they want to spend being drugged to the eyeballs and how much they want to spend on foreign wars.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Newfie » Thu 02 Nov 2023, 11:05:13

The mind boggles.

While we disagree in a lot, we agree there is a bunch of idiotic nonsense going on.

Stuck outside Philly for a bit, yearn to get out ASAP.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Thu 02 Nov 2023, 17:41:44

Newfie wrote:The mind boggles.

While we disagree in a lot, we agree there is a bunch of idiotic nonsense going on.

Stuck outside Philly for a bit, yearn to get out ASAP.

Get out ASAP. That's how I felt about the city a decade ago but it took me 6 years to make the move. I wrote in another thread about how the personal vehicle is a necessity now, but that isn't the case where I live. Small towns have their advantages, especially ones with supermarkets, hardware stores, furniture stores and large drapery stores etc. I could literally ditch all my vehicles and walk or ride a pushbike here since everything is so close.

This article by Egon von Greyerz is a lot of the old stuff brought up to date. I find it reassuring, it confirms to me that I made the right choices all those years ago when I took peak-oil seriously. There is gonna be a hell of a lot of pain in the cities of the future. Interestingly I was on a 400km bike ride with a friend down over the border the other day, we stopped at the ruins of a house on a dirt road, way down a green valley, a beautiful spot, amazing scenery. There was nothing but a slab and some brick steps, some wrecked cars and strewn personal effects. A fire had taken it. He told me how he'd love to live there and it would have been nice too, except for the 100km drive to the nearest town to resupply. You can be too far from the city as well as being too close.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby careinke » Thu 02 Nov 2023, 22:15:25

theluckycountry wrote:
careinke wrote:I just discovered in the US you can probably get free Narcan

Oh good! More profits for the pharmaceuticals at direct taxpayer expense. I don't know why they bother with this facade of republican and democrat, why not just have Military-industrial and pharma parties and let the people decide directly how much they want to spend being drugged to the eyeballs and how much they want to spend on foreign wars.

I fully intend to spend every stolen fiat tax dollar offered to me. Speeds the collapse. :P

I got the Narcan to save lives. Speaking from experience, it feels much nicer to save a life than to take one. Being "free" is just an added bonus. Especially, if it's an elder person who can't afford their meds and looks for a cheaper way to get them.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 03 Nov 2023, 09:19:14

theluckycountry wrote:
This article by Egon von Greyerz is a lot of the old stuff brought up to date. I find it reassuring

I forgot to add the link.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby jato0072 » Fri 10 Nov 2023, 12:52:41

Central Park Jogger Attacker Elected New York City Councilman

Article wrote:If You Went Back In Time, No One Would Believe This
If you told a New Yorker 30 years ago that one of the five convicted rapists of the Central Park Jogger would be elected to the New York City Council, he would have thought you were insane...

On April 19, 1989, investment banker Trisha Meili went for a run through Central Park around 9 p.m., whereupon she was attacked by a wolf pack looking for a “white girl,” dragged 100 yards into the woods, stripped, beaten with a pipe and a brick, raped and left for dead.

By the time the police found Meili, she’d lost three-quarters of her blood. Her case was initially assigned to the homicide unit of the D.A.’s office because none of her doctors thought she would make it through the night.

Of the 37 youths brought in for questioning about the multiple violent attacks in the park that night, only 10 were charged with a crime and only five for the rape of the jogger: Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson and Korey Wise. All five confessed — four on videotape with adult relatives present and one with a parent present, but not on videotape.

New York City Councilman elect Yusef Salaam.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Fri 10 Nov 2023, 19:35:43

Yes I read that the other day, totally sickening. But try this on for size, and remember the slippery slope. First Homosexuality was normalized, then gender perversions, now this.

Princeton Professor Calls Sex with Animals "Thought-Provoking"

On Wednesday, a professor at Princeton University tweeted that he considered the idea of humans having sex with animals to be “thought-provoking.” According to the Daily Caller, Peter Singer is a bioethics professor at Princeton’s University Center for Human Values.

He also describes himself as an animal rights activist, having written such books as “Why Vegan? Eating Ethically,” and “Animal Liberation Now.” In the tweet in question, Singer posted a link to a journal article titled “Zoophilia is Morally Permissible,” which he described as “thought-provoking” and said “challenges one of society’s strongest taboos.”... and argues for the moral permissibility of some forms of sexual contact between humans and animals. This article offers a controversial perspective that calls for a serious and open discussion on animal ethics and sex ethics,” ... provoking/

It's not it doesn't already go one, there are thousands of degenerates doing it, tens of thousands probably. But decriminalize it? Make it legal?
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Wed 15 Nov 2023, 10:46:04

I can't believe this is happening.

This sort of thing does not turn around, this is the death of the cities.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby careinke » Wed 15 Nov 2023, 23:01:44

careinke wrote:I just discovered in the US you can probably get free Narcan to add to your Emergency Kits. Just google Free Narcan and your state. Washington will send you one nasal kit a month to individuals. I just placed my order.


Just got my "free" narcan from the state. I ordered it on Oct 31st, so only took 16 days to get here. That's not a bad response time for the state.

On the positive side the Narcan had an expiration date of April 2025. This one goes in the Boat house as it is party central on the compound.

Each individual can order a two pack, (you can administer two packs if needed), once per month. I plan to do that every month until I have a kit for; the car, our motorhome, the guest cabin, the yurt, my kids tiny house, etc etc.

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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby Pops » Fri 17 Nov 2023, 12:07:53

Did you see that!
The cops just let them all go!
just a tour group
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby noobtube » Fri 17 Nov 2023, 13:19:26

I hope people understand the United States is nothing but a collection of city-states.

There is no "rural" or "small town" America. Everything is a product of New York City, Washington DC, LA/Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Chicago, Houston/Dallas Oil, Detroit cars, Boston colleges, Seattle software, Memphis transportation, and on and on.

If the cities collapsed in the United States, so would the current world economic order.

There would be no supply chain, no communications, no food distribution, no spare parts, no fuel. Cities are civilization as we know it.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby ralfy » Fri 17 Nov 2023, 20:24:32

Reminds me of one survivalist who pointed out that every city and town worldwide has only a few days' worth of fuel, medicine, etc., in order to deal with economic order quantities via just-in-time processes.
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Re: The Death of Cities

Unread postby theluckycountry » Sat 18 Nov 2023, 05:36:26

That's the price you pay for being a sheep I am afraid. I have nearly 200L spare in Jerry cans and a 200L drum ready to be filled at the first sign of trouble. That's a years worth in a motorcycle at my consumption rates.
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